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Chapter 3427 Overkill

Anyone with a good eye can see a lifelike leopard head pattern on the military green off-road vehicle, and anyone in Xiangjiang knows that this is the famous Flying Leopard Special Forces, the only anti-terrorism special force in Xiangjiang.


The mission of the Flying Leopard Anti-Terrorism Special Forces is to target some terrorist attacks or jealous and dangerous criminals. It is conceivable that if the Flying Leopards are allowed to target associations, they will really be overqualified.&1t;/p>

The society members in Xiangjiang are all dealt with by the anti-crime team of the police. When the military vehicle of the Flying Leopards appeared, could Mr. Dong not be stunned with fear?&1t;/p>

The several hundred members of Dadong Club who were about to rush into the office building turned around when they realized that all the movement behind them was happening. When they saw the military vehicle of the Flying Leopards, they all shuddered.&1t;/


Hua Hua Hua——&1t;/p>

I saw the members of the Flying Leopard Team opening the car doors and jumping out of the car. They were all armed, holding submachine guns and aiming directly at all the members of the Dadong Society.&1t;/p>

Submachine gun!&1t;/p>

With a roar, all the members of the Dadong Society couldn't help but swallowed. If the police officers from the anti-crime team came, they would dare to challenge them, because the police officers from the anti-crime team were equipped with pistols and a pistol's bullets.

It's limited, and they can't outnumber them. They can challenge them, but the submachine guns of the Flying Leopards can shoot out ten bullets per second, turning them into a hornet's nest in an instant.&1t;/p>

Long Tianmo, the captain of the Flying Leopards, said loudly: "Put down your weapons and don't move, otherwise I will kill you on the spot!"&1t;/p>

With a scolding, hundreds of people in Dadongshe dropped their sticks and machetes. In front of the Flying Leopard anti-terrorism special forces, they couldn't muster the slightest resistance. No one wanted to be beaten to death by a submachine gun.


There's no need to be like this, we're not terrorists, we're just gangsters, and we actually alerted the Flying Leopards!&1t;/p>

All the club members of Dadong Club felt cold in their hearts. As for Mr. Dong, he stood in front of the window and slowly turned his head to look at Lu Xuan with a look of horror.&1t;/p>

Undoubtedly, using the Flying Leopards to deal with the society is overkill. This is the first time the Flying Leopards have ever carried out a crackdown on the underworld.&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan looked at Master Dong's frightened eyes, squinted his eyes slightly and said, "Master Dong, didn't I tell you that the show has just begun? Let's go down and watch together?"&1t;/p>

With that said, Lu Xuan took the last puff of his cigarette, stubbed out the cigarette butts in the ashtray and stood up slowly.&1t;/p>

Zhou Xingxing looked at Lu Xuan with a shocked look on his face. When did he get involved with the Flying Leopards? But even if he has great connections, he can't let the Flying Leopards listen to his orders, right?&1t;/p>

Everyone knows that the Flying Leopards are directly under the jurisdiction of Xiangjiang Te Tan and Lam, but Tan and Lam are extremely upright and fair people. It is impossible for Tan to let the Flying Leopards exceed their authority and perform the duties of the police anti-crime team.&1t;/p


Why Lu Xuan can directly mobilize the Flying Leopards, only Li Nuotong knows.&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan walked out of the office without looking back. Dong Ye had a sad look on his face, as if he had swallowed shit. He took a hard step out and followed behind Lu Xuan.

Zhou Xingxing and Li Ruotong also quickly followed. With such a big drama, the company's employees were naturally unwilling to lag behind and followed them one after another.&1t;/p>

In front of the gate of the office building, all the members of the Dadong Club were squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands. They were all frightened and frightened.&1t;/p>

Dozens of members of the Flying Leopards stood in front of them, holding submachine guns in their hands. They were all heroic and majestic.&1t;/p>

When a slender figure walked out of the office building, the members of the Flying Leopard Team all shouted loudly with their eyes burning: "Instructor 6!"&1t;/p>

The person who walked out was none other than Lu Xuan, followed closely by Dong Ye, Zhou Xingxing and Li Nuotong.&1t;/p>


Dong Ye looked at the well-trained special forces of the Flying Leopards and immediately felt a little weak in his feet. When he heard the members of the Flying Leopards calling Lu Xuan the instructor, his feet lost any strength and he fell down.


The instructor of the Flying Leopards, isn’t he a bodyguard?&1t;/p>

No, he is also close to Yao Haonan. Who is he?&1t;/p>

At this moment, Dongye's mind suddenly went crazy. Is it reasonable that a dignified instructor of the Flying Leopards has a relationship with a leader of the club?&1t;/p>

It can be seen from the admiration and reverence in the eyes of everyone in the Flying Leopards that Instructor 6's status in their hearts is unparalleled. Perhaps even their commander Tante cannot make them respect him so much.&1t;/p



Lu Xuan nodded to all the members of the Flying Leopard Team.&1t;/p>

The Flying Leopard Team is for Captain Long Tianmolong. He looked at Lu Xuan and said: "Instructor Lu, these people possess dangerous weapons and are large in number. They can be regarded as organized and planned terrorist attacks. We have the right to kill them."

Killed on the spot and asked instructor 6 to give instructions!"&1t;/p>


Mr. Dong, who had just gotten up from the ground, stumbled and fell to the ground again. As for the other Dadong Club members, several of them were so frightened that they fainted.&1t;/p>

Shooting, doesn't have to be so brutal, right?&1t;/p>

Of course, it is not so cruel. Hundreds of people from Dadongshe have been captured without any help. If they are shot, this will definitely be violent law enforcement.&1t;/p>

Long Tianmo said this completely just to scare Dong Ye and all his men, but Dong Ye and his men couldn't stand such a scare.&1t;/p>

Seeing that the people in Dadong Club were so frightened, they couldn't help but cover their mouths and snickered. I didn't expect the members of the Flying Leopard Team with a murderous look on their faces to be so naughty.&1t;/p>

"Master Dong, what do you think?"&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan looked at Dong Ye and said with a joking smile.&1t;/p>

Mr. Dong's face was pale and bloodless, and he shouted: "Instructor Lu, no, Mr. Lu, you are the master. I am the young one who offended you because I am ignorant. Please forgive me, Mr. Liu!"&1t



Dong Ye, who was so majestic just now, now looked sad, which made Li Nuotong, Zhou Xingxing and the company's employees burst into laughter.&1t;/p>

Lu Xuan is called Master Lu, which is another title.&1t;/p>

"Alas!" Lu Xuan sighed and said, "Master Dong, you said you were the same. It really scared me to call so many people here."&1t;/p>

"Pfft!" Seeing Lu Xuan's frightened look, everyone burst into laughter again. The members of the Flying Leopard Team couldn't help but laugh. They really couldn't show a serious look.&1t;/p>

Mr. Dong's face twitched a few times: "Yes, yes, yes, Master Lu, this is all my fault. Please don't be the same as me, Master Lu, and let me and my brothers live."&1t;/p>

"That's right!" Lu Xuan said, "Get up first and then talk. Talking to you like this makes my neck hurt."&1t;/p>

Dong Ye quickly got up from the ground, while Lu Xuan grabbed his shoulders and pulled him aside——&1t;/p>

This chapter has been completed!
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