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Chapter 726 Sacred A4 Paper

 After being hit by many dagger-like eyes, August took a few steps back knowingly.

He didn't mean to compete with these young and energetic guys for jobs, he just wanted to join in the fun and get some material to post on WeChat Moments.

Studying in China and being able to earn money part-time is something worth showing off.

Unfortunately, the age limit is 18 to 35 years old.

"Professor Yang is looking for you." Song Zimo waved to August.

The German trotted over immediately, and Song Zimo said: "Professor, please have tea."

Being invited to tea by Professor Yang is the highest honor. If you are not one of the professor's "ones", you have no right to go to the office to drink tea.

August adjusted his white coat and puffed up his chest, finally waiting for this day.

Because he got Maninstein, Professor Yang's paper submitted to the journal "Science" was reviewed in advance by Maninstein, and with Maninstein's strong recommendation, the article was qualified for early publication.

"Professor!" August was a little excited. He pushed the door open and squeezed into the director's office through the crack in the door.

"Sit!" Yang Ping poured a cup of tea and pushed it in front of him.

August was a little nervous, and without thinking, he drank the cup of tea in one gulp, feeling a sting in his throat.

Boil the water!

"Are you okay?" Yang Ping's heart skipped a beat, as if there was a sharp pain in his throat.

Yang Ping didn't expect August to move so quickly, and there was no time to remind him. Fortunately, the mucosa in the mouth and pharynx has strong self-repair ability, so he should be fine in a few days.

After a moment, August regained his breath: "Good tea!"

"Slow down, drink like this!" Yang Ping demonstrated the movements of drinking tea. You should drink tea slowly, in small sips.

"I remember it." August took out his notebook and took notes.

"No need to take notes." Yang Ping waved his hand.

August was very persistent: "No, it must be done."

Because August believes that any knowledge Yang Ping imparts may be related to medical skills, such as the chopsticks taught before to peel lobsters. After mastering it, many surgical operations will become much easier for August.

"I received an email from Professor Mannstein, and my paper was published in advance." Yang Ping understood that August had the greatest credit for this matter.

August was elated: "I asked him to stay up late to read your paper, and later - later - it was approved for publication."

August knew Maninstein's temper well, and it was useless to beg him, but the provocation method was very effective.

So August did not go to Maninstein head-on, which would be useless. He just found a few friends from Charité Hospital and asked them to read Yang Ping's paper, and then everyone complained in front of Maninstein -

—I can’t understand this paper, and it is suggested that this paper has been submitted to the journal Science. Several professors said that even the review editor of the journal Science still can’t understand the paper, so they are not satisfied with the publication of this paper.

Don't hold out any hope.

Sure enough, Maninstein took the bait, and the entire Charité Medical College couldn't understand a Chinese young man's thesis. He had to personally take action and take the time to read this magical paper.

Sure enough, the method of stimulating generals worked. This weird guy was greatly surprised after reading Yang Ping's article in advance.

Finally, I said to the professors who complained: "Your ideas have fallen behind, and of course you can't understand this paper."

It is a crazy idea to apply Ilizarov technology to scoliosis correction, but this Chinese guy did it.

"Thank you!" Yang Ping expressed his gratitude.

August stood up immediately and patted his chest in a very Chinese manner: "Germany is my territory. As long as I am needed wherever I am, just say so."

"Sit down and talk!" Yang Ping gestured.

August sat down and sat upright.

"I came to you because I want to cooperate with you on a scientific research project." Yang Ping pulled out a piece of A4 paper.


August's eyes were shining, and the A4 paper was covered with pencil drawings and text. This was Professor Yang's signature way of launching new ideas.

No matter who it is, if he can receive this kind of A4 paper, it means that he has been recognized by Professor Yang, and Professor Yang will give him something real.

August heard Robert say: This is a sign of getting the true inheritance.

"I plan to upgrade the scoliosis correction technology from version 2.0 to version 3.0. The new version is suitable for minors." Yang Ping said slowly.

"New method?"

August's main goal when he came to China was to learn Yang Ping's spinal surgery techniques. Now he is excited to hear that scoliosis correction technology will be upgraded again.

