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Text Volume 1 Text_Chapter 2892 Basement

With a crash, another Sang Kun's man bent down, opened the secret door, and then saw the stairs leading to the underground. Obviously, there was a basement below.&1t;/p>

"Lu Xuan, everything you want is down there, let's go down together," Sang Kun said with a smile.&1t;/p>


Lu Xuan nodded, and immediately Sang Kun took the lead to walk down the stairs, and Lu Xuan followed Sang Kun. Chen Wu, Kong Jian and Gao Feng also followed closely down the stairs.&1t;/p>

After going down the stairs, the basement was pitch dark, and he couldn't see his fingers. Sang Kun fumbled on the wall to turn on the light, and then turned on the light switch.&1t;/p>

There was a click, and when the lights came on, Lu Xuan, Chen Wu, Kong Jian and Gao Feng saw the scene in front of them. They couldn't help but open their mouths slightly with shock on their faces.&1t;/p


They thought the basement would be small, but they didn't expect it to be so big, covering thirty or forty square meters. What surprised them even more was that the walls were covered with all kinds of weapons, such as submachine guns, semi-automatic rifles, and pistols.

The surrounding tables are filled with grenades, rocket launchers and other extremely lethal weapons.&1t;/p>

"Oh my God!"&1t;/p>

Chen Wu couldn't help but screamed, his eyes almost blinded by the metallic luster of the weapon.&1t;/p>

Even Lu Xuan's heart couldn't help but beat.&1t;/p>

As expected, he was once the number one arms dealer in Xinjiang Triangle. Even if he no longer works in this business, he still has so much inventory, which is really powerful.&1t;/p>

"Damn, there are so many ak47s!"&1t;/p>

"Guess what I saw, a desert eagle!"&1t;/p>

"There is also the Taier Scout universal sniper rifle made in the United States!"&1t;/p>

"Fuck, there are also Mitsubishi Army Spurs produced in China!"&1t;/p>


Chen Wu, Kong Jian and Gao Feng looked like people from rural areas entering the city, with expressions of wonder and excitement on their faces.&1t;/p>

You can't blame them. The arsenal in the basement contains a wide variety of weapons, as well as many of the world's best equipment. It's really amazing.&1t;/p>

"You can pick whatever you want and take whatever you want," he couldn't help but smile triumphantly as he looked at the shocked expressions of the Chinese special forces soldiers.&1t;/p>

The equipment in the arsenal are definitely fine weapons left by Sang Kun. They are his heart and soul. Under normal circumstances, he will never take them out.&1t;/p>

However, because he knew that if he could do Lu Xuan such a favor, Lu Xuan would definitely owe him a huge favor. The Wolf King's favor was absolutely priceless!&1t;/p>

But Sang Kun is not stupid. Even if he lets Lu Xuan and the others take whatever they want, Lu Xuan cannot take them all. At most, they can only take a small part.&1t;/p>

After all, this is a fierce and fierce battle, and it is still going to Kunshi's lair. Without a stronghold, the more things you carry with you, the more it will become a burden.&1t;/p>

"Thank you!" Lu Xuan patted Sang Kun on the shoulder and said gratefully.&1t;/p>

Sang Kun laughed and said, "You don't have to be so polite between friends!"&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan smiled, and then said to Chen Wu and the others: "You can choose, but remember that the most expensive and best may not necessarily be the best. You must take into account factors such as long distances and heavy loads."&1t


Chen Wu, Kong Jian and Gao Feng nodded one after another, expressing that they understood what Lu Xuan said, and they must choose weapons with high cost performance in order to achieve the highest effectiveness.&1t;/p>

"We got it!"&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan, Chen Wu, Kong Jian and Gao Feng nodded, and then looked excited, discussing and choosing weapons.&1t;/p>

Soon, after more than ten minutes, they reached an agreement and selected the most cost-effective weapon.&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan looked at the equipment they selected and the submachine gun in Chen Wu's hand, and couldn't help but said: "MP5 submachine gun, not bad!"&1t;/p>

The MP5 submachine gun has the same production and sales volume as the AK47 rifle. It shoots high, has small recoil, and has high shooting accuracy to make up for the slightly lower power. This compactly designed weapon is chosen by commandos around the world.&1t;/p>

Moreover, its huge firepower can defeat tenacious opponents in a short period of time, with high precision and rapid reloading, it can easily shoot out the bullets in the magazine!&1t;/p>

Absolutely deadly killing, a must-have good equipment!&1t;/p>

Originally, Lu Xuan was worried that they would choose the world-famous AK47, but when he saw that they chose the MP5, he was very pleased. Chen Wu and the others deserved to be from special forces, and they still had the strength and vision.&1t;/p>

AK47 is definitely the favorite of criminals and terrorists. It is more powerful than MP5 and has great recoil. When fired, it is very exciting.&1t;/p>

However, the shortcomings of the ak47 are that it has lower accuracy and is much heavier than the MP5. In addition, it requires a lot of magazines, which is definitely not conducive to long-term combat.&1t;/p>

The most important thing is that Lu Xuan and the others are not criminals or terrorists, so what kind of ak47 are they using?&1t;/p>

After considering so many factors, even though there are other types of submachine guns, the m95 is definitely the best and has the highest cost performance!&1t;/p>


Hearing Lu Xuan's compliment, Chen Wu couldn't help but laugh proudly.&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan looked at the pistol in Kong Jian's hand and said meaningfully: "M9 pistol, not bad!"&1t;/p>

The m9 pistol has two major features. First, it has high shooting accuracy. The opening and closing action of the gun is completed by the locking iron swinging up and down, which avoids the impact on the projectile when the barrel swings up and down. Second, the gun is easy to maintain.

, low failure rate. According to tests, the gun has strong adaptability in harsh combat conditions such as sand, dust, mud and water, and its barrel has a service life of up to 1oooo!&1t;/p>

More importantly, the M9 has a magazine capacity of 15, which is absolutely practical.&1t;/p>

Let’s take a look at the equipment in other people’s hands. China’s Mitsubishi Military Spur, needless to say, is world-famous. As long as it stabs the enemy, it will definitely kill him with one blow!&1t;/p>

And white phosphorus grenades!&1t;/p>

When he saw this grenade, Lu Xuan's pupils narrowed slightly, and there was some hesitation.&1t;/p>

The production and use of white phosphorus grenades has been banned internationally because white phosphorus grenades are simply destructive weapons against humanity.&1t;/p>

Why is it said to be anti-human? Because white phosphorus grenades use the property of white phosphorus to spontaneously ignite in the air. The explosion of the white phosphorus grenade will produce white smoke. It only takes a little bit of white phosphorus to ignite human skin, and the person who is hit by the explosion will continue to burn.

Until it hurts to the bone marrow.&1t;/p>

At first, white phosphorus bombs were used as incendiary bombs, but later they were gradually abandoned by various countries due to the huge physical and psychological trauma they caused to soldiers from warring countries. They were instead used as target indicator bombs and smoke screen bombs. White phosphorus can burn the body. In fact, it

Can melt skin and flesh to bone.&1t;/p>

White phosphorus will form clouds when it explodes, and no one within the explosion range will be spared——&1t;/p>

This chapter has been completed!
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