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Chapter 95: Obscene

The old man's words made Fatty and others moved.

They say that conscience is trapped in a corner, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

When this old couple was in desperate situation, they were still considerate of others, which shows their kindness and simplicity.

"Two old men, please don't cry. Since we are here to investigate this matter, we are fully prepared. There is no use in talking more. Let's go check on your daughter-in-law's condition first!" the master said, and glared at the fat man.

"Hey! Why are you still blaming me? If I hadn't frightened Mr. Mai and asked them for this information, I would have had to waste a lot of time!" the fat man thought to himself.

When the old man saw that the master's tone was very determined and his expression was extremely peaceful, he felt at ease for no reason.

"In that case, please come with me!" He said and walked out of the room first, his steps quickening. The eagerness and anxiety of suddenly seeing hope in helplessness were beyond words.

At this point, it was more important to save people than to avoid suspicion, so the old man took the fat man and others directly to the room where his daughter-in-law lived.

The fat man looked inside and saw a woman with a big belly lying on her back on the bed. She was moaning and twisting and turning, looking very uncomfortable.

The woman was not aware of the presence of any stranger at all, and was obviously unconscious.

The moment the fat man saw the pregnant woman, his face darkened.

The gray-green light in his eyes flashed away, and he said leisurely: "Strange! This woman is not poisoned. The problem seems to be her stomach."

When the master heard this, his expression no longer remained calm, and he asked softly: "There is no elemental energy fluctuation in this woman's body. She is definitely not an injection master. Can you see clearly?"

"That's right! The energy of 'Xiao Fei' is concentrated in the woman's abdomen, probably inside the fetus." The fat man squinted his eyes again and said with certainty.

When Miao Chun, who was standing next to the fat man, heard this, his expression changed slightly.

At the moment, Huahua, who was in the heart of the city, was focused on worrying about the safety of the pregnant woman. She didn't realize what the fat man's behavior of being able to tell her illness with just one glance meant.

"What are you talking about? What Xiao Fei? What's wrong with your stomach?" the old woman following behind asked anxiously.

"Don't worry! Let me tell you some good news first. Your daughter-in-law should not have been poisoned." The fat man first threw out a reassurance. Then he asked: "When did she start having an attack? What was abnormal during the attack?


The old couple were surprised to see that the fat man could confirm his condition with just one look. They were also overjoyed to hear that their daughter-in-law was not poisoned.

But the fat man's words about "something wrong in his stomach" made them feel relieved again.

"About four or five days ago. She suddenly started talking nonsense, which scared us. But she returned to normal after a while, and she was completely unaware of her previous actions." The old man replied quickly.

"Isn't my daughter-in-law poisoned? Thank God! You said there is something wrong with her stomach. Could it be that there is something wrong with the fetus?" the old woman asked, her tone full of worry.

The fat man glanced at the master, saw the other man nodded slightly, and decided to tell the truth.

"Your daughter-in-law is indeed not poisoned. However, the fetus in her belly shows signs of poisoning." He explained in a deep voice.

"Ah? How could this happen? Why do you say this?" the old man asked in shock.

"I can't explain this to you. As for me, I am actually a great annotator, and my judgment is not wrong!" the fat man replied calmly.

This kind of rhetoric that in the ears of the master just wants to hit someone is enough for the old couple.

With a plop, the two old men knelt down and begged the fat man: "Master Zhu! At this point, we have nothing to do! Please save the lives of their mother and son!"

The two beauties immediately helped the two elders up, and Miao Chun asked harmoniously: "The matter is urgent, please hurry up and recall the details. Since your family has no signs of infection before, why did your daughter-in-law have a sudden attack? This is definitely

There’s something unusual about it.”

The two old men had tears in their eyes as they tried to recall.

After a while, the old man spoke first: "If it's unusual, it's that I don't know why the villagers who were infected never attacked us when they were crazy, and they even threw some food in. In addition, it was there.

On the day they killed my son, they forcibly checked on my daughter-in-law."

The fat man nodded. The first thing the old man said was unusual, he had already noticed it and already made a judgment.

"Who did the examination?" the fat man asked.

"A woman, a little fat. They all covered their faces with black gauze, so they couldn't see her appearance." The old woman replied.

There was already some hatred in her voice, and she was obviously suspecting that the woman had done something.

"Did anything special happen on the day your daughter-in-law had the attack?" Nathan, who had been silent, also interjected and asked.

The old woman thought hard for a long time before saying uncertainly: "We heard some strange noises that day. We thought it was those people coming, but in the end they didn't show up."

