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Chapter 351: Milton arrives, Xia Chen is in desperate situation!

So Leden suddenly stood up and walked out of the room, not knowing whether he wanted to leave or what he was doing.

But judging from its shaky figure, it's obvious that its body has not yet fully recovered.

Xia Chen quickly grabbed Gulton and asked, "With your current physical condition, what are you going to do?"

Therefore, Luton exerted a little force to break away from Xia Chen's hand. He didn't reply and just continued to move forward.

However, Gardevoir stood in front of the door. Xia Chen didn't want Gulton to leave, so she would carry out his will.


Therefore, Luton did not take action, but let out a roar. The deafening sound caused the objects in the room to shake.

But Gardevoir still stood firmly in front of it, without giving in.

Xia Chen didn't want the conflict to expand, so he said in a deep voice: "Leton, listen to me, the sea area we are in is far away from the land, and there are no islands within ten nautical miles. I can help you."

Xia Chen took out an elf ball and said sincerely: "Enter the elf ball, the elf should not be able to find you. We will return to the Padia continent tomorrow. Your health should be much better by then, and you can directly

Leave, you know, the Poke Ball can't restrain you."

Therefore, Leden turned his head and stared at Xia Chen expressionlessly.

[It’s useless, I was subdued by an elf ball, and the elf ball was not damaged.]

A deep and solemn voice suddenly sounded in Xia Chen's heart. Undoubtedly, this telepathy came from Guluton.

"Are you telepathic?"

Xia Chen was surprised and happy. Language is undoubtedly the most efficient way of communication. Therefore, if Luton can telepathize, everything will be much easier.

But why didn't it use telepathy before? Disdain?

Xia Chen secretly cursed in his heart.

But now is not the time to think about this issue. He understands what Guluton means. The Poké Ball that conquered Guluton has not been damaged, which means that it cannot be included in other Poké Balls.

Therefore, Luton did not have the leisure to answer this idiot question and continued to transmit the message.

[Millerton's strength is not something you and your elves can compete with. If you don't want to die, just let me go.]


Xia Chen pondered slightly.


You can tell from the name that there is definitely a close relationship between Solton and Milton.

If the Padia region were the ninth generation of Pokémon games in that world, these two guys might be the two gods on the cover.

Senbu once said that Milton is the ancient paradoxical species of Motorized Lizard, so Milton is... the future paradoxical species of Motorized Lizard?

Nine times out of ten, this is it.

In other words, Milton is a legendary elf whose strength is not inferior to that of Gu, if both of them are at their peak.

After pondering for a moment, Xia Chen asked: "Do you know the conventional strength classification of elves by us humans? They are gym level, king level, champion level and so on."

Therefore, Luton frowned slightly.

[I know, just say what you want to say quickly, that guy’s speed is no less than mine, you don’t have much time.]

Xia Chen nodded and asked very quickly: "I want to know, what is the difference between your current strength and Milton's current strength?"

Since Milton's current strength has been greatly reduced, Xia Chen feels that Milton is most likely not in his prime.

If the Milton's current strength does not exceed the King level, then there may still be a chance to delay the move.

[I am now at the King level, Milton...Although it is much weaker than in its heyday, it has already surpassed the Champion level.]

Gu Luton's answer made Xia Chen frown.

Beyond championship level...that's not good news.

Although the champion level is the highest elf level set by humans, it is far from the level that elves can truly achieve.

On this point, human society has reached a consensus since Yveltal awakened and caused great harm that people could not imagine before.

In the public opinion after that, most people have already acquiesced that there are "divine beast-level" elves above the championship level, although this has not been officially recognized.

And what Guluton said "far inferior to the heyday, but also beyond the championship level" shows one thing, the mythical beast level is just a simple and general classification.

Xia Chen, a time traveler, can completely understand this, because in the previous game, even the legendary elves were divided into several types according to their background and race value, including first-level gods, second-level gods, and fantasy beasts.

In short, the only thing that can be determined at the moment is that Milerton's current strength is definitely not as disappointing as Yveltal's back then, but it is also not something that ordinary champion trainers can handle.

Ordinary ones won't work, then Sirona...

No, no, she must not be involved in such a dangerous thing.

As soon as this thought arose in Xia Chen's mind, he put it out.

So, who else can handle this guy?

At that time, Yveltal could at least be dragged to Xerneas for sanctions, but this time, Guluton, who could compete with him, looked so stupid...

It’s hard to do...


