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Chapter 96 Talisman

"Where are you from? Are you an official? Do you have any credentials? You are actually carrying your lover with you when you are out on official duties. Are you really just here to collect taxes?" The woman glanced at Miao Chun, who had a look of panic on her face and was leaning against the fat man.

, asked calmly, with a hint of condescension in his tone that would not allow disobedience.

She has a round face and looks slightly older than the sharp-faced woman before. There are some similarities between their eyebrows and they look like sisters.

"Your old lady has seen my badge, and it's a fake. If it wasn't for collecting taxes, who would come to this remote country? If you don't bring a good one to relieve your boredom, why don't you find one like you?

"The fat man nuzzled his lips towards the old man who had already collapsed on the ground and said with an evil smile.

Miaochun's face turned red when she heard this, and she pinched the fat man's waist gently, making a flirtatious gesture.

The master had already deliberately suppressed the fluctuations of his whole body's attention, and his posture was deliberately stooped. He looked like he was either a butler or a master. He was the least valued character in the scene.

He was made uncomfortable by the fake show between Fatty and Miaochun, so he had to close his eyes slightly to reduce visual damage.

But this action, coupled with his current "respectable appearance", to outsiders, he looks like a weird old man with a squinting look.

"How dare you disrespect the messenger of the Apocalypse, you are seeking death!" The other two men who had been silent until now shouted in unison.

"Ouch! The rarest thing is to have the same mind and heart! To be able to say so many words perfectly! It's amazing!" The fat man heard the shouting and stretched his neck in surprise and looked behind the round-faced woman.

The two big men who spoke were one tall and one short. There was a clear age gap, and their looks were somewhat similar.

"Huh? They seem to be two brothers too! Two women are sisters, and two men are brothers. How could there be such a coincidence?" The fat man looked doubtfully at the slender young man who first entered the room.

At this glance, he actually felt that the other person looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Despite this, Fatty was sure of one thing. This trip to Ximen Mountain was the right one.

Because, these five people, like "Qianfeng" and others they met in the drug store before, also have energy fluctuations from the "Crimson Fantasy Poison".

As he was thinking about this, he suddenly remembered that the young man who entered the door first looked somewhat similar to the middle-aged man in the drug store who was cut in half by Nathan's move.

No wonder it looks familiar!

"Messenger of the Apocalypse? I've never heard of it. Who granted it? What rank?" the fat man asked, curling his lips.

At this time, he held the pregnant woman hostage, and seemed to have the leverage to control the situation, so he displayed a clumsy and depressed character.

The round-faced woman was dumbfounded by the fat man's stupidity. But she was really worried that the fat man would act stupidly and really hurt the life of the pregnant woman.

The round-faced woman was obviously the leader of the group. As soon as she raised her hand, the two big men behind them stopped talking and just stared at the fat man angrily.

"Messengers of the Apocalypse are human holy messengers who spread the word for heaven. They are not something ignorant mortals like you with mortal eyes can slander and insult. Come and see!" the round-faced woman said, moving her hands in the air.

This woman should be a water infusion master. A deep blue halo slowly rose up with her movements.

"What's there to show off? As long as you are an injection master, who can't do it?" The fat man felt very strange.

The blue halo gradually solidified, eventually forming a huge ring made of energy floating in the air.

"Damn! What the hell! Are you planning to pull off a trick?" The fat man became more and more confused as he watched.

The master who had been silent and watching the changes had a solemn look in his eyes at this moment. Because the woman showed this skill, only a high-level injection master could do it.

"Apocalypse Talisman!" As the round-faced woman chanted like a chant, a strange dark red energy emerged from her eyebrows and slowly merged into the blue energy ring.

If you are a master of injection, you will definitely have the urge to worship at this time.

For them, the scene in front of them was really shocking.

Because, among the ten known elements, there is no energy color that is dark red.

It seems that it is an existence beyond the known, or it is a miracle that subverts the existing knowledge. It is not an exaggeration.

Even the master was a little excited at this moment. It was the first time that he saw the color of "Crimson Fantasy Poison" with his naked eyes.

He had heard the fat man mention the words "dark red" countless times before, and he had actually felt this energy when he was poisoned.

However, feeling is feeling and seeing is seeing.

He had never met the "Crimson Fantasy Poison". Unexpectedly, at this moment, this thing actually appeared in front of him.

"It's indeed shocking, but I don't know what technique this round-faced female injection master used." The master was confused and stared at the field intently.

With the influx of dark red energy, the blue energy ring gradually changed.

It begins to separate into levels, and each level has its own color.

The dark red gradually disappeared, but it transformed into four colors: green, yellow, red, and white, plus the original blue, for a total of five colors.