"Is there any 'bell' in the strange noise you mentioned?" the master suddenly asked.

"The sound of a bell? I'm not sure about this. Maybe there is one!" the old woman shook her head and replied.

Feeling that he could no longer ask for any valuable information, the fat man approached the bed alone and looked at the unconscious woman, lost in thought.

He sorted through the related matters since he first came into contact with the "Crimson Fantasy Poison" and found that there were still many mysteries. In fact, some of his original judgments were being overturned by new situations that kept emerging.

For fat people, there are several key issues that must be clarified when it comes to toxins.

First of all, who is the target of the spread of "Crimson Fantasy Poison"?

He once believed that this toxin was only effective on injectors.

This judgment was not just because Fatty had never discovered the existence of "Xiao Fei" in any ordinary person until he met the pregnant woman in front of him.

Even more so because Fatty himself is an example.

When he first met Capricorn Tong, he had accidental physical contact with her, but he was not infected!

However, this judgment was overturned by the reality of what happened to pregnant women.

From this, Fatty made a bold guess.

That is, there may be several "Crimson Phantom Poisons" existing at the same time. They have the same name and appearance, but their characteristics are different when they are spread.

Some are only for annotators, some are only for ordinary people, and some are for no matter who the target is.

If this hypothesis is correct, then someone must be studying this toxin specifically and making some modifications to it.

Fatty didn't believe that the unconscious "Xiao Fei" could make such a change on his own.

He had an intuition that this person who studies toxins, even if he is not a person, must be inseparable from him.

In addition, is there any other way to spread the "Crimson Fantasy Poison" other than skin contact? How does the Zhenling Bell control the "Crimson Fantasy Poison"? And the purple "Grass Ghost Technique" energy,

What is the relationship with "Xiao Fei"?

These problems also need to be solved urgently.

"This village is very much like a testing ground!" Miao Chun's voice sounded softly.

The fat man turned back, nodded to the long-legged beauty, and asked the old man: "Among the evil people you mentioned, are there any in their forties, with a medium to thin build, long black hair, and a somewhat pale face?

A man with a small scar on his chin?”

Based on his memory, he described the general appearance of Medical Officer Ji Ji, hoping to hear a definite answer.

The old couple thought for a long time and shook their heads in the face of the fat man's disappointed eyes.

"You might as well ask me directly about these things. A group of guys are coming this way. Well, there are seven of them. They will be outside the door within ten breaths." The master suddenly said.

"Hey! We are really on the same road! Now it saves trouble!" The fat man was overjoyed and hurriedly assigned tasks.

"Huahua, hurry up and find a way to hide. Don't take action unless I give an order. Nathan, teacher, put on your mask. Miaochun, you are pretending to be my wife! Come on! Let me tell you about this drama.

Things to note!” he said excitedly.

Seeing Fatty's behavior of defeating his opponents, Nathan and others began to feel sad for the upcoming group of villains.

It is unwise to provoke this fat man who regards life as acting and turns acting into life.

Huahua didn't bother to listen to the "notes". She snorted dissatisfiedly and "escaped" without a trace.

The master and Nathan reluctantly put on their masks and restored their previous appearance.

Miaochun, with a charming smile, leaned next to the fat man who had turned into a disgusting look again, and entered his role with interest.

Fatty was angry and helpless at Huahua's leaving without saying goodbye. He was about to tell the story that followed, but he found that the old couple were still standing there and looking at him blankly.

For ordinary people, the changes that happened to Fatty and others in an instant are really shocking!

"Oh! What are you two doing standing around like that? Cry!" The fat man was very dissatisfied with the two extras' clubbing behavior and shouted sternly.

His current "respectable" appearance, coupled with his rude tone, immediately startled the two old men.

However, crying is easier said than done?

After just such a delay, Fatty already heard the footsteps coming from outside the courtyard gate.

"Damn! The expression is okay, but how can you be in the scene without crying?" The fat man was secretly angry.

"Old guy! Are you disobedient? Are you trying to rebel by hiding your secrets from the officials? Believe it or not, I will kill this fat-bellied woman right now?!" Mr. Mai suddenly shouted.

He casually took off the waist knife he carried beside him and slashed it in the air, hitting the pregnant woman on the bed on the side of her head.

At this time, the old couple was really panicked. They were so confused that they could no longer tell whether the fat official was acting or not.

"Oh! Sir! What are you doing? We have said everything we need to say! You..." the old man said in shock.

The old woman was so frightened that she sobbed.

Well! This effect is pretty good!

