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Chapter 671 Many Strengthening Directions

For another example, A'Zhu can also enhance his ability to splash 10 targets, from the original splashing 3 targets to splashing 10 targets. What is the concept? In the past, a normal attack was equivalent to launching five

Attack, but now, attacking once is equivalent to launching 12 attacks. This is only the function of normal attack. What if it is a group attack? A group attack used to be able to attack 50 times, but now it can attack 120 times.

Who can stand this? If the opponent only has 10 people, and you attack them in a group, you have basically sentenced them to death. Ten people will splash each other. You will splash me 10 times, and I will splash you 10 times.

, are you still playing Ni? Why is it so strong to take advantage of others? Why can you kill people instantly in a team battle? Isn’t it because of the splash effect? ​​Now that the splash effect has been greatly enhanced, who will care about those buff states?

For another example, it can be strengthened so that the target being splashed ignores defense. This is equivalent to a low-end version of the god descending to earth. It ignores defense skills and will always be a rare treasure, because in the later stages, players and wild monsters will

The higher the boss's defense, although the player's output is also higher, the total output is not necessarily much higher. But if you ignore the defense, it will be different. This means that the opponent's defense is 0, and your attacks are getting worse and worse.

The higher it is, so in the later stages, skills that ignore defense become more valuable! And what about grafting skills that ignore defense? That’s even stronger. You know, grafting can splatter three units, which is like beating a cow across a mountain.

, the person who was beaten did not die, but the person next to him fell dead. As long as you choose this enhancement, the output will definitely increase by a level!

Of course, the above three enhancement directions are specific versions, and they are not customized by the players themselves. Ah Zhu gives you three versions for you to choose! Even so, just taking out any one is enough to make people salivate.

It’s a ruler!

"Well, after we finish this crusade mission soon, let's start on that mission! I want to complete the mission as soon as possible and get the exclusive!" Tranquility fell into infinite longing. As long as she solved the disadvantages of self-downgrading,

Then she can protect Wei Bin, and in times of crisis, she can no longer hide behind to gain blood, but stand in front and solve the crisis from the front!

Four hours later, a hundred people gathered together again.

"To be honest, although you Nirvana have completed a more difficult five-star mission than defending the country, I am not looking down on you. If you can complete a more difficult five-star mission, you may not be able to complete this mission of defending the country! Because these two

The difficulty of each mission is different. Although the mission you completed previously to save Tigo is also a five-star mission, its difficulty is more focused on combat power. As long as you have enough combat power, you can complete it! And this one of defending the home and country is not

It’s the same, this defense of the family and the country is faster and leans towards endurance. If you don’t have enough endurance, even if your combat power is enough to rescue Tago, you may not be able to protect your home and the country. Therefore, you must be mentally prepared!

"Lea warned.

"Don't worry, Miss Yali, I have had a dream since I was a child, which is to protect my family and my country. No matter how difficult or difficult it is, I am willing to dedicate myself to our country!" Wei Bin explained.

"Well, since you are so persistent, I will send you there and you can choose to gain the halo!" Leah said.


"I choose the Level 2 Brilliant Halo and the Level 3 Blessing of the Moon!"

Wei Bin said.

The Brilliant Halo is a new halo developed by Nirvana after he has mastered the Halo of Heart and Blessing of the Moon to the third level. After all, the Blessing of the Moon is only applicable to the task chain linked to darkness that Wei Bin previously selected.

In most crusade missions, Blessing of the Moon is not easy to use, because most of the missions are in the daytime, and the daytime vision of Blessing of the Moon is directly invalid. The increased output alone is at most the second level of other output-type halos.

Halo effect, so after training the Halo of Heart and Blessing of the Moon to Level 2, Nirvana developed a Brilliant Halo, which has now reached Level 2!

When it came to developing a new halo, Wei Bin chose the Brilliant Halo with the widest range of applications. After all, no supplies could be used during the crusade mission. The Brilliant Halo is very suitable for any mission, especially this one!

Without the blessing of a brilliant halo, few people can pass the level!

Next, everyone entered the teleportation array.

On the other side of the teleportation array is a scene called Border City.

"Border city? It sounds like a border area. Is this mission really just like its name, asking us to defend our own country? Guard the Stone Forest Kingdom?" Tian Jing asked.

"Yes, this is indeed the border area of ​​our Stone Forest Kingdom. Although our Stone Forest Kingdom borders the Qinglong Kingdom in the east and the Suzaku Kingdom in the south, there is no war at the bordering locations. But other than these two bordering locations, there are still

A large territory has no borders. These places are constantly harassed by foreigners. Wars and deaths occur all year round in these places. It has become a common occurrence in these places. And where we are today,

This is where Japanese pirates invade the territory of our Stone Forest Kingdom all year round. Our task is to fight against Japanese pirates and eliminate 1 million Japanese pirates. If we divide it equally among each of us, there are 100 of us, so each of us needs to kill 10,000 Japanese pirates.

That's it. If we calculate based on our maximum online time of 20 hours, we need to kill 5,000 Japanese pirates every hour, which means we have to kill one Japanese pirate in 7 seconds! This is the bottom line and the best way to use it.

The slow monster killing speed cannot be any slower. If it is any slower, we will be kicked out of the game because the online time exceeds 20 hours. In that case, it will naturally be regarded as a mission failure!" Wei Wei, the last few words

Bin said it to everyone!

"Killing a Japanese pirate every 7 seconds depends on their strength. If the strength is weak, then two knives will kill monsters at the speed of a child per second. We can easily complete the task, but if we compare the strength

They are so strong, we may not be able to kill them in 7 seconds!" someone questioned.

"Don't worry, everyone. Since I have said it before, these wild monsters, oh no, they shouldn't be called wild monsters. They are also human beings, but they are just

They are just alien races. They are essentially the same as the NCs on the Middle-earth continent. It’s just that our NCs on the Middle-earth continent are just a large ethnic group with a large number of people. Although there are also a few like Jin and Liao in the middle.

nation, but they are allowed by the system, they are part of the original, but this group of Japanese pirates are different, they are a completely alien race, they live on an island country outside of the Middle-earth continent! Since before coming here

I have already said that to make everyone happy to kill, you naturally know the strength of these Japanese pirates. They are at the level of a three-level player at most. I believe that with your level, it should be easy to abuse the Japanese pirates who are a level three player, right?"

Wei Bin explained.

"Full Level 3? Haha, gang leader, I'm not bragging. As long as Emei gives me blood, I will kill as many Japanese pirates as Level 3 come. 7 seconds is enough, I don't even need 5 seconds!"

"That's not possible. 7 seconds is just the bottom line. The slowest is 7 seconds. Do you want to fight here for 20 hours? According to my calculations, everyone needs to maintain an output speed of one head per 3 seconds to safely complete this task.

, there are two reasons. First, the problem of the number of Japanese pirates. The number of Japanese pirates is not like when we spawn monsters in Moya Cave. A bunch of wild monsters gather together waiting for you to kill. The number of Japanese pirates is not as high as you think.

They are so dense that we often need to walk over to get close to them! Secondly, one sixth of our team is Emei players. They need to ensure your life safety, so when dividing the numbers equally, we cannot divide them

Also included in the calculation, that is to say, we must kill the part of the number that belongs to them! So if we count it, we must ensure that we kill a Japanese pirate within three seconds! This requires everyone to control their own

The skills are released. With your combat power, if you grasp the rhythm well, you can achieve one kill every three seconds on average. However, if the skills are released randomly, you must use group attacks when you should use single-target skills. You should use group attacks.

If you find that it's on cooldown while using a skill, it's over!" Wei Bin explained.

"Don't worry, Gang Leader. Gang Leader Wuji has already trained the system on what we are doing. There is no problem with when to use what skills!"

