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Chapter 450 Therese

Zhang Chuanzu...this name is so unique.

Li Donglai reached out to hold Zhang Chuanzu's hand and said enthusiastically: "Comrade, today is a great day. We finally meet again in a foreign country thousands of miles away."

Zhang Chuanzu: "......"

He didn't know how to answer the conversation. He pursed his lips and was about to express his inner excitement when a middle-aged man wearing a police officer's uniform came in from outside.

The logo on his chest and the badge on his shoulder indicate that he should be the head of the police station.

The middle-aged man chatted with Zhang Chuanzu for a while, and Zhang Chuanzu turned to look at Li Donglai: "Comrade Li, this is Mr. Latif, the director of our mission. He is a little curious about your identity."

After saying that, Zhang Chuanzu seemed to feel a little rude and immediately added: "You may not know that there are currently less than a thousand Chinese here. It is even more difficult for someone like you who comes from China and does not speak Swedish.

There are less, maybe only the embassy has some. They suspect..."

Li Donglai came to understand. I bet the director suspected that their identities were suspicious. No wonder, in this era, there were not many foreign exchanges with the East, especially under the malicious propaganda of some media, they always had a skeptical attitude.

Look at people from the East.

This was just a small problem. Before the director treated them deliberately, Li Donglai was not prepared to care about it. But as soon as he put his hand into his pocket and took out his ID, the woman they saved just now changed her weak look.

, stood up from the chair and rushed to the director.

"Mr. Latif, is this the attitude of your police station towards the enthusiastic people? No wonder my housekeeper reported that the security here is getting worse and worse! You police officers are all useless and only seek trouble for the people. When I

Where were you when you were insulted by the midnight butcher in the alley? If it weren't for these enthusiastic people, I might have gone to heaven now."

The director was sprayed so hard that he couldn't even lift his head. His face turned red and white, but he couldn't care less about getting angry at this time.

Because what this woman just said contained two key pieces of information.

First, this woman has an extraordinary background. Not many people dare to accuse the director in front of so many people at the mission.

Second, the Midnight Butcher? Could it be that the man lying on the ground with a bruised nose and face was the culprit who committed more than ten crimes in Stockholm in the past two years, resulting in the murder of more than a dozen young women?

Li Donglai also understood and looked at Latif a little worriedly to see how he would choose between these two issues.

Latif had been the chief for more than ten years and was indeed a veteran. He did not answer the woman's question immediately, but waved his hand and shouted outside.

After a burst of noise, three heavily armed policemen rushed in. They looked at Latif: "Chief, what happened?"

Latif pointed to the big man in black robe on the ground: "He may be the Midnight Butcher. You should control him immediately."

Hearing the name of Midnight Butcher, the three Swedish policemen instantly became alert. One of them took out his pistol and aimed it at the man in black robe. The other two took off the handcuffs from their waists and tiptoed towards the man in black robe.

In fact, the big man in black robe had already woken up before he was taken to the mission. He was afraid of Li Donglai and the others' lack of chivalry, and knew that once Li Donglai and the others found out that he had woken up, the only possibility would be to get another beating.

After entering the police station, he has been looking for opportunities to leave. In the past two years, the black-robed man has frequently dealt with the police during the crime process. He knows that they are a bunch of trash, otherwise he would not be able to get away safely every time.


Who would have thought that Li Donglai was actually a fellow villager with the policeman named Zhang Chuanzu. When the fellow villager saw the fellow villager, his eyes welled up with tears, and the two stood there and started chatting.

He did not expect that his identity would be recognized by women. Generally speaking, after those women were attacked by him, they were mentally shocked and would become delirious in a short period of time.

These two coincidences put the big man in black robe unknowingly in an embarrassing situation. If he continues to pretend to be dead now, he will have no choice but to let the police officers put him in handcuffs.

The big man in black robe made an instant decision in his heart, jumped up from the ground, held his head and ran towards the window.

The mission house is made of wood and cannot withstand huge impacts. According to his strength, he can break through the wall.

As for those policemen, the big man in black robe didn't think they would shoot. If these policemen were so courageous, he would be in jail now.