"Anyway, let's go to the cockpit first. The radar there can monitor things within ten nautical miles. We discovered your traces more than a minute before you came yesterday."

Running hard would definitely not be faster than that guy, so Leton had no other option and agreed to Xia Chen's proposal for the time being.

"Gardevoir, go to the deck and call Mingyi and the others, and hide in..."

Xia Chen originally wanted to say hide in the cabin, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was no use hiding anywhere for an elf with strength beyond the championship level.

Rubbing his brows, Xia Chen said helplessly: "Fill up the fuel for a few speedboats. If necessary, we can run away directly."


Gardevoir responded worriedly, and then headed towards the deck.

Xia Chen took Gulton and Niannibao towards the cockpit.

The good news is that, perhaps because Nianniabao reported the news relatively early today, the shipboard radar has not yet shown that unknown elves are approaching at supersonic speeds like yesterday. This gives Xia Chen still time to think of other solutions.


After thinking for a while, Xia Chen asked: "Gu Leden, you all ran away from Area Zero, is there any way to deal with it?"

Therefore, Luton smiled disdainfully, "If so, would we appear here?"

Xia Chen didn't believe it, "Then why were you still included in the goal?"

Therefore, Luton was speechless for a moment and remained silent for several seconds before replying: "Don't ask around."

Xia Chen has no choice but to ask for help from the outside world.

Sirona Xiachen doesn't want to look for it, but he doesn't have that much burden on the local champion of Padea.

After all, this is what happened in Padea, and she should be responsible for it.

It is also very simple to find the champion Yeci. She is the chairman of the Orange Academy, and Clavell definitely has her contact information.

Thinking of this, Xia Chen placed Niannibao on the console and warned: "Niannibao, you watch the radar here and call me as soon as there is news."


Niannibao nodded solemnly in response.

Xia Chen ran outside the door and called Clavel.

The call was quickly connected, and Clavel's somewhat surprised voice came from the other end.

"Xia Chen, why did you call me suddenly? Shouldn't you be live broadcasting with Qishu?"

Why is this old man so clear about his own affairs... Could it be that he is his fan, or... a fan of Qishu?

None of them seem too serious...

But now is not the time to delve into this. Xia Chen quickly explained: "I discovered something very important here and I need to report it to Champion Yeci."

In view of Xia Chen's past, Clavell had a high degree of trust in him, so he gave Xia Chen Yeci's private number without any nonsense.

"Is this a serious elf riot? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Clavel asked seriously.

"There is no threat to the Padia continent. Thank you for your help. The situation is urgent. I will go find Champion Yeci first."


After hanging up the phone with Clavel, Xia Chen immediately called Ye Ci.

The Padian champion probably wasn't watching the live broadcast like Clavel, and waited for more than ten seconds before getting connected.

"I am Yeci, who are you?"

Xia Chen dialed in from an unfamiliar number, and Yeci asked neatly, highlighting his efficiency.

"My name is Xia Chen. I am a Donghuang person traveling in the Padia region. I met a legendary elf in the East Padia Sea, and there will be another legendary elf coming soon. Its purpose may be

I need your help to hunt down this one with me. Legend has it that the elf is very powerful."

Xia Chen explained the situation to Ye Ci in a concise and concise manner.

After pondering for two seconds, Yeci replied in a solemn tone: "Xia Chen, I know you. Is the legendary elf you are talking about an orange-red elf like a motorcycle lizard?"

Xia Chen was not surprised and knew the information about Gu and Milton. Xianbu said that they both ran away from Area Zero. Area Zero can block ordinary people, but it can never block champions.

"Yes, Champion, I have learned about Milton's current strength from Gu Gu. According to it, Milton has surpassed the championship level. I think no one can handle this except you.


Xia Chen gave an overview of the current situation.

"I understand, I will be there right away. Do you know your specific location now?"

"We are now on the [Dian Haiyan]. There is a locator on the ship, and the ship leasing company that rented the ship to us knows the specific location."

"Understood. It takes about an hour for me to leave Niangguang City. You have to protect yourself. If the situation is really urgent... let the two of them fight at sea. You stay away."

Xia Chen was silent. After more than an hour, he arrived at Niangguang City instead of the sea. Xia Chen didn't know how long it would take for Milerton to arrive, but since Nian Nian Bao had a premonition, it probably wouldn't be too long.

Ye Ci's intention was also very clear. If she hadn't arrived... Guluton would have been left to fend for herself.

