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Chapter 414 Poverty Alleviation Workshop

Li Donglai has already thought about it.

As long as the steel rolling mill and the Siheyuan Sub-district Office form an assistance target, the Sub-district Office can be entrusted to recruit poor households to work in the workshop.

After finalizing the details with Director Yang, I got on my bicycle and went to the Siheyuan Subdistrict Office.

As soon as he entered the door, he was recognized.

"Isn't this the eldest man in the courtyard? Are you looking for Director Wang?"

"Yes, is Director Wang here?"

"in office."

Li Donglai put his bicycle in the bicycle shed in the courtyard of the subdistrict office and walked to the office of the director of the subdistrict office.

After knocking on the door twice, a crisp sound came from inside.

"Please come in."

Director Wang of the Subdistrict Office is calculating the number of matchboxes collected this month.

Looking at the bleak data, she let out a long sigh.

It's not that the poor households are not diligent and unwilling to paste matchboxes, but that the amount of tasks allocated to the neighborhoods by the match factory has been getting smaller and smaller in recent months.

Although Director Wang had also negotiated with the director of the match factory, he told the director that there were many poor households in the Siheyuan neighborhood and hoped that the match factory would take more care of them.

However, the director of the match factory said that the situation is similar in every neighborhood.

In the past, he assigned a large number of tasks to the Siheyuan neighborhood, which had already attracted criticism from other neighborhoods, and there was no way to increase the share.

Director Wang knew the factory director's difficulties, so he could only silently accept this reality and began to worry about this year's poverty alleviation task.

An important assessment criterion for the work of the sub-district office is the number of people who have been lifted out of poverty in the block that year.

Without so many tasks of pasting matchboxes, this year's poverty alleviation task seems to be impossible to complete.

Director Wang lowered his head and looked at the materials, sighing from time to time, looking sad.

Li Donglai smiled and said, "Director Wang, what happened? I'm going to make you worried."

Since Li Dongyuan became the first man of the courtyard, he often comes to the street office for meetings and has a good relationship with Director Wang.

In his opinion, Director Wang is the kind of person who is sharp-tongued and has a soft heart.

She can spray people until their heads are bloody, but then turn around and quietly help them get things done.

When Director Wang saw that it was Li Donglai, he closed the documents on hand and said with a smile: "It's not because the match factory has reduced the quota in our neighborhood. The current quantity is not even half of what it was before. Some people live on this."

, what to do next!

By the way, you are so busy, why do you have time to come to my place today?


Li Donglai smiled and said, "What a coincidence. I'm here today to give you some work."

"Giving work? Your steel rolling mill wants to recruit temporary workers?" Director Wang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, the work in the steel rolling mill is all heavy physical labor, and most of the poor households in our neighborhood are old, weak, sick and disabled.

It’s impossible to do it at all.”

Li Donglai said with a smile: "I'm not a temporary worker in the steel rolling mill. The thing is like this..."

Li Donglai told the story of setting up a new workshop to make security gates, and then said with a smile: "I have already calculated that making security gates does not require strength or much skill. The old ladies and little wives in our neighborhood

Totally capable.”

Li Donglai is not bragging.

In factories of later generations, most of the people who wound coils were young wives.

They do things carefully and patiently, and can work faster than strong laborers.

When he heard that poor households could get jobs, Director Wang stood up suddenly, held Li Donglai's hand, and said excitedly: "Comrade Donglai, I would like to thank you on behalf of the poor households in our Siheyuan neighborhood."

Li Donglai said seriously: "It is my duty to help the masses. You are too polite."

Director Wang looked at Li Donglai and felt a little moved in his heart.

Look at this ideological awareness, it’s incomparable!

The two then discussed the specific details.

Li Donglai specifically warned: "Because the work provided this time is of a temporary nature, we cannot eat from the same pot as regular workers, doing more and less.

We should pay workers according to their output. If you make a security gate, you will be paid 2 cents. The more you work, the more you will get."

Li Donglai worked hard to build a new workshop to provide jobs, not just to let lazy people gather wool.

Director Wang nodded in agreement: "It should be so. We pay according to the quantity of matchboxes we paste. Those poor households can completely understand."

Li Donglai continued: "I have calculated that if there are sufficient materials, a normal person can make seven security gates by working eight hours a day. This is still a case of unskilled work. If you become proficient, you can make at least seven security doors every day.

Out of ten."

"Qitai is one yuan and four, and one person can get 42 yuan a month." After a simple calculation, Director Wang couldn't help but take a breath, looked at Li Donglai and said: "Comrade Donglai, you won't lose money.


