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Chapter 1209 Rampage

Then it will rebound 40,000 damage to the second person, and 60,000 damage to the third person. These 60,000 damage will not be able to kill a player with a limit of six or five, I am afraid that even an ordinary player will not be killed by the rebound, right?


But why is it said that the third person will definitely die? The third person only received 60,000 damage, how could he die? Even an ordinary player has to start with 200,000 health points, right? How could he die?

The reason why they died is because Linlin chose Zhenwu Guidance 4 for her counter-attack. The reflected damage is the target's initial damage. What is the initial damage? The so-called initial damage is to calculate the defense, resistance and resistance of both parties.

Damage before damage reduction!

That is, how high the attacker's own output is, how much health will be rebounded from them!

For example, a player with a maximum limit of six has an internal attack of 40,000 and an attribute attack of 8,000. The hidden weapon skill can increase the damage of his attribute attack by 30, so his initial damage is 40000+8000613102400. In other words, if this person does not

If any damage-increasing skills are turned on, one of his normal attacks can cause an initial damage of 100,000 to Linlin, and the final damage is calculated based on the initial damage and the damage reduction effect brought by the opponent's defense.

For example, if the opponent's internal strength defense is also 40,000, then the internal strength damage of this player with a limit of six will be 0!

Next, what if the player with the maximum limit of six attacks Linlin? How much damage can Linlin rebound from him?

Two hundred thousand!

That's right, Linlin can bounce back 200,000 of his health! Because counterattacking with strength is to bounce back damage in the form of a knowing blow! The initial damage for a player with a limit of six or more is 100,000. After a knowing blow,

After doubling, Linlin will naturally reflect his 200,000 damage. This is the power of this guidance. What he reflects is your initial damage, not the final damage suffered by Murong. If it is according to Murong's instructions,

If the final damage received is used to calculate the counter-injury, wouldn't Da Murong be useless? Da Murong's defense and resistance are so high, how can ordinary people be hurt? Da Murong was born to use the skill of counter-casting,

And this guidance is obviously prepared for those Da Murongs who have very high defense and resistance!

Linlin can rebound 200,000 blood from the first person, but how much blood can be rebounded from the second person? Obviously, according to the ratio just calculated, the second person must have 400,000 blood rebounded, because he not only has to bear his own

The 200,000 damage caused by the initial damage also has to bear the initial damage of the person in front. In this way, two 200,000 damage is 400,000 damage! Because the rebound damage is one second in the past.

The total damage within the target, and Linlin went deep alone. Players from the three alliances launched attacks on Linlin almost at the same time, and their ballistic trajectories must have reached Linlin within the same second, so the latter must have

You have to bear the damage of the former!

And why is it that starting from the third person, he will definitely die? Yes, because he has to bear the damage of the first two people, and at the same time he has to bear his own damage. The initial damage of the first person is 100,000, and the second person's initial damage is 100,000.

The initial damage of the third person is still 100,000, and the initial damage of the third person is still 100,000. The three 100,000 damages added together are the initial damage of 300,000. After understanding

After the rebound in the form of a blow, it will cause 600,000 damage. When the third person attacks Linlin, he will have to bear 600,000 damage. Among players with a limit of six or more, unless they are some Shaolin masters with the best equipment

It is possible for others to reach 600,000 HP, but it is impossible for others to reach 600,000 HP. In other words, despite the fact that they, players with a maximum of 6, only caused 10,000 to 20,000 damage to Linlin, they themselves

They have to endure tons of damage, and just one to twenty thousand damage can kill them!

And even if these three people are not players with a limit of six or more, they are players with a limit of five or more, and their damage can reach up to 500,000, and they will definitely die!

In the end, except for the first two people who attacked Linlin who survived, the ballistic sources behind them all fell to their knees on the ground without exception. There was no way, the third person was already dead.

, how can the person in the back survive? The person in the back will suffer higher damage than the third person, one million, two million, three million, even if Wei Bin attacks Linlin from behind, he will still die.