Xia Chen replied softly: "I understand."

He has done everything he can do, and there is nothing more he can do.

"By the way, you are live broadcasting with Qishu, right? If you can, don't stop the live broadcast. I need to keep paying attention at all times. Let's talk about this first, I'm leaving...Super Yanxiu, go to Niangguang City!


She hung up the phone before Xia Chen could reply.

"So...what do you think, Gullton?"

There was no evasion in the conversation between Xia Chen and Ye Ci, so Luton heard clearly, and a hint of warmth suddenly appeared in his majestic and solemn face.

[...That's enough, thank you, human, leave the rest to me.]

Xia Chen suddenly asked: "If Milton finds you, what will it do to you?"

Therefore, Leden narrowed his eyes.

[At least, it will be like how I treated it at the beginning... Even if you really try to annihilate me, you may not...]

It seems that the relationship between these two mythical beasts is as incompatible as Gu Gai...

Also, Area Zero, Paradoxical Species, Ancient Future... What kind of truth is hidden behind this information?

Xia Chen is completely unknown now.


[You should leave this place first, or ask me to leave here. In short, don’t get too close to me.]

Therefore, Luton preached.

Xia Chen shook his head, "The most important thing for you now is to recharge your batteries. With radar monitoring, there won't be a sudden attack by Milton. You won't have time to leave until it's almost here."

As he said this, he took out some more food and medicine and handed them over, so Luton didn't show any pretense and started eating immediately.

Xia Chen also called Xianbu and Gardevoir to help Gulerton heal. Right now, time is life. Before Milton arrives, every time Gulerton recovers his strength, his chances of winning will be higher.

one cent.

At this time, Mingyi and Qishu on the deck saw Senbu and Gardevoir busy, and they also realized that something was wrong.

After finding a reason to talk to the audience in the live broadcast room, they came to the cabin and found Xia Chen.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Xia Chen did not hide anything and told the two of them about the upcoming danger.

"You take a speedboat and leave this sea area first. Milton's strength exceeds the championship level. If it really uses all its strength, the scope of the impact is likely to be extremely wide. After a while, Milton will fly in another direction. Try not to

It will affect you."

Mingyi keenly noticed that Xia Chen was talking about you all the time. She frowned and asked, "What about you? Won't you come with us?"

Xia Chen explained: "I need to keep in touch with President Yeci who has come for reinforcements. When traces of Milton appear on the radar, I will come over and join you."

Ming Yi seemed to want to say something more, and Xia Chen added: "Don't worry, this is no different from when Gu Ledun came over yesterday. I won't joke with my life and Xian Bu's life."

Mingyi said angrily: "Didn't you think so too about that time in Yveltar?"

Xia Chen smiled helplessly: "You are making no sense. That time it was the great god who chased me, and I was forced to fight back. This time, Milton made it clear that he was causing trouble for Milton, and it had nothing to do with me."

This statement was reasonable and well-founded, and Mingyi was speechless for a moment.

Qishu on the side said calmly: "Instead of continuing to dwell on this matter, it is better for us to set out now. This is the best help to Xia Chen."

Xia Chen cast a grateful look at Qishu, nodded and said, "Yes, let's set off quickly. I've already asked Gardevoir to fill up the speedboat's fuel tank."

Mingyi was not the kind of person who couldn't figure out the situation clearly. She didn't struggle any more. After hugging Xia Chen forcefully, she turned around and left with Qishu.

"Miss Qishu, please help me take care of her."

Before leaving, Xia Chen requested.

Qishu didn't look back and waved back.

"I know it without you having to tell me."


Amidst the roar of the speedboat, Mingyi and Qishu left this place of right and wrong with their elves.

Only Gulludun, Xia Chen, and his elves were left on the yacht, who were recovering their strength as much as possible.

There was still no movement on the radar. Xia Chen had nothing to do, so he came to the deck and took over the mobile phone Rotom, which was still broadcasting live.

At this time, the live broadcast showed a scene of blue sea and blue sky. This scene naturally raised questions among countless viewers in the live broadcast room.

"What happened? You went to the toilet for more than ten minutes? And all the elves also went to the toilet?"

"Is there something wrong with the ingredients for lunch today?"

"Stop guessing, we're having a party during the intermission. Damn it, you're having a party without me, right?"

"Can some of the barrages be cured? This is Qishu's live broadcast room. To respect others is to respect yourself. Don't make such dirty jokes."

