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The 3408th chapter is an analogy

Speaking of this, several deans who originally looked down upon Lu Xuan couldn't help but praise Lu Xuan.&1t;/p>

"It's really amazing that someone is better than someone who is a child!"&1t;/p>

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. We are really getting old. Today's young people are really amazing. Not only are they knowledgeable, but they are also well-versed in export. This kind of talent even daunts me!"&1t;/p>


Several deans kept exclaiming, making Dean Teng's face turn red and white. What he was thinking was, it would be great if there was such a talented person in his Western Medicine College.&1t;/p>

The praises of many deans made Lu Xuan's reputation reach its peak. Countless people were taking photos of Lu Xuan with their mobile phones, and some were even broadcasting live on the show with their mobile phones.&1t;/p>

There are many videos posted on the forum of Xiangjiang University. Lu Xuan's talent, his wonderful theories in traditional Chinese medicine, and his handsome and extraordinary appearance have instantly fascinated thousands of girls.&1t;/p>

Outside the teaching building of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, students from other colleges kept pouring in. It almost felt like there was a big riot.&1t;/p>

As a last resort, the security guards of Xiangjiang University were mobilized to maintain order. Several security guards blocked the door of the corner building and stopped students from flooding in, but more people had already poured in.&1t;/p>

The lecture theater located on the third floor of the teaching building is already crowded in the corridor, and there are even more people who can’t squeeze in.&1t;/p>

The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine has never been so lively. This is really the first time in history, and all the credit goes to Lu Xuan alone.&1t;/p>

"Let's talk about the fifth advantage of our traditional Chinese medicine," Lu Xuan cleared his throat and said: "Our traditional Chinese medicine not only provides dietary therapy, but also physical therapy."&1t;/p>

Physical therapy, as everyone understands, should refer to treatment techniques such as acupuncture and cupping.&1t;/p>

Sure enough, as everyone expected, Lu Xuan smiled knowingly and said: "There are many kinds of physical therapy, such as massage. Massage is a method that uses techniques to act on specific parts of the human body surface to adjust the body's physiological and pathological conditions to achieve the purpose of physical therapy."

, in nature, it is a physical treatment method."&1t;/p>

"There is also cupping, which is often seen. Cupping uses local thermal stimulation and negative pressure suction to achieve the purpose of removing cold and dampness, removing stasis, removing toxins and purging heat, dredging meridians, promoting qi and blood circulation, reducing swelling and relieving pain.

Thus it can strengthen the body, dispel evil spirits, and strengthen the body."&1t;/p>

"Gua Sha is similar to cupping. Gua Sha is a tool that uses horns, jade, cupping, etc. to scrape the relevant parts of the skin to achieve the purpose of dredging the meridians, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.&1t;/p>

"In addition to the first time, there are also extensive and profound acupuncture techniques that have been passed down for thousands of years. Acupuncture is to insert filiform needles into a certain acupuncture point on the patient's body, and use acupuncture techniques such as twisting and lifting to treat diseases. Moxibustion is to put

Burning moxa is pressed on certain acupoints to burn the skin, and heat stimulation is used to treat diseases. Acupuncture is divided into many acupuncture methods, which are treasures left by our ancestors to us in China!"&1t;/p>

When Lu Xuan finished talking about the five major advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, everyone was impressed. Even some students from Western medical schools felt that they were too short-sighted and had no idea that traditional Chinese medicine could be so profound.&1t;/p>

As for Western medicine, whether it is medicine or treatment, there are side effects. It treats the disease first and then damages the body. After the disease is cured, the body will also be damaged. There is no doubt that it will kill one thousand enemies and harm oneself eight hundred.&1t;/p>

What Lu Xuan said is so exquisite that it makes people immersed in the vast world of traditional Chinese medicine and feel a little unable to extricate themselves.&1t;/p>

Dean Qiu's body was already shaking with excitement, and he was speechless and didn't know what to say. Lu Xuan's talent was really shocking and shocking.&1t;/p>

Thinking that he had looked down on Lu Xuan just now, Dean Qiu felt ashamed.&1t;/p>

As for the deans of other departments, this is even more true. All of them look a little red and feel ashamed!&1t;/p>

After Lu Xuan said so much, he already felt dry. He licked his dry lips and said: "Let's talk about the last advantage of our traditional Chinese medicine, that is, one person can treat one person. This is what our traditional Chinese medicine is most proud of.

The place!"&1t;/p>

One by one, everyone seems to understand but not understand, even the students of traditional Chinese medicine and Dean Qiu are confused——&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan said confidently: "TCM treats diseases according to the person, the place, and the time, and adds or subtracts according to the syndrome. Personalized diagnosis and treatment is the characteristic advantage of TCM. Treatment based on syndrome differentiation, combination of addition and subtraction according to the syndrome, and special treatment for the disease

This is the essence of traditional Chinese medicine."&1t;/p>

"One person treats each patient according to syndrome differentiation and treatment. On the premise of clearly understanding the nature of the disease, the same prescription can be used for the same syndrome, and the same prescription can be used for different diseases."&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan's words were too one-sided, and many people still didn't understand. Lu Xuan explained: "It means that our Chinese medicine is to treat people and treat them according to people, instead of Western medicine, which is to treat diseases and prescribe medicines for diseases!"&1t;


When Lu Xuan finished speaking, all the Western doctors present changed their expressions!&1t;/p>

Obviously, Lu Xuan's remarks completely put Western medicine under his feet. All the students and professors of the Western Medical College were extremely angry, especially Dean Teng, whose eyes were about to burst into flames.&1t;/


"The decline of traditional Chinese medicine may be due to the slow effect of traditional Chinese medicine, while the effects of Western medicine are quick. But have you ever thought that although Western medicine has quick effects, it has never completely eliminated the root cause of the disease?"&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan smashed his lips and said: "Let's use an analogy. For example, a child is in poor health. He often has colds and fevers and goes to the hospital for injections. He will recover after a few days of injections each time, but after a few days or half a month, he will recover.

, has a fever again, and needs to go to the hospital for injections. If things continue like this, this child's health will get worse and worse!"&1t;/p>

"If we are Chinese medicine doctors, we will definitely not start with his cold and fever symptoms first, but find out the reasons for his poor health and prescribe a few Chinese medicines to regulate his body. After his physical fitness improves, he will often catch colds.

Fever? Do you still need to run to the hospital frequently?"&1t;/p>

The people at the Western Medical College originally wanted to give Lu Xuan a few words of daggers, but when Lu Xuan finished speaking, everyone at the Western Medical College was shocked and fell silent.&1t;/p>

Because the examples given by Lu Xuan are common things in life, you can often see some children running to both ends of the hospital, but the children's body resistance is too weak.&1t;/p>

A living example suddenly pointed out the fatal weakness of Western medicine. Dean Teng turned pale and was unable to refute.&1t;/p>

"Well said, well said!"&1t;/p>

At this moment, Dean Qiu finally couldn't bear it anymore. He stood up suddenly and clapped his hands desperately, extremely excited!&1t;/p>

Dozens of students from the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine also stood up and burst into thunderous applause!&1t;/p>

"Uncle, you are awesome!" Tang Miaomiao shouted excitedly, her beautiful eyes filled with tears.&1t;/p>

This chapter has been completed!
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