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Chapter 352: Deoxys is actually myself? Henshin! (5k)

Looking at this dragnet flashing with dark purple dangerous electric light, Xia Chen finally understood what it meant when a fire at the city gate affected the fish in the pond.

I don’t know if this move is [Electric Grid], but it is obviously a trap to trap the real dragon Gulton, but it also locked my little shrimp here.

Xia Chen could only smile bitterly and lament that fate was playing tricks on people.

First, he failed to detect Milton's arrival through radar, and then he ignored its blockade of Milton. All kinds of accidents combined, and he was already in this cage.

Drive your way out in a speedboat?

Xia Chen didn't have that much courage. This was something Milton had laid out to trap him, so it must be incredibly powerful.

The unsafe outcome of his trespassing was the "Judgment Day" ship that was cut up and disintegrated in the Guzheng Project in the Three-Body Problem.

Although the chance of survival does not seem to be higher if he stays, he should die a decent death anyway. Xia Chen doesn't want to become Xia Chen-chan.

Even though he thought so, he still had a glimmer of hope left and asked the fairy cloth next to him.

"Buah. Is there anything else you can do?"

Doraemon, who used to be resourceful in the past, is now in an almost desperate situation. She has no way to deal with this situation that she never imagined.

Xia Chen touched Xianbu's head to comfort her and remained silent.

Perhaps with the mentality of having spent a wonderful time in this world that he once dreamed of, Xia Chen was calmer than he thought when faced with a desperate situation that could almost put him into death.

He didn't call out the other elves and ask them like he asked the fairy cloth. He knew that once they came out, the elves would never go back.

And by staying in the elf ball, they might still have a glimmer of hope waiting for subsequent rescue.

The mobile phone Rotom was floating in the air to record this desperate scene. Everyone in the live broadcast room had no longer wanted to watch the excitement, and was replaced by worries about Xia Chen's situation.

But what's the use of just worrying?

Not to mention that they are thousands of miles away, even if they are outside the power grid now, it is impossible to rescue Xia Chen.

Unless you are a trainer of Sirona's level.

There is almost no solution to this situation.


Above the sea, the wind howled and black clouds gathered.

The two elves faced each other with cold eyes.

Milton, like a god, stood quietly under the dark clouds, with snake-like lightning dancing around him, adding to the oppression.

In comparison, the Gulton standing on the deck was much shabby. There was no strong wind or lightning, and the style of it seemed to be one level worse than its opponent.

But the painting style has lost, but the momentum has not.


With a roaring roar, the feathers on Guluton's head stood up, showing the monstrous anger in its heart. The two slender whip-like pheasant feathers stretched out and turned into long wings.

Therefore, Luton's waist suddenly exerted force, driving the lower body to move. The strong leg muscles were about to burst. As soon as the waist sank, its body jumped into the air like a rocket.

The weaker Gullton launched the attack first!

Seeing Gulton deliberately dragging the battlefield into the air, Xia Chen's heart trembled slightly.

He knew that Luton made this choice to protect himself.

The reason may be the guilt of dragging Xia Chen into the quagmire, or the pride in its heart.

In short, it made the choice that may have the most tragic consequences.

Judging from the destructive power displayed by Yveltar, the gap between the Heavenly King class and the legendary elves is like a chasm. The gap may or may not be greater than the gap between Xia Chen and the Heavenly King.

Although Millarton was not in his prime, he was far from being weak and limited.

It stared indifferently at the orange-red meteor that was rushing straight up. It remained motionless, but the whip-like tail under its body was flashing with restless electric light.

Therefore, Milton's flying speed is already extremely fast, but the twitching speed of Milton's "Lightning Whip" is even faster than it can be seen clearly with the naked eye.

Xia Chen, who was looking very nervous on the deck, didn't even blink, but he still didn't see Milton use his moves.

A dazzling light flashed, and the bursting electric energy was instantly released from Milton's electric tail, whipping at the red meteor flying towards him.