Soon, a five-color energy ring divided into five layers will be formed.

"Oh! The name of this trick should be called 'Five Yuan Injection Master Quick Technique'!" Fatty thought with hatred in his heart.

I'm like Bah! Bah! Bah!

My teacher is an unparalleled hero, the pinnacle among injection masters, but he is only a three-yuan injection master.

Mr. Mai, I swallowed spirit beads, drank poison, and almost exploded to death, so I barely managed to become a Four-Yuan Injection Master. Hey! But it would be better for you to let Xiao Fei perform a trick.

I just want to pretend to be a five yuan injection master.

Okay! That’s okay! Just wait for me!

The fat man's infinite resentment is reflected in his mustache, goldfish eyes and swollen face, and reflected in the eyes of round-faced women, it has turned into shock, admiration, envy and jealousy.

"Get up!" As she drank softly, a colorful rune appeared in the center of the colorful energy ring.

"Fuck me! This bullshit 'Apocalypse Talisman' is somewhat similar to the one on the giant bear in the 'Phantom World'. It's just that the giant bear's talisman is made of nine colors! After a long time of tossing, you're not as good as a bear.

What! Hmph!" the fat man thought with contempt in his heart.

"The Holy Messenger is mighty, we worship you!" Seeing this scene, the sharp-faced woman and the other three men prostrated together and chanted in unison.

Not to mention them, even Miaochun and Nathan, who was still lying on the ground and refused to get up, had the urge to kneel down and worship for a moment!

Both of them looked surprised, like old haters who had never seen the world.

"What a disgrace to your Maiye!" the fat man thought angrily. He never believed that the woman in front of him could be a five-yuan injectionist.

"Why?! Is it because her face is round or something?" He cursed secretly through gritted teeth, but he did not dare to take the lead in cracking down on the fake.

Only teachers are qualified to do this kind of thing. Otherwise, wouldn't the title "Master" be in vain?

How did the fat man know that the master had the same idea as him at this moment?

"If we want to find out the truth, besides this fat man who can control the 'Crimson Fantasy Poison', is there any more suitable candidate?" Mr. Gongzhuang was very sure of this.

"Receive the oracle!" The round-faced woman suddenly turned pale and shouted.

The fat man was startled. Before he could understand what was going on, he saw the colorful ring released by the woman suddenly disappear, and the dark red energy appeared again, drifting towards him.

At this time, the five people on the other side, including the round-faced woman, were all sitting cross-legged on the same spot and began to mutter endlessly.

The fat man didn't have time to analyze whether they were chanting spells or tongue twisters. Seeing that the master had no intention of taking action, he secretly cursed the old man for not taking responsibility, but he also roughly guessed what the teacher was thinking.

"Hmph! At the critical moment, Mr. Mai has to personally step in and clean up the mess!" Fatty thought, slowly put away his protection, pushed Miao Chun away with one hand, and held the knife in the other hand, maintaining the posture of threatening the pregnant woman.

He stared blankly at the "Crimson Fantasy Poison" that had flown above his head.

"Fire King! Hurry! Call 'Xiao Fei' out! His relatives are here!" The fat man looked confused on the outside, but he was extremely anxious in his heart.

"My order! Boss, if this happens again in the future, it might be faster if you come out and call him directly!" The Fire King in the sea of ​​consciousness muttered while contacting Xiao Fei.

"That's right! It's better to ask for help than to ask for yourself! How could I forget that I have already practiced the 'Yuan Dan'?" As soon as the fat man thought, the little fat man in the sea of ​​consciousness had appeared in front of the restriction that sealed the 'Xiao Fei'.

"Damn! I can't even lift this restriction! Why don't you come?!" the little fat man shouted dissatisfied with the Fire King who had just arrived.

"That's right! I will give you the forbidden spell right now! Try it yourself!" The Fire King panicked and fired a spell.

The little fat man felt quite satisfied with the Fire King's attitude, and quickly activated the magic spell to activate the restriction.

After a while, Xiao Fei stuck out his head and looked out.

"Xiao Fei, your, this, maybe your relatives are here to visit. Come with me to pick them up! Then just take them to the place where you practice. The rest of the tenants, don't be idle, be on guard.

Just in case something unexpected happens!" The fat man's order was concise and to the point.

At this time, the dark red energy was already entrenched on the fat man's head, but it was still unable to enter.

"Huh? What's going on? Why doesn't the 'oracle' come in?" The round-faced woman was still reciting the mantra in her mouth, but she had some doubts in her heart.

