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Chapter 248: The evil thing happened

The great masters of the three realms may have their own plans.

But currently it is not within the consideration of Master and Disciple Fahai. Things in the world of mortals are the most disturbing things to the mind.

Fahai may have understood why those Bodhisattvas and Buddhas who have clearly achieved the "right fruition" hide in their own monasteries and do not come out.

Out of sight out of mind.

To use an idle saying from Bajie: The Hinayana just gets through its own affairs, leaving the sea of ​​suffering and no longer sets foot in the chaos of the world; while the Mahayana is like Guanyin Bodhisattva and Ksitigarbha, who know clearly that they cannot do something, but they can neither overcome it.

No matter how many sentient beings there are, one cannot transcend himself.

This seems to be the difference between Mahayana and Hinayana. Mahayana saves all sentient beings, while Hinayana saves oneself...

Although this statement is a bit rough and the explanation of the difference between Mahayana and Hinayana is a bit perfunctory, it seems to be reasonable.

As for these Buddhist treatises, Fahai put them aside for the time being. Fahai said in his heart that since the Buddha is a Buddha, why does it need to be divided into Mahayana and Hinayana? How can these distracting thoughts confuse the state of mind?

Wukong went to heaven.

And when they were escorting these bandits to the government, they encountered another difficulty. This was also the reason why Fa Hai suddenly had the above sigh.

Since there was still some distance to go to the government office, and it was already getting late, I stayed overnight in a family in front of me... and this family was the home of the second master.

The bandit leader didn't lie. He had never killed anyone. The money he robbed was usually distributed to the brothers on the spot. More than thirty people depended on him to eat and drink. It was not a small expense... Besides, there were many robberies.

There were also young and old in the bandit's family, so if everyone was divided, there wouldn't be much left, and even if they spent a meal, there wouldn't be much left.

Fahai is good at talking about the good and evil of people's hearts, but... what if something goes wrong in this world, causing some originally good people to fall into the wrong path and do evil things...?

At this moment, Fa Hai seemed to understand what Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said to him - "Sanzang, you only need to kill demons and eliminate them. Leave these matters of transforming sentient beings to the poor monks."

Perhaps since then, the Bodhisattva has foreseen this scene... With his jealous temper, he foresees such troubles and entanglements, and can only find trouble for himself.

This was also the case, and at one moment, he even had the thought of regretting meddling in such a nosy matter.


Realizing that something was wrong with his state of mind, Fahai immediately recited the Buddha's name silently in his heart and quickly calmed down.

The group headed by the eldest master may still need to be reformed, but this second master...

Based solely on the testimonies from the interrogation of Bajie and Wujing, we can conclude that this is a man with unpardonable crimes.

This group of people has been plundering here for a year, and no one from the government has ever come to arrest or suppress them. It is the second master who always catches up with a few of his henchmen to kill the passers-by after the first master releases them.

This is the reason...

Then he hid the second batch of the obtained goods at home.

In the past, they had a large number of people, and ordinary passers-by would naturally lose money and avoid disaster when they saw them. Unexpectedly, a villain appeared among the bandits, and they still couldn't escape the disaster.

The main road is heading west, and there is a manor house on the north side of the road, which is the house of the second master.

When he first arrived at this point, he was unwilling to take another step, so Bajie kicked him in the butt before he obeyed obediently.

"Since you know it is shameful, you should have stopped doing such a thing of killing people and selling goods. When the government sentenced you... your old parents will only be left to suffer. Why bother?"

"Holy Monk...Holy Monk, please spare my life." He kowtowed to the Holy Monk repeatedly and only said: "If I die, no one in my family will fulfill their filial piety, and the lives of my father and mother will be in vain...I beg the Holy Monk to show mercy.


Bajie said coldly: "Evil will be punished. When you killed someone, why didn't you think about the innocent children?"

Everyone, please go and try it soon.]

Not long after, the noise outside disturbed the people at home, and an old man came to open the door. He saw more than 30 gangsters binding their hands, and was shocked to see such a formation outside the door...and saw the gangsters in his own house.

The useless son knelt on the ground crying and begging, and his heart immediately tightened.

I roughly guessed what happened.

Because of their deep love for each other, the old man pretended not to notice, and asked tremblingly: "Where did the monk come from, and why did he kidnap so many people?"

Seeing that he turned a blind eye, Fahai did not expose it and only said: "The poor monk was sent by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty from the East to seek scriptures in the West. On the way, he encountered this group of thieves who were robbing money and killing people, so he asked a few disciples to take it.

I should have sent him to the government, but it was dark and I was passing by Baofang, so I came to Tan Mansion to stay overnight... I will leave early tomorrow morning."

The old man looked dull and said: "How can you and other monks catch these thirty bandits?"

When Bajie saw the old man grinding, he shouted from behind: "Of course I'll be the one to take action, I'll catch you soon."

The old man suddenly raised his head and saw their ugly faces. He hurriedly turned around and walked inside, exclaiming: "They are not human beings, they are just goblins!"

While the old man was talking, he closed the door, obviously unwilling to ask them to stay here.

Fahai didn't force him to meet him, and it wasn't a big deal to sleep out for one night. His original intention of coming here was to see the two elders and see their son for the last time.

Some words are not opened in this way, the so-called failure to raise a godfather is the fault... The second head of the family ended up in this situation, and it has nothing to do with the daily teachings of the two elders.

The old man closed the door, quickly went to the bedroom, changed his wife's wife, and called his daughter-in-law.

"Woe, woe!"

The old man spoke urgently and said: "The evil incident has happened. Now he has been caught and revealed by the imperial envoy of the Tang Dynasty who thought he was going to the west to seek scriptures. Now he is about to turn him away to the government."

"Oh!" The old woman was filled with sadness and cried: "I knew it... I knew it... He hangs out with those shabby people all day long, so I know he doesn't learn well...

Now that someone has taken it away, it’s my old lady’s life that has suffered...I have lived for such a long time, but in the end I don’t have anyone to take care of me until the end of my life.”

The daughter-in-law hugged her mother-in-law at the side and said urgently: "Mother-in-law, the head of the house is incompetent. I have a daughter-in-law to take care of you in your old age."

Then the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law hugged each other and cried bitterly.

"Don't cry, don't cry... It's because I failed to discipline him that this disaster happened..." The old man sighed and said, "Now that we have such a result, we can't blame anyone."

The old woman cried for a while, then suddenly said: "You said the one who captured him was an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty... Why don't you beg for mercy? Monks are compassionate, so why would he kill them all..."

The old man was stunned and said: "They said they wanted to stay at our house. I saw that several of his disciples were vicious, not like humans but monsters... so I closed the door and didn't ask them to come into the village."

"What does it look like?"

The old man said: "I can't see it very clearly. It looks like a Yaksha, a pig face... and the remaining one is handsome in brocade... I think that the Tang monk was able to come here from the Tang Dynasty, all because of these three.

A protection."

"No!" the daughter-in-law suddenly screamed.

ps: Brothers... the fever is 39°2... take some rest and try to update a chapter tonight... Brothers, you must take care of your health, this feeling is too uncomfortable.

This chapter has been completed!
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