Sure enough, just as the big man in black robe expected, the few police officers were so frightened when they saw the big man in black robe that he was about to escape. As for the policeman holding the pistol, he was trembling even more at this time and could not even hold the gun.


When the woman saw this scene, she shook her head helplessly. She had long known that these people could not count on her.

Stockholm in this era had a developed economy, especially since it had not experienced war. The residents lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the social security was very good. These policemen often did not fire a shot for several years, otherwise the midnight butcher would not have happened last time by dozens of people.

The policemen surrounded me and finally escaped safely.

It seems that this time, the Midnight Butcher escaped again!

Just when the woman was extremely disappointed, Li Donglai suddenly jumped out and jumped into the air. When he fell down again, his legs were already clamped around the neck of the big man in black robe, and he was sitting on the shoulders of the big man in black robe.

The big man in black robe was excited that he was about to regain his freedom. When his neck was clamped, he felt unable to breathe for a moment.

He waved his fist desperately and tried to attack Li Donglai. Unfortunately, Li Donglai easily dodged his attack in the air as if he had installed a 360-degree smart camera with no blind spots.

Human brain cells and cells throughout the body need air. Especially brain cells will begin to die if they are deprived of oxygen for 40 seconds. If they are deprived of oxygen for more than 4 minutes, they are likely to enter a state of brain death.

Especially during strenuous exercise, this time is even shorter. In less than two minutes, the movement of the big man in black robe slowed down, like a slow motion in a movie, and he waved twice in vain.

Finally, he fell to the ground with a crash, and after crushing a chair, he lay motionless on the ground.

Li Donglai jumped aside lightly. He looked at the stunned police officers and said, "What? Do you still want me to handcuff him for you?"

Only then did the policemen react, rush up and fasten the hands of the big man in black robes with handcuffs, and then fasten the feet of the big man in black robes with handcuffs. After confirming that the big man in black robes could never break free, Latif

The director then ordered the policemen to carry the big man in black robes to the detention center.

Director Latif was faced with two choices at this time. The first choice was to express his gratitude to Li Donglai, and the second choice was to continue solving the previous problem and ask about the woman's identity.

Being smart, he quickly made the right choice. He walked up to the woman, took off his hat, and said with a smile: "Dear Madam, because of our mistake, you were shocked. Can you tell us your home address? We

I will personally escort you back."

The lady slowly sat on the chair and looked at Latif disdainfully: "My name is Delin Therese Leslie Whiteman."

"The Whiteman family..." A drop of sweat broke out on Latif's forehead. The Whiteman family is one of the oldest families in Sweden. It appeared earlier than the Gustavo royal family. In history,

There have been five dukes, three counts, and countless barons. They have huge power in the House of Lords.

Although after the "parliamentary reform", with the disintegration of the "caste parliament" controlled by the aristocratic class and the establishment of the upper and lower chambers, the aristocracy gradually gave way to the emerging bourgeoisie, and the general aristocracy gradually declined and became an existence similar to the common people.

But the Whiteman family had a far-sighted vision. In the process, they used their power and close relationship with the royal family to establish a series of companies and transformed into big capitalists.

In the capitalist world, if you have money, you have everything.

Even if you are on a mission, there is no exception.

Director Latif's eyes were darting around, and he quickly helped Therese move a stool. He cleaned it several times with his sleeves to make sure there was no dust at all, then he licked his face and made a gesture of invitation:

"Ms. Therese, the Midnight Butcher has committed many murders, causing the death of many victims and causing panic among the people. Our police station has organized a capable team several times to arrest the Midnight Butcher. Because the Midnight Butcher is too cunning, and

Failed repeatedly.

We were also saddened by this situation, and I even considered asking my superiors to resign.

I didn’t expect that Miss, you would have captured the Midnight Butcher. You are simply our heroine in Stockholm, comparable to Joan of Arc. Wait until tomorrow, and I will personally announce this good news to the people of the city!"

Li Donglai was dumbfounded when he heard this. He didn't expect that it was also popular among foreigners to flatter others and receive rewards for their merits.

