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Chapter 672 Crusade against Japanese pirates

Such a dilemma would not have happened in the past, because in the past, there were very few players who came to this borderland to gain reputation. With fewer players, there were naturally more Japanese pirates. At that time, as long as you left the city and headed towards the

If you walk a hundred and eighty meters outside the city, you will encounter Japanese pirates. There is no need to go deep into the hinterland to fight. However, if your own combat effectiveness is relatively high and the Japanese pirates on the periphery are not enough for them to kill, they will enter the hinterland of the Japanese pirates and go there.

Looking for more Japanese pirates, but even so, the hinterland of Japanese pirates is not very deep. As long as they go out of the city for 500 meters, they will encounter endless Japanese pirates. Within this range, they cannot be surrounded by Japanese pirates.

, the distance is only 500 meters, and the Japanese pirates cannot use it at all. If the Japanese pirates want to surround the players, they must start to set up formations from a very far away place, and begin to form a situation of encircling the players, but the distance is only 500 meters.

, once the Japanese pirates want to take the player's retreat, they will either be discovered by players in the hinterland, or by players in the city, and then the players in the city will inform and support the players in the hinterland. The danger of Japanese pirates is natural.

It was resolved, so in the past, it was almost impossible for players to be wiped out by the Japanese surge!

But it’s different now. There are more and more players. If you want to kill more Japanese pirates, you have to go deep into the place two kilometers away from the city. This place is sparsely populated, and the Japanese pirates have a lot of room for maneuver. People can start from a lot of places.

If you are far away, spread out your formation and try to take your retreat. You won't even be able to discover them. Even if you are discovered, it will be too late. By then, it will be impossible to break out by yourself, and it will be impossible to ask for help from allies. The distance is too great.


"Gang leader, they don't seem to welcome us very much!" Bingyue Hanxin saw the eyes of every player passing by them. They were obviously disgusted, and they were also muttering something to each other! This made it clear that they were not welcome!

"That's for sure. This is the most popular and fair place for us players to gain reputation. If there are too many people to grab monsters, they will naturally be unhappy when we come!" Wei Bin explained.

"What's there to be unhappy about? Is the game opened by his family? Who can I blame for my lack of strength? Is it because I have the ability to go to the hinterland of Japanese pirates? Isn't it because I have no ability?" Bing Xin Xiaolai Lai complained.

"That's not necessarily true. In fact, the reason why they are unhappy is not entirely because of the monster grabbing. If it is just because of the monster grabbing, then they have no reason not to welcome us. They can indeed go deeper into the monster hunting area. It is just a little troublesome to run away.

That’s it! The main reason why they don’t welcome us is that the Japanese pirates here are smart. They know how to unite and understand tactics, so there will be Japanese swarms here from time to time. Japanese swarms are led by an extremely powerful Japanese pirate leader.

, surround players through tactics. Due to our arrival, they must go deeper to brush monsters. The deeper they go, the greater the chance of encountering Japanese swarms. So, this is what I want to say to you next.

Now, it is impossible for all of us to gather together to spawn monsters, because that will reduce efficiency, so we use a team model to spawn monsters in a team of six people. In Tianlong, our field of vision during the day is 200 meters, which exceeds 200 meters.

The meter part will be displayed in a blurry form. We may be able to see someone there, but we don’t know the situation there or who is there. Therefore, while we work as a six-person team to spawn monsters, each of us

The distance between teams should not exceed 200 meters

, everyone should be able to see each other, so that when encountering Japanese pirates, everyone can join a group to keep warm! With your strength of four players, a six-person team can deal with dozens of Japanese pirates without any problem, but you

Once a large number of Japanese pirates are found moving, it may be a Japanese swarm. You must quickly join other teams! Don't take it lightly, and don't think that you can deal with the Japanese swarm! As long as the Japanese swarm forms, then the Japanese swarm will

There must be thousands of Japanese pirates who can kill you even if they are exhausted! In addition, I have just set up a battlefield channel. If any team is in danger, immediately ask for help in this channel and send the coordinates to the channel.

Yes, everyone must support each other in time!" Wei Bin explained.

Regarding the team mode and the six-person team as the form, it is actually easy to understand! There are two team modes in Tianlong, one is the team mode and the other is the team mode. The team mode can accommodate up to 6 people and the team mode

It can accommodate up to 100 people! The same player can only be in one team. If this player joins the team, he cannot join the team again. If he joins the team, he cannot join the team either!

