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Chapter 679 Buying groceries in Liu Haizhong

After thinking about it, Li Donglai frowned tightly, looked at Silly Zhu and said: "Silly Zhu, I know about this, you can go back first."

"Got it?" Shazhu was deceived by these words. After being stunned for a moment, he said quickly: "Brother Donglai, you are the boss of our courtyard. You cannot allow this unhealthy trend to spread in our courtyard. You have to

Find a way to stop Liu Haizhong... Otherwise, I will bring the broken gong from Yanbu Gui's family right now, and we will hold a courtyard meeting to pull out Liu Haizhong and give him a good scolding."

Silly Zhu knew Li Donglai's character very well. This guy was a hateful person. Seeing Liu Haizhong doing such nonsense, he would definitely not let him off lightly.

Li Donglai waved his hand: "There is no need to hold a conference for the time being. As the second uncle, Liu Haizhong has experienced countless quadrangle conferences and has long been accustomed to it. It can be said that he is a piece of meat now. To deal with such a person, verbal criticism is no longer possible.

It touches his soul!"

"Then you are ready..." Shazhu seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded and said: "Okay, brother Donglai, I will go back and urge Liu Haizhong to buy ingredients."

After saying that, Shazhu hurriedly walked to Wang Liuhaizhong's house.

Li Donglai sighed deeply. These beasts in the courtyard are really not honest at all.

At this moment, a soft voice came from inside the house.

"Brother Donglai, come in quickly~"

The unhappiness in Li Donglai's heart was instantly blown away by a strong wind. He smiled, turned around and closed the door.

After a while, the lights in the room went out and a strange sound sounded.


The next morning, as soon as the sky was bright with my bangs in my hair, I got up from the bed.

The quilt was lifted up, and the cold wind that squeezed in woke up the third aunt. She rubbed her eyes and sneezed: "Bang Haizhong, why are you up so early? What urgent work is there in the workshop?"

"Workshop? Humph! I am a seventh-level blacksmith and a master master. How could I go to the workshop so early to work?" Liu Haizhong said disdainfully.

When Liu Haizhong first entered the steel rolling mill, he was full of enthusiasm. At that time, the workshop was busy. He got up at three o'clock in the morning every day and went to the workshop to work overtime.

Ever since I became a senior master, I have become much lazier.

The second aunt was also aware of this situation and asked in surprise: "Then why did you get up so early?"

"It's not just about hosting a banquet. I've heard that recently, in order to make it easier for residents to buy vegetables for winter, a fixed vegetable sales point has been set up at Xinjiekou on our street. The vegetables there are better than those in the market.

The food is half a cent cheaper, I have to buy some quickly."

While Liu Haizhong was talking, he had already put on his clothes and put on his cotton boots.

The second aunt frowned: "We can earn so much money per table of dishes, do you still need to be stingy here?"

"What do you know, you prodigal mother-in-law? Haven't you heard of a saying, if you don't have enough to eat, you won't have to spend money, and you will be poor if you don't think about it. Let's buy some cheap vegetables and save a lot of money!" Liu Haizhong said impatiently.


At this time, he was already dressed. After thinking about it, he picked up the tattered felt hat hanging on the wall and put it on before opening the door and leaving the house.

Looking at Liu Haizhong's back, the second aunt felt more and more that he was possessed by Yan Bugui.

Seeing that it was still dark outside, the second aunt yawned, lay down on the bed and fell asleep again.

When Liu Haizhong left the house, he was immediately shivered by a gust of cold wind. In order to save some money, he could only tighten his collar, hold his cotton-padded jacket with both hands, shrink his neck, and walk forward against the cold wind.

Liu Haizhong did not go to Xinjiekou immediately because he had to buy a donkey that rides backwards. Otherwise, how would he bring so many vegetables back?

Although he was wrapped in a thick cotton-padded jacket, his bangs still felt as if they were thoroughly frozen, and he quickly started running.

After running for a while, he appeared in front of a large courtyard.

This large courtyard was much more run-down than the courtyard. The door under the porch had long since disappeared. The courtyard was dark and there were no street lights.

Only then did Liu Haizhong remember that he had forgotten to bring a flashlight.

"Forget it, you can save some money on batteries by not using a flashlight."

Liu Haizhong comforted himself and stepped inside.

It's just that he overestimated his ability to act in the dark.

After taking just two steps, I heard a "pop" sound, and my bangs were knocked down by the threshold and fell to the ground.

His face was burning, one of his front teeth was chipped, his nose was bleeding, and his bangs were so painful that he couldn't bear it any longer and moaned loudly.

