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Volume 1 Text_Chapter 2354

Lu Xuan just told Abbot Kuxin about this matter today, but he didn't expect Abbot Kuxin to tell Zuo Xuzi and Master Sanjie so quickly.&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan was a little surprised, but he also knew what Abbot Huxin had in mind.&1t;/p>

Abbot Wuxin wanted to let Master Sanjie and Zuo Xuzi know his fault, and then help Lu Xuan eradicate Fumen.&1t;/p>

This time the Shaolin Temple is also angry!&1t;/p>

"Then you sacrificed your lives for this impostor, do you regret it?" Lu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.&1t;/p>

Zuo Xuzi, a Taoist with one eyebrow, shook his head and said: "Regrets are out of the question. Even if he is not really the master of Ku Zhi, he is still kind to us."&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan ate a mouthful of mutton skewers and said while chewing: "I really want to know how this fake Master Kuzhi is so kind to you?"&1t;/p>

To Lu Xuan, Master Kuzhi is a fake, but to Master Sanjie and Taoist Yimei, he is a benefactor, just like the real Master Kuzhi.&1t;/p>

This made Lu Xuan really feel a little unhappy...&1t;/p>

However, for peerless masters like Master Sanjie and Taoist Yimei, right and wrong sometimes really don’t matter.&1t;/p>

Master Sanjie said: "The fake Master Kuzhi once saved my mother's life. My mother suddenly suffered from an emergency. No doctor could cure it. He couldn't even detect the disease, but he saved her life."

, so I owe him a big favor."&1t;/p>

The Yimei Taoist Zuo Xuzi then said: "He saved my brother. My brother suffered from esophageal cancer and underwent chemotherapy every day. He couldn't eat or drink water. He lived a life worse than death. And Master Sanjie

He was cured of his disease."&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan was stunned when he heard what Master Sanjie and Taoist Yimei said.&1t;/p>

Although poor people know medical skills, their lack of skills and eighteen needles can only harm people, but it is impossible to save them. How can they even cure a disease like esophageal cancer?&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan frowned and fell into deep thought.&1t;/p>

Master Sanjie asked curiously: "Lu Xuan, what are you thinking about?"&1t;/p>

When he heard Master Sanjie's question, Lu Xuan's eyes suddenly flashed and he asked: "Master Sanjie, after your mother was cured by the fake Master Kuzhi, did she die of illness in less than a year?"


"How do you know!"&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan sneered and said: "And your mother died without warning!"&1t;/p>


Master Sanjie was shocked. He murmured: "Yes, my mother was still in good health, but suddenly she passed away overnight."&1t;/p>

"If your guess is correct, your mother is not sick at all, but was assassinated by the fake Master Kuzhi, and then he came to save people. He was just a member of the Bumen family. How could he know how to save people? He used the acupuncture skills of the Bumen family.

, stimulate the vitality of the human body, but this method is to return the light in a short time, use up the remaining vitality, and die faster..."&1t;/p>

Upon hearing Lu Xuan's words, Master Sanjie's body trembled suddenly.&1t;/p>

How can a poor person know how to save people!&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan looked at Taoist Zuo Xuzi with an eyebrow, and said unhurriedly: "Taoist Master Zuo Xuzi, I think your brother's situation is similar to Master Sanjie's mother. He recovered in a short time, and then the fake Master Kuzhi left for a while.

Time is about to die. Medical skills are so advanced nowadays. If the fake master Kuzhi doesn't take action, it may be possible that your brother will not die."&1t;/p>


Zuo Xuzi also fell silent. His fists were clenching and his eyes showed strong murderous intent.&1t;/p>

This matter is very simple. The masters of Xue Men cannot cure diseases and save people, they can only harm people.&1t;/p>

Master Sanjie and Taoist Zuo Xuzi, however, think the world is too beautiful and things are too simple.&1t;/p>

After Lu Xuan's distraction, they suddenly realized it, and their hearts burned with anger!&1t;/p>

They actually regard their enemies as benefactors!&1t;/p>

And this fake Master Kuzhi actually used such despicable means in order to get Master Sanjie and Taoist Zuo Xuzi to work for him.&1t;/p>

This undoubtedly completely angered Master Sanjie and Taoist Zuo Xuzi.&1t;/p>

The overwhelming anger of the two powerful men on the God List is really unbearable for ordinary people!&1t;/p>

"Damn it, I'm going to crush the Fumemen and make them pay with their blood," Zuo Xuzi, a Taoist with one eyebrow, roared angrily, and his pupils were bloodshot.&1t;/p>

Master Sanjie's face became a little ferocious, his hands were trembling, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Mother, my son is unfilial and fell into someone else's plot. But don't worry, I will definitely avenge you!"&1t;/p>

If the two of them weren't such peerless beings, Xiumen wouldn't have set his sights on them.&1t;/p>

However, it is simply impossible for two powerful men on the God List to completely obey one person, or to obey the orders of Xuemen, so the master of Xuemen made the two of them owe Xuemen a big favor.&1t;/p


The leader of the Fu Clan took advantage of this great favor to let the Yimei Taoist Zuo Xuzi and Master Sanjie promote the marriage between the Zhu family and the Song family, becoming the most important chess pieces in framing the Luxuan chess game.&1t;/p>

But what I didn't expect was that Lu Xuan escaped from death and came into contact with the conspiracy of the fake Master Kuzhi.&1t;/p>

In this way, Fumen really lost his wife and troops this time, and had to face the wrath of two powerful men on the God List!&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan gnawed off another chicken wing and asked Yimei Taoist Zuo Xuzi: "Taoist Zuo Xuzi, didn't you face the wall in Wudang Mountain?"&1t;/p>

Zuo Xuzi, a Taoist with one eyebrow, smiled bitterly and said: "I'm really ashamed to say that, the master asked me to go down the mountain to make amends for my sins and help you."&1t;/p>

Master Sanjie put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, my master said so too."&1t;/p>

Although Master Sanjie is not a disciple of Shaolin Temple, in his heart, Abbot Huxin will always be his master.&1t;/p>

"Lu Xuan, I'm so sorry. We were deceived and almost didn't make a big mistake," Yimei Taoist Zuo Xuzi and Master Sanjie lowered their heads in shame and said in shame.&1t;/p>

This is indeed the case. If Lu Xuan cannot defeat them, he may have died in their hands.&1t;/p>

They forced Lu Xuan to release his inner demons, and he almost fell into the devil's path forever...&1t;/p>

"Forget it, now that you already know the cause and effect, I'm too lazy to share the knowledge with you. I just hope you can be smarter in the future," Lu Xuan waved his hand.&1t;/p>


Lu Xuan's words almost choked Yimei Taoist Zuo Xuzi and Master Sanjie to death.&1t;/p>

General knowledge?&1t;/p>

Have some brains?&1t;/p>

This is really a slap in the face. In the world, only Lu Xuan dares to reprimand them like this. Even the abbot of Shaolin Temple and the leader of Wudang Sect will not insult their IQ like this.&1t;/p>

But the two of them knew that they were in the wrong, but they couldn't do anything. They could only smile and apologize, especially because they were also beaten by Lu Xuan alone!&1t;/p>

This chapter has been completed!
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