Li Donglai chuckled and shook his head: "Don't worry, we have already calculated the cost and there is no problem at all.

However, since the construction of the workshop requires a process, the number of temporary workers in the first batch will not be too many, only 200.

I hope you can help check the quota and allocate the quota to those truly poor households.

Of course, what we need are temporary workers who can work, not uncles."

Just kidding, the cost of security gates is very low and can be sold abroad for at least several thousand dollars. The labor remuneration of 20 cents is not high at all.

If most of the profits had not been given to the steel rolling mill, Li Donglai would have been afraid of being hung from a telephone pole by workers.

Black-hearted capitalists can’t do this!

In fact, Li Donglai also felt that the remuneration was a bit low and wanted to increase the unit price.

But I thought it would be too conspicuous.

The wages of temporary workers are higher than those of regular workers. Some people would say the salary is three to four.

No matter what age you are in, there are people who don’t want to see others living well.

They are unwilling to change their lives through labor. Instead, they are jealous that others live a better life than their own, and often do things that harm others and do not benefit themselves.

The reason why Li Donglai recruits people through the sub-district office is also to silence those people. In addition, who knows the real situation of the residents in the area better than the sub-district office!

Director Wang couldn't help but feel excited after getting Li Donglai's answer.

Forty-two yuan is quite a lot, enough to support a family of seven or eight people for a month.

If you can earn 42 yuan, it will be enough to get rid of poverty. The 200 quota means that 200 families can live a good life. The Siheyuan Subdistrict Office will be able to exceed the poverty alleviation task this year.

Regarding Li Donglai's requests, she naturally nodded in haste and agreed: "Director Li, don't worry, I will strictly control the situation and will never let those lazy people get in."

In Beijing, it is not just the courtyard neighborhoods where there are poor households.

Li Donglai was able to entrust the temporary workers to her because he trusted her and was doing her a favor. Naturally, she was worthy of this trust.

As an old director who has worked for decades, Director Wang is very clear on this point.

By this time, it was almost noon, and Li Donglai got up to go back.

Director Wang looked at the time and said to Li Dong with a smile: "Director Li, at noon our street cafeteria makes white flour steamed buns and stir-fried Chinese cabbage with pork dregs. They are all delicious dishes. You can leave after dinner.


Li Donglai waved his hand: "No need, I still have to go back to the factory to work on the workshop. I'll leave you with the recruitment issues."

Director Wang nodded: "Don't worry, I will complete the task."


Li Donglai returned home, had a hasty meal, and then returned to the steel rolling mill.

At this time, Factory Director Yang had already completed the meeting. Without any surprises, the leaders unanimously approved the resolution to establish a new workshop at the meeting.

Considering that the workers in the new workshop were all from poor households, at Li Donglai's suggestion, the workshop was named the Poverty Alleviation Workshop.

Seeing Li Donglai, Factory Director Yang called Qu Shunliang, Director of the Logistics Department: "Old Qu, the poverty alleviation workshop will be implemented according to the plan discussed at our meeting. Now you will take Director Li to visit the site.

, and must fully satisfy Director Li's requirements.

The poverty alleviation workshop is not only related to earning foreign exchange, but also helping hundreds of poor families. We must build it as soon as possible."

Qu Shunliang is the old director of the Logistics Department.

During Li Huaide's era, he was Factory Director Yang's loyal supporter, and he would naturally not refuse this matter.

"Director, don't worry. I'm here with you. If anyone dares to hold you back, I'll take care of him!"

The poverty alleviation workshop is located in the northeast corner of the steel rolling mill, very close to the rolling mill hospital. It takes 20 minutes to walk or 10 minutes to ride a bicycle.

This was originally the material warehouse of the logistics department, with a workshop area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters.

When Li Donglai and Qu Shunliang came to the workshop, there were already workers busy cleaning up the accumulated items.

Seeing Qu Shunliang and Li Dong coming, a young man in Chinese tunic suit ran over: "Director, Director Li, the cleanup work will be completed today. I have contacted the construction team for the renovation, and they can enter the factory tomorrow.

, since the manufacturing of security doors does not require heavy equipment, the modification is expected to only take three days."

Qu Shunliang nodded: "Xiao Zhou, the poverty alleviation workshop is now a key project in our factory. You must complete the task with quality and quantity at all costs."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Li Donglai: "Director Li, this is the specific implementer of the workshop renovation project, Comrade Zhou Feng from the Construction Department of the Logistics Department. Even though Zhou Feng is not very old, he has actually been responsible for several projects.

