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Chapter 76 The Poor Gu Shen

The next day, Li Donglai went to work in high spirits.

As soon as I entered the internal medicine clinic, I saw a thermos bottle and a cup of chrysanthemum tea on the seat.

Looking again, Ding Qiunan stared at the swaying grass outside the window with a blushing face.

Yes, my little wife has started working early.

"Qiunan, I'm going to the morgue."


Li Donglai picked up the boiling water bottle and the enamel jar, and just opened the door.

Another mosquito voice came from behind: "Brother Donglai, don't go to the canteen to get food at noon. My mother has cooked."

Li Donglai was about to turn around when nurse Liu Fang happened to pass by. His eyes fell to the ground in shock and he joked: "Oh my god, Doctor Li, are you a volcano?"

Li Donglai: "What?"

Liu Fang pouted at Ding Qiunan: "Didn't you see the iceberg melting?"

Li Donglai: "..."

When Ding Qiunan heard this, he put his little hand on the table, then stretched it under the table, and said with a serious face: "Liu Fang, I won't approve your contraceptives this month!"

Liu Fang: "...."


Fortunately, she is a girl studying medicine, she is really brave.

Li Donglai fled and hid in the morgue.

I was busy for most of the morning.

The Chinese version of the paper has been completed, and all that remains is to translate it into English.

The translation of professional papers is not a simple matter and requires at least an afternoon.

Well, I guess I can send the paper out in the evening.

Li Donglai stretched himself and lay down on the morgue to rest for a while.

Don't tell me, the corpse bed is a steel bed with a thin mattress underneath. It feels neither soft nor hard when you lie on it. It is very supportive and has strong wrapping properties. It is much more comfortable than the big Kang at home.


The door opened quietly.

Gu Shen tiptoed, probed his head, and came in with his body hunched over.

Like an old cat, he shook his head and looked around the morgue, but found no sign of Li Donglai.

Slowly walked towards the desk, looked at the things on it, and muttered as he walked: "The lights are on, the teacup is still smoking, and the notebook is spread out. Li Donglai shouldn't have gone very far."

Gu Shen thought of something, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He shook his head and looked around. When he saw the steel bed, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hmph, I'm hiding here to scare you."

He walked over gently and was about to pull away.

"Ha!" A 'corpse' stood up straight from the bed.


Gu Shen was so frightened that he took two steps back and almost squatted on the ground.

His face was ashen, and he felt as if a stream of heat was about to spurt out from his lower body.

Fortunately, I am young and strong, and my organ function has not declined, so I only squeezed out two drops.

Taking another closer look, the 'corpse' turned out to be Li Donglai.

Gu Shen was so angry that he shouted loudly: "You kid, do you know that scaring people can scare them to death!"

Li Donglai smiled and said: "You are like a thief, sneaking in, don't you just want to scare me?"

Gu Shen: "...."

Gu Shen, who was told what he was thinking, couldn't help but feel angry.

As usual, lying on another hospital bed.

Li Donglai raised his wrist and pretended to look around with a puzzled expression.

Gu Shen stared: "Brother Donglai, you don't have a watch, what are you looking at?"

Li Donglai put down his wrist and said with a smile: "Let me see if it's afternoon now."

Gu Shen: "????"

Li Donglai: "You usually come in the afternoon, why are you here this morning too? Is the food station out of service?"

Halfway through the words, Li Donglai frowned and murmured to himself: "That shouldn't be the case. There are thousands of communes near the capital, so we can always get fat pigs, right?"

As soon as the matter of fattening pigs was mentioned, Gu Shen looked like he was beyond love.

He sighed: "This year's situation is very different from the previous two years. The collectors who went to the countryside came back and reported that the pigs in the countryside are all skinny and skinny, and the communes are not willing to sell them."

"Do you believe it? Our food station, with more than 200 people, has only received less than 20 pigs so far."

Li Donglai's heart trembled, but he ignored this.

There is no extra food in the countryside now, so naturally they are not willing to feed pigs.

Even if it is to complete the commune tasks and feed the pigs.

Not willing to sell either.

This is a dead end.

Maybe he felt that Li Donglai was trustworthy, or maybe he was under too much pressure inside.

Gu Shen jumped up from the bed, ran to Li Donglai's bed, and whispered:

"Did you know? Those 20 pigs were brought back by our food station, which subsidized a lot of corn and found a few familiar communes."

Li Donglai frowned: "Do you subsidize it yourself?"

Gu Shen nodded: "Of course, the acquisition tasks assigned by superiors must be completed."

Hearing that it was a task assigned by his superiors, Li Donglai was speechless.

These days, the world is vast and the tasks are the biggest.

Gu Shen continued: "The old man often said that we in the Gu family are all heroes. As long as our superiors give orders, we will do whatever it takes to do anything."

"Gu Zheng, you know, right?"

Li Donglai nodded.

Gu Zheng is the eldest son of the Gu family and Gu Shen's idol.


Gu Shen looked lonely: "Gu Zheng brought back a certificate of award from the border, but he also lost an arm."


Li Donglai let out a long sigh.

Behind every glory, there are sacrifices that others cannot imagine.

Gu Shen continued: "When I was born, I happened to be on a forced march and my medical conditions were not good."

"It is said that I am a twin, and my older brother died when he was born."

"Over the years, I have always wondered if my brother could have done better than me if he had survived."

"It's thanks to me, the old Gu family, that I can make the old man praise you."

The deep sadness on his face made Li Donglai not know how to comfort him for a moment.


Li Donglai whispered: "Gu Shen, have you ever thought about it. Maybe it was you who died young and you were your brother?"

"What???" Gu Shen's eyes widened, and the melancholy look on his face suddenly disappeared.

"I am my brother? My brother is me?...I...brother...I..."

He frowned and thought for a long time, then said quietly: "Brother Donglai, are you deceiving me?"

Hey, this guy is serious!

Li Donglai smiled and said: "Of course I'm fooling you! You are you, uniquely you. Even if you suffer setbacks for a while, no one dares to deny that you are from the Gu family."

After saying that, he looked strange and added: "Unless..."

Gu Shen was originally excited when he heard it, but when he heard what happened later, he curled his lips and said, "Brother Donglai, do you know that you can easily get beaten like this?"

Li Donglai: "..."

The two chatted for a while, and Li Donglai looked at Gu Shen who was worried about buying the big fat pig, and a dangerous idea suddenly came to his mind.

He patted Gu Shen on the shoulder: "Boy, do you want to make money with your brother?"

"Making money?" Gu Shen was startled for a moment, and his face immediately lit up with joy.

In the past, he would have scorned this violation of regulations.


He is too poor now.


This chapter has been completed!
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