"What are you doing? Let you know the consequences of fighting against the government. Where have all the hundreds of people in this village died? Why are there only a few of you left? Could it be that you are deliberately hiding from paying taxes? To tell you the truth, our queen is about to fight against the government.

Rus is going to war. No money is spent on the war? If you don't pay taxes, where will the money come from? It's fine if you tell the whereabouts of other people. If not, you will pay the taxes for everyone!" The fat man said arrogantly.


He heard a few footsteps walking gently into the courtyard.

"What tax are you talking about? What kind of war? We have to pay taxes one day at a time, so how can we get the money to pay taxes? What's more, the people in this village, I..." the old man said in horror.

He hadn't come back to his senses yet, and he couldn't hear the sound outside the door. He thought that the man in front of him had been infected with madness and was beginning to have a seizure.

Seeing that the people outside the door still refused to come into the house, the fat man felt depressed and his voice became more and more fierce and said: "Old guy, I think your life is over! I'll kill this pot-bellied woman first and see what else you have to say.


Mr. Mai's play came so quickly that the master and Nathan were stunned for a while. Miao Chun even almost laughed out loud. It was extremely hard to endure it.

"Oh! If you didn't always make excuses for this pregnant woman, maybe you could have been spared." A woman sighed.

Then, the door suddenly burst open, and a bunch of things flew into the house.

"Ah!" Miao Chun exclaimed in response, and even gave the fat man a flirtatious look.

"Who?!" In the cry of "Leg Jing", Nathan pulled out his sword and turned around to slash at the mass of things.

His movements were done in one go, clean and neat, but he didn't use half of his attention.

A cool and beautiful knife cut off a lonely person.

Stab, the blade passed by, and a green shirt split into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"Haha! The sword skills are good. But it's all useless." A male voice sounded, and then a slender young man stepped into the room leisurely.

Following him were two men and two women.

As soon as these five people entered the house, they immediately crowded the small room that originally had some space.

Nathan swung his sword in the air, and seeing that there were many people on the other side, he subconsciously retreated to the fat man's side, assuming a protective posture.

"Hey! Boy! Keep chopping! Why did you stop?" the lanky young man asked with a smile.

This guy has pretty features, but his eyes are full of arrogance and cruelty.

"Ouch! Madmen! Are you the helpers hired by this old man? You are really brave to dare to go against the government!" The fat man hid behind Nathan, but showed no sign of weakness when he spoke.

As he spoke, he counted people.

"Oh?! Aren't these five people? It turns out that the teacher is also wrong sometimes! Humph!" The fat man despised the master in his heart.

"Are you the one who just said you wanted to operate on this pregnant woman?" a sharp-faced woman asked.

Listening to the voice, it is not the person who spoke first.

As she said this, she walked towards the fat man.

This woman has an ordinary appearance, but her behavior is calm and calm, and she also carries an invisible pressure.

"So what if it's not me? Don't accuse a good person unjustly! What are you doing? Why don't you call me here as soon as possible!" The fat man's face turned pale, and he said sternly, and seemed to look behind Nathan unconsciously.


The sharp-faced woman was stunned when she heard this. She felt that what the other party said was very awkward.

When she understood, a mocking and disdainful smile appeared on her lips, and she showed no intention of stopping.

At this moment, the most depressed person is Nathan.

He bore the brunt of the attack and saw the sharp-faced woman approaching, but he didn't know what to do.

Although the third son has seen his eldest brother acting before, this is the first time he has actually played a role.

"What should I do? Damn it! My brother! Fight or run, please tell me something!" Nathan thought helplessly.

The sharp-faced woman walked up to Nathan, brought out a red energy light, and pushed one hand toward Nathan's chest.

"Okay! Since the boss didn't give the order to attack, I can only hide for a while!" The third young master thought and struck the woman's neck with one knife.


The sharp-faced woman's whole body was red, and she instantly deflected the opponent's sword away.

Her palm also hit Nathan at the same time.

"Ouch!" The third young master screamed miserably and flew out towards the clearing he had chosen earlier.

His old injuries have not yet fully recovered, so this cry of pain is half real and fake, making it difficult to tell the truth from the truth.

"Stop! If you move again, I will kill her first!" the fat man shouted sternly.

I saw this man's face covered with sweat, and with a panicked expression, he held up a barrier that was almost transparent in color, and held the knife against the belly of the pregnant woman on the bed.

"It's so wretched! You hid behind the guard because you were thinking of this trick, right? That's smart!" Another woman spoke.

Judging by her voice, she was the one who spoke first.

***The author has something to say***

Old man: Is this fat man really crazy?

This chapter has been completed!
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