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Chapter 595 Preemptive Strike

Such joy in Banggeng’s heart!

Banggeng is so beautiful in her heart!

He finally married Huang Yanling, the beautiful, lovely and pure girl in his heart.

Bangge feels that his life has reached its peak.

Bangge also once fantasized about his own wedding.

Carrying the beautiful new daughter-in-law back to the courtyard, the onlookers burst into admiration, and then the firecrackers went off...

Where are the firecrackers?

Bangge rode his bicycle to the entrance of the courtyard, but he didn't hear the sound of firecrackers, so he suddenly became anxious.

"There are firecrackers!"

Hearing Banggeng yelling at the top of his lungs, Jia Zhang reacted and quickly stared at Yan Jiecheng and said, "Yan Jiecheng, hurry up and set off the cannon."

"Auntie Jia, didn't you say you can't fire the cannon until you see clearly..." Yan Jiecheng felt aggrieved.

Li Donglai saw that the scene was in chaos and reminded him: "Yan Jiecheng, stop talking nonsense and light up the cannon quickly!"

"Okay, okay..." Yan Jiecheng struck the match and lit the fuse.

Crack, click, click... sparks were flying... and then there was a "crackling" sound.

There was a strong smell of gunpowder smoke in the air.

The heart that was hanging in the throat was finally put back into his stomach. He got out of the car and walked towards the courtyard with Huang Yanling.

When Huang Yanling came closer and saw Huang Yanling's appearance clearly, the surrounding residents took a deep breath.

Today Huang Yanling is wearing a bright red floral cotton-padded jacket, black pants, and black leather shoes. These can only be regarded as a bit fashionable, but there is nothing more to say.

The key is that Huang Yanling actually had a big wave of perm.

This hairstyle can still be seen in previous years.

Rich wives of wealthy landlords or favored concubines like this hairstyle the most, because it can attract men's attention and make them look more fashionable than other women.


In recent years, you can no longer see it on the streets. Some people have permed their hair or even cut their hair short for this purpose.

"Look, how come your awesome new wife is dressed like this?"

"I have already seen that she is not a good person."

"Banggeng also said that she is a good girl, but I don't believe it at all."


During the discussion, Huang Yanling, instead of feeling ashamed, raised her head proudly, took Banggan's hand, and walked into the courtyard with her buttocks twisted.

After all, today is Banggeng's wedding day. Although the residents felt that Huang Yanling's dress was too outrageous, for the sake of the Jia family's face, they didn't say anything more and went to Jia's house to attend Banggeng's wedding banquet.

The cook Zhang Laogong attached great importance to this work. He took his two young apprentices to the courtyard early in the morning and started working.

The Jia family is still more generous than the Yan family. Not all they prepare are vegetables. Jia and Zhang even bought more than ten kilograms of pork.

Of course, the main reason is because the Jia family received a gift of twenty yuan this time.

Zhang Prison was busy, and there were two young men in the courtyard who thought he looked familiar.

He walked forward, looked carefully, and exclaimed: "Master Zhang, are you the Master Zhang who cooks in the fence?"

Zhang Laoyou raised his head and nodded proudly: "Yes, it's me. I, Lao Zhang, have been cooking in Baolizi for more than 20 years. It can be said that most of the gangsters in our capital have eaten the food I cooked.


He looked at the two young men and asked doubtfully: "Did you also enter the fence?"

The two young men waved their hands quickly: "Master Zhang, don't talk nonsense. We once delivered food to Walizi, and that's how we recognized you."

The conversation between several people quickly attracted the attention of the residents.

"We invited a cook who cooks for prisoners to cook for us. What does the Jia family mean?"

"Yes, today is Bangge's happy day, how could the Jia family do this!"

"If we eat this meal, wouldn't it be the same as squatting in a fence?"

"I feel unlucky just thinking about it. I paid twenty yuan!"


The residents were already angry because they had paid so much gift money, but now they were dissatisfied when they heard the news.

They all surrounded Jia and Zhang, and they all said: "Jia Zhang, for twenty yuan, I can have a nice meal in Donglaishun. When I arrived at your Jia's house today, you can't eat or drink well."

Not only did we invite a chef to cook for the prisoners, but do you think we look like prisoners?"

Mrs. Jia and Zhang did not expect that Zhang Laoguo would be recognized. After all, no one else in the courtyard except Bang Gang and her, Mrs. Jia Zhang, had ever entered the fence.

Jia Zhang quickly explained: "Everyone, please don't be angry. Although Master Zhang prison cooks in a fence, the food he cooks..."