The sound produced when the energy exploded was like rolling thunder. Even from a height of nearly a hundred meters, Xia Chen could clearly feel the residual power of this move.

Not to mention Gullton, who was hit head-on by the lightning whip. With just one encounter, the orange-red meteor fell freely downwards in vain.

After the splashing sound of water waves, Luton had already fallen into the sea.

At this time, it was only a dozen seconds before it launched its attack, and most of the time was still spent in free fall after being hit.

This exaggerated scene was faithfully recorded by the mobile phone Rotom during the live broadcast.

Xia Chen remained silent, and there was an uproar in the live broadcast room.


"No, the strength of that purple motorcycle lizard is too exaggerated, isn't it?"

"Based on my many years of experience in watching games, the Red Motorized Lizard's strength is definitely above the Strong King level. It is definitely more than enough to be the main elf for the weaker champions. However, it was defeated by the Purple Motorized Lizard with one move. Its strength is absolutely

Far more than championship level!”

"The expressiveness of this move alone is far inferior to Sirona's Bite Land Shark and Meteor Swarm. Isn't it time for the Alliance to add another level above the championship level?"

"The current expressiveness of the ceiling is definitely that of Yveltal, but this mysterious elf is much worse."

"Why do they look so similar, but the orange-red one is so different in strength?"

"Maybe it's still injured. It was still receiving treatment from Senbu and Gardevoir in the cabin."

"Is now the time to talk about this? The two elves are not at the same level at all. What should Xia Chen do?"

"Even if you say so, we have no choice but to pray that the purple dragon will leave after killing the red dragon. Alas, why didn't Master Pigeon leave earlier?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Those who have a chance to survive are just like humans who will not deliberately step on an ant when they see it. Zilong's goal was not Xia Chen from the beginning."

"No, it rushed down! Damn it, what is it going to do?!"

Guledun, who fell into the sea, disappeared without a trace as if dead.

Milton's expression did not change because of its disappearance. It was still emotionless and indifferent, like a machine or a god.

After briefly gazing at the direction where Guledon fell, it suddenly dived towards the sea. The extremely exaggerated speed made its figure look like a bolt of lightning striking from the sky.

Without any warning, Leden's figure suddenly emerged from the sea and rushed fearlessly towards the lightning.

Its originally orange eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and the feathers on its head spread out like a folding fan. This angry look was not because it was angry because of its recent defeat.

But because it made a desperate move to use the reverse scale!

This is a move that Guluton would almost only use in desperate situations.

The dragon has reverse scales, which will cause anger if touched.

And if a dragon-type elf takes the initiative to lift its own reverse scale, it will attack any enemy in front of it irrationally, without any defense, and there will be no way out.


With his eyes so red that they were almost blood-colored, Gullton rushed upward from bottom to top, but Milton stopped his diving body and turned to activate the energy in his body.

Almost in an instant, dozens of stars suddenly lit up in the dark sky, as if the night had really fallen.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that the purple-red stars twinkling in the sky are cutting across the sky at an extremely fast speed and resolutely smashing towards Gullton's position on the sea.


This is a group of "meteors" in the true sense that is comparable to a natural disaster!



Guluton, who was fighting to the death, collided head-on with the swarm of meteors that looked like falling meteorites, and once again collapsed without any suspense.

No matter how much courage you have and how high your momentum is, it is still of no use in the face of the absolute disparity in strength.

The meteor swarm detonated, and the explosion sound was no weaker than the lightning whip. It resounded across the sky. Explosions as gorgeous as fireworks, but as terrifying as cannonballs exploded in the low sky above the sea level.

The residual power of the move formed bursts of violent energy shock waves that rippled through the air, and the first thing to be affected was the surrounding sea.

A wave that was tens of feet high was set off by the energy wave, and in an instant, it swept through the sea area closed by the power grid.

The nearly thirty-meter-long luxury yacht seemed so helpless in the face of such a disaster. Under the waves, the ship was pushed gradually towards the boundary of the power grid.

