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Chapter 1726 Declaration of New Order (Part 2)

1726, Declaration of the New Order (Part 2)

Planet Dawn? Surrendered? When did it happen?

When Palpatine said these explosive words, everyone was shocked!

Dawn Planet? Why Dawn Planet?

Everyone knows that since the war broke out, the separatist camp has two extremely powerful forces - the Confederation of Independent Systems headed by Count Dooku, and the Dawn Planet headed by Tang Xiao.

Of course, the Dawn Planet is subordinate to the Confederation of Independent Systems, but as the war progresses, the Dawn Planet becomes more and more powerful.

From the initial independent theater operations to the independent military command system, it means that the Dawn Planet's fleet is no longer under the command of General Grievous, the supreme military commander of the Independent System Confederation. Later, Count Dooku also

Legislation that recognized the independence of Dawn Planet, its financial independence, and its industrial independence.

Until the end, Tang Xiao proclaimed himself Grand Duke of Dawn, echoing Count Dooku. Moreover, his title of Grand Duke was completely different from the free democratic government that the Confederation of Independent Systems had always adhered to, but Count Dooku acquiesced to this.

It is equivalent to starting from this point on, the relationship between Tang Xiao and the Confederation of Independent Systems is an alliance, but Tang Xiao still recognizes Count Dooku as the leader of this alliance.

But since this is such a relationship, why did the Dawn Planet surrender?

Bail Organa and other congressmen suddenly realized that in the speech just now, whenever he mentioned separatism, Palpatine sounded like Count Dooku, but he did not mention Tang Xiao at all!

Is this a foreshadowing that was buried from the beginning of the meeting?

Moreover, each of these councilors has their own energy and connections. They naturally know that the Battle of Yago-Dur and the Raid in the Model Sector, which have been highly hyped in recent days, have not been blown away by the major media.

There is so much hype, but in fact, these are two disastrous defeats, no doubt about it.

Two disastrous defeats thanks to the Dawn Planet!

In fact, these two fiascos were also a theoretical basis for Bail Organa and others to submit the Two Thousand People Letter. In that initiative, they used these two fiascos to discuss the corruption problem caused by excessive concentration of power within the Galactic Republic.


But now, Palpatine told them that the Dawn Principality had surrendered?

Are you kidding? How is this possible!!

Three war zones, two battlefields, and a huge force of more than 700 capital ships failed to penetrate the solid defense line of the Dawn Principality. What happened now to make the Dawn Principality give up directly?

You must know that even if they do not give up, the Galactic Republic has actually lost the ability to strategically attack and cannot threaten the Principality of Dawn at all!

Everyone was puzzled, but because of this, they were unprepared for Palpatine's move and were caught off guard.

However, Palpatine projected a document directly into the holographic projection, and this document was signed by the Dawn Planet!

The content of the document roughly states that the Dawn Planet is willing to break away from the Confederation of Independent Systems and accept the leadership of the Coruscant government headed by Sheev Palpatine. The two parties will be friendly and mutually beneficial to create a harmonious and beautiful world.

There are also a series of detailed terms below, including the two sides re-opening trade exchanges, establishing a high-level dialogue mechanism, jointly developing unknown star fields, etc.

And at the very end is a signature that cannot be forged—Grand Duke Liming, Tang Xiao!

However, when they saw this document, Bail Organa and Mon Mothma both looked at each other in the distance, their eyes filled with solemnity.

That's right, with Bail Organa's outstanding vision, they naturally saw several problems with this document!

The first is the title! This document from the Principality of Dawn is not for the Galactic Republic! It is for the ‘current Coruscant government headed by Sheev Palpatine’!!

Then comes the signature, still the Grand Duke of Dawn!

What does this mean? Does the Galactic Republic want to recognize Tang Xiao's status as the Grand Duke? Does this mean that a warlord has emerged within the Galactic Republic?

No, not the Galactic Republic! It's Palpatine!

In this statement, there is nothing about the Galactic Republic!