I am a veteran of the workshop project. The renovation work of the new workshop was done by Xiao Zhou. If you have any requests, you can ask Xiao Zhou."

Li Donglai stretched out his hand to shake Zhou Feng's and said with a smile: "Comrade Xiao Zhou, you have experience in remodeling workshops, so I don't need to mention routine questions.

However, I hope to add some fans to the workshop. It is hot today and the air in the workshop is not circulating, making it even more suffocating. If there are no fans to cool down, how can the workers work?"

Zhou Feng was stunned for a moment when he heard this. Temperature was not considered at all in the workshop of the steel rolling mill.

After all, fans also consume electricity. Especially in such a large workshop, at least thirty industrial fans are needed, and the daily electricity bill is not a small amount.

He secretly glanced at Qu Shunliang, who nodded: "I just said that I will meet all Director Li's requirements."

Zhou Feng was shocked. He originally thought that the factory's full cooperation was just a polite word, but now it seems that the situation is serious.

This is rare in the history of steel rolling mills.

During the workshop renovation process, the workshop directors all wanted to ask the logistics department to transform the workshop better according to their own wishes, so that it would be more convenient for the workers to work.

The Logistics Department needs to calculate costs. We must know that materials are scarce in this era, and even large state-owned factories such as steel rolling mills have to tighten their belts to get by.

Zhou Feng, who fully understood the leadership's intention, immediately made a decision.

He smiled and said to Li Donglai: "Director Li, to solve the hot and stuffy problem in the workshop, it is not enough to install fans. We should install eight exhaust fans on the wall of the workshop so that fresh air from outside can come in."

Li Donglai gave a thumbs up: "Professionals are different. Exhaust fans are installed!"

Zhou Feng was so complimented that he couldn't close his mouth with joy, and then said: "There is also the problem of the workbench. In the original plan, a wooden workbench was used, which is easier to damage. In the warehouse of our logistics department, there are

More than 30 aluminum workbenches, 90% new, can be moved here for use."

"You can have this!"

"For light bulbs, we can double the number. After all, some of the temporary workers are quite old and may not be able to use their eyes very well."


"There is also a batch of sponge mats in the warehouse of the logistics department. I can ask the workers to make mats and tie them to the chair surfaces, so that they will be more comfortable when working."

“I have an idea, it’s not bad.”


Next to him, Qu Shunliang, director of the Logistics Department, whose face was getting darker and darker, couldn't help but cover his forehead.

My mother-in-law, you are trying to destroy all my family wealth.

Young, this guy is still too young!

Maybe we can think of some way to make up for it.

For example, if low-power incandescent lamps are used instead of high-power incandescent lamps, even if the number of bulbs is doubled, the power consumption will still be the same, and the steel rolling mill can save a lot of money.

My old song is so witty!

Li Donglai's impression of Zhou Feng became better and better. He patted Zhou Feng on the shoulder and said, "Do a good job. When the workshop renovation is completed, I will give you credit!"

Zhou Feng patted his chest: "Director Li, don't worry, I, Zhou Feng, am here to keep an eye on me. If anyone dares to commit fraud, I will definitely not spare him!"

Qu Shunliang: "......"


While Zhou Feng was busy renovating the workshop, Director Wang rode his bicycle to a small alley.

The alley is narrow and the green brick floor is covered with moss.

Director Wang pushed his bicycle towards the depths of the alley. He had just taken two steps when a faint cry came from in front of him.

"Brother, do you think my mother will die? I don't want my mother to die."

"Erhua, mom will be fine for sure. Don't cry. The doctor said that mom's illness is due to lack of nutrition. As long as we give mom delicious food, mom will definitely get better."

"The meat is delicious, but how can we have the money to buy it... Otherwise, we can follow the stickman from the compound next door and go to the countryside to get two old hens while he goes to the countryside to play movies."

"Erhua, you don't even have to think about it! My father and my mother both said that even if the Zhang family is poor and starves to death, we can't steal anything."

"Banggeng said, that's not stealing, that's taking. The village members were very enthusiastic and took the initiative to give it to him."

"Erhua, don't play with Banggeng anymore. That guy is not a good guy. I think we should go fishing with the glasses guy next door. I heard that the glasses guy can catch 2 kilograms of fish every day!"

"No, no, mother said she won't let us play in the water."

"You are stupid. If you don't tell me, I won't tell you. If you carry Sanhua and Sihua on your back, how will my mother know?"

This chapter has been completed!
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