Before Jia Zhang could finish her words, she was interrupted by the residents: "Zhang Prison? Listen to his name. We ate the meal he cooked today. If we didn't go into the fence, we would really be deprived of the meal."


"Yes, yes, we spent twenty yuan."

When Mrs. Jia Zhang saw the residents making trouble, she sneered and said, "If any of you don't want to eat, you can leave. Our Jia family won't entertain you anymore."

Anyway, the Jia family has already received the gift money in advance. If these people don't eat here, the Jia family can eat the remaining food for half a year.

The residents gave up and started to quarrel with Mr. Jia and Zhang.

Two people with relatively high ideological consciousness saw that Jia and Zhang were being unreasonable, so they ran to the backyard to invite Li Dong to come.

"Master, please go and take a look. The Jia family is in a mess right now."

Li Donglai had just finished breakfast and was thinking about how to deal with the Jia family's collection of so many gifts. He put down his bowl, said a few words to Ding Qiunan, and then followed them to the middle courtyard.

At this time, the conflict had escalated, and several old ladies were shouting curses at Jia and Zhang. Jia and Zhang did not show any weakness, standing on the flower pond, condescendingly, and swore at a group of people.

In terms of momentum, Jia Zhang is not weak at all.

"shut up!"

Li Donglai walked up to him and yelled so loud that Jia Zhang almost fell down in fright.

Jia Zhang's body swayed, and she quickly grabbed Qin Huairu's arm to regain her balance.

She glared at Li Donglai and said, "You, why are you making such a loud noise? Don't you know my old lady is not frightened?"

Li Donglai glanced at Mrs. Jia Zhang indifferently and said coldly: "Ms. Jia Zhang, today is a happy day for Bangge. Everyone is here to congratulate your family. How unbecoming are you to make such a fuss here?


"I..." Jia Zhang hesitated and was speechless.

If it were for other reasons, she would have been able to retort a few words, but Li Dong came here for the good of the Jia family and Banggeng.

Even if she had an opinion, she couldn't express it.

Li Donglai waved to Qin Huairu: "Qin Huairu, I heard two days ago that you collected high gifts from residents. Is this true?"

Hearing Li Donglai mention this matter, Qin Huairu was so frightened that her face suddenly turned pale.

Ever since Qin Huairu received the gift money, what she was most afraid of was that Li Dong would investigate.

After all, when Yan Jiecheng got married a while ago, Yan Bugui was punished by Li Donglai because of a gift of ten yuan.

And this time she received a total of twenty yuan in gift money.


When Li Donglai came back from other places, he did not mention this matter. Qin Huairu thought that the crisis had been safely passed, so he didn't take it to heart.

It seems that Li Donglai is not not pursuing the case, but is waiting for a suitable opportunity.

There is no better time than when the Jia family has hosted a wedding banquet and brought their new daughter-in-law into the house.

After Qin Huairu thought about it and understood it, she secretly sighed that Li Donglai's motives were becoming more and more gloomy.

This is to put the Jia family to death.


Qin Huairu is not afraid of Li Donglai.

After so many days of thinking, she had already thought of a perfect set of words.

I saw Qin Huairu gently flipping up her hair, biting her lips, and pretending to look miserable.

"Master, you also know the situation of my family. So many things happened in our family a while ago, and all the family members have been ruined long ago."

"If you want to bring your daughter-in-law home, it's really impossible without those betrothal gifts. Just let us go this time."

"You are the eldest man in the courtyard and the head of the family. You can't just watch Banggeng fail to find a wife, right?"

In Qin Huairu's view, Li Donglai's biggest weakness is that he is too soft-hearted and he also likes to take the overall situation into consideration.

As long as she pretends to be pitiful and tells her difficulties, Li Donglai will definitely let the Jia family go.

Unfortunately, Qin Huairu still misjudged Li Donglai.

Li Donglai took a deep breath and looked at Qin Huairu calmly: "Qin Huairu, your family is in difficulty, isn't it true that other people's families are not in difficulty?"

As he spoke, Li Donglai pointed to a middle-aged man: "Uncle Zhang, there are five children at home, four of them are in school, my mother is paralyzed in bed, and my daughter-in-law is sick all the time. The whole family relies on the money he earned in the poverty alleviation workshop.

I live on my salary. Not long ago, you extorted twenty yuan from his house. Uncle Zhang didn't even have the money to buy medicine for my mother, so he borrowed money from my house to buy medicine."

"I..." Qin Huairu bit her lip and turned even paler.

