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Chapter 1725 Declaration of New Order (Part 1)

1725, Declaration of the New Order (Part 1)

"...As I said, each of us has tried our best for this war! But we still have not achieved a comprehensive victory. Why? Is it that the Galactic Republic is too weak? Is it that we are not working hard enough? Is it separatism?

Is it too powerful?" In the meeting hall of the Galactic Parliament Building, the Speaker of the Republic, Sheev Palpatine, stood on the central anti-gravity platform and made an impassioned speech as always.

His voice was powerful and passionate, his expression was unwavering, and his movements were full of power! Every word he said struck everyone's heart like a heavy hammer!

I saw him suddenly stop what he was saying and raise his hands. There was a sudden silence around him, and everyone held their breath and watched his every move.

The atmosphere of the entire venue and everyone's emotions are under his control!

"Yes..." Palpatine suddenly said the word softly, his eyes became cold, he looked around, and his tone gradually became sinister, "I said, yes."

There was another moment of silence...

Then Palpatine's words exploded like thunder, "That's right! Yes! It's because our Galactic Republic is too weak!! It's because the Separatism is very strong!! It's also because each of us doesn't work hard enough!! Yes! This

That’s the answer!!”

His voice was almost hysterical, and he clenched his fists and waved them vigorously in the air!

"Everyone of us can see how powerful the Separatism is! It occupied the Outer Rim Stars and was supported by those evil planets! Especially Count Dooku! He betrayed the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic! In the end, he betrayed

He betrayed freedom by betraying democracy! Yes, he is powerful! But will he make us unable to resist? No! No!!"

"It is because our Galactic Republic is too weak!! This weakness is not due to how much industrial production capacity we have, nor how many people we have, how many planets we have, how many warships we have!! It is because of the people's hearts!! In the trillions of people of the Galactic Republic

Among the people, how many people truly believe that ‘I am a member of the Republic’? How many people are willing to sacrifice everything for the Republic? What I want to say is, no! Not all!”

He grabbed the paper copy of the 2000 People book from his desk. He used so much force that the paper was partially torn. Moreover, he intentionally or unintentionally let the document scratch the microphone, and the tear occurred.

The voice suddenly spread throughout the entire venue, "This! This is why we are so weak!!"

On their respective anti-gravity platforms, almost all the 2,000 signatories, including Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and others, suddenly felt their hearts sinking.

In fact, they noticed something was wrong at the beginning of the speech. Palpatine was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic today. He was no longer humble or kind, but showed his most intense, violent, and extreme side!

And the content of his speech was so disturbing...

However, they didn't have any chance to interrupt.

On the stage, Palpatine held up the torn declaration of 2,000 people and said loudly: "Look! This is why Count Dooku is always at large! At the most critical moment of the war, there were actually 2,000 people.

Someone signed my name to ask me to give up my power! But am I giving up my power? No! What I am giving up is the safety of the entire Galactic Republic!!"

Hearing his words, the grumpy Congressman Fang Zha stood up suddenly and said loudly: "What a bunch of nonsense..." "Shut up!" Palpatine pointed at Fang Zha and interrupted him directly.


His voice resounded directly through the entire venue like thunder falling from the sky. Everyone was even dizzy and dizzy because he used the dark side of the force to shout.

And Fang Zha was directly choked by an invisible force. He couldn't say a word and even had difficulty breathing. He could only struggle desperately. After a long time, the force relaxed and Fang Zha collapsed.


Palpatine's speech did not stop. His voice softened a bit and he said: "No one understands better than me what the problems of the Galactic Republic are. Yes, the Galactic Republic is weak and poor, unable to fight against pirates, and unable to deal with enterprises.

The plunder of giants, and even the taxation of the outer ring star areas have always been empty talk. The Galactic Republic has always had a vast territory, but it has always been the taxpayers of the inner ring and the core circle that maintain the operation of the republic. Who?

Will you tell me that such a Galactic Republic is powerful?"

"Young people will never be proud to be a soldier of the Republic, and the planet will never be proud to be a part of the Republic. In the eyes of those super corporations, the Galactic Republic is just a tool for them to make money! The Marastal Fjord

Battle, Battle of Naboo, isn’t it obvious enough?”

Palpatine's voice gradually increased, "My home is the planet Naboo! Seeing my planet being invaded by the Trade Federation, the Galactic Republic was unable to send a single soldier! The Jedi Order was only sent through unofficial channels.

Two Jedi Knights! This is the Galactic Republic, this is the Jedi Order! It was they who once guarded the Milky Way! What qualifications do such beings have to say that they are the guardians of the Galaxy!!"

"I see it more clearly than anyone else! Why did the Galactic Republic reach such a situation? Because the Galactic Republic has no power at all! Everyone can refute the Republic's decision-making in the parliament! The discussion of every bill takes a long time! Donner

When the planet Bu was facing an invasion, the parliament was even discussing whether this operation was a real invasion! When the separatists signed the secession agreement on the planet Geonosis, the parliament did not even think that the Republic should have an army to maintain peace and unity.


"And this! This is why the Galactic Republic is so weak!!" Palpatine directly threw the 2000 People book into the air, and countless papers fell one after another, like snow flakes.

"Now here, what I want to say is, why have we been able to fight so far? Is it because of our powerful fleet? Is it because of our elite soldiers? No!! It's because of me! It's because I made the Galactic Republic a

Overall! It’s because I forcibly reversed the shortcomings of the Galactic Republic and took all the responsibilities into one hand!!”

Palpatine became enthusiastic again, "And now I have to tell everyone! The blood of Yago-Dul and the Model Sector was not in vain! Admiral Gideon Tarkin and the late Cassio Targ

Admiral and their efforts have not been in vain! Thanks to their efforts, Dawn Planet has realized its mistake! They have returned to our arms!"

"That's right! The dawn of victory is right in front of you!"


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