At the same time, after Linlin activated the use of force to counterattack, she did not sit idle. Instead, she decisively activated the acceleration skill Mo Shangxing and ran quickly towards the hinterland of the three alliances. Now he had the ability to use force to counterattack.

Shi's state is not inferior to everyone at all. She is invincible by using the counter-cast state and the blood bathing skill of the hidden weapon. It is impossible for her to die. Among the countless attacks, even if only one blood bathing is triggered, she can immediately reach the full limit.

Blood, because the damage from her counter-injury has been superimposed, and the basic data of the damage is high, the amount of blood returned by the percentage of blood will naturally increase accordingly! Unless the people from the three alliances do not hit her, but the three alliances

How could someone not hit her? You know, Linlin is going deep alone now. Within a few dozen meters, there is this Nirvana player. Who do you think they will hit if they don't hit Linlin? Besides,

If the people from the three alliances don't hit her, won't she be able to hit the people from the three alliances? She can still regain blood by taking the initiative, but if the people from the three alliances don't hit her, she won't even lose blood!

In this way, Linlin ran all the way while driving, and wherever she went, although she rarely took the initiative, the players from the three alliances with her as the center fell one by one. For no reason, these people

They were all rebounded to death by Linlin!

Some people may want to question, are the players of the three alliances all fools? If the players of the three alliances will attack because of Linlin's lone army, except for Linlin, then it is somewhat understandable. After all,

They can't be idle. Now that Nirvana players are here, they have to take action against Linlin even at the risk of being rebounded to death. Someone has to take action against Linlin!

However, when the players of the three alliances fell one by one, the players of the three alliances still continued to attack Linlin, and they continued to fall one after another. Could it be that the players of the three alliances were all fools? Linlin is a big person.

It is no longer a secret about Murong, and it is no longer a secret about the effect of the Murong faction's counter-attack skills, such as

It would have been understandable if, when Linlin had just gone deep alone, no one from your three alliances could attack except her, but now that the players from your three alliances are falling down one by one, is it possible that you are all fools?

, can’t you see that Linlin has activated the borrowing force and counterattack? She clearly knows that Murong, who you are attacking, has activated the borrowing force and counterattack, but she still continues to go forward and kill people non-stop. Is this appropriate for you?

Are they all a bunch of idiots? Where do these idiots come from?

In fact, although the scene in front of you does look retarded, it may actually happen. As for the reason, it is a problem of reaction time!

Because many people couldn't react at all. When they discovered that Linlin had activated Counterattack, their projectiles had already been launched. At this time, it was too late to stop, and Linlin's Counterattack was too late.

It's so powerful that it doesn't give the attackers any room for error. As long as you can't hold back, you'll be in trouble! Moreover, Linlin has always activated the acceleration skill Mo Shanhangxing. At this moment, Linlin

The movement speed is very fast. Perhaps the players within 20 meters noticed the scene of their teammates falling to the ground and knew that Linlin had activated the counterattack and was ready to stop, but the players from the other three alliances 20 meters away did not.

You must know what is going on here. There will always be many uninformed people who take action against Linlin, which indirectly led to the scene in front of you!

And just after Linlin approached the people of the three alliances, she immediately opened her arms and a sky-shattering giant sword fell from the sky. Before the giant sword hit the ground, the people of the three alliances suddenly discovered that their feet were like

It's like touching glue and it's hard to move! Yes, this is the deceleration effect brought about by the moment of release of Breaking Heaven Style. The moment it is released, Breaking Sky Style can cause damage to up to ten units within a radius of fifteen meters.

50% deceleration effect!

The release of the Sky Breaking Style skill instantly slows down up to ten targets within a radius of 15 meters by 50%. The deceleration lasts for three seconds. After releasing the skill, it enters the Sky Breaking Style state, which lasts for 8 seconds. In this state, every second within a range of five meters.

Zhong will summon a flying sword. After the flying sword falls to the ground, it will cause a large amount of damage and a paralysis effect of one second to all targets within a radius of five meters. The cooldown time of the sky-breaking style is 45 seconds.

