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Chapter 247 What did you hear again?

The interrogation process was quite smooth.

But Bajie felt a little disappointed.

Unknowingly, Junior Brother Sha also mastered the ability to use Buddhism to save evil people.

Xiao Bailong is a disciple of a secular family, and he is obsessed with the art of shooting, let alone mentioning it.

Although the master didn't say it clearly, Bajie felt the master's intention... The talents of senior brother and junior brother Sha were the leaders of the three realms... Even though he had obtained the inheritance of Marshal Tianpeng and was taught by old mother Fenglishan, he could not

His talent is not even a little bit worse than that of several senior brothers.

Occasionally seeing the vast supernatural powers of his brothers, Bajie also felt envious in his heart... But he believed that he followed the master's teachings, which said that when people walk in the world, all four elements are empty, and striving for strength is a misguided path... He just muddle along, and one day

Having a happy day is the way to live in this world.


Bajie did think this way in the past, but he couldn't resist the serious entanglements of several of his fellow apprentices, so he didn't cheat and cheat... instead, he did his job conscientiously.

Master was not angry when he saw it, nor did he dissuade him. He just let his own temper...

Along the way, Bajie felt quite contented, but today...he felt a little bit regretful.

Looking at the charges in his hands——

Some were oppressed by the government and had no choice but to drop grass;

Some were born lonely, were robbed by this group of bandits while passing by, and simply joined the gang;

Some are vicious people who kill without blinking an eye, just like this second master.

For all kinds of robbers, there are twenty different reasons for falling grass.

"Master..." Bajie said with a grimace, "They confessed that the local government oppressed the people more than they did..."

Fahai also fell into deep thought for a moment. After a while, he said helplessly: "Wukong...see, this is the world of mortals."

After hearing this, Wukong scratched his head and said: "Master, if you want me to tell you, I might as well go to the door and take the dog officer..."

"Take the dog officer, examine his evil deeds, and report to the court..." Wu Jing said, but the more he spoke, the less confident he was. As for the reason, everyone knew it.

Fahai thought for a while and said: "I heard that Erlang Zhenjun has taken over the role of the Justice God, why not go and ask him for advice..."

After all, he is a member of the Buddhist sect, and it is true that he can judge good and evil, but when faced with the punishment of punishment, Fa Hai must act more cautiously.

"Master... the rules of heaven still control the affairs of the human world?" Bajie said blankly.

"Regardless of whether you are in charge or not, you can always ask him for advice. Maybe there will be reference for the many crimes in heaven."

After hearing this, the Great Sage nodded repeatedly and said: "Master, the disciple will go up to heaven to pay a visit to the True Monarch Erlang... Just escort these thieves to the west, and the disciple will catch up later."

After he finished speaking, he somersaulted to heaven.

The master and his disciples escorted a group of robbers and went to the government.


In the mountains behind Lingshan Mountain.

The Tathagata Buddha has been a little upset in recent days. Good news came not long ago. Golden Hoop Immortal and Dharmajie, together with Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, captured the obscene Buddha of Long-eared Dingguang Immortal in Luzhou, Beijulu. At this moment, Dharmajie is

Escort him to Lingshan.

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva transmitted the message to the Tathagata Buddha, saying that he saw that the miasma in Beikuluzhou was becoming more and more intense. If it was left unchecked, Beikuluzhou would not only be unsuitable for human beings to reproduce and live, but also a strong monster.

The tribe may not be able to survive here.

So he decided to stay in the north to find the source of the miasma. Although he was alone and alone, he was quite confident in breaking into the demon clan's hinterland by relying on his magical powers.

The world calls him the omnipotent World-Honored Tathagata, but if he really had such magical powers, he wouldn't have to be stuck here now.

The black air came out again.

In front of him, it slowly condensed into the shadow of the great sage of the demon world.

He is still dressed in black monk robes, with long hair shawl, and is called the Great Sage of the Demon Realm, but his expression does not have the slightest hint of the unruly character of the Demon Realm, instead he is pious.

Tathagata Buddha saw clearly that even after this great monk became a demon, he never gave up the Dharma.

"A few days ago, it seems that a ferocious beast escaped from Lingshan Mountain." The Great Sage of the Demon Realm looked at Tathagata Buddha's expression, as if he wanted to analyze the key points of the incident from his face.

Tathagata Buddha just looked at him quietly, letting his tongue sparkle like a lotus flower, and didn't respond at all.


It seems that the time has come to go out for a breather. The black mist has dissipated, leaving only the Buddha sitting alone on the golden lotus in the back mountain. His face looks like a Buddha. It seems that there is no wave in the ancient well, but he can see all kinds of sentient beings.

Buddha looked towards the East China Sea, and when he touched the fairy island surrounded by sword energy, his eyes converged slightly.

Sitting in this position, he understood the difficulty his master had faced back then.

What ran out of Lingshan was the legacy left by Jin Chanzi. This legacy was purified by the Buddhist rhyme left by the previous Buddha and gradually came to life... Later, it even transformed into a shape, and its appearance was the same as that of Jin Chanzi.

Exactly the same.

After the Conferred God War, hundreds of schools of thought were contending in the world.

There is also a warning from heaven, telling all the saints to withdraw from the three realms and set up a Taoist temple outside the thirty-third heaven. They are not allowed to enter the three realms without any reason... because all the saints have left their incarnations in the human world.

The two sages of the West left behind two incarnations, namely the Jie Yin Buddha of Lingshan and the predecessor Buddha Upalatha Buddha.

Uncle Taiqing, who was left at the end, led him to Hezhou, Xiniu, before he left. He wanted to establish Mahayana Buddhism and seize the fate of Western Buddhism...

After the Great Sun Tathagata Conferred God Battle, he received the Zhunti Transformation, entered Buddhism, and established the Tantric Sect.

At that time, Uncle Taiqing was the last one to leave the Three Realms, just to go west to become a barbarian and to persuade Upaladha Buddha to abdicate. However, Upaladha Buddha pushed the Great Sun Tathagata out and made a bet that the winner would be honored.

That's why he fought with the Great Sun Tathagata back then.

The Tathagata Buddha has superior master skills, and the Great Sun Tathagata is willing to be granted the title. The Upalatha Buddha said that he would sit on the Hualing Mountain and use his body to cultivate himself to seal the entrance to the demon world...

This is... what happened back then.

That is to say, he was extremely gifted, and he was just as comfortable as a fish in water when he converted to Buddhism. He quickly understood the Western Hinayana Buddhism, and with the help of his three Taoist friends Cihang, Manjusri and Samantabhadra, they jointly deduced the Mahayana Buddhism.

Now is the last step, the spread of Buddhism eastward.

Originally, according to the pre-arrangement, this journey was completed step by step, and it was concluded, but I didn't expect that there would be many twists and turns.

Now this great monk from the demon world who can't stand his loneliness is also ready to make a move... Just ask Duobao to become a god and lose in the battle against Jiejiao. His heart, which had been silent for a long time, started to ripple again.

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The Tathagata looked at the Yin Mountain in the underworld with a pair of Dharma eyes and locked them on Tingting.

The little beast was so panicked at that time that it hurriedly hid behind Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva... The two powerful men looked at each other and separated at the first touch.

When Ksitigarbha saw the Tathagata's Dharma Eyes moving away, he drove Thitting out and asked, "What did you hear again?"

Diting shook his head repeatedly. With its magical powers, it was able to survive until now. Firstly, it was protected by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and secondly, it knew what to say and what not to say.

ps: It’s so uncomfortable... Brothers, you must take care of yourself.

This chapter has been completed!
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