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Chapter 637 If Ren Qing loses, he will lose everything

After the Third Daozu reshaped the world, a complete ecology was built in a short period of time, and various towns seemed to appear out of thin air.

Dao Sect firmly controls 80% of the population, but has less exploration of the ocean, giving Buddhism an opportunity.

Islands are scattered across the ocean. They were originally inhabited by sea dwellers, but after Buddhism intervened, the population began to increase dramatically.

The Jailor Hall soon discovered the Buddhist base, but they remained calm.

Under the gaze of the gods, the islands moved closer to each other to form land. Palaces of flesh and blood suddenly grew out of the soil, and then a large number of monks emerged from the palaces.

Zhou Zuosan is very aware of Buddhism's usual methods. He can easily create hundreds of millions of creatures by gathering countless souls.

Since Buddhism dares to reveal itself, it means that there are signs of the arrival of the supreme demon.

In the next hundred years, monks spontaneously built temples and built civilization exactly as it had been before the disaster, with statues of the Buddha everywhere.

Zhou Zuosan had a vague guess.

It seems that the Great Demon Heaven created by the Supreme Demon does exist, and the monks should all come from the upper world.

In this case, the Third Dao Ancestor must have had a similar small world, and the hundreds of millions of people who appeared after the disaster cannot be fabricated out of thin air.

"The Kitchen God..."

Zhou Zuosan summoned the Kitchen God, and then said solemnly: "Kitchen God, help me look up the past history and see if there is any connection with the documents recorded by the outside world."

"Remember, don't let others know."

Xiao Yan remained silent. Although he had doubts in his heart, he still went ahead with it honestly.

One is the civilization before the arrival of the Three Dao Ancestors, and the other is the civilization after the world was reshaped. How can they be related?

Zhou Zuosan's eyes were dazed, but then became firm again, and continued to pay attention to Buddhism's movements with outside eyes.

Food was scarce on the island, and the monks all starved to death.

However, the remaining monks transported the corpse into the palace, and a new monk was born a moment later, forming a cycle like an ouroboros.

It can be clearly seen that although the body is constantly changing, the soul remains the same.

In the main hall, there is an ancient lamp-burning Buddha made of fragmented bones, with more than a dozen respected old monks kneeling under it.

They are among the few who can get food without having to repeat the pain of life and death.

The leaders are the contemporary host "Huikong" and the previous host "Ning Yi".

The two of them must have just descended into the world, and their skin was still covered in thick liquid, exuding an indescribable stench.

Huikong's expression was very calm and he recited the scriptures over and over again, but the old monk Ning Yi looked restless.

The old monk Ning Yi wanted to interrupt several times, but faced with the burning lamp statue, he did not dare to make any mistake.

At this time, the island shook.

The sea level suddenly rose, and several huge corpses emerged from the water. The scorching light emitted turned the night into day.

The appearance of the corpse was the same as that of the Eighteen Arhats, except that the body was covered with wounds, attracting countless sea fish to eat the flesh, blood and bones.

The monk was a little incredulous, and with an expression of ecstasy he began to recite unfamiliar and difficult scriptures.

Naturally, they descended from the Great Demon World to revive the Buddha, but they did not expect that only a hundred years later, the Buddha had already shown signs of recovery.

The monks seemed to be able to see the scene of ten thousand Buddhas worshiping the sect. The heyday of Buddhism was finally coming.

The rich Buddhist aura emanated from their bodies and then merged into the Buddha's corpse.


"It's too fast, it's really too fast."

Old monk Ning Yi couldn't help but murmured.

His eyes were full of fear, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, obviously because of the corpse of the Eighteen Arhats floating on the sea.

Huikong also had concerns, but he was afraid that the old monk Ning Yi would say some irrelevant words, so he waved his hand to the monk to take the latter to the meditation room.

He stared at the sea, and the injuries of the Buddha's corpse gradually healed.

Huikong pondered for a long time, and then he did something that was beyond everyone's expectations. At the moment when the Buddha's corpse was reviving, he sent thousands of monks to Daomen towns to investigate the situation.

He was awakened by the old monk Ning Yi and suddenly realized that something unusual was happening.

Huikong and other monks came early to revive the Buddha's corpse and pave the way for the coming of the supreme demon.

They only need to preach the name of the ancient Buddha of Burning Lights to attract the Buddha's aura from the Great Demonic Heaven. It is only a matter of time before the Buddha's corpse is revived.

But according to Huikong’s estimation, the Eighteen Arhats would need at least five hundred years of preparation.

But it has only been so long now, and the Buddhist faith has not spread at all. Why is it that the Buddha is already showing signs of recovery?

Huikong always felt that there seemed to be an invisible hand behind everything.

Within a few months, information about Daomen towns was placed in front of him. As a result, most towns still maintained their status quo.

Let alone the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng, people don’t even understand the concept of Buddhism.

As everyone knows, it was Zhou Zuosan who used a trick to replace the statues of the Three Dao Ancestors in various Taoist temples with the ancient lamp-burning Buddha.

The appearance of the statue of the Three Dao Ancestors seems to be unchanged, but in fact, inside the hollow, there is an additional statue of the ancient Buddha Zunlan Deng.

Under the intervention of the Jailor Hall, the balance between Taoism and Buddhism gradually tilted, and the Eighteen Arhats are expected to appear in fifty years.

Zhou Zuosan quietly watched the changes.

The world in the stomach has the advantage of ten times the time flow rate, the strength expands extremely quickly, and the level of weapon refining continues to rise.

However, the situation is not smooth. In the past few hundred years, the Tiandao Tree has been in an unstable state many times.

If the tree of heaven trembles, natural and man-made disasters will occur in the three realms.

The Jailor Hall could only try to calm down and look for Ren Qing's body in the outside world.

There is no room for surprises in promotion to Heaven. If Ren Qing encounters danger in the outside world, it may lead to failure in breaking through the bottleneck.

Ren Qing himself is aware of the undercurrents surging in the outside world.

But he had reached the most critical stage of his cultivation as a Tiandaosheng, and he had no energy to distract himself from communication with the Prison Hall.

Ren Qing's promotion to Heaven on his own would require him to take far more risks than he imagined.

If you are not careful, you will go crazy.

His previous promotions were almost based on the flow of information, and there was no risk of failure at all, which led to obvious fluctuations in his mood.

Ren Qing couldn't stop it yet. It was already the eve of the arrival of the supreme demon. If he interrupted the breakthrough rashly, he would have to spend at least a thousand years recovering from his injuries.

Opportunities are fleeting.

Ren Qing was a little worried that the Jailer Hall would not be able to withstand the disaster caused by the Supreme Demon, but now he had no other choice. Even if he narrowly escaped death, he would work hard to advance to Heaven.

Ren Qing walked step by step towards the end of Zhi Jie Xian.

The patterns of Heavenly Dao all over the body and soul become more and more complex, entangled and entangled with each other, causing the flesh, blood and bones to gradually merge with the three souls and seven souls.

As expected, when his body and soul are reunited, he will reach the perfection of becoming a corpse.


Ren Qing took a breath, the process of merging body and soul was not easy, and it was accompanied by severe pain that was far beyond what he could bear.

It's okay to say that the torture of body and soul can always be overcome with his willpower.

However, Ren Qing was caught off guard by the inner demons that followed him everywhere, and all the things he once missed turned into holes in his mind.

Ren Qing seemed to be walking on the tip of a knife, with traces of blood oozing from the soles of his feet.

Suddenly, he heard an information flow prompt ringing in his ears, inducing him to call up a familiar panel. Maybe there was a shortcut to ascending to heaven that he could use.

Ren Qing's nails dug into her palms and her breathing became heavy.

He understood that even if he was lucky enough to call out the information flow, his promotion would completely fail and he would end up in a state of total annihilation.

Ren Qing felt powerless.

Promotion lasts for hundreds of years, can it really last that long?

In other words, was he destined to be unable to escape the prison of information flow on the day he spent his life to master the Aimless Method?

"It's so frustrating, I would rather die!"

Ren Qing squeezed out a sentence through his teeth and his eyes became clear.

Immediately, the body began to gradually collapse without warning, the skin was covered with spider web-like cracks, and skin fragments the size of fingernails fell off.

The skin fragments turned into smoke and disappeared into the air.

Ren Qing's soul suddenly collapsed. Even though the three souls and seven souls had been tempered, they still seemed vulnerable.

It was as if there was an inexplicable force that wiped him out of the world, and even the Tiandao tree in the world in his stomach shook. The branches and leaves showed signs of withering and yellowing, and the roots of the tree were even more wilted.

The immortal stared at the Tiandao tree, whose branches showed the withering of autumn.

They all knew what this meant, and there was unspeakable panic in their hearts, and they all stood there at a loss.

After Zhou Zuosan noticed the strange phenomenon of Tiandao Tree, his head was filled with sparks.

The attached magic weapon could not withstand the sudden increase in thinking speed and died prematurely, causing part of the brain tissue to be exposed.

The weapon refiner let out a horrified exclamation.

They quickly started repairing the magic weapon and sent a large amount of resources to the first level.

Zhou Zuosan couldn't help but look helpless. Even if he couldn't see the situation in the Three Realms, he could guess how panicked the various forces were.

"There are internal and external troubles."

He sighed deeply and turned his head with difficulty, ignoring the blood flowing from his facial features, and looked at the disciples of the weapon refiner.

"Qiu Cheng, inform Master Dameng to ask Mengcheng to provide resources, and Heaven will send three thousand incense immortals to the first level to assist in refining the weapon."