Pointing to a flying sword carries a four-second deceleration effect. The Zhenwu Flying Sword no longer carries a deceleration effect, but instead carries a four-second paralysis effect.

Point 2: Used when the blood volume is lower than 50, the summoning interval of the flying sword is reduced to 05 seconds. The summoning interval of the Zhenwu flying sword is reduced to 05 seconds.

Tip 3: When attacking in the Sky-Breaking Style, there is a 25% chance of causing 200 additional damage from the Flying Sword to the target. When Zhenwu attacks in the Sky-Breaking Style, there is a 50% chance of causing the target to suffer 200 additional damage from the Flying Sword.

Point Four does not summon flying swords regionally, but summons a flying sword to the designated target every second to carry out directional strikes. The flying sword only attacks the designated target for eight seconds. Zhenwu does not summon flying swords regionally, but

Summons a flying sword to the designated target every second. The flying sword only attacks the designated target for ten seconds.

In order to further improve her physical output, Linlin chose Zhenwu Guidance for this sky-shattering move.


When the sky-breaking giant sword hit the ground, the enemies within a five-meter radius of the giant sword were paralyzed on the spot. At the same time, they also suffered a lot of damage, directly killing most of their health. If they came again,

If they were attacked by such a giant sword, they would definitely not survive!

The so-called good but not bad spirit, the release frequency of Linlin's giant sword is to land one sword per second, and the paralysis time of the giant sword after landing is also one second. In other words, if you catch up with them and click on the back,

, then when they have just regained their freedom, they will be paralyzed again, and a seamless connection will be realized in the true sense, without wasting a second!

Why do you say they just carried it? That's because the second giant sword landed not far from them, and this attack directly took away their lives! However, this can't be entirely blamed on them.

It's because the attack range of Linlin's sky-shattering giant sword is too large!

Some people may question that the attack range of the Sky-breaking Great Sword is not a radius of five meters, right? Why do you have to deliberately emphasize that it is not because they click on it, but because the attack range of Linlin's Sky-breaking Great Sword is too large?

Haha, if it is the Sky-breaking sword under normal conditions, its radius of action is indeed only five meters, and it is difficult to use beyond five meters. Kelinlin's Sky-breaking sword is different.

The radius of action of Linlin's Sky-Breaking Great Sword suddenly increased to ten meters, which is more than double the attack range of other people's Sky-Breaking Great Sword. This is a bit scary. The range of action is doubled.

This directly resulted in that even if the person attacked by Linlin's first giant sword stood directly in front of Linlin, and the place where the second giant sword landed was directly behind Linlin, Linlin's second giant sword

You can also attack the person in front, because the attack range of the giant sword is too large!

"F*ck, why? Why is her giant sword able to attack me in front of her even though it landed behind her? Why is this?"

This player will never understand why until he dies! Why does Linlin’s sky-shattering giant sword have such a wide attack range!

"You were not unjust when you stepped on the horse. If I counted correctly just now, then Linlin's giant sword killed fifteen people in total this time. This has exceeded the upper limit of the number of attacks in the Breaking Heaven Style. It's really

Damn it, the Sky Breaking Style can only attack ten people, but this attack took away fifteen people's heads, what is going on?" A player in the distance asked in surprise.

And this is the skill that Linlin strengthened when she obtained the exclusive props. Linlin chose to strengthen the skill of Breaking Heaven Style, because Breaking Heaven Style is the main output skill of Murong faction players. Strengthening Breaking Heaven Style is definitely cost-effective.

Extremely high! After strengthening, not only the action range of the giant sword has doubled, but its landing range and number of actions have also doubled! This is a bit awesome!

The so-called doubling of the number of effects is the reason why the Breaking Heaven Style in front of me killed fifteen people. Before it was strengthened by the exclusive equipment, the Breaking Heaven Style could only attack ten people, but after the strengthening, the Breaking Heaven Style could attack two people.

There are ten people, so what’s so surprising about fifteen people dying?

This chapter has been completed!
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