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Chapter 3463 The old monster

The old lady hugged her back. She raised her head with difficulty and grinned at Lu Xuan. When her toothless mouth was fully opened, Lu Xuan felt even more chills standing on end. 6

Xuan took a deep breath and said, "Journalists, I believe you are all hungry. Why don't you go eat first."

The old lady's face was full of wrinkles and her smile was so sinister. The female reporters really didn't want to stay here anymore. They all walked out of the clinic after hearing Lu Xuan's words. "

Miaomiao, you should go and eat first, I will come after seeing this patient," Lu Xuan said with a smile.

Miaomiao didn't find it strange. She was indeed hungry. She nodded and said, "Well, I'll go to the canteen first."

When Tang Miaomiao walked to the door, Lu Xuan did not forget to shout: "Miaomiao, close the door."

Tang Miaomiao stopped and glanced at the old lady and Lu Xuan. She finally noticed something was wrong. It seemed that the uncle wanted to drive everyone away. This

This old lady looks like she is about to be in a coffin, but she comes to see a doctor alone, which makes people feel a little strange. But

It was Tang Miaomiao who shook his head. I must have been overthinking it!


When the door was closed, Lu Xuan took out a cigarette and lit it. He slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Old woman, there is no one here anymore. There is no need to hide your identity. Tell me who you are."

Hehe!" Old

The wife opened her mouth and laughed and said: "It's better to meet me than to be famous. You can tell who I am at a glance."

But the old lady was always bent over, looking like she couldn't straighten up. But the more she looked like this, the more it made Lu Xuan feel angry.

As soon as the old woman entered the door, Lu Xuan felt the terrible aura in her body, and judging from her appearance, she did not have any symptoms, which made Lu Xuan guess that the old woman was here for him.

Sure enough, this old woman was an old monster. Her originally cloudy pupils gradually flashed with cold light, and her turbulent momentum put a lot of pressure on Lu Xuan.

"Lu Xuan, a Xuanyuan Sword has swept through countless strong men. Even Master Sanjie and Taoist Yimei are no match for you." The old woman squinted her eyes and said, "You are really a rising star with a bright future, which is admirable."

Who are you!" Lu Xuan said through gritted teeth.

The old woman smiled and said: "Two of my disciples came to you and warned you, but you are still stubborn and insist on going against my sect."

After the old woman finished speaking, Lu Xuan's eyes became even more fearful. It turned out that this old woman was from that mysterious sect."

It turns out you are from the hidden sect," Lu Xuan said lukewarmly: "Your sect hides its head and tail. I still don't know the name of your sect. You old monster is here. You should be able to take revenge.

Come to your door now."

Old monster?"

"Hey!" Old

The old woman pursed her lips and smiled and said: "You are the first person who dares to scold me like this."

I hope I'm not the last one," Lu Xuan said with a smile. "

You have courage and courage." The old woman smiled instead of getting angry: "It's a pity that you are not a disciple of my sect. It's such a pity."

The old woman gave Lu Xuan an extremely dangerous feeling, but Lu Xuan had never been afraid of anyone. He was not even afraid of death, but the old woman was really too unpredictable. Hua

The Xiagu martial arts world is indeed full of masters, and some old monsters are even hiding among them. The mere appearance of an old monster can always give people a chilling feeling.

"My sect is called Haotian Sect!" the old woman said, "You little kid has probably never heard of it. If you ask the Dragon King, he will know."

Haotian Sect?6

Xuan had never heard of this sect within his knowledge, but it was definitely not simple for Haotian Sect to have such an old monster.

However, the old woman called him a little baby, which made Lu Xuan feel a little unhappy, but at the age of the old woman, calling him a little baby is really qualified. "

Why do you, Haotian Sect, want to go against our Huitianmen?" Lu Xuan asked. The old man

The old woman shook her head and said: "Our sect is not against your Huitianmen, but against Chinese medicine."


Lu Xuan was stunned. He never expected that the old woman would answer like this.

"Are you Haotian Sect crazy?" Lu Xuan said angrily: "Traditional Chinese medicine is the quintessence of our Chinese nation. You are all Chinese, why do you have trouble with Chinese medicine!"

The old woman sneered and said: "More than a hundred years ago, our Haotian Sect was poisoned by a poison sect disciple in our food. Almost all the disciples in the sect were poisoned. We asked many famous doctors in Xiangjiang for help, but you guys are bragging about your own

The Chinese doctors who are highly skilled in medical treatment are unable to do anything, and the disciples of our sect are almost killed!"

Lu Xuan frowned and said: "You were harmed by the Poison Sect, but you blame us Chinese medicine doctors. This seems unreasonable, right?"

Haha!" The old woman sneered and said: "Don't you Chinese doctors pride themselves on being profound and profound, and you can help the world by hanging a pot on it? How can you be a doctor if you can't even detoxify it?"

"If you people in the Haotian Sect are all so extreme," Lu Xuan curled his lips and said, "then I have nothing to say."

"Our sect is located in Xiangjiang, and we will not care about the mainland. However, the Haotian Sect does not allow the existence of Chinese medicine here, and you actually want to promote Chinese medicine, which offends us!" The old woman's eyes were filled with anger.

Murderous, he said in a warning tone.

Lu Xuan frowned and said, "What if I must do this?"

"Then you will turn into a corpse, and I will kill you now," the old woman raised her head, and the powerful momentum that made Lu Xuan feel a little suffocated came towards Lu Xuan fiercely.

Dark clouds are threatening to destroy the city!

Lu Xuan instantly felt a huge pressure on his body. He had never seen such a strong opponent before, and he was so strong that he was a little abnormal.


But Lu Xuan was not a vegetarian, he roared, then flashed a cold light, and used the hidden sword technique!

When Xuanyuan Sword appeared in Lu Xuan's hand, the old woman finally showed a hint of fear in her eyes. Sheng

Dao Xuanyuan, China's number one magic weapon, is not a boast. The old woman naturally knows how terrifying it is, but the old woman has profound skills and is a master like a spirit. She also wants to suppress Lu Xuan in terms of momentum.


The sound of a sword was heard, and the old woman actually pulled out a sword from her cane. The sword shone with cold light, and the sound of the sword stung Lu Xuan's eardrums. The sword was absolutely extraordinary. Old

The old woman said confidently: "You are no match for me!"

Really!" Lu Xuan sneered and said: "I don't think so. If you want to fight, I will definitely fight with you to the end, but if you lose, don't blame me for not respecting the elderly and caring for the young."

This chapter has been completed!
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