Li Donglai pointed to an old lady again: "Aunt Liu, she is fifty years old this year. Her son and daughter-in-law sacrificed their lives to save the factory property in the early years, leaving her with two grandchildren. Although she has a pension from the factory, she can only live a simple life.

No one can bear it without being able to get in or out. In order to make money, Aunt Liu works day and night pasting matchboxes, and can only earn less than five yuan a month. It's a good thing for you, you blackmailed Aunt Liu for twenty yuan.


"I..." Qin Huairu's body was still trembling slightly.

Li Donglai then pointed out three or four residents, all of whom came from poor families.

Those residents whose names were called did not feel embarrassed.

In this era, poverty is not a shameful thing, only getting something for nothing will be ridiculed.

Finally, Li Donglai walked up to Qin Huairu, stared into Qin Huairu's eyes and said, "You take advantage of the sympathy of these residents, their love of face, and collect high gifts. How is your behavior different from fraud?"


Qin Huairu shivered with fright and squatted on the ground.

Fraud...if this crime was proven, she would have to stay behind bars.

"Master, I, I really didn't think about it that much. I just wanted to help Banggeng organize the wedding." Qin Huairu said in a loud voice, and tears were already flowing from the corners of her eyes.

Coupled with the pitiful appearance of Chu Chu, people can't bear to scold her anymore.

But Li Donglai knew Qin Huairu's nature very well.

Qin Huairu was born in the wrong era. If she were placed in later generations, she would at least be a big internet celebrity.

Sitting in the live broadcast room, shouting, "Family members, I'm sending you welfare."

Then she sold a bunch of garbage to the netizens who were deceived by her, without any guilt in her heart.

"Now you return all the gift money to the residents." Li Donglai said mercilessly.


Qin Huairu was about to cry but had no tears: "All the gifts were spent on the wedding, and our Jia family has no money at all."

"If you don't have money, can you cheat?"

Li Donglai said coldly: "If you don't refund the money, I will ask the street office to intervene now and drive your Jia family out of the courtyard."

Hearing this, Qin Huairu panicked.

The most valuable property of the Jia family now is the two rooms in the courtyard. If they are kicked out, the whole family will have to sleep on the street.

The residents who were watching also nodded in agreement with Li Donglai.

"Yes, those few people just now are poorer than the Jia family. Qin Huairu actually deceived them. It really shouldn't be done."

"I think Master's punishment is already very light."

"If you ask me, just drive the Jia family out of the courtyard, and we will be in peace."

"That's right, that's right!"

Hearing the residents' discussion, Qin Huairu said quickly: "I will pay back the money, and I will pay back the money right away."

While talking about paying back the money, Qin Huairu felt a little worried.

She didn't lie this time. She had indeed spent a lot of the gift money she received. She now only had less than fifty yuan left.

There was no other way, Qin Huairu could only pull Jia Zhang aside and whispered: "Mom, now the master is forcing us to refund the gift money, please take the money out quickly."

"Where do I have money?" Jia Zhang said with a sullen face: "You don't have the ability to deal with Li Donglai yourself, but you ask my old lady to pay for it. What kind of logic does this make!"

"Mom, don't lie to me. Dongxu told me before he died that old Jia gave you the inheritance of the Jia family for many years before he died. That's a lot of money." Qin Huairu said.


Lao Jia was a capable man and had saved a lot of money in the early years. In addition, the Jia family had ancestral business. When Lao Jia died, Jia Dongxu was still young, so Lao Jia gave all his money to Jia Zhang.

Mrs. Jia Zhang thought that she had no job and was afraid that after Jia Dongxu married her daughter-in-law, she would be driven back to her hometown in the countryside, so she never took out the money.

Later, Jia Dongxu died and Qin Huairu took over Jia Dongxu's job. It was even impossible for Jia Zhang to take out the money.

Over the years, Qin Huairu has been thinking about this money, but she knows Jia Zhang's temperament. This money is Jia Zhang's life. If she wants to get the money out, it is almost like killing her.

That's why I didn't ask further questions.

However, now that it is urgent, Qin Huairu can no longer care so much.

"Mom, you have to think clearly. If we don't pay back the money, Li Donglai will drive us out of the courtyard. By then, I am a city citizen and have a food bank account, so I can live anywhere I want. You don't have a food bank account.

No one will take you in, you can only go back to Jiajiazhuang."

Mrs. Jia Zhang understood that Qin Huairu's so-called "finding a random place" meant remarrying.

This is obviously telling Jia Zhang that if you don't pay, she will leave the Jia family.

This was what Jia Zhang was most afraid of, so she could only grit her teeth and nod.


This chapter has been completed!
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