Turn off the lights
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Chapter 937

When the door was closed, Lu Xuan continued to look for a job. He opened the entire recruitment page of the talent network. There were many positions that needed people, but looking at the recruitment conditions, half of them were masters and doctoral students, and the other half were undergraduates. Even if it was not possible, they would have to have a junior college degree.

, as far as my diploma and high school diploma are concerned, I have given up on getting them. There are no restrictions on the recruitment of security positions, but at least veterans must be given priority. I am a soldier, but I am a soldier who has been expelled from the military.

Lu Xuan almost wanted to cry. Could it be that he was so depressed that he couldn't even find a job? Thinking about it, when he was working as a security guard at Tengyuan Group, his parents had to drag him down with his uncle, the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, before he could find a job.

Got a job as a security guard.

It is conceivable that Lu Xuan really feels a little aggrieved...

I don’t believe I can’t find a job yet. Lu Xuan searched another talent recruitment website. Lu Xuan’s eyes lit up. He immediately felt that there is no end to the road. A company called Shogunfu

The group company's recruitment advertisements took up most of the page, ranging from senior executives to managers, assistants, salesmen, back offices, drivers, security guards, all the way to the lowest level cleaners. Lu Xuan browsed through them carefully, and found that those with educational backgrounds below manager level

The requirements are not high. Except for those who work as a sanitation worker, everyone can apply. The recruitment advertisement is valid for three days, and today is the first day.

Lu Xuan was immediately happy. There were so many vacant positions, and the requirements were not high. He had to apply for one no matter what. He made a note of the recruitment location of this company and went there early tomorrow morning.

After being busy for a long time, Lu Xuan was hungry again. He just ate a lunch box for lunch today and hurriedly looked for something to eat in the refrigerator.

When Lu Xuan opened the refrigerator, he was immediately stunned. The refrigerator was full of snacks, mostly all kinds of instant noodles.

It seems that Lin Shiman never cooks, so she has no choice but to make a pack of instant noodles to eat. However, Lu Xuan ate three bowls of instant noodles before he was full.

Lu Xuan played on the laptop for a while again. He played until late at night and did not see any reply from Li Ruotong. It seemed that the big star must have been very busy during this period and had no time to surf the Internet.

"Forget it, go to bed..." Lu Xuan walked into his bedroom. Fortunately, there were mattresses and quilts in the bedroom. After tidying up a little, he quickly fell asleep.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" In the middle of the night, Lu Xuan, who was sleeping, suddenly heard bursts of women's cries, sobbing, and his alertness was very high. He suddenly jumped up from the bed, his eyes flashing coldly.

Lu Xuan opened the door and walked out quietly. When he opened the door, he still had a cold expression on his face, but he was immediately dumbfounded!

I saw Charmaine Lin sitting on the sofa, holding a bag of potato chips, eating and crying, while a tear-jerking Korean drama was playing on the TV in the living room!

Oh my god! Lu Xuan felt so shocked that he didn't sleep for most of the day. He actually sat in the living room watching Korean dramas and cried while watching them.

Lu Xuan is about to be scorched on the outside and tender on the inside. Are these Obasan Korean dramas so touching? The tear point is too low, right?

Lin Shiman also saw Lu Xuan, and their big eyes turned to small eyes and they were immediately stunned. Lin Shiman's pretty face suddenly turned red, she wiped her tears and said angrily: "What are you doing, Big

You stayed up in the middle of the night, trying to scare me to death!"

"Pfft!" Lu Xuan sprayed directly, almost a mouthful of blood spurted out. Who stayed up in the middle of the night and cried, who wanted to scare people to death!

Lu Xuan's heart felt like there were ten thousand grasshoppers running through her, but she was now her landlord. If she was unhappy, she might be kicked out of the house.

I can bear it! Lu Xuan took a deep breath and said unhurriedly: "I'll get up and pee!"

"Bah!" After hearing Lu Xuan's words, Lin Shiman's pretty face turned even redder, she spat lightly, and said loudly: "Lu Xuan, I want to add one more thing, don't say dirty words in front of me in the future!"

Lu Xuan ignored him and walked straight into the bathroom. When he came out, Lin Shiman took out a calculator and said while calculating: "Well, you ate three packs of instant noodles today, plus

The rent, plus internet fees, oh, and water and electricity bills, total 21.5 yuan owed!"

As for calculating so clearly, he is really a little money fan! Lu Xuan couldn't laugh or cry, curled his lips and said: "You can calculate it slowly, I will save you after I get my salary."

After Lu Xuan said this, he immediately got into his room. Seeing Lu Xuan's careless look, Lin Shiman was so angry that he was indeed a gay. He didn't even look at me.

, other men are peeking at me.

That night, Lu Xuan slept in a daze, because Lin Shiman kept crying in the living room. This sound really made Lu Xuan's senses so sensitive that his scalp was numb when he heard it, and he had the urge to smash the TV.


Therefore, Lu Xuan had insomnia on the first night he arrived in Northeast City. Fortunately, Lu Xuan didn't sleep on the street because he didn't have a dime. This was considered lucky enough.

When they came together the next morning, Lu Xuan didn't see Lin Shiman and knew that she must be sleeping. She had watched TV all night last night, and how long she watched it and how long she cried!

It is true that women are made of water, but you can’t treat water as money, right?

Lu Xuan made another bowl of instant noodles in the morning and went out after eating. After all, it was all about money...

The Shogunate Group is said to be a group company established by the descendants of the last prince in the ancient Chinese dynasty. It is also the last king with a different surname. The bloodline has been passed down to this day, so it is conceivable that it is noble.

It is worth mentioning that the Shogunate Group was once magnificent in Tohoku City, but since the chairman of the Shogunate died unexpectedly in the United States, the Shogunate Group began to decline. Even though the Shogunate Group is still brilliant today, compared with the past

For leading companies, there is still a big difference.

Lu Xuan is currently standing downstairs at the Screen Palace Building in the Second Ring Road of the city. The headquarters of the Shogunfu Group is located in this building. This is the first time he has ever looked for someone seriously.

At work, it was inevitable that he would be a little uneasy. Lu Xuan stood by the aisle and smoked a cigarette, which not only relieved his craving for cigarettes, but also calmed down his uneasy mood.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Xuan had no money to buy cigarettes, but Lin Shiman put a hundred yuan on the dining table and wrote a note... This money is lent to you, you have to pay it back!

Although this woman Lin Shiman seems stingy, she is sharp-tongued and kind-hearted. When Lu Xuan saw the hundred yuan, he showed a knowing smile...

This chapter has been completed!
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