"Where have they gone? Is something going to happen? Can anyone come out and explain the situation?"

The comments in the live broadcast room were full of different opinions, discussing the missing anchors and elves.

At this moment, Xia Chen came into view.

He faced the cell phone Rotom with a serious expression, like a newscaster.

"Hello everyone who is still watching Qishu's live broadcast, I'm sorry to interrupt this live broadcast, because a powerful mysterious elf is about to come here."

"Qishu, Mingyi and the elves have already left here on a speedboat, but I am staying here temporarily because I need to report the progress in time to Champion Yeci who has already set off."

"So this live broadcast room is currently used to report the situation to Champion Yici. Please forgive me."

Xia Chen's speech lasted only two minutes, but it instantly caused a storm in the live broadcast room.

The powerful mysterious elf, the Padian champion Yeci... These two extremely eye-catching keywords made the already lively barrage discussion even more intense.

"Damn it, is it real or fake? Is it so exciting?"

"When you think about it, you know it's fake. The live broadcast was going well and suddenly nothing happened. How could it be such a coincidence? It's true at first glance, so I identified it as a hype dog."

"Tsk, when it comes to Master Pigeon's hype, go to Duck Encyclopedia and search [Yveltal's Awakening Incident] to see how many people were slapped in the face that time."

"You don't need to check to know that it is definitely true. The Champion of Mercy has already moved out. If it is false, you will definitely lose all credibility in the future."

"I agree, but I don't know if it will be the legendary elf this time... Master Pigeon should evacuate, let's evacuate. There is no one on the ocean who needs to be rescued. The most important thing is to protect your own safety!"


In view of Xia Chen's past, the barrage quickly reached a consensus of trust, and the news spread like wildfire, spreading on the Internet at an extremely fast speed.

More and more people are entering Qishu’s live broadcast room, but at this time, their purpose is obviously not to watch the beautiful girl’s live broadcast, but to eat the melons of the so-called mysterious elf.

Xia Chen didn't care about this. After explaining the situation, he returned to the cockpit and continued monitoring, while the cell phone Rotom followed Xia Chen's steps and floated behind him.

Of course, Gullton, who was trying his best to recover, entered the camera.

And this scene also made millions of people in the live broadcast room almost crazy.

"Holy crap! What is this elf? Why have I never seen it before?!"

"The existence of the mysterious elves is real! Wait, this doesn't seem to be the mysterious elves that Xia Chen said are coming soon. In other words, there is another elf that I haven't seen before?"

"No matter what that elf is, can anyone reveal what kind of elf it is?!"

"It looks like a motorcycle lizard, but it is much more handsome and larger than the motorcycle lizard. It is reasonable to predict that this is the evolved form of the motorcycle lizard."

"That means that the mysterious elves are not divine beasts?"

"I don't know. There has never been a legendary elf that evolved from an ordinary elf."

"No, there is an elf who is half of it. The mutant of the legendary Little Diamond, Princess Dianxi of the Diamond Country. However, there is currently no image data about her. I don't know whether it is true or not."

"Whether it's a legendary elf or not, this is undoubtedly a major discovery for the elf community, and the elf's strength should be very powerful, otherwise we wouldn't have let Champion Yeci rush over to deal with it."

"It looks like this motorcycle lizard is not in good condition. It is recovering from its injuries? So the mysterious elf that came over is its enemy and is here to hunt it down?"

"Are they old enemies? This relationship... is similar to the relationship between Kyogre and Groudon, Palkia and Dialga. The more I look at them, the more they look like legendary elves!"

"Am I the only one wondering how this guy appeared on the sea? It doesn't look like he can fly..."

"If it's a legendary elf, flying is the basic operation, right?"

"Groudon (instant answer), send sub-questions."

The barrage was frantically discussing everything about this elf that no one had ever seen before.

The appearance of Guluton was naturally posted on various social platforms by countless viewers in the form of screenshots or videos, attracting countless eyes to this live broadcast room.


This incident is obviously not as significant as the Yveltal Awakening incident last year.

In addition to the reason that the brewing time was not that long, more importantly, the situation this time was far less urgent than the last time.

Yveltal awakened in the psychedelic forest next to Yingxue City. It is very close to Yingxue City or EMI City. A little carelessness will cause great impact and harm to human society.

But this time it was different. Not only did the incident take place at sea, but it also posed no threat to humans, so naturally there was no sense of urgency.

