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Chapter 94: Boil the Eagle.

Inside the courtyard.

Qin Huairu looked at the tall man standing next to the powerful bicycle and couldn't help but stand up.

The wet clothes fell into the basin, splashing a little water and falling on the blue brick floor.

Hearing the sound of "pop", Jia Xudong came out of the house while chewing on the steamed bun.

"Daughter-in-law, what's wrong?"

Following Qin Huairu's gaze, he immediately saw a brand new bicycle, and then Li Donglai.

He curled his lips and said disdainfully: "It's just a bicycle, what's so big about it."

"When I pass the skills test next month and become a second-level fitter, I will buy you one too."

Jia Xudong's words made Qin Huairu want to cry without tears.

Ever since she married into the Jia family, she discovered that this seemingly honest little man actually liked gambling.

When I get paid every month, the first thing I do is find a place to hang out with my friends and play with them most of the night.

Of course, he often loses rather than wins.

The only time I won, I was beaten so hard that my head was hit with a brick.

Qin Huairu advised him not to gamble anymore.

Jia Xudong immediately raised his hands and swore to God that he would be Qin Huairu's son again.

As a result, when it was time to pay wages next month, Jia Xudong still hadn't come back after dark.

Qin Huairu knew that her old habit had happened again, and she was so angry that she didn't even leave food for Jia Xudong.

In the middle of the night, Jia Xudong came back in despair and quietly went to bed.

Qin Huairu woke up from being teased and was so angry that she was about to kick him down.

Jia Xudong said directly to Qin Huairu: "Mom."

At that time, Qin Huairu's heart died.

Let’s live this day one day at a time.

When Bangge grows up, he will have a good life.


Jia Xudong felt bored when he saw Qin Huairu ignoring him.

I rushed to see Li Donglai's bicycle.

When Jia Zhang heard the noise outside, she also came out.

His eyes lit up: "Did Li Donglai buy a bicycle?"

Qin Huairu ignored her and squatted on the ground to continue rubbing her clothes.

Mrs. Jia Zhang looked vicious: "Even Yi Zhonghai in our compound doesn't have a bicycle. How can he, a young doctor, afford a bicycle?"

"It must have come from something wrong."

"No, I want to go take a look."

With that said, she strode towards Li Donglai.

Qin Huairu wanted to call her to stop, but hesitated and squatted down again.

This damn old woman deserves to suffer more.


Li Donglai saw that Shazhu was about to move and started to touch the bicycle again. He glared at him fiercely and pushed the bicycle to leave.

I had just taken two steps when I heard a sharp scolding from behind me: "Li Donglai, stop right here!"

Looking back, Mrs. Jia Zhang ran over with an angry face.

What does this old pious woman want to do?

Li Donglai asked Li Xiaomei to stand behind him and smiled calmly: "Aunt Jia, are you okay?"

"Something's happening, something big!"

Jia Zhang held her waist with one hand and pointed at the bicycle with the other: "Li Donglai, let me ask you, where did you steal this bicycle?"

"Stolen?" Li Donglai was stunned. This old godly woman was looking for trouble again.

This Jia Zhang family is a mad dog, and the best way is to ignore it.

Li Donglai took Li Xiaomei, pushed the bicycle, and walked straight out.

Before he had taken two steps, he was stopped by Jia Zhang again.

She spat fiercely: "If you don't answer, is there something wrong in your heart?"

This time, Li Donglai will be angered.

He sneered: "I don't talk to anyone with shit on their face."

"???" Mrs. Jia Zhang raised her eyebrows, thought for a moment, and then stamped her foot: "Okay, you dare to scold me for having shit on my face."

Li Donglai looked sincere: "I was wrong, there was a face on the stool."

"Hiccup!" Mrs. Jia Zhang was so angry that she almost licked it.




This Li Donglai's curses are too vicious.

But if you want to send me Jia Zhang, there is no way!

Mrs. Jia Zhang squatted on the ground, grabbed the bicycle wheel, and started shouting at the top of her lungs: "Come on, guys, I caught a bicycle thief."

The roar broke the quiet morning in the courtyard.

Soon, everyone gathered around and pointed:

"Isn't this Dr. Li? How did he become a bicycle thief?"