Yang Ping's scoliosis correction technology is currently divided into two versions. The original version 1.0 is Yang's osteotomy and correction. This version is still the traditional osteotomy and correction technology, but the surgical method of osteotomy and correction is optimized.


The 2.0 version of the technology is the treatment of scoliosis with spinal external fixators. This has been innovative in concept, and Ilizarov's distraction osteogenesis technology was creatively applied to spinal correction and achieved great success.

What kind of wonderful technology is the current version 3.0 technology? August really can’t remember it.

"We allow the curved spine to automatically correct itself during growth and development. You should know what I'm talking about?" Yang Ping guides step by step.

August touched his hair and said uncertainly: "Hemi-epiphyseal block?"

Impossible, this technology has been widely used in the correction of children’s limb deformities, such as O-shaped legs and X-shaped legs.

However, in terms of spinal correction, it can only be applied to simple scoliosis deformities, and slightly complex scoliosis cannot be corrected.

As a master of spinal surgery, August certainly knows this technology, and he is studying it.

The principle of this technology is to block the growth of the convex side of the spine, so that the concave side can continue to grow, and slowly, the curved spine becomes straight.

However, this technology can currently only be used for simple left and right side bends, and if the age is less than 5 years old, the side bending angle cannot be too large.

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"Yes, this is the method, but we should improve this technology and use epiphyseal block and stimulation technology to achieve three-dimensional control of bone growth and development. We can use this control technology to perform three-dimensional correction of the spine during development." Yang

Ping took the spine model from the desk and placed it in front of August.

"If we crack the key points of spinal growth and then insert some special implants at these points to stimulate or block growth, the goal can be achieved."

"This requires a lot of experiments to obtain data."

August was a little frustrated. Obtaining this kind of data was not easy. It would take several generations and a lot of experiments to achieve success.

"Through reasoning and calculation, I seem to have mastered some key data." Yang Ping said easily.

"Do you have any new tips?"

August raised his spirits and couldn't wait, because the plan Professor Yang gave every time was always very mature.

"I have recently studied a lot of books and papers on the basic theories of growth and development, and conducted systematic research on the development of the spine. Through calculations, I have obtained some data on blocking points, blocking time, and blocking methods. These require continuous experimentation and practice.

Verification, I don’t have time to conduct these experiments, you and Song Zimo, Xu Zhiliang should go and study it."

Finally, finally, August got the chance. He fiddled with the spinal model with trembling hands and was extremely excited.

"Go and talk to Song Zimo. You are an expert in spine and most suitable for this project." Yang Ping handed the A4 paper to August.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

August's voice was hoarse, his hands were trembling a little, and he had forgotten that his throat had just been baptized with boiling water.

With the spine model in front of him, August imagined in his mind that with the help of epiphyseal block or stimulation technology, the spine would grow and develop towards the predetermined goal, and finally be corrected naturally.

"I need to concentrate on the project of stem cell cultivation of organs. I don't have time to study these small topics, so I can only let you do it for me." Yang Ping told August.

Indeed, if you want to copy all the technologies obtained in the system laboratory by yourself, it will take a lot of time.

Outsourcing is the best method, and of course the outsourced objects must be qualified.

"Professor, don't worry if you leave this matter to me. We can sign a contract. The main contribution must be yours. I am just conducting research under your guidance." August offered.

Yang Ping nodded: "Invite Xiehe too, and the three-party cooperation will be better."

"All actions follow the command." August was respectful.

What Yang Ping sees as a "small project" is a lifelong pursuit for August.

As long as a doctor makes a breakthrough in some aspect in his life, he will be extremely honored, even if he is just a member of the team that made the breakthrough.

For example, you and Newton studied mechanics together; another example, if you and Tesla studied alternating current together.

When walking out of the office, August pinched himself hard and then grabbed the sacred A4 paper.

In the office, everyone is still noisy. Volunteers who actively signed up for the experiment filled out the registration form and started preparing for the physical examination.

The red phone in the office rang.

This red phone is the dedicated line for the trauma emergency center, and its unique piercing ringtone has already made everyone’s hair stand on end.

"What's going on?" Everyone's eyes were focused on the past.


The person who answered the phone was Zhang Lin.

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