But for the viewers watching the scene in the live broadcast room, this is not a bad thing.

At least, they don’t have to pick their toes nervously because of worry. Simply watching two mysterious elves fighting that are suspected to be mythical beasts is exciting enough!

Xia Chen at the scene was not as relaxed and content as the audience. He had some selfish motives.

Although he had only been in contact with Gulton for less than two days, he quite liked this atypical legendary elf that lacked the majesty of a mythical beast.

Xia Chen didn't want to see it being bullied by Milerton, or even..."annihilated" as it said.

But at this level above the championship level, Xia Chen couldn't do much. The only thing he could do was to help Milton recover as much as possible and pray that Milton would come back later.

His fingers subconsciously tapped the tabletop of the cockpit, and Xia Chen stared at the display panel of the ship's radar with deep thoughts.

There was still no abnormal situation like yesterday, but the more it happened, the more Xia Chen felt uneasy.

Milerton, who arrived at an unknown time, hung above his head like a sword of Damocles, leaving Xia Chen breathless.


When he was in a state of confusion, Niannianbao suddenly shouted, and Xia Chen quickly looked at the radar map as if in a hurry, but there was no change.

Then why is Niannibao called?

Niannianbao never targets without aim, and Xia Chen suddenly had some bad premonitions in his heart.

Is it possible that Milton could escape radar scanning?

This conjecture came a little late, because the sharp eyes that Guluton suddenly opened, and the solemn look on his face that he had never seen before, seemed to definitely confirm this...

Milton, here we come!


Outside the cabin.

The originally sunny and clear sky suddenly turned dark, the sky was terrifyingly dark, and the dull air seemed to herald the arrival of some powerful being that transcended the laws of nature.

The wild elves in the ocean looked at this scene anxiously, and a powerful pressure that loomed like air pressure made them subconsciously dive back into the water.

The large-billed gulls and giant electric petrels on the sea could not enter the water, so they flapped their wings and flew quickly into the distance.

Although we don’t know which great god is coming and what will happen, the survival instinct of wild elves makes them subconsciously want to escape from this place.

Not long after, a dark purple thunder suddenly flashed across the sky. What was unusual was that there was no deafening thunder after the lightning flash.

Accompanied by it is a mysterious elf with a sense of technology that looks like a lizard, more like a dragon, and is full of electric light.

Its whole body is purple, and like the Motorized Lizard and Gullerton, this elf also has a tire-like presence in front of it.

The four lavender horns on the top of the head are shaped like lightning, and the tail of the same color as the thunder behind it is like an electric whip containing terrifying energy.

The sinuous but tall figure, the god-like indifferent temperament, and the invisible pressure that it exudes to the surroundings all demonstrate the power of this elf.

Xia Chen looked at this elf standing in mid-air, like an elf from the future, with a bitter look on his face.

The worst thing really happened, Milerton appeared here without any warning.

It is no longer important whether it has some ability to block radar detection, or whether it is so fast that radar cannot detect it at all.

What's important is that it was less than half an hour since the phone call between Xia Chen and Ye Ci.

In other words, it will take at least an hour for reinforcements to arrive, and probably more than that.

It's still too arrogant... to imagine that human technology can really monitor every move of the legendary elves.

Xia Chen had no regrets in his heart, he was just reflecting with emotion.

[I still got you involved... I'm sorry, just go away and I'll stop it. Its target is me and it won't chase you.]

Therefore, Luton preached.

Xia Chen pursed his lips and replied: "Well, thank you, and take care..."

He was not being pretentious. One look at Milton's aura and he knew that this was something he and Senbu could not handle at all.

Staying here has no use other than being cannon fodder, and it is very likely that he will die from Milton's unknown AoE.

Most of the elves were in the ball, but Senbu refused to score. Xia Chen had no choice but to hold her and run towards the place where the speedboat was parked.

However, at this moment, Milton's eyes narrowed in the sky, lightning flashed, and a dark purple power grid suddenly appeared, completely blocking the entire sea area of ​​several hundred meters around the yacht.

The gap between the power grids is not small, but it is absolutely impossible for Xia Chen to get out on a speedboat.

In other words, he is trapped here!

Xia Chen looked up in shock at Milton, who looked like a god in the sky, but saw that it had never looked at him from beginning to end, and only looked at Milton with facial expressions.

Obviously, this power grid is to prevent Gullton from escaping.

But at the same time, it also forced Xia Chen into a desperate situation!

This chapter has been completed!
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