The so-called team model means that one hundred of them formed a group. Only the same team, or people in the same team will share the number after killing the Japanese pirates, because they accepted the crusade.

The number of tasks must be superimposed on each other. If they are not a team, the number cannot be superimposed! And in team mode, the exclusive skills of the King of Weapons weapon in Nirvana's hands can be fully utilized, such as Fengyun Wu

Avoid the Stoneskin skill of the Molten Gold Sunset Knife in your hand!

Stoneskin: The team or team to which the owner of the God of War belongs takes 20 less damage.

This is a skill that can reduce damage to the entire team. If Feng Yun Wuji is in a team of six, he can only reduce damage to six people, but if he is in a team of 100 people, he can reduce damage to 100 people.

, obviously, it is more cost-effective to form a team as a team!

This is the so-called team-based mode, so what do you mean by team-based mode? The so-called team-based mode actually refers to six people acting together. In other words, although their team mode is a team mode,

But instead of a hundred people gathering together to upgrade, they still upgrade together with their original team members, because they have a tacit understanding of cooperation and have an advantage in the efficiency of killing monsters!

Wei Bin also deliberately reminded them that they must maintain a safe distance between each team. Even though they were all four players, they relied on the virtual city to greatly strengthen themselves. Maybe they could fight against several of them at random.

Japanese pirates with level 3 or above can be dealt with calmly, but that does not mean that they can defeat thousands of Japanese pirates. Once a Japanese swarm forms, even a team of level 4 or above will be unable to resist it. Everyone understands that ants can kill an elephant.

, the Japanese pirates can pile up four squads to death even with human heads! Why were the squads that were destroyed by the Japanese group in the past able to be destroyed by the group? It was because they were not strong enough.

Is it economical? No, most of the people who come here to gain reputation are full-four players, even extreme full-five players who are more powerful than full-four players, and very few full-three players, because they can farm monsters.

The efficiency is low, and it is not cost-effective to waste a lot of time here. They are also full four players. Although these people are not as strong as Nirvana's full four players, how can they be worse? They have no power to fight back in front of Japanese swells. Nirvana

The same is true for the Mansi team. Once they are surrounded by Japanese swells, they will also be in danger!

That's why Wei Bin kept them at a safe distance. This distance would not cause them to grab monsters from each other, and at the same time, they could provide timely support. When the Japanese swarm arrived, they could help each other and join forces to keep warm!

Soon, the various teams of Nirvana found their positions and headed towards the outside of the city together!

The members of Nirvana, under the gaze of everyone, moved away from the city step by step, 100 meters away from the city, 200 meters away from the city

Until 1000 meters away from the city.

"It seems that they are not going to kill the Japanese pirates wandering around the city!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? They are Nirvana's most elite troops, and they are a hundred-man regiment. With their combat power, how can they be willing to accept these three melons and two dates?"

When 1500 meters away from the city.

"It seems that they are planning to enter the hinterland of the Japanese pirates. However, it is indeed no problem to enter the hinterland of the Japanese pirates as a group of a hundred people. With Nirvana's combat power, the group should not be destroyed here, but their formation is actually based on a small team.

Unit, aren't they afraid of encountering Japanese tidal waves? Or is it the first time Nirvana has come to this place and doesn't know about the existence of Japanese tidal waves?"

"You look down on Nirvana too much. If Nirvana is not completely sure, will all the elite members be sent here? Have you noticed that although they are in teams, the distance between their teams is maintained

Within 200 meters, that is to say, they can see each other. In this way, even if they encounter a Japanese swell, they can support each other immediately and join forces to keep warm, and use the communication between their teams to

The distance prevents each other from grabbing monsters, allowing everyone to fully utilize their combat power!"

Located 2000 meters from the city.

"What the hell, Nirvana, what is going on? They are already 2,000 meters away from the city and have entered the hinterland of the Japanese pirates. At this time, they are surrounded by Japanese pirates. They can kill monsters without restraint, but why do they continue to move forward?

What do they want to do?"

"Who says not? If it is just to save time and maximize the efficiency of monster spawning, the distance at this time is enough. If we continue to move forward, the number of Japanese pirates will indeed increase and their density will become larger and larger.

They didn’t even need to attract monsters, the Japanese pirates rushed up on their own! But have they ever thought about the risks that come with it?”

When 2500 meters away from the city.

"Damn it, are Nirvana crazy? What on earth do they want to do?

What? They are already 2,500 meters away from the city, but they are still moving forward. Are there not enough Japanese pirates here for them to kill? Nