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Chapter 1210 Dawei Tianlong

As for the landing range of the giant sword just mentioned, it refers to the location where the giant sword lands. Before the strengthening, the sky-breaking giant sword could only land in an area with a radius of five meters with Linlin as the center.

What about after strengthening? The landing range of the giant sword has changed to a radius of ten meters with Linlin as the center! The expansion of this landing range can produce some unexpected effects!

When the two giant swords fell to the ground, the open space around Linlin was cleared instantly. After all, the Sky Breaking Style was too powerful! Seeing that there were fewer enemies around her, Linlin began to move towards crowded places.

Anyway, if I use my strength to counterattack, the players of the three alliances can't kill me. I can use the sky-breaking style to run rampant in the hinterland of the three alliances!

It was not until the duration of the counterattack ended that Linlin returned to her own camp. Although she experienced a lot of bombardment along the way, as someone who had experienced perfect reconstruction,

With more than three million HP, invincible defensive resistance and dodge, and enjoying the bonus of the fifth-level defense tower, the limit is full of six great Murongs. In fact, can ordinary people kill him? Unless it is the dozens of extremes of the three alliances.

The maximum six players of the three alliances gathered together to attack Linlin. Otherwise, Linlin would not be able to die in a short period of time! Because the Murong faction is too tough! What's more, the maximum six players of the three alliances are not concentrated at this time.

It would be too difficult to kill Linlin with a limit of five players!

And if we want to talk about who is the most arrogant among everyone present, it must be Bingyue Hanxin. Like Linlin, Bingyue Hanxin plunged directly into the hinterland of the three alliances, but the difference with Linlin is that

, Bingyue Hanxin did not withdraw, but used the hinterland of the three alliances as his main battlefield. Isn't this too arrogant? You know, under what circumstances will the enemy's hinterland be used as the main battlefield? That is

His output is extremely high compared to his own. When he needs to chase and kill others, he will go deep into the enemy's hinterland and use the enemy's hinterland as his main battlefield. Because there are enemies there, he doesn't need to move at all, and the enemy will

By taking the initiative to deliver it to your door, you can reduce the time you spend looking for prey! From this point of view, Bingyue Hanxin really doesn’t take the players of the three alliances seriously!

"Everyone, leave him alone! Attack others first!" said a squad leader.

This team leader can be said to be extremely normal. Bingyue Hanxin is a Shaolin sect player, and he is also a Shaolin player with a limit of six. The output of the Shaolin sect is very low. There is no explosion and nothing decent.

He has a group attack, and he has thick health and high defense. He is just a smelly and hard rock. Who is willing to touch him? Who is willing to waste all the output on him? So during team battles, basically if you have

If given the choice, I would definitely not choose to attack a Shaolin!

But sometimes, they can't even decide on their own actions. Even if they don't want to attack Bingyue Hanxin, their bodies can't help but attack Bingyue Hanxin!

I saw Bingyue Hanxin yelling four words: "Mighty Tianlong!"

Immediately afterwards, Bingyue Hanxin's body glowed with purple light, as if he was possessed by a god or demon!

At the same time, everyone within a radius of twenty meters with Bingyue Hanxin as the center began to attack Bingyue Hanxin involuntarily. Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts went cold!

That's because this scene looks a bit familiar, as if they have seen it before somewhere!

"It's not good, he wants him

"Yes," one of the players from the three alliances said tremblingly, as if he had thought of something terrible, which made him unable to even speak!

The reason why this group of people attacked Bingyue Hanxin uncontrollably was because Bingyue Hanxin's lion roar stopped them! You know, the Shaolin sect's lion roar skill can be used after being blessed by Guidance Four.

Effective for players!

Lion's Roar: Makes up to four units within seven meters around you with a level no higher than level 10 of this skill to forcefully attack you. The cooldown time is 20 seconds.

Tip 1: Cause a lot of damage to the target at the same time. Zhenwu: No longer forces the target to attack itself, but greatly increases the damage caused by the lion's roar.

Tip 2: Add a layer of anger effect to the target, and the anger effect can stack up to three layers. Zhenwu: Add two layers of anger effect to the target at the same time, and the anger effect can stack up to three layers.

Tip 3: Increase the time for forcing yourself to attack to five seconds. Zhenwu: Increase the range of action by two meters, and increase the time for forcing yourself to attack to five seconds.

Tip 4: It can cause a taunting effect on any target, and the taunted unit cannot use skills. Zhenwu: It can cause a taunting effect on any target, and the duration is increased to 4 seconds, and the taunted unit cannot use skills.

Bingyue Hanxin's Lion Roar naturally chose Zhenwu Guidance Four. As a Shaolin who has reached the limit of six majors, how can he be willing to roar at wild monsters?

Bingyue Hanxin used this lion's roar to stop everyone around him, causing them to lose actual control over their bodies and forced them to attack Bingyue Hanxin!

Of course, forcing these enemies to attack you is just the beginning of Bingyue Hanxin's style of play. The next step is the real show!

What is unbelievable is that after being besieged by dozens of people around him, Bingyue Hanxin did not lose much blood. What is going on? You know, among these dozens of people, there are two or three

Even if the players with a limit of six or more and a dozen or so players with a limit of five cannot kill Bingyue Hanxin instantly, their blood loss speed shouldn't be so slow? After this round of volleys, Bingyue Hanxin lost ten points in a row.

The health of one of them was not lost, and even a small amount was only symbolically deducted from the health bar! How is this possible? What attribute does Bingyue Hanxin have?

Moreover, if that's all, forget it. The most important thing is that those who were yelled by Bingyue Hanxin actually lost blood, and judging from the extent of their blood loss, it was obviously not Bingyue Hanxin's salute.

As for the rebound of Tathagata's skills, the Shaolin sect's Salute to Tathagata can also reflect damage, but it can never bounce back so much, because the counter-injury effect of Salute to Tathagata is far inferior to the Murong sect's counterattack. Salute to Tathagata is what Shaolin has suffered.

How much damage is dealt is reflected back to the source. It is not like counterattacking, where all the damage in one second is rebounded at once, but also in the form of a knowing blow, even after special guidance.

The subsequent use of force to counterattack will also rebound the initial damage!

After all, the Shaolin sect is not the Murong sect. The characteristic of the Murong sect is rebound. Counterattack is the foundation of the Murong sect. The Shaolin sect is definitely incomparable to the Murong sect!

From Bingyue Hanxin, I only

He lost so little blood, but his attacker lost so much blood. Looking at it from above, you can tell that the reason for their blood loss was definitely not paying respect to Tathagata!

Soon, everyone understood that the reason why they lost blood so quickly was not because Bingyue Hanxin opened the Salute to Tathagata, but because they all suffered from three negative states, one was Hunyuan,

One is anger, the other is demon!

This is a bit awesome. What is going on with this horse-riding person? All of a sudden, three negative states are imposed on everyone who is yelled at? This is too outrageous, right? You know, the Shaolin sect has a total of three

The negative statuses imposed on the opponent are Hunyuan, Wrath and Demon Subduing. You have imposed them all on your opponent at once. How is this possible? It doesn't matter that your lion's roar has a large range of action and a large number of targets.

But since when can the lion's roar also add the negative states of anger, Hunyuan and Subduing Demons? And it's all added to everyone at once? Is it still the Shaolin sect that is riding the horse? I have been playing Shaolin for so many years, and there is no such thing.

Who have you ever attached these states to? This is really unheard of and unseen!

And judging from the negative status above everyone's head, there are still three levels of each negative status? Oh my, this is too perverted, isn't it? You gave me all the negative status of the Shaolin sect, even if you gave it back,

I have three layers of subs stacked up for me? Are you still letting people play with you? If you don’t want to play anymore, quit! Don’t disgust everyone here!

And this lion's roar is the result of Bingyue Hanxin's exclusive enhancement. After the enhancement, the range of the lion's roar has been increased from the original seven meters to twenty meters. At the same time, the number of people it can affect has been increased from the original four.

The target has been upgraded to include all hostile targets, but the conditions for its execution have not changed. It is still a target no higher than ten levels of your own skill level! And the above improvement is not over yet. After the strengthening, a powerful negative effect of the mighty dragon has been added to the lion's roar.

The effect is to fight back against all units that attack you, apply all the negative states of the Shaolin Sect to the target, that is, the anger effect, the Hunyuan effect and the demon-subduing effect, and the levels of each negative state are fully maximized!

So what is the effect of anger?

Anger: When the target moves, it will cause direct damage equal to 15 of its own external attacks to the target every second. Anger can be stacked up to three times.

To be honest, the damage caused by the anger effect is actually not very high. Because it is direct damage, the damage is 15 times that of Bingyue Hanxin's external attack. The higher the external attack of Bingyue Hanxin, the higher the damage of anger! That's it!

Calculated based on Bingyue Hanxin's 60,000 external attack, even if it is stacked three times, it is only 6000004527000 damage. This is not worth mentioning for a player with a maximum of 500,000 blood and 450,000 blood.

, Moreover, this effect will only lose blood when the player moves. If the player stands still, he will not be harmed. This is exactly the opposite of the Shang Yang Sword of the Tianlong Sect. The Shang Yang Sword is used if the player moves.

If you get up, you will not be harmed. If the player stops, you will be harmed! And if Anger and Shang Yang Sword are used together, it will be fun. The target will not move, nor will it not move.

What a dilemma! Are you kidding me?

The reason why the damage of Anger is very low is because Anger can not only cause the target to lose blood, but it is also the basis for increasing the damage of some other skills of the Shaolin School, such as One Shot and Two Scatter: Single Target

Melee attack, causing a large amount of external attack damage to the target, stealing 20% ​​of the target's movement speed, and the cooldown time is 30 seconds.

Zhenwu Tip 2: When the target has anger effects, each layer of anger increases the damage by 35.

This is an example of how the anger effect increases the damage of other Shaolin skills. Each layer of the anger effect can increase the damage of one shot and two shots by 35. If there are three layers of anger effects, then this move can increase the damage of one shot and two shots.

105 damage!

Another example is the Tathagata Palm of the Shaolin Sect: a single short-range attack, causing a large amount of additional direct damage to the target, which requires the consumption of half anger and a cooldown time of 25 seconds.

Zhenwu: Each layer of the target's anger effect increases the damage by 30.

Similarly, this is the bonus effect of the anger effect on another Shaolin sect skill. Each layer of anger effect can increase the damage of Tathagata Palm by 30. If three layers of anger are stacked, the damage can also be increased by 90.

After using these two moves, you can instantly kill someone! This is the only breaking point of the Shaolin Sect! It is also another function of the angry state!

But as far as the current situation is concerned, among the players who are in the angry state, the players of the internal skill sect are still more popular than the players of the external skill sect, because when everyone is yelled at, the internal skill sect does not need to move.

Bingyue Hanxin can directly attack, but those external martial arts sects are different. Their hands are very short, and they need to get close to Bingyue Hanxin before they can launch an attack. If they are not far away from Bingyue Hanxin, they can still attack.

Okay, but what if they were more than ten meters away? Wouldn't he be miserable? How much blood would he lose running all the way? This is a three-layer anger effect!

The other two kinds of Hunyuan effects and enchanting effects are actually similar in their specific effects, except for the names. Their specific effects are to cause up to 6 enemies within a range of 3 meters, causing one's own attack of 20 per second.

Damage lasts 10 seconds.

It should be noted here that the self-attack power described here does not only refer to external attacks, but also includes attribute attacks. Moreover, this is holy damage that ignores defense and resistance. Holy damage is a higher level of damage than direct damage.

method, does not enjoy any reduction or exemption!

And how much damage is the Hunyuan state with three layers stacked? The external damage of Bingyue Hanxin alone is as high as 700000642000, and what about the attribute damage? Without considering its damage increase, it is 600000636000, but in fact, Hunyuan is also good

, whether it is subduing demons, or the anger damage mentioned above, you can enjoy the damage bonus effect. Therefore, for now, Bingyue Hanxin enjoys the damage increase of 5 from the nine-star equipment, and the permanent damage from the Wei Tuo Rod.

The damage is increased by 21, the leader's power is increased by 10, and the hidden weapon is increased by 30. The total damage is increased by 36. Therefore, its attribute damage is 3600016659760, and his external damage is 4200013657120. Added together, the damage is 120,000! Moreover,

This is only the damage of three layers of Hunyuan. There is also the damage of Fumo. The damage of Fumo is the same as that of Hunyuan. It is also 120,000 damage. This adds up to 240,000 damage. Moreover, this 240,000 damage

It's just a one-second damage. You know, the Hunyuan state and the Demon-subduing state last for ten seconds. If this 2.4 million blood goes down, who can withstand it? Even Emei milk can't help it!

This chapter has been completed!
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