"Is Mr. Jia Zhang blinded?"


Silly Zhu next to him saw Mrs. Jia Zhang cheating, thinking that she was a great grandma, and wanted to go up and pull her up.

However, Mrs. Jia Zhang spat on her face, and Silly Zhu could only stand aside in silence.

Seeing more and more people, Jia Zhang pointed at Li Donglai and shouted: "Did everyone see it? Li Donglai actually pushed a new bicycle."

"Think about it, guys, even the man with the highest salary in our compound can't afford a bicycle."

"He is a rural person with muddy feet. How can he have money to buy it?"

"Also, where did the bicycle ticket come from?"

"I think he must be doing something speculative."

"My last report was not wrong at all!"

Only now will Li Donglai understand that the crux lies here.

Yesterday's awards ceremony later evolved into a discussion on the 'boy-on-boy incident'. By the time the meeting ended, it was already time to get off work.

In this era, even leaders cannot make workers work overtime at will and can only declare the meeting to adjourn.

Director Yang was in the office and gave the bonus and bicycle ticket to Li Donglai.

After Li Dong came to work today, he had to go to the Publicity Department again to get his award certificate.

Since there was no time to announce it to the outside world, the workers naturally did not know about these things.

Just as Li Donglai was about to explain, the onlookers started to make a noise.

"That's the reason. Although Dr. Li's salary is not low, he is a poor boy from the countryside. He has no foundation and no foundation. How can he afford a bicycle so quickly?"

"I think this bike is from Phoenix. It costs about 200 yuan."

"The car is the second most important thing. Bicycle tickets are difficult to get."

"Last month, my brother-in-law got married and asked someone to buy a bicycle ticket for thirty yuan."

"Tsk, tsk, this adds up to more than 200 yuan. How much money does Dr. Li have?"

"Don't tell me, Jia Zhang is usually unreliable, but what she said today really makes sense."

"That's right, that's right!"

Yes, what is true cannot be false, and what is false cannot be true.

Li Donglai crossed his arms and changed from an actor to a theatergoer.

"What are you talking about! What kind of person is Dr. Li?" Just as everyone was talking, He Yuyu rushed in.

She always wears a mask in the courtyard and remains invisible.

But she couldn't bear that a good person like Brother Donglai was wronged by others.

Li Xiaomei's face was filled with joy and she gave He Yuyu a thumbs up.

This good friend is really good at dealing with things.

"Damn girl, do you have the right to speak here?" Mrs. Jia Zhang cursed, and then glared at Silly Zhu fiercely: "He Yuzhu, why don't you take your sister away quickly, so that she doesn't embarrass herself here."

When He Yuyu experienced the theft of his tuition fees, he was completely disappointed with Si Zhu.

She snatched away the hand held by Silly Zhu and said loudly: "You dare to pull me! I will file a lawsuit with the street office."

Silly Zhujiao retracted his hand and caught a glimpse of the fierce light in He Yuyu's eyes, feeling suspicious in his heart.

Why is this sister disobedient today?

Is it about tuition fees?

It shouldn't be. Her brother was imprisoned in a fence and her sister went to school. Can she not tell the difference between these two things?

What a disappointment!


As a senior man, Yi Zhonghai naturally saw such a big movement in the courtyard.

At this moment, he was standing behind the pile of bricks.

"Old man, don't you want Li Dong to provide for his retirement? This is a good opportunity. Why don't you go and speak for him? Is there really something wrong with his bicycle ticket?" A mother held Brick and looked at the chaotic scene.

Yi Zhonghai said calmly: "Is there something wrong with the bicycle ticket? Do you think Li Donglai is the brainless one like Silly Zhu?"

"As for why I don't come forward now, it's because the time is running out."

"Have you heard about the eagle?"

The aunt looked confused: "Boiled Eagle?"

Yi Zhonghai clasped his arms in his arms: "We have a lot of people in the capital. Those Eight Banners disciples in the previous dynasty were able to train the unruly eagles into hounds to catch their prey."

"It depends on one word, endure."

"An eagle with a ferocious nature will only obey its master obediently when it reaches a desperate situation."

This chapter has been completed!
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