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Chapter 329 Mold

"Daughter, do you think the elder has listened?" Yan Laoer asked.

Yan Yu thought about it seriously, "You should have listened. Didn't the elder say that he would personally go to the border army? It shows that he means it."

Yan Laoer is still a little worried: "I can't let go. It's just a matter of thinking about it. Huju City is good everywhere, but this side city is really a headache. There is a wall between Beirong and Beirong, so it doesn't make people feel at ease.


"We think it's a big deal. Maybe the people here are used to it. Mr. Tian is stable. He is probably really sure. Even if Beirong really comes and kills the border troops, they can still stop it..."

Yan Yu paused and then said: "But Dad, we are different from the people in Huju. We have never experienced this. Master Lu, who repaired our house, heard that there were only a few Beirongs. He screamed and went up.

"Come on, people in our village have never seen this kind of battle, especially when they have weapons in their hands. We are empty-handed. Thinking about it makes us panic."

"No." Yan Laoer also felt that this was the case. He felt uneasy. It was because of this that the people in Huju felt safe after reinforcing the border defenses. However, their security standards were higher. They not only had to surround the village, but they also felt safe.

The high walls, the archery towers guarding the surrounding areas, and other things need to be done. At the critical moment, no one else is as good as yourself.

"Daughter, let's work harder and go to Guiyuan Town near the sea overnight to buy some bamboo." Yan Laoer gritted his teeth and made this decision.

Yan Yu is a strong supporter.

Their family of three is more insecure than anyone else in the world.

Yan Laoer returned to the village and first went to find some village elders.

No matter what the situation is over there in Huju, it is always right for them to make adequate preparations on their own.

Sure enough, people from the same village have the same ideas.

The village elders attach great importance to it.

The wall surrounding the village cannot be repaired in a short time, so we can first go to the arrow tower.

Why do we work all night for two or three days? Tonight, immediately, immediately!

"Quick, quick, call everyone back."

"The food will be divided now. Distribute it to each family and hide them all."

"After the grain is distributed, one man from each family will set up the arrow tower, and the rest of the family will quickly collect all the vegetables from the fields, harvesting as much as they can!"

"Let's have a long night and try to finish it early. Hurry up and get moving!"

A few old men were shouting and drinking, and they were arranging things energetically.

Yan Laoer felt extremely comfortable.

Look, this is the quality of our village!

Yan Yu went home and found her mother.

"Mom, don't worry, we are far away from the border. If not, we can still run to Yongning. Even if Yongning fails, our family still has a way out."

Li Xuemei nodded, she knew it all.

Their family is naturally good at running around. Now they have three treasures at home: cats, donkeys, dogs, and Grandma Rong who knows how to take care of people. No matter where they go, they can live a good life.

But the stable life has only been lived for a few days, who wants to run away.

Besides, it doesn't matter if they are just a family. The people in this village become more affectionate as they get together, and lively life is what life should be like.

"Time is not waiting for me. If the wall in our village is built, we don't have to go anywhere." Yan Yu complained that Beirong couldn't let them take a breather?

Taking root here, they cleared wasteland, built houses, cultivated land and collected herbs... They never stopped working, and they were so busy that they spun like a top.

Seeing that everything is getting better and better, damn Beirong, he insists on causing trouble.

I even bought some food!

The more unreasonable they are, the harder it is to guess what they are going to do.

Li Xuemei did not hesitate and took out the only ginseng left at home.

"Let's take this and sell it. Buy more bamboo."

To arm a village of people, the number of bamboo crossbows cannot be small.

Bamboo is plentiful in the south, but less in the north. They want more, so it won't hurt to bring more money with you.

Yan Yu is next.

It cost a lot to buy grain, and the Yan family helped pay some of it in advance. Money was indeed a bit hard to come by.

As for ginseng, if you really want it, just ask Maomao to find it.

"Dad and I plan to carry two rafts and leave Sanbao at home. Mom, if something happens, you can ask Aunt Rong to set up a car and take you away first. Take our family's household registration with you, whether you go to Yongning or Long

If it is prosperous, the phoenix will be heard."

Li Xuemei: "You kid, don't scare yourself. As you said, we are still far away. The border defense has just been built, and the border troops are there. There is Huju City in the middle, so there is nothing wrong with it."

Yan Yu couldn't say anything, she just felt something was wrong.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Maomao jumped onto the kang from the corner, nestled at Li Xuemei's feet, and looked at Yan Yu with her amber eyes.

"Cat, protect my mother." Yan Yu picked up its little paw and squeezed it.

The cat meowed, its sharp nails flashed out, and it waved in the air.

Yan Yu felt relieved.

The father and daughter left the village at night.

Two rafts were stacked on top of each other, and the donkey went into the water to pull the rope.

The raft is ridiculously fast.

Yan Yu hugged her and stayed there, while Yan Laoer hugged his daughter and the dog.

Gouzhu stood obediently, motionless, and clucked his tongue. The whole dog and every hair was exuding warmth.

The two of them were wrapped in blankets, which completely blocked the cold wind outside.

After Village Chief Luo presided over the distribution of food, Li Xuemei came over.

Aunt Rong was guarding her, and the cat followed her every step of the way.

Da Ya was not at ease and followed closely behind.

Always keep an eye on my second aunt.

When Yan Xiangheng saw her coming, he also hurried over.

Li Xuemei was a little embarrassed, but felt warm in her heart.

When the villagers saw her approaching, they all moved out of the way.

They were all curious as to what she was doing here with her naked body.

It has attracted much attention.

Li Xuemei said with everyone's gaze on her: "I have something at home, which is a mold for a blacksmith. When the molten iron is poured into it, when it cools, it can make a long nail about a palm long.

In exchange for the child, her father bought it. I thought it would be more convenient for us to make furniture or repair doors and windows. Just before he left, he told me that he asked me to ask the people in the village if anyone can modify this mold.

, make iron arrows.”

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the villagers suddenly became a little different.

"Yan Er is a successful man!" Village Chief Luo praised and asked, "Is there anyone in our village who knows this craft?"

Guys, you look at me, I look at you, no one says anything.

Village Chief Luo was worried.

"It's okay to have a rough idea."

Still no one spoke.

He began to call names: "Qi Wu, come here and see if you can do this."

Qi Wu walked out bravely under everyone's gaze, and carefully looked at what Li Xuemei brought.

"I can't do it." He said angrily.

A tall man, his head was so low that it was almost broken.

Village Chief Luo knew his temperament and said that if he couldn't do it, he really couldn't do it, so he didn't make it difficult for him.

Continue to ask people in the village.

Li Xuemei sighed.

I was just about to take the things back and think of something else when I went back, when an old voice came from behind the crowd.

"Any idea whether it can be done?"

This chapter has been completed!
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