The director with thick eyebrows and big eyes in front of him looked full of integrity and shamelessness, comparable to Li Huaide, the former deputy director of the steel rolling mill.

No, Li Huaide is far worse than Latif. At least he will not directly give credit to others in front of the meritorious officials.

Miss Therese glanced at Director Latif contemptuously, pulled up her skirt, slowly sat on the chair, crossed her legs, and then looked up at Latif with her little face raised: "Mr. Latif, what do you think about us?

Does the Whiteman family need to take credit for someone else’s work?”

"Ah...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I made my own decision." Director Latif wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Miss Therese said: "How do you think my father will deal with you if he knows that you intend to involve us in the Whiteman family in an ungrateful scandal?"

"..." Director Latif trembled with fright, stood up, walked to Li Donglai, and stretched out his hand: "This gentleman from the East, on behalf of the police, regarding your capture of the Midnight Butcher, I

On behalf of the people of Stockholm, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

Li Donglai said: "There's no need to thank anyone. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will take action. The key is, isn't there a reward for such an important criminal?"

Li Donglai spoke Beijing dialect, which Chief Latif couldn't understand at all, so he could only turn his attention to Zhang Chuanzu.

Zhang Chuanzu swallowed and said: "Director, this fellow countryman of mine is very happy to be able to contribute to Stockholm. He feels that the reason why the Midnight Butcher was arrested is inseparable from your wise leadership..."

The more Director Latif listened, the more satisfied he became, and the more he looked at Li Donglai, the more he liked him. Unexpectedly, this man from the East was quite good.

"He feels that it is because of a wise leader like you that our embassy can..."

Zhang Chuanzu took a breath and was about to continue talking when he saw Miss Therese, who was sitting next to her and had been frowning, slowly stood up and said with a cold face: "Mr. Latif, this person from the East is asking you

, is there any bounty?”

Latif: “…..”

Zhang Chuanzu: "......"

Li Donglai: "......"

Good guy, it turns out that this aristocratic young lady can understand Chinese, and she pretends not to understand. She is really shady.

Sure enough, Western aristocrats are all full of women, and even women are no exception.

Director Latif is a man who has seen the world. After laughing twice, he looked at Li Donglai and said, "I fully accept your praise. Your guess is correct. We in Stockholm did issue a reward for the Midnight Butcher. The amount is

It’s 20,000 crowns.”

20,000 kronor....I made a fortune this time.

After Zhang Chuanzu translated Director Latif's words, Li Donglai's face showed joy.

When they came out this time, each of them carried only 200 kronor in cash. Even Li Donglai was only given 2,000 kronor by his superiors.

As for the Nobel Prize bonus, he plans to donate it all, so he is worried about not having money for shopping.

Isn’t this the person who gave me a pillow when I was dozing off?

When Silly Zhu learned that he had the money, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth: "Chrysanthemum, in the afternoon, I was on the street and saw a very interesting pushcart. Children can lie in it. If you buy it back, we will

Then I can push He Hua to the park to play."

"That thing looks expensive, let's spend the money on important things." Yu Juhua felt a little worried about money.

Therese smiled and said: "I can give you a handcart. I can't wrong my son. You are my saviors. A handcart is nothing. We are already rich."

I have to say that Therese's Chinese is a bit lame and a bit corny, but his pronunciation is still very standard.

"This seems a bit inappropriate, doesn't it?" Silly Zhu wanted the trolley, but he did not dare to accept it and could only turn his attention to Li Donglai.

Li Donglai is not the kind of stubborn person. He would be a fool if he doesn't take advantage of him. Besides, in the process of dealing with the Midnight Butcher, Silly Zhu made great efforts.

"Since it is Miss Therese's kindness, it would be too noble for us not to accept it. Before we set off, Comrade Zhou reminded us several times to unite all the friends we can unite with. This trolley can be the symbol of our friendship.


Therese was dumbfounded by Li Donglai's words. She frowned. After thinking for a long time, she finally understood and covered her mouth and smiled.

This Oriental is really interesting.

She walked up to Li Donglai and said softly: "Comrade Li, can we have a chat alone?"


This chapter has been completed!
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