The light came on in the house closest to the door.

After a while, a young man wearing a cotton-padded jacket came out, rushed to the door, and shined a flashlight in this direction.

When he saw Liu Haizhong lying on the ground moaning, the young man couldn't help but take a breath and rushed over to support Liu Haizhong: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

That's right, this young man's name is Zhang Manshan, and he is Liu Haizhong's apprentice. The reason why Liu Haizhong came here this time is to borrow Zhang Manshan's family's donkey that rides backwards.

The pain in bangs was still unbearable at this time, but he didn't want to lose face in front of his apprentice, so he could only stand up and smiled awkwardly: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay."

Zhang Manshan held a flashlight and frowned: "Master, your nose is bruised, your face is swollen, your nose is bleeding, and your teeth are missing. How can you be okay? Otherwise, I will send you back first, and we will talk about the grocery shopping later."

"Zhang Manshan, I said it's okay, it's okay. Why are you such a mother-in-law? Be careful and wait until you get to the workshop. I won't teach you how to forge." Liu Haizhong shook off Zhang Manshan's hand and said with a cold face.

Even though I am respectful to you on weekdays, you didn't teach me how to forge...

Thinking of this, Zhang Manshan felt depressed.

A few days ago, when he entered the steel rolling mill, the steel rolling mill had already held a skills training class at Li Donglai's suggestion. New workers who entered the factory no longer had to find a master as a teacher like before. They only needed to enter the skills training class.

Here, by studying with a teacher, you can still improve your skills and be promoted to a senior skilled worker.


Zhang Manshan's home is very close to the courtyard house, but Zhang Manshan's father and Liu Haizhong are still good friends, and the two often drink together.

Zhang Manshan's father was an old-school figure who didn't believe that skills training courses could cultivate any talents. He entrusted Zhang Manshan to Liu Haizhong because of his good relationship with Liu Haizhong.

Only after Zhang Manshan became Liu Haizhong's apprentice did he realize that he had been deceived.

On weekdays in the workshop, Liu Haizhong didn't teach him any skills at all, but just asked him to do some chores. He was almost like Liu Haizhong's little errand boy.

Moreover, he had to come to thank him for his three birthdays and two birthdays, otherwise Liu Haizhong would make things difficult for him in the workshop and deliberately arrange some difficult work.

Zhang Manshan's father found out about this and went to Liu Haizhong several times, but was blocked by Liu Haizhong: "Old-school masters and apprentices like us are all like this. If we want to learn skills, we have to hone our temperament.

Zhang Manshan’s temper is not good enough and he needs to train for a few more years.”

Zhang Manshan’s father deeply believed...

Zhang Manshan thought this way at first, but a few years later he discovered that the workers who entered the steel rolling mill at the same time as him had been promoted to third-level workers and fourth-level workers, and he was still just an apprentice.

He was dissatisfied, but Zhang Manshan did not dare to speak out. He could only support Liu Haizhong and walked to the door, where he pushed a donkey riding upside down from under the eaves.

Pushing it in front of Liu Haizhong, Zhang Manshan bent down and said with a smile: "Master, you can push it away, but it will come before eight o'clock, and my father still needs it!"

Zhang Manshan's father is a temporary worker in a supply and marketing cooperative. His daily job is to ride a donkey backwards to transport goods.

Liu Haizhong glanced at Zhang Manshan blankly, pointed at his face and said: "Apprentice, do you think my master looks like he can go shopping for groceries?"

Zhang Manshan: "..."

Yes, this is blackmail. When Liu Haizhong borrowed the donkey riding backwards at work yesterday, Zhang Manshan felt something was wrong. So he did not promise to deliver the donkey riding backwards to Liu Haizhong's house, but asked Liu Haizhong to come and pick it up.

Afraid of being caught in bangs.

Unexpectedly, no matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't escape.

Moreover, Zhang Manshan could not refuse.

Because in this old-fashioned master-disciple relationship, the master is the father. If you dare to disobey the master, you will be labeled as disrespectful.

Zhang Manshan could only take a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, master, I will push the donkey backwards and walk in front. When we get out of the yard, you can sit on it."

"That's pretty much it! Don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

Liu Haizhong patted Zhang Manshan on the shoulder. Zhang Manshan sighed and pushed the donkey backwards to go outside. As soon as he left the courtyard gate, he heard a "chirp".

He quickly turned his head and saw that Liu Haizhong had tripped over the threshold again, and his cheeks, which were already bruised from the fall, were now unrecognizable.

"Master, how are you?" Zhang Manshan rushed over and helped Liu Haizhong up.