Bail Organa almost collapsed to the ground. Only now did he understand why the former Speaker Finis Valorum took great risks to come to him the night before, and why he arbitrarily removed his name from two thousand people.

It was erased from the book!



On the central anti-gravity platform, Sheev Palpatine's voice was low and rich, "Yes... that's right. This is the correct path for the galaxy. The Jedi Order who wanted to usurp power have been eliminated, and our loyal

Soldiers are hunting these traitors across thousands of planets! The planet Dawn has surrendered and become one of our glorious members! Count Dooku is dying!"

"Citizens of the entire galaxy, today we will witness a great transformation. For a thousand years, the Republic has been standing at the top of the civilized world with its supreme achievements, but there are always some people with sinister intentions who instigate us against each other. In order to defend

With our common beliefs, we resolutely took up arms and fought against the separatists. However, while doing so, we never expected that the biggest threat actually came from within ourselves!"

"Some people with ulterior motives in the Jedi Order and the Galactic Senate have been plotting to cast the shadow of Separatism over us! They intend to crush the Republic and turn it into a scorched earth! But the conspiracy in their hearts cannot be concealed forever

Go down - finally, they took off their disguise and revealed their true colors."

"The Jedi Order attempted to unleash their destructive power to destroy the Republic by assassinating government leaders and seizing command of the clone army, but these would-be tyrants' plans were met with a fierce counterattack by elite forces. Our loyal clones

Soldiers stopped uprisings in the Jedi Temple and suppressed their usurpation of power on thousands of planets."

"But it's not over! The Jedi Order's allies in the Council are still active! They want to pierce that vicious dagger into our defenseless hearts at the critical moment of the war!"

"But I promise you, every enemy will be defeated! Arrested! And then executed! The dawn of victory is in sight! The Dawn Planet has surrendered, the Separatist forces have fallen apart, and the Jedi Order's rebellion has been thwarted!

We stand at the beginning of a new era."

"Although we paid a heavy price in this process! But I can guarantee it! My determination has never been so firm as it is at this moment!!"

His voice was loud and clear. Those in the Loyalist Committee of the Parliament, as well as many members who were infected by his enthusiasm or succumbed to his power, applauded like thunder!

"We will abandon the corrupt and weak past! We will re-clench the iron fist! We will ignite the passion again! In order to ensure the stability of the galaxy and the safety of our supporters! I hereby announce! The Galactic Republic will be reorganized into the Galaxy

The First Reich!”

Wow~~~~~~The applause became more and more deafening! The entire parliament hall went completely crazy! The members applauded and cheered loudly. They used every way they could to make noise and express their support for Palpatine.


"The secure and stable society will last for ten thousand years! The Empire will continue to be ruled by this august institution and its chosen lifelong Head! The Empire will be ruled by the majority and a new constitution!"

Bail Organa felt his eyes go dark and almost fell to the ground.

Palpatine actually took such a step!!

He destroyed the Galactic Republic! He destroyed democracy! He destroyed freedom! He also destroyed the Parliament!

This is Palpatine's most powerful response to the Book of Two Thousand People!

Don’t you want me to return the power to you? Don’t you want to safeguard the democracy and freedom of the Republic? Then I tell you now, everything you insist on has come to nothing!

What else can be done now?

Bail Organa remembered the advice Finis Valorum gave him - survive.

He gritted his teeth and clapped his hands with trembling hands. Bang, bang, bang, bang... The unintentional applause merged into the crazy feast in the parliament hall, and was drowned without a trace.

Looking up, Mon Mothma was also applauding. However, their anti-gravity platforms were not far apart, and Bail Organa could clearly see the crystal tears in the corners of Senator Mothma's eyes...

The two looked at each other, and both saw deep despair and endless sorrow in each other.

Bail Organa couldn't help but think of another person at this moment... If Senator Padmé Amidala was also present at this time, what choice would she make?

Are we going to fight to the end? Or are we like us... giving our applause to the new emperor, the murderer who destroyed the Galactic Republic?