As a "Holy Envoy", she is one of the best among hundreds of believers, and one of the few who has the qualifications and ability to transmit the "Crimson Fantasy Poison" known as the "Oracle" in a visible way.

Give presence to others.

This method consumes a lot of attention, but once the transmission is successful, the recipient will be quickly controlled by the caster regardless of its strength.

The key thing is that this kind of control can be accomplished without using the "Suppressing Bell", but only by the caster making a special sound.

Not everyone is qualified to receive "oracles" in this way.

The fat man was able to have this "honor" all because he made a mistake and threatened the safety of the pregnant woman.

And this pregnant woman is related to the research of the round-faced woman's master, who is also the leader of their sect and the only "god envoy" in the world.

The round-faced woman knew that Master attached great importance to this pregnant woman, and she did not dare to neglect him in the slightest. After seeing the fat man's virtue that seemed to regard human life as a common occurrence, she could not act rashly.

Therefore, in desperation, the round-faced woman can only hold on to the idea of ​​​​being "cheap" and do not hesitate to waste her own attention, and transmit the "oracle" to the other party in this way.

In her opinion, the first priority is to control the fat to ensure the safety of pregnant women.

As for whether the fat man will stay or go in the future, she doesn't care at all. How can a shameless, weak and evil official who can even threaten a pregnant woman be worthy of collaborating on a big plan?

Just kill him!

The round-faced woman didn't know that the energy called "oracle" was actually a poison in itself.

She firmly believes that this is a new element given by God to believers. It can make an ordinary person become an infusion master, and it can also make an ordinary infusion master become a multi-infusion master and greatly increase his strength.

As a result, it can make more and more people realize the existence of God, believe in God’s teachings, only obey God’s instructions, be willing to be driven by God, and under God’s guidance, jointly create a new and great new world.


At this moment, the woman with a sense of sacred mission noticed something was wrong. Why hadn't the "oracle" entered the fat man's body yet?

Isn't this different from what happened when she was taught the Dharma by her master and when she taught the Dharma to others?

Why not enter directly? The oracles activated in this way should be of a higher level and faster than those that can be transmitted through skin contact!

Moreover, an oracle of this level, according to the master, should be able to ignore any protection!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The round-faced woman is anxious and full of doubts.

In fact, the fat man was feeling anxious and confused at the moment.

He has asked Xiao Fei to receive the dark red energy that has been hovering above her head. Xiao Fei is also very excited and obviously recognizes those energies. But as for those energies, they can just circle around, but they have no intention of coming in.


The fat man was at his wits end. He had absorbed the "Crimson Fantasy Poison" through the Sea of ​​Consciousness before, but that required a head-to-head connection with the carrier of the poison!

The current situation is completely different. That ball of energy doesn't even have a head, let alone a sea of ​​consciousness!

"What's going on? What's wrong? Didn't it go well when absorbing poisonous elements at the drug store?" The fat man thought hard, and had to pretend to be confused to stabilize the round-faced eldest sister.

"Oh? Could it be that the thread is causing trouble?" A flash of light flashed through the fat man's mind.

He recalled the scene that happened in the drug store. Yes, it must be like this.

At that time, he himself had the intention to absorb the toxin, and Xiao Hui was also very excited, but in the end it was the silk thread with flowing energy that completed the absorption work.

The fat man was so happy that he wanted to call up the silk thread and try it out.

But he suddenly felt something was wrong.

If this is the case, then when absorbing the energy of "Tianchimu", no silk thread is used!

The fat man's brain raced and he came up with an answer.

When absorbing "Tenkimu", it is probably because there are wood spirit beads in the body, so you can directly absorb the energy by touching it with your hands!

Other than that, there is no other explanation.

"Okay! It's useless to think too much. You'll know once you try it!" Fatty made up his mind not to need Xiao Fei's help, but to rely on his own strength to absorb the dark red energy.

As soon as he had this thought, those silk threads with flowing energy were revealed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and instantly spread all over the fat man's body, immersed in his blood vessels and tendons.

"Xiao Fei! I will invite your relatives in now. You are only responsible for taking them to the designated location!" The little fat man said, and he softly shouted: "Take it!"

Hehe! It works now.

The dark red energy was completely absorbed by the fat man in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the round-faced woman let out a sigh of relief.

She stood up slowly and used the changes in her voice to tell the fat man to do something.

Unexpectedly, before she opened her mouth, the other party started yelling first.

"Du! Who are you? Why don't you bow to me when you see me?" The fat man's momentum suddenly increased, the goldfish's eyes widened, and he shouted angrily.

***The author has something to say***

Fatty: I am the pioneer in fighting counterfeiting!

This chapter has been completed!
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