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Chapter 1019 Far ahead

The next day, when everyone went to work, the topic of chatting became "outsiders" because everyone checked out a lot of information when they went back that day and had a certain understanding of the disease and surgery, so they were able to talk to each other.

This kind of learning atmosphere is exactly what Yang Ping wants. Everyone can always maintain a strong curiosity and desire for new knowledge.

Yang Ping contacted Professor He from Nandu Medical University and learned that their virtual reality operating room has taken the first step. They used digital people to build a model of cardiac surgery. Although the virtual surgery model is still being improved, it can still be put into use at present.

Use, just find and solve problems during use, and help the model to be improved.

Hearing this news, Yang Ping was undoubtedly very happy. Although it was just a step for the time being, it was one step closer to his goal of moving his system space laboratory into reality.

In order to let everyone get in touch with the operating room built based on virtual reality technology as soon as possible, Yang Ping decided to take the doctors from the department to Nandu Medical University to have a look and use this outsider case as a test. Build a virtual body for everyone to practice.

There was no time for surgery during the day. After get off work in the afternoon, Yang Ping took everyone to the Digital Medicine Laboratory of Nandu Medical University. This laboratory has expanded many times compared to its original size, thanks to Yang Ping's strong funding for it. support.

President Rao of Nandu Medical University had just resigned. Yang Ping felt it was a pity. President Rao was definitely a good principal both in terms of character and academics. Unfortunately, he was implicated in the Guan Ruyan incident and had to resign to apologize.

The virtual reality operating room is very spacious and filled with a variety of world-class equipment. Building a case model requires cooperation between doctors and laboratory researchers, and both parties must understand each other's technical points.

Professor He personally explained the relevant knowledge of VR operating room: "The key to VR operating room is to build a highly realistic VR surgical simulation system. Although our VR model was created relatively late, it is definitely the most advanced in the world because VR operating room

The core thing is actually digital human technology, and our digital human is the most advanced in the world."

"It is not enough to have a universal basic model. It is also necessary to build a specific personalized model. This requires the use of high-resolution 3D modeling technology. For example, in the case of outsiders you sent, the patient's heart and sternum need to be accurately reconstructed.

, structures such as the diaphragm, and at the same time, the application of the physics engine makes the behavior of objects in the virtual environment highly consistent with the behavior of objects in the real world, including the operational feel of surgical instruments, elastic feedback of tissues, synchronization with virtual digital humans, etc.”

"Before the simulated surgery begins, the doctor needs to input the patient's CT or MRI data. These data will be used to build a specific personalized virtual model of the patient. Through data processing and three-dimensional reconstruction, the system can generate a highly accurate patient virtual body.

Including all key structures such as the heart, blood vessels, sternum and diaphragm."

Professor Mannstein has packaged and sent these data to Yang Ping, and Yang Ping has sent it to Professor He, who are actively building models.

"After the virtual body is established, the doctor also needs to set surgical goals and simulation parameters, such as surgical path, instrument selection, expected complications, etc. The system will dynamically adjust the simulation environment based on these parameters to ensure the authenticity and pertinence of the simulated surgery.

Therefore, we must maintain close interaction and work together to build a qualified model."

"Simulation surgery starts with the selection of the surgical approach!"

Professor He has information on the next work, but he is not a doctor, so it is definitely not professional, so he can only leave it to the doctors to explain, which will allow the researcher to further understand the process of the operation.

Song Zimo shouldered the task of explaining the surgical process without hesitation. He picked up the information in his hand: "Outsiders are commonly known as outsiders, and their scientific name is Cantrell's Pentagram. Surgery usually requires combined thoracoabdominal incisions to fully expose the heart and surrounding structures."


Professor He immediately added knowledge about VR: “In the VR environment, doctors can intuitively see the field of view at different incision positions and choose the best surgical approach. Through the glove controller, doctors can simulate cutting skin and subcutaneous tissue.

and muscle layer, until the substernal cleft and diaphragm defect are exposed. After the model is established, everyone can try it. It is very realistic. I am not bragging."

"This is a glove controller!" In order to match Professor He's words, a researcher held up a pair of glove controllers for everyone to see.

Song Zimo continued: "Next, doctors need to simulate repairing the substernal cleft and diaphragm defect."

Professor He took over in time, and the two explained alternately, and the cooperation was smooth: "In the VR environment, the doctor can use virtual sutures and needle holders to suture according to the predetermined surgical plan. The system will follow the doctor's operation.

Real-time feedback on the tightness of the suturing and the tension of the tissue. If the suturing is improper, the system will also issue a warning to prompt the doctor to make adjustments."

"Patients with Cantrell's pentad are often accompanied by a variety of cardiac malformations, such as double ventricular outlet, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, etc."

"In the VR simulation, doctors can deal with these malformations one by one. For example, for ventricular double outlets, doctors can use virtual scissors and pliers to simulate removing part of the infundibular septum and use sutures or patches to repair it. The system will perform the repair according to the doctor's instructions.

Operation, real-time display of cardiac structural changes and hemodynamic effects."

"After repairing the heart malformation, the doctor needs to put the ectopic heart into the chest and fix it."

