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Chapter 317: Unjust Case (Part 2)

Chapter 317: Injustice (Part 2)

"Pa!" After repeated attempts to persuade him to no avail, the furious head of state finally lost his last trace of patience. He slapped Wu En away from his arms and shouted in a cold voice: "What do you mean by the nonsense you just said?

If you don’t take it seriously, I will kill you right now! And your three brothers will never see the sunshine in the morning again!"

"You, how could you do this to me?!" Wu En, who jumped up as soon as she landed, shouted in shock and sadness, and the five red fingerprints on her pretty face were even more shocking.

"You will be punished by death if you defeat my interest. I will give you three breaths now. If you don't say it, you will never say it again." Benjiy roared angrily.

The passion turned into resentment, and Mr. Yuan was in an extremely bad mood at the moment.

"I was forced to have no choice but to take this opportunity to give a woman's most precious thing to the man I admire most before committing suicide. I didn't expect you to treat me like this! I, I really might as well just die.

!Kill!" Under the stimulation of the other party, Fourth Master returned to his tyrannical rebel character and shouted regardless.

"This kind of green apple is really unpalatable and difficult to deal with. How can a ripe peach like Yulia be as delicious and considerate as this? Let's take this as a warning!" Benji thought depressedly in his heart.

The surging blue energy around him finally calmed down after several waves. "It's my fault to hit you, but why are you always crying like this? I am your leader, what else can't I make the decision for you? Say

Well, who can force you into despair?!" Benjie's curiosity defeated his anger at the last moment.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Wu En did not dare to continue to seek death, so he said in a cold voice with tears in his eyes: "Who else could it be? Apart from those two holy kings, who would dare to threaten my brothers' lives and let me deal with them?"


"Deal with me..." Benjie frowned and asked, "If they force you to accompany me, if you don't want to, just go back now, and I will tell them not to cause trouble to you brothers and sisters again."

"Don't you understand what 'dealing' means? If they just asked me to accompany you, it would be too late for me to be happy, so why would I need to live and die here?!" The woman, regardless of her shyness, flew into a rage like a tigress.

"Haha..." Benjie was amused by the little girl's frankness, and he immediately joked: "Then tell me, how do they want to deal with me, so that you can charm me and do what they say?!"

"Alas! The goods that are delivered to your door do not get the respect they deserve!" Wu En muttered and sighed, and sat down on the ground dejectedly, slowly telling a set of "truths" that he had prepared a long time ago.

As the woman told the story, the head of state's face became more and more green. "Bang", the gorgeous red light disappeared in a flash, and the purple wood eucalyptus beside Benji turned into a pile of ashes.

The man walked a few steps in the room, then suddenly turned around and asked in a cold voice: "You said your blood is really immune to swords and water and fire? How to prove it?"

Seeing her boss showing off his power, Wu En had a look of panic on her face. She hesitated for a moment and then said with a heartbeat: "I accidentally saved a subordinate with blood. That person was not an injection master, but then he had a strange reaction on his body. We

At first, they didn't know anything about it. Later, the two holy kings discovered something strange about this subordinate. After doing some research, they began to coerce us brothers and sisters not to tell the story outside, and they even killed the subordinate to silence him.

However, my brother was careful and hid the man secretly. If you don't believe it, ask Wu Sen to bring him and you will know."

Benjie stared at the woman for a long time, and after careful consideration, he ordered the attendant to bring her.

Not long after, Fatty arrived, followed naturally by Wu Sen, the eldest brother of the Wushi brothers.

Wu Sen didn't expect his sister to be so efficient. Seeing that the leader's face was uncertain, he couldn't help but look a little uneasy. In contrast, the fifth master Thornton's expression was already pale and his body was like chaff.


"Stand back, no one is allowed in until I summon you!" After Benjie said to the guard, he suddenly turned around, and without seeing how he could mobilize his attention, a dark blue ice arrow hit the fat man's shoulder.

Mr. Mai was so shocked that he clumsily tried to dodge but was unable to do so. "Ouch, what is this?!" He then let out a scream and was knocked away from the distance.

Wu En looked distressed, and Wu Sen looked worried, but under the cold gaze of the head of state, none of them dared to make any move.

After a while, just when Benjie was about to lose his patience, the fat man who fell on the ground finally let out a muffled groan and then got up unsteadily.

The Wu brothers and sisters just breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this, but they didn't expect that Benjie's big hand waved out again, and a huge fireball went straight to the fat man's chest.

This time, Fifth Master was even worse. He didn't have time to react at all. He didn't even let out a scream and flew out again in a cloud of fireworks!

Wu Sen's heart was beating fast. He didn't know that Thornton was also immune to fire attacks, and he was afraid that the leader would beat the fat man to death. At the same time, Wu Sen's boss, who was quite smart, also realized that his sister might not be able to survive.

He didn't fully follow his instructions to report to the head of state, so he secretly added an extra layer of caution.

Accompanied by annoying groans, the fat man stood up much faster this time than before, but before he could stand up straight, he fell to his knees and begged with tears streaming down his face: "Master Fuhrer, I am just a nobody, Lian Zhu Master."

No, please don't fight again! I really can't bear it anymore..."

Benjie's eyes flashed with brilliance, but he turned a deaf ear to Mr. Mai's plea. He snorted coldly, moved his body and was at his side in the blink of an eye. The sword that the man drew with one hand disappeared as soon as it rose.

, and in the next moment, Mr. Yuan Fang had returned to his seat.

This series of actions was as fast as lightning and the connection was seamless. The Wu brothers and sisters were stunned and felt chilled in their hearts.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Benjie sat quietly, calm on the surface, but there was already a huge wave in his heart!

"What a treasure!" He glanced at Wu En, his eyes filled with unconcealable ecstasy and greed.

Indeed, neither the fireball nor the ice arrow caused any obvious damage to the fat man, but the knife that Benjie made with three successes only left a white mark on Mr. Mai's neck. If this is really caused by Wu En's blood,

If it has a miraculous effect, then what is this woman if not a treasure? Moreover, this is simply a treasure that defies heaven!

"Your name is Thornton, right? Now I'm asking you to answer. Don't hide it, otherwise you will know the consequences!" The head of state said coldly, feeling that his throat was a little tight.

The fat man was sweating profusely. He knelt on the ground and nodded pitifully, as if he didn't know what happened just now. In fact, Mr. Mai just saw a shadow flashing for a moment, and a cold feeling came to his neck.

"Damn! I'm afraid that the skills of this rebel boss are about to catch up with Parchi! You have to deal with it carefully, I hope his brains are not as good as his methods!" He secretly prayed in his heart.

"Tell me how Wu En rescued you and what happened after that!" Benjie shouted sharply, and at the same time concentrated his whole body's attention to firmly cover the fat man. He was confident that under this kind of pressure, even if it was an ordinary person,

A high-level annotator cannot talk nonsense, let alone Thornton, who is not even an annotator.

"Hey! I'm not afraid of this thing. Compared with the momentum of that bullshit master, you are far behind!" Mr. Mai was cursing, but he was already happy to know that he had the privilege of talking nonsense in front of Benji.


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