And Xia Chen, who was as small as an ant on the ship, could only watch all this happening helplessly, without any way to stop it.

He sat in the corner of the deck and hugged Xianbu tightly, feeling extremely calm in his heart.

At Xia Chen's age, he had never considered what he would be thinking before he died. Was it the reluctance and tragedy of dying before leaving the army? Or was it the instinctive fear and despair inherent in biological genes?

He didn't think about it.

But when death is about to come, all he has in his heart is peace. If it were more, he might have a little selfish and shameful thoughts.

Fortunately, I have Senbu by my side.

"It's nice to meet you, Senbu."

Xia Chen murmured softly.

"Bu Yi. (What are you talking about, idiot. Wait a minute, I almost forgot about it!)"

The response from Senbu in his arms was a bit strange, suddenly changing from soft to high-pitched.

She suddenly jumped out of Xia Chen's arms and shook the bag that had been hanging on her body.

"Bu Yi! (Deoxys, we are in danger, please give me strength!)"

Xia Chen also realized what Xianbu meant at this time. Yes, there is also Deoxys's energy core!


Since traveling, Deoxys has been hiding in a small bag every day because he has to interact with strangers almost every day. Xia Chen and Xianbu suspected that it had almost fallen into a state of hibernation.

The low sense of presence also made them forget for a moment that they still had the energy core of a legendary elf in their hands.

Recalling the last Yveltal incident, Senbu relied on the power of the Horn of Xerneas to fight Yveltal for ten minutes and managed to survive Xerneas' rescue.

Although Deoxys' strength is most likely not as strong as Xerneas, don't forget that this is its energy core!

A single horn of Xerneas can hold up Senbu for ten minutes, but there is no reason why Deoxys's energy core can't deal with this Miladon who is not in his prime!

Hope rekindled in Xia Chen's heart, and he looked with burning eyes at Deoxys, who had just been awakened by Senbu and seemed to be still in a state of confusion.

"Deoxys, can you help us? We have encountered a very powerful enemy and need to borrow your power!"


The energy crystal suddenly flashed an extremely strong green light, which looked much richer than a month ago. After a long period of recuperation, its condition seemed to have recovered a lot.

Judging from the light frequency fluctuations, this was a sign of happy agreement, and Xia Chen was even more hopeful.

Behind him, the ship was getting closer and closer to the terrifying power grid. He hurriedly shouted: "Quick, no matter what means we use, we need to stop this ship!"

Deoxys's energy is all concentrated in this core, and theoretically the possibility of being borrowed is greater than that of antlers.


Deoxys didn't talk nonsense, and immediately emitted a strong light containing rich energy fluctuations, floating towards Xia Chen.

Hey, wait, why is it me?

Xia Chen looked at the energy core flying towards him in surprise, and hurriedly shouted: "Deoxys, you are mistaken. It is Xianbu who needs your power, not me, I am not an elf!"

Senbu also shouted behind it, trying to make Deoxys change his mind.

However, the energy crystal remained unmoved, did not change its flight direction, and still flew firmly towards Xia Chen's chest.

When it blended perfectly and perfectly with the majestic super energy that poured into his body, Xia Chen vaguely guessed what Deoxys was thinking.

Could it be because his superpower is purer than Senbu's?


The guess could not be verified, so Xia Chen found that his chest was covered with a strange adhesive substance.

Xia Chen looked down and saw an orange-red semi-solid and semi-liquid fluid covering his chest.

The fluid soon took the energy crystal as the core and continued to spread to all parts of Xia Chen's body. The torso, limbs, face, and even Xia Chen's whole body were tightly wrapped by the fluid.

The fluid solidified instantly, and Xia Chen tried to wave the orange-red and blue-green arms, which was unexpectedly smooth.

The energy fluid given by Deoxys adhered tightly to Xia Chen's body like skin, as if it had truly become an inherent part of his body.

Of course, it was not only Deoxys' appearance that had changed, but also the energy inside that was so majestic that his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

If Xia Chen's original superpower was a small spoonful of water, then at this moment, the energy in his body is like the ocean he is in, almost infinite.

The power grid in front of him that originally frightened him was now like a toy. With a thought, Xia Chen tore open the dark purple power grid without even moving his body.

There were no moves, Xia Chen didn't know how to do this, and all he used was the infusion of terrifying superpower energy.

All martial arts in the world are invincible, except speed.

When your strength reaches a certain level, you can defeat ten levels with one force.

Is this the power I have now?

Xia Chen looked at the unrestricted front and felt refreshed.

The power grid was violently torn apart, but the ship was safe and sound. The crisis was finally resolved, and the years should have been peaceful.

But Xia Chen turned around and looked towards Milton, who was looking at him indifferently in the sky.

This is not over yet.


Because the mobile phone Rotom had been filming the two dragons fighting in the sky, it did not notice the unusual movement of the ship behind it. When it turned the camera back, the yacht had already rushed towards the power grid with the waves.

Seeing his trainer being swept away, Rotom didn't care about Milerton and Gullerton, and hurriedly chased after him.

But it's just a tool wizard attached to a mobile phone. It has no strength at all. How can it catch up with the speed of the waves?

Rotom could only watch the yacht getting farther and farther away from him, and this also meant that Xia Chen's chance of survival was getting smaller and smaller.

The audience in the live broadcast room following Rotom's perspective also fell into extreme pessimism.

No one thought Xia Chen could survive this catastrophe.

But at this moment, a bright green light like an aurora bloomed from the ship, piercing the sky shrouded in black clouds.

No one knew what happened, but after a burst of sound, the dark purple power grid that stretched between the sky and the sea was shattered.

The ship was not cut off by the power grid, which means that Xia Chen survived?!

Before the audience had time to feel happy for Xia Chen, under the dissipating aurora, a humanoid elf with an orange-red body rose into the sky and flew towards Milerton's position.

But that’s not the key. The key is that this is another elf that no one has ever heard of!

Judging from its peculiar appearance and speed that is not inferior to Milton's previous display, there is a high probability that this is also a legendary elf!

What's going on today, the legendary elves fighting?

Counting Milerton and Gullerton who were in bad condition, three legendary elves actually appeared in just half an hour!

Such an exciting scene made everyone in the live broadcast room excited.

In addition, Xia Chen at the rear was safe and sound, so they could enjoy this unparalleled battle that was destined to be passed down through the ages without any worries or worries.

Rotom couldn't help but stop returning to the yacht and flew to the place where the two elves met.

The camera slowly advances, and under the sky still covered by black clouds, there are violent winds, rain, and rough waves on the sea.

In the majestic and majestic background, an orange-red figure wrapped in green light soared into the sky, and its trajectory was really like an aurora at such a fast speed.

And at its target position, Milton's extremely indifferent eyes from beginning to end finally changed slightly.

No one noticed this tiny detail, except Xia Chen.

He sneered slightly in his heart.

You almost killed me and Senbu just now, right?

Millarton, I’m so hot!

Recommended book, super beast master, original beast master with modern background

"Lin Heng, are you really not a god-level beast master?"


"Then how come you, a sword-tailed ferret, can produce five attribute effects with one tearing claw and directly tear the void apart?"

"This is its own effort and has nothing to do with me!"

"... Then this silkworm baby melted a planet with a fireball. Is this also its own efforts?"

"Yes, it all depends on their own efforts and has nothing to do with me."

After saying that, Lin Heng turned and left. Behind him, the shadow of the beast flashed, and there was the Planet Devourer wandering in the void.

There is the dragon of eternal flame that creates countless immortal suns,

There are also fate makers who control destiny and luck,

There is also an immortal abyss skeleton that is passive and controls the source of cause and effect and curse.

He said that he was really not a god-level beast master, but an ordinary super beast master with a life-seed talent. Beast masters relied on their own efforts.

This chapter has been completed!
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