"In a VR environment, doctors can simulate the process of moving the heart while observing the response of surrounding tissues. Our digital human model can model almost all current physiological processes. By adjusting the position and angle of the heart, doctors can ensure that the heart can

Position it stably in the chest while avoiding compression on surrounding blood vessels and nerves. Finally, the doctor needs to use a virtual sternal plate or sutures to fix the sternum and ribs together to complete the reconstruction of the thorax."

"Patients with Cantrell's pentad are often accompanied by midline abdominal wall defects and umbilical hernias."

"In VR simulation, doctors can simulate repairing these defects. First, the doctor needs to remove the hernia sac and excess abdominal wall tissue; then, use virtual sutures or patches to reconstruct the abdominal wall. The system will display the abdominal wall in real time based on the doctor's operations

The repair effect of the defect and the tension of the abdominal wall.”

"The system provides real-time feedback and evaluation throughout the simulated surgery."

"So the modeling of surgery is a great test of the doctor's understanding of the surgery. Otherwise, it is impossible to accurately simulate the actual surgical process, especially the accidents and complications that may occur during the surgery. The more careful and detailed the consideration, the greater the simulation value of the surgery."

"For example, when a doctor is simulating suturing, the system will display the tightness of the suture and the tension of the tissue in real time; when the doctor is dealing with a cardiac malformation, the system will display the changes in the heart structure and the impact of hemodynamics in real time. These feedbacks

and evaluation help doctors promptly discover and correct errors in operations and improve surgical skills."

Director He and Song Zimo, one is responsible for explaining the real surgical process, and the other is responsible for explaining how the corresponding VR operating room reproduces the surgical process.

Director He said confidently: "Once our system is fully completed, I tell you, the training period for surgeons will be shortened to one-tenth of the original time. The achievements that originally took ten years will now be enough. VR surgery simulation

The system also supports personalized training and data analysis functions. Doctors can choose simulated surgeries of different difficulties for practice based on their own experience and skill levels. The system will automatically adjust the difficulty and complexity of simulated surgeries based on the doctor's operating performance to ensure training

To maximize the effect. When the time comes, everyone will practice surgery and play games. The technical content of this game is much higher than that of your king."

Professor He, who is usually serious, is now both the king and the chicken, and the doctors and researchers in the entire laboratory are laughing.

"I'm not bragging. Our system is far ahead. While simulating surgery, the system will also collect and analyze the doctor's operating data during the simulated surgery, such as operation time, suture quality, number of instrument uses, etc. These data can be used for

Assess the skill level of doctors and develop personalized training plans for them. In addition, these data can also be used to train artificial intelligence algorithms to provide doctors with real-time assistance and decision support during complex surgeries. Isn’t artificial intelligence popular now?

Let me tell you a top-secret news. Don’t go out to promote it. Just know it yourself. We are currently studying artificial intelligence digital medicine.”

"We are far ahead in this aspect." Professor He beamed.

Why Yang Ping is so determined to pursue the establishment of a VR operating room is because he knows that by practicing surgery in the system space laboratory, the speed of progress will increase exponentially, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

To reproduce the operating room of the system space in reality, VR technology can only be used. VR technology has significant advantages in simulating surgery. First, it provides a safe and risk-free practice environment, allowing doctors to practice without harming patients.

Multiple surgical exercises are performed under different circumstances; secondly, it improves the accuracy and success rate of surgery, and helps doctors promptly discover and correct errors in operations through real-time feedback and evaluation functions; finally, it promotes personalized training and data-driven

The development of medical education.

However, VR surgical simulation is not completely without shortcomings. The degree of fidelity of the simulation environment is still limited and it cannot completely replicate all the details and changes in real surgery. The equipment cost is high and the operation is complex, which limits its popularization and application in primary medical institutions.

Data security and privacy protection issues also require sufficient attention.

Yang Ping believes that with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of application fields, VR surgical simulation technology will play an increasingly important role in the medical field. In the future, we can use higher-resolution VR equipment to perform more complex surgeries.

Simulation software and intelligent virtual systems. The development of these technologies will further improve the authenticity and interactivity of VR surgical simulation and provide doctors with a more realistic and efficient practice environment.

“Let me tell you, VR surgical simulation technology can be combined with other advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning in the future. For example, by collecting and analyzing operational data in simulated surgeries, a more intelligent assisted decision-making system can be trained; through

Combined with 3D printing technology, more precise surgical guides and implants can be customized. These combined applications will further promote the development and innovation of medical surgical technology. We are currently researching these and are far ahead!"

Finally, Director He said: "Let's get familiar with the helmet and gloves. Although our model has not been built yet, even half of the model is already far ahead of our peers. You can try it in advance and experience it later. In the system,

You will wear a VR helmet and glove-type controller to achieve real-time interaction with the virtual environment through head tracking and gesture recognition technology. The helmet provides an immersive three-dimensional visual experience, making you feel as if you are in a real operating room; glove-type control

The device can accurately capture hand movements and achieve precise operation of surgical instruments."

"I can guarantee that our technology is far ahead!" Director He said excitedly.

The doctoral student next to him felt that his supervisor was a little too excited today and used certain words too frequently, so he gently touched his supervisor with his elbow and reminded him in a low voice: "Low-key, there is no need to always say you are far ahead."

Although this is true, Chinese people like to be humble and low-key, and do not like this kind of confident and high-profile appearance.

"Oh! In fact, we are just a little bit ahead, a little bit." Director He explained, putting on a humble look.

This chapter has been completed!
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