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Chapter 317: Unjust Case (Part 1)

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Looking at the dark night sky, Benjie always felt a little uneasy. The Ulan official's army will come to the city tomorrow evening. A fight is inevitable, and the outcome is even more unpredictable. Anyone else would have trouble sleeping.


"Where's Yulia? Are you feeling better? Why are you feeling unwell?" Mr. Yulia asked the personal attendant who had just come in. At this time, he was in great need of some soft comfort to relieve his overly nervous nerves.

"I'll go take a look soon. Oh, but the two holy kings are waiting to see you outside and say they have something important to report! They also brought a woman with them, saying she is the sister of the Wu brothers!" the attendant said softly.


"The sister of the Wu brothers..." Benjie murmured to himself, two big black eyes and a pretty face smiling happily appeared in his mind.

"Well! Let them all come in! It's so late. If there is no urgent military situation, they won't come to bother us!" Mr. Yuan Xian ordered.

"Take advantage of every opportunity! Hey! The Holy King is the Holy King, and he knows how to control the situation!" The attendant thought to himself, and agreed, knowing of course that there was no need to ask about Ms. Yulia's situation for the time being.

"Führer, it's really presumptuous of me to disturb you late at night! It's just..." Jin Gui spade said with clasped fists as soon as he entered the door.

"Well! You guys came just in time! I wanted to talk to you two too!" Under the stunned eyes of his men, Benjie glanced at the two holy kings and Wu En, who was standing behind them with a black robe covering his head, and then said

: "I want to hear your opinions about the arrangements for tomorrow's battle!"

"Why are you listening to the law after the order has been given? Damn it!" Jin Guixian and his younger brother looked at each other and thought at the same time. The latter immediately replied simply: "What the boss says, brothers will do it."

Yes! We were just discussing tomorrow’s strategy with everyone, and I believe we won’t disappoint you!”

Hearing that his subordinates accidentally changed the title of "Führer" to "Boss" out of habit, Benjie smiled bitterly in disappointment, "It seems that, as Yulia said, the pioneer who conquers the world may not necessarily be the one who sits on the throne.

What a capable minister!" He thought to himself.

"The original plan was to use civilians to take the lead, because that would reduce the casualties of our brothers! However, many situations have changed now. Zhujie's operation failed, and the other party may have prepared and responded to similar tactics. In addition,

It seems a bit abrupt to release the civilians directly. No one would believe that these people volunteered to join the war!" Benjie explained patiently.

"With so many evil thoughts, it goes without saying that it must be that woman who gave the boss a blowjob! Humph!" The two brothers murmured, both remaining silent.

Benjie was sensitively aware of the emotional fluctuations of his men. "I am used to sailing with smooth sailing, and I will not be happy when encountering some waves. If things go on like this, won't I develop a bunch of trash?!" He was secretly angry in his heart.

"You have followed me for many years and endured a lot of hardships. Now that we have finally made it through, I really don't want to see any brothers suffer the moment of success but not be able to enjoy it! However, I feel heartbroken, and things should still be done.

We did it. If we don’t let our opponents see the true strength of our brothers, and if we don’t let them realize our determination that we would rather live in pieces than live in ruins, where will the living space and future of the Fuka Republic come from? So, let’s fight tomorrow.

I plan to personally lead the troops into battle, and you two just need to hold the position for me from behind!" Benjie's voice gradually became louder, and he actually seemed to be looking forward to death with an aura of indomitableness.

However, the two brothers, who knew their boss well, knew that the other was testing their loyalty. If Benjie followed Benji's advice, it would be a question of whether they could walk out of the room standing.

"It is the duty of a brother to charge into battle. Now that you are the head of a country, how can you easily risk yourself? Even if there are swords, mountains and seas of fire tomorrow, we will be responsible for it!" The two brothers said almost in unison.

"Unswerving ambition is the true nature of a hero! It's rare that you still have this intention! In that case, I will personally fight for you tomorrow!" Mr. Yuan Xian looked moved and gave up.

"Oh! Why did you come to see me late at night?" Benjie glanced at Wu En, who kept his head down and didn't dare to raise it, and asked.

"Ah? Oh, this, this is the fourth sister of my Wushi brothers. She said there are some important things that she wants to report to you personally!" Silver Ghost Spade, who was caught off guard by the boss's sudden change of subject, quickly replied.

"I see. We are all our own people here. If you have anything to say, just say it!" Benjie heard this and said to Wu En with an air of dignity.

Wu En's mind has gone blank since he entered the room just now. The explanations given by his brothers and the instructions of the two holy kings have long since disappeared and been completely forgotten.

"Oh! Brother Wu Ye, you should do it!" She said helplessly in her heart, and at the same time her whole body relaxed and she gave up all guard.

Seeing the fourth master's hesitant expression, Jin Guixian and Silver Guixian felt relieved, secretly thinking that the little girl was still on her way, so wouldn't it suit Benjie's idea to act so shy?!

"It seems that what Miss Wu En said is personal. Let's take our leave first!" After the two brothers finished speaking, they saluted, turned around and walked out of the door.

"These two boys are quite good at figuring out my thoughts, huh! There's a future!" Benjie thought, looking at the little girl who had taken off her hood.

Wow! Stunning!

At this time, Wu En was wearing a black dress, which set off her fair and tender face. Her neck and hands were as pure as jade. She had short hair, which made her look neat and tidy, adding a bit of heroism. And the little girl's black eyes were shining.

The faint timidity and sadness in his big eyes are even more fascinating.

Benjie swallowed, suppressed his restless mood, and asked softly: "There is no one else around now. If you have anything to say, feel free to tell me!"

"Please stop talking and let me take a good look at you, okay?!" Wu En said in a trembling voice.

Her eyes were blurred and full of admiration, and she just stared at the Head of State over and over again.

"I have worshiped you like a god since I was a child. You are the greatest hero in my heart. You are also a man who is always out of reach for me, and I can't even think about it. I only dare to secretly look at you from a distance, but why

I can’t see enough... I practice hard and always dress up like a man, so that one day I will be able to stand in front of you confidently, take off my disguise, and speak my mind...

"Wu En murmured like a dream.

Benji felt that all the blood in his body was rushing to his brain at the little girl's seemingly weak but actually hot words. He listened to the flattery a lot, but this innocent girl's heartfelt confession was really hard to bear!

"I didn't expect," Wu En changed the subject and continued in a leisurely tone: "This wish was fulfilled at this moment in this way. My dream was shattered and my heart was broken. Only this body is still intact.

, please hold me and kill me!"

The head of state, who was breathing rapidly, felt a knot in his heart. He reached out and took the little girl into his arms, and asked in a gentle but unyielding tone: "This is supposed to be the moment when your dreams come true and your heart comes true.

Why do you say that the dream is broken and the heart is broken?!"

"Führer! My God, please don't ask, the night is long and short! This is the most important moment for me as a woman, please don't ask. I, I don't know anything, and I can't say, I, wow...

"The fourth master said, tears streaming down his face.

"Damn! I'm crying so hard, I still want to fart!" Leader Benjie thought in infinite depression, and at the same time, a bad premonition arose deep in his heart.

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