"Okay, since this is the case, there should be no problem. Now it's time to test everyone's endurance. Everyone must remember their own share. Each person kills 10,000 Japanese pirates. The rest of Emei's share will be divided among us.

Okay! Everyone must pay attention to the rhythm. This is a protracted battle. Please pay attention to your physical exertion! Let's go to the quartermaster to accept the mission!" Wei Bin said.

In fact, all gang crusade missions are carried out in real maps, not in dungeons. Gang crusade missions are actually the official work of Middle-earth, using players to achieve some official goals. To put it bluntly,

Middle-earth officials want players to help them complete some things, such as rescuing Tago. Middle-earth wants to rescue Tago, so they released this task! And Leah just teleported Wei Bin and others

When it comes to the scene where the task needs to be performed, the actual timing and quantity counting need to be supervised by the quartermaster here.

, so Wei Bin still needs to talk to the quartermaster here!

Wei Bin and others came to the Quartermaster. In addition to the Nirvana people, there were many other players here. As mentioned before, the place where they performed their tasks was a real map, not a copy, so they often met players.

Thing! However, these players are not here to perform gang crusade missions. They are here to develop. The quartermaster can issue missions to kill Japanese pirates. For how many Japanese pirates they kill, they can be rewarded with a certain amount of reputation or other rewards.

Basically, everyone who comes here comes here for the reputation. After all, it is too difficult to gain reputation in this game!

"Another group of people came here to grab monsters and ride horses. In the past few days, there have been more and more people here. It's so difficult to gain reputation!" one of the players complained.

"Hey, who can say otherwise? Originally, after leaving the city, we could contact the Japanese pirates by running a hundred or so meters. Later, as the number of people increased, we needed to run two to three hundred meters to find the Japanese pirates. But now,

There is not a single Japanese pirate within a radius of 500 meters around us. If we want supplies, we have to go a long way back to the city!" The player's companions also complained very much about this!

"Hey, those are all small things. Although they are a bit far away, they are all problems that we can solve by running around. The really embarrassing thing is the Japanese! A few days ago, several hundred people were wiped out by the Japanese.

If we want to kill more Japanese pirates and earn more reputation, we will go out to find more Japanese pirates. We need to stay away from the city and enter the hinterland of Japanese pirates! If it were the original, we only need to leave the city for five

One hundred meters is considered as entering the hinterland of Japanese pirates. But now, we have to go at least one or two thousand meters to enter the hinterland of Japanese pirates. But at such a distance, once we encounter Japanese pirates, we have no chance to escape.

It's too far from the city! The first few hundred-man regiments were driven deep into the hinterland of the Japanese pirates because they were eager for quick success and were surrounded by the Japanese swarms. Because they were too far from the city and could not get support from their peers, they were destroyed there! Alas!

, It’s really hard to do anything now!” Another companion complained.

The so-called Japanese swarm refers to a large number of Japanese pirates coming in like a tide, which means that they encountered an ambush by the Japanese pirates. Generally speaking, Japanese swarms only appear in the hinterland of Japanese pirates, because there are more Japanese pirates there, and the Japanese pirates have a huge threat.

In the operating space, people can start arranging troops outside of your field of vision, and eventually surround you. By the time you discover the Japanese swarm, it is already too late, and their big pockets have already been prepared for you.

You run out? How can it be that easy? The Japanese pirates are not wild monsters. They are also indigenous NPCs and have their own IQs. They just don’t belong to the same camp as the NPCs in Middle-earth!

In this case, because they are one or two kilometers away from the city at this time, even on weekdays, the players who have been hanging around here all year round are in contact with each other and have formed an offensive and defensive alliance, which can be used when the other party is in trouble.

They tried to help, but it was too far away. By the time the allies arrived, the day lilies were cold and there was no way they could save anyone!

This is the current situation, and it is also the dilemma described by the last player!

This chapter has been completed!
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