So... amid this wild applause, the Galactic Republic finally completed its more than 25,000 years of history and came to an end.

Looking back at the splendid history of the Galactic Republic, they have been tenacious and defeated one enemy after another... from the civil war of the Jedi Order, to the war with the Infinite Empire, and then experienced the rise of the Sith Empire and the Manda

The emergence of the Luo Crusaders.

After that, the martyrs of the Galactic Republic fought bravely to defeat the Eternal Empire and the New Sith Empire, finally bringing the war that lasted for 24,000 years to an end and becoming the true overlord of the galaxy...

Today, however, after only a thousand years of peace, the Galactic Republic has come to an end.

And the one who overthrew her was the Republic's greatest enemy - the Sith!

How ironic! How sad!

Palpatine's speech continued amid waves of applause, "The entire galaxy will abide by the same laws, speak the same language, and obey the wise leadership of the same people! In this way, we will forever be free from the corruption that spread everywhere at the end of the Republic.

!The sector governors will sweep away the bureaucracy to prevent similar separatist movements from quietly rising. And strong military force can ensure the enforcement of the law."

"Under the Empire's new order, our most cherished beliefs will be preserved; a strong military will defend our ideals; we will never compromise with our opponents and stand united against internal and external aggression. Let those enemies of the Empire listen,

All attempts to endanger the Empire will be crushed!"

"This process has a long way to go, but the people of the empire are ready to meet the challenge. It is our efforts that have caused the war to be extinguished in the galaxy, the turmoil has subsided, and peace has returned! Trillions of creatures are eagerly looking forward to it

Looking forward to a stable future. Whether it is from the Outer Rim or the wild and unknown star field, as long as there is a star system that longs for a stable life, the Empire will satisfy its wishes."

"At the same time, the citizens of the Empire must do their jobs - join the Imperial Starfleet, report suspected saboteurs, and become the Empire's loyal informants; travel to all corners of the galaxy to preach the purposes of the Empire's new order to uncivilized people;

Build monuments and create technological miracles to show the glory of the empire to our descendants!"

"The Clone Troopers - now proudly known as Imperial Stormtroopers - will fight on the front lines against the enemies of the Empire. Many of them have died serving their country, and our people will always remember them.


"The peace of the new order will crush the ulterior plots of those with ulterior motives, and the future of the empire will be bright! It will achieve unimaginable glory under my leadership! We have withstood the test and have become better.

To become stronger, we will move forward unitedly from now on! We have the same resounding name: Citizens of the First Empire of the Galaxy! We will win the final victory! Ten thousand years of peace begins today!!"

Palpatine's exciting speech set off waves of enthusiasm in the Congress, completely igniting the atmosphere!

Yes, it's the end of the Galactic Republic, but it's a carnival!

At this moment, no one is mourning for the decadent Galactic Republic, and everyone is cheering for the newly born First Empire of the Galaxy.

The Republic is a thing of the past, and the Galactic Empire is the future of the galaxy!

【...My determination has never been so firm as it is at this moment!!...】

[...I hereby announce! The Galactic Republic will be reorganized into the First Empire of the Galaxy!...]

Even in the holographic projection, Palpatine's speech was still full of passion, and the fanatical atmosphere of the scene could still be felt even after countless light years.

Bang, bang, bang, bang... A sound of clapping sounded from beside the holographic projection. Tang Xiao was sitting on the sofa, crossing his legs and clapping his hands.

In his eyes, there was only mockery and irony!

"No matter which angle you look at, this is a perfect speech." Tang Xiao said with a sneer: "The combination of elimination and defeat not only established enemies, but also planned the future. All the shortcomings of the Galactic Republic have become the Galactic Empire.

Palpatine succeeded in making everyone understand the merits of it."

"We all know that he has no intention of realizing all those contents..." Standing next to Tang Xiao were the Prime Minister of the Dawn Principality, Francis Underwood, and the Chief Minister of the Cabinet Helmut Ze


Thanks to Guardian Calvin Lan for the 500 starting coins!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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