Zhou Zuosan said categorically: "Carry out the third stage of brain transformation."

"But, this..."

The eldest disciple, Qiu Cheng, was rubbing his white hair with both hands and pacing, not knowing what to do.

The third stage of transformation is too crazy. Zhou Zuosan's soul must be used as material, and all resources must become fuel to support thinking.

Regardless of success or failure, Zhou Zuosan is likely to be in a state of shock.

"Hurry, there is no time."

"Okay, Master."

Qiu Cheng had no choice but to agree. If the world in his stomach were to be destroyed, all the weapon refiners present would not be able to bear this responsibility.

Naturally, Da Meng Zhenren would not refuse, and even moved Dream City directly to the first level to avoid wasting time in transporting resources.

Several Da Luo Jinxian were extremely busy. Not only did they have to appease the Heavenly Court, but they also had to suppress the increasingly frequent natural disasters in the Three Realms.

The third stage of brain transformation begins immediately.

Zhou Zuosan closed his eyes, and his consciousness recalled the soul of the deep dream.

At this time, Qiu Chengcai discovered that Zhou Zuosan's soul had become alienated, which was the drawback of being in a deep dream state for a long time.

However, with the suppression of the elixir, most of the alienation in the soul soon subsided.

It's just treating the symptoms but not the root cause. Because of the third stage of brain transformation, Zhou Zuosan's soul will be thrown into a deeper dream state.

Qiu Cheng refined the soul container and soon had a rough prototype.

It was a piece of blue-white crystal, exuding a faint breath of soul, and it also had a soul imprint that was unique to Zhou Zuosan.

They skillfully carried out more detailed refining, and Qiu Cheng was responsible for painting the moon patterns to increase the resistance of the magic weapon to alienation as much as possible.

When the magic weapon was completed, Zhou Zuosan's fool threw himself into it without hesitation.

Qiu Cheng repeatedly confirmed that it was correct, and then began to modify the external brain. During this period, dozens of weapon refiners did not see any communication.

They already had a tacit understanding and believed in Zhou Zuosan's instructions.

In the third stage, Zhou Zuosan's head enlarged several times, and with the high temperature reaching hundreds of degrees, white smoke came out of his pores.

But the gains obtained by Zhou Zuosan are even more terrifying.

What does the tens of millions of times of time difference between soul and consciousness mean?

Even if Zhou Zuosan's concentration had to endure the erosion of his soul, his thinking speed was still at a level unmatched by immortals, and he could easily deduce countless possibilities for things.

In a sense, Zhou Zuosan already has the ability to predict the future.

Da Meng Zhenren appeared in the first layer of the sky. As soon as he entered the palace, he felt the heat rushing towards his face. The temperature made the air distorted.

The weapon refiner must wear robes to survive in such a harsh environment.

Dameng Zhenren stared at Zhou Zuosan's head, which was about to break through 100 meters, and released bursts of light and shadow to alleviate the pain of the latter's consciousness.

"Is it necessary, mistress?"


Zhou Zuosan replied solemnly.

His eyes were extremely scary, like a gambler losing at a gambling table, and the temperature of the smoke he exhaled was as high as three to four hundred.

"We can't lose, and Ren Qing can't lose, we must win, we must win."

Master Dameng was silent, and Song Zongwu appeared again in the palace, followed by Li Yaoyang, Tiandaozi, Kitchen God, Yue Lao...

More than a dozen Da Luo Jinxian representing the world in the stomach took time to arrive at Zhou Zuosan's location.

They were obviously paying attention to Zhou Zuosan's situation. After all, if the Tiandao tree withered, Zhou Zuosan might fall into madness.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Zuosan's consciousness was indeed extremely clear, and his paranoid words felt like fear for the future.

The corpse ghost used Yin Qi to dissipate the heat and said, "What's going on?"

Zhou Zuosan and the Kitchen God looked at each other, and the Kitchen God solemnly said: "There is no problem with their understanding. The three ancestors are not extraterrestrial demons."

"Twenty thousand years ago, the extraterrestrial demon corrupted the world, and the three ancestors escaped, but we..."

"It's the outcast."

Zhou Zuosan's voice of "cannot lose" seemed to have dropped a huge boulder in the hearts of the immortals in the Prison Hall.

Some monks held their breath, losing control of their bodies and souls again.

During the thousands of years they have been in the outside world, they have been in self-denial at every moment, because they discovered that there is no problem with the outside world's cognition, but they are the ones who have the problem.

Sun Moon Immortal quickly took action to help them suppress their obsession.

"What Zhou Zuosan said is just a conjecture that is consistent with the current situation. We must ask Ren Qing about the truth."

Dameng Zhenren released light and shadow to freeze the immortals in the jailer hall, and then continued: "But we really don't have the capital to lose."

"If Qing loses, he will lose everything."

This chapter has been completed!
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