At this time, Liu Haizhong was already out of anger. After standing up, he kicked the threshold fiercely: "Damn it, there is obviously no gate here, why is there a threshold!"

Bang bang bang!

After kicking seven or eight times in succession, the heavy threshold made of jujube wood was extremely strong and did not move at all.

At this time, Zhang Manshan looked at the furious bangs and said faintly: "Master, is it possible? There was originally a gate here, but later the gate was chopped up by the residents as firewood and took home to light the fire. That's why

This threshold was left.”

Liu Haizhong: "..."

Zhang Manshan almost couldn't help but laugh out loud. He took a flashlight and took a photo of Liu Haizhong's body.

At this time, Liu Haizhong had changed beyond recognition, his collar and sleeves were all stained with blood, his pants were covered in dust, his hair was messy, and he looked very embarrassed.

Liu Haizhong felt a little uncomfortable due to his strange gaze. He glared and said: "What are you looking at? Hurry up and help me onto the donkey that is riding backwards. Let's go buy groceries quickly!"

Hearing this, Zhang Manshan was stunned: "Master, you are like this, why do you still want to buy vegetables?"

"Why don't you go? If you don't go, give me back the difference in the price of the food!" Liu Haizhong's eyes were as wide as glass balls.

Zhang Manshan shrank his neck and remained silent. He was joking. He was just an apprentice, not his biological son. Why should he help Liu Haizhong make up the difference?

He didn't say anything else, held his bangs in his hands and climbed onto the donkey, then pedaled on the donkey and swayed toward Xinjiekou.

Soon, Zhang Manshan realized that this was a hard job, and the speed of riding the donkey backwards was slow. Liu Haizhong kept urging him from behind, telling him to go faster, for fear that the cheap vegetables would be sold out.

Go faster, and the donkey starts to bump when riding backwards. Sitting in the back with bangs feels a little painful, and starts to curse loudly.

In this way, Zhang Manshan drove Liu Haizhong to Xinjiekou, going fast and slowly. Although it was only five o'clock in the morning, there was already a long queue in front of the temporary vegetable shop.

"Master, we're here!"

"Come on, let's go queue up."

With the support of Zhang Manshan, Liu Haizhong walked tremblingly towards the back of the line.

Because there were many people shopping for food, in order to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to cause trouble, the street police station also sent personnel to patrol the surrounding areas and maintain order.

As soon as Liu Haizhong stood at the end of the line, he was stopped by two police comrades.

The bright flashlight light shone on Liu Haizhong's face, and the face of the dark-faced police comrade became even darker.

"Did you steal from someone else's house?"

It's not that the police comrades are thinking wrongly. After all, at this time, there are fresh blood stains on Liu Haizhong's face, and he looks like he has been beaten. Anyone would think wrongly.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of the residents who were queuing up.

Everyone was bored after waiting in line for so long, when something exciting happened, and everyone immediately gathered around.

"Tsk, tsk, this old guy is really dedicated. After being beaten like this, he still comes to buy groceries."

"Yeah, just to save a few dollars, I even risked my life."

"You are not risking your life. You are obviously throwing yourself into a trap."


During the discussion, the faces of the two police comrades became darker, and one even took out the handcuffs from his waist.

Liu Haizhong saw that the situation was not good and quickly explained: "No, no, I didn't steal from others, I just fell."

As he was talking, he saw that the police comrades didn't believe him, so he quickly grabbed Zhang Manshan and said, "Apprentice, please explain it to me quickly."

Zhang Manshan wished that the police comrades would arrest Liu Haizhong, but thinking about his master, he had to step forward to help Liu Haizhong and explained: "Comrade public security, you have indeed misunderstood. This comrade is my master just now.


Zhang Manshan explained in detail what had just happened.

The two police comrades were amazed when they heard this: "You old comrade, please be careful in the future and don't trip over the same threshold twice!"

My bangs were so embarrassed that I couldn't even lift them up.

I think back then he was a man who could go up into the mountains and hunt tigers, but now he was so messed up by a small threshold. It felt so aggrieved!

Thanks to Liu Haizhong's persistence, he finally bought cheap food.

Two hundred catties of Chinese cabbage, two hundred catties of carrots, dozens of catties of green onions, and various green vegetables.

On the way back, Liu Haizhong calculated carefully and found that just these dishes could save three yuan.

It doesn't seem to be a loss this time.

Liu Haizhong put down his fingers and turned to look at Zhang Manshan: "Hurry up!"

Zhang Manshan: "..."


This chapter has been completed!
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