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Chapter 79

Jia Xudong was also unlucky. The patriotic capitalist sitting in Factory Director Yang's office was none other than Lou Bancheng.

After the Wuxing Steel Rolling Mill became a public-private partnership, Lou Bancheng became a shareholder and received substantial dividends from the mill every year.

Of course, all management rights have been handed over, and he can only occasionally visit the rolling mill to show his presence.

There is no wind yet, and the leaders of the steel rolling mill still respect Lou Bancheng very much.

Every time, Director Yang would put down his daily work and accompany him.

After listening to Jia Xudong's cry, Director Yang glanced at Lou Bancheng.

Lou Bancheng narrowed his eyes slightly and leaned back on the chair, seeming to be asleep.

Director Yang's eyes fell back on Jia Xudong's face, with a serious expression: "Comrade Jia Xudong, the issues you reported are related to the atmosphere of our steel rolling mill and are very important."

"Please rest assured, I will send someone to investigate immediately and I will definitely give you an explanation."

"Thank you, Director Yang, thank you, Director Yang..." Jia Xudong felt like he was about to shed tears and walked backwards out of the office.

When the footsteps gradually disappeared in the corridor, Director Yang sighed softly and whispered: "This kind of thing can destroy people."

At some point, Lou Bancheng woke up.

He didn't seem to hear Factory Director Yang's words. He picked up the enamel jar and brought it to his mouth. The enamel jar covered his face: "Old Yang, do you know who I met when I went to the Magic City for a meeting two days ago?"

Director Yang became more energetic: "Who?"

"Zhang Renfu."

"Zhang Renfu? Deputy director of the No. 1 Bicycle Factory in Magic City?"

Lou Bancheng held the enamel jar and said slowly: "Yes, he was my former counter accountant.

There was a war that year and the streets were in chaos. It was I who saved Zhang Renfu from the rebels.

I thought this guy was smart, so I paid for him to attend a private school. After he completed his studies, he helped me manage the leather goods shop.

Later, the leather goods shop was burned to a pile of ashes.

Zhang Renfu also disappeared. I thought he was dead.

This time I went to a meeting, and it was him who presided over the meeting.

Only after asking carefully did I understand the whole story.

Zhang Renfu's father is a veteran.

Zhang Renfu was injured in the fire and was sent to the hospital, where he happened to be recognized by his father's subordinates.

From then on, he went to the devil's capital."

Director Yang smiled and said: "The bicycle factory is the pride of our state-owned factory. Zhang Renfu became the deputy director at a young age. It is only a matter of time before he is promoted to a ministry."

Lou Bancheng changed his tone, stopped talking about Zhang Renfu, and started talking about the work of the steel rolling mill.

Factory Director Yang made a 'report' on the production work in the workshop.

After the work report was finished, the two started chatting about trivial things.

Director Yang suddenly remembered something and said with a strange expression: "A strange thing happened in our steel rolling mill recently, a talented person came out."

"What's strange?" Lou Bancheng sat up straight.

Director Yang laughed and said: "A comrade accidentally fell into the manure pit and drank a lot of that stuff."

The incident of Silly Column falling into the manure pit has long been a staple dish for entertaining guests at the steel rolling mill.

"This... hahahahaha!" Lou Bancheng laughed so hard that he smacked his thigh: "How unlucky this guy must be."

After a long time, he calmed down, and the dried wrinkles on his face began to blush little by little, making him seem a little younger.

"Now that something strange has happened, what about the talent?"

"A new doctor came to the hospital, and he used a tube to extract the feces from that unfortunate guy's stomach."

Lou Bancheng was surprised: "The tube was inserted into the stomach? And the feces was sucked out?"

Director Yang nodded: "Yes, it's really amazing. This doctor calls this technique 'intubation gastric lavage' and is writing a paper to be published in a medical journal."

"Talent! Talent! This is a talent!" Lou Bancheng's eyes lit up and he began to think about when he could invite this doctor to his home.

He has been suffering from back pain for the past few years and has been to many doctors to no avail.


The two of them chatted like this, and no one mentioned the sexy case at the steel rolling mill.

An hour passed, and Lou Bancheng stood up and said goodbye: "Director Yang, I have been chatting with you for a long time today, and I still have to go to the office to review some documents."

"Director Lou will stay in the factory for lunch?" Director Yang asked habitually as he walked to the door.

When the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill was first jointly established, Lou Bancheng was very enthusiastic.

I stayed here almost all day, and the factory let the canteen cook a small stove every day.

Later, as the news gradually spread, Lou Bancheng rarely came to the factory.

Even if I came, I would just go through some errands, review a few documents, and leave in a hurry. I wouldn't stay here to eat.

Unexpectedly, Lou Bancheng stopped and said hesitantly: "Originally I didn't plan to stay, but then I thought about it, it's been a long time since I've had a meal with my comrades, and I'm a bit out of touch with the masses."

"Let's do this, you call the comrades from the Propaganda Department, yes, and the talent doctor.

Let’s get together in the restaurant of the guest house.”

"The conditions are difficult now. We don't want big fish and meat, just carrots and cabbage."

Director Yang was thoughtful, the Publicity Department... isn't Lou Bancheng's future son-in-law the projectionist of the Publicity Department?

After sending Lou Bancheng away, Director Yang sat at his desk, lost in thought.

Jia Xudong is simply an idiot.

How can a man report to his superiors that someone else is having an affair with his wife?

Even if you want to sue, you should have real evidence, at least catch him in bed.

To start a fight based on just two rumors, you are really taking the initiative to act like a bastard.

Moreover, the other two people involved in this sex case are also well-founded.

When He Yuzhu entered the steel rolling mill, an old friend of Director Yang specifically told him to take more care of him.

Otherwise, the capital is so big and there are so many good cooks.

It's He Yuzhu's turn to jump up and down in front of the leader, grinning?

Xu Damao is Lou Bancheng's future son-in-law.

Lou Bancheng didn't express his opinion just now, but he talked about Zhang Renfu. His intention was obvious.

That is, although Lou Bancheng is dead, his old friends are still there.

Director Yang recalled Lou Bancheng's behavior just now and shook his head with a wry smile.

This old Lou is a good businessman, but a political idiot.

However, this is a critical period and Lou Bancheng's help is still needed, and Director Yang does not intend to go against him.

Let's base it on the facts, and then make a decision after the matter is clarified.

Director Yang made up his mind, shook the phone, and asked the security department to invite He Yuzhu and Xu Damao over.

He wanted to interrogate the two of them personally.

Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Director Yang first invited Xu Damao.

Some inquiries.

Xu Damao naturally insisted that there were no rumors.

Xu Damao is a capable veteran actor who vividly displays innocence.

Of course, Director Yang knew a lot of people and didn't believe him at all.

However, he didn't say anything more. He just told Xu Damao to attend the noon banquet and let him go back.

By coincidence, Xu Damao was spotted by He Yuzhu as he walked out of the factory director's office.

At that time, he wanted to knock Xu Damao down with his fist.

The only way to suppress his anger was to worry about the security officer behind him.


This chapter has been completed!
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