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Chapter 328 Report

When Yan Laoer asked someone again if there would be Beirong coming to Guanzhou to buy grain?

That man looked at Yan Laoer as if he were a fool.

"How can we sell grain to Beirong!"

"Those bastards are only trying to steal our money and food. How can they buy from us? How dare you think so!"

The speaker also knew that Yan Laoer and others from Xiao'an Village had just come to Huju, so they didn't understand the situation, but they were kind enough to say a few more words.

Talking about the ferocity and viciousness of the Beirong people, they would not leave any chickens or dogs behind when they entered the village.

Not only money and food, they also kidnapped people, unmarried girls and young wives. They would drag them on horses and carry them away. If the border troops could not hold on and the Beirong gained the upper hand, it would be even more tragic. People in a whole village would do it.

Being strung together...

In previous years, the autumn harvest was the time when they were most worried.

Yan Laoer: "Then this year..."

"Don't be afraid. Ever since Mr. Tian built the city defense, our Huju has never been invaded by Beirong. Those grandsons also know that our side is not easy to fight, so they all went to Longxing and Fengming...


Yan Laoer thought to himself: That's it.

No wonder people in Huju are so unwary.

It was the two or three years of peace that blinded them.

He believed that Huju's border defense was impregnable and that if the Beirong invaded, they would not choose this place.

But things are unpredictable.

It’s hard to say that the grandsons of Beirong have evolved so much this time!

People have changed from hard-hitting with open swords and guns to using tactics. You said these grandsons don’t have dirty hearts!

The father and daughter discussed it together and decided that this matter was too big. They would rather guess wrong than let it go.

You have to report it to the government immediately and make preparations in advance.

In the mountain forest, there is an ox cart and a group of people gathering to talk.

One person said: "We have got the wood and the note, so what are we waiting for? We tricked the city gate into opening. The food for this year is all ours!"

Another one also said: "The great witch said that the water and grass on the grassland are withered and yellow, and our cattle and sheep are thin. The grain in the pass must be harvested well and early. It is true. I saw the crops they planted. They are golden, like the sun at noon."

The sun is as bright and beautiful as the sun. With this food, we can have a good year, haha!"

The man who was called Namu was a man who looked the same as the people in Guan Nei. He was the foreign grain merchant that Huju said in every village.

"I originally wanted to keep all the food in the village. It would be better to gather it together so that we can transport it away. But we didn't expect that a village fleeing from famine suddenly appeared and ruined our situation." Namu looked gloomy.

"But it's not too bad. As long as we find out where the village is, the food will still be ours."

"Tumomo, has there been no news about your brother?" Namu asked a man beside him who had been silent.

Men are not as tall and strong as outsiders, they are short and thin.

Only his eyebrows are a little rough.

The soil mop has been left hidden in the mountain forest, firstly to guard the stronghold, and secondly to wait in the forest for the companions of another team that lurked in.

"If you haven't come here for so many days, Namu, Abu and the others might have been discovered." Tumoma said in a rough voice.

He has a calmer temperament than his younger brother and can speak Guanzhou dialect well. Apart from Namu, Tumoma knows the situation in Guanzhou the best.

He and Namu sneaked into Guanzhou many times to meet the army.

Since Huju strengthened the border defense, they have come here to explore many times. They have not touched Huju for three years, and finally waited for the moment when they relaxed.

God helped them even more when the epidemic came with a gust of wind. The border troops were busy dealing with the epidemic, and the defense of the border became even more lax.

The two have worked together for many years and have a tacit understanding.

Namu immediately made a decision.

"We can't wait any longer, Tumomo. You send a message to the big tent. In the evening three days later, whether the city gate is open or not, we will make some noise to lure away the border troops guarding the gate."

Tumop nodded solemnly.

Namu added: "As for the village where I buy grain, I will go find it myself."

At present, the food is divided into three parts, the food tax in the city, the food left in the village, and the food bought by the fleeing village.

They all have to take it down, and no one can escape.

Yan Laoer was lucky, Master Tian came back from Gufeng at this time.

He was also a familiar face, and the doorman did not make things difficult for him. After passing the message for him, Mr. Tian immediately let them in.

The front of the government office is where the office is, and the back is where the great master lives.

There are only three courtyards, some of which are small and a bit old. Compared with the first one, they are more dilapidated.

The bricks and tiles are uneven, and the paper on the doors and windows is yellow and warped.

Mr. Tian only brought a few servants here, and his family members never came to Huju to accompany him.

Without a woman to take care of the house, life would be a bit rough.

After Yan Laoer and his daughter bowed to the eldest man, the eldest man asked someone to pour water for them. The servants went away for a while and came back. Yan Yu thanked him and took the cup. Just as he was about to drink, he looked at his fingers and noticed a drop of water.


Yan Yu:……

Freshly washed cups!

"You came here just after I came back, but for the purpose of additional study?" Mr. Tian looked gentle and said: "It's very good that you have such a desire to learn. You can come here tomorrow to settle down, and the formal classes will be held the day after."

Yan Laoer said urgently: "Sir, I'm not here to ask for a visit because of school matters, but other important matters..."

He then told the story of the wrongdoer he found.

"Sir, maybe I'm overly concerned, but I really have to be careful!" Yan Laoer said sincerely.

Master Tian suppressed his smile, pondered for a moment, and said, "What you are worried about is absolutely correct."

He really liked Yan Er more and more.

Not only is he a good cook, but he is also meticulous and doesn't follow routines.

Who can guarantee that Beirong will not change its past banditry style and start planning...

"I will send people to investigate the traces of that group immediately, and the border troops will also inform them personally."

Mr. Tian was worried that the border army would not pay attention to it.

He went over in person and spoke carefully, and Mr. Xue Qi would definitely listen to it.

Otherwise, this nonsense may not be convincing to people.

In fact, it was the first time that Beirong pretended to be a grain merchant to buy grain, let alone Huju, in the entire Guanzhou.


"Then... about coming to the county to study in the future..." Yan Laoer hesitated, wondering if it was not necessary to come here for the time being, because it would be dangerous.

But unexpectedly, Master Tian misunderstood.

I thought he was worried about not being able to enroll as scheduled.

"Don't worry, the Huju border defense was built under my personal supervision. I can't say it is impregnable, but it is very stable. Even if the Beirong army invades, we will stick to it and reinforcements will arrive soon.

What's more, according to what you said, only a few people visited the village in the name of buying grain... God you don't know, Beirong infiltration into Guanzhou to inquire things happens from time to time, like the small group of Beirong experienced in Xiao'an Village, and

Not uncommon.

Everything in the city is as usual, you can study with peace of mind."

The implication is that people who are buying grain may also be here to inquire about information.

When Yan Laoer heard what Mr. Tian said, even if he didn't want to, he couldn't bring up the matter of not coming to school.

I had to write down what I saw and heard in various villages.

Mr. Tian smiled and listened again.

After the father and daughter left, I felt more grateful for this student.

There are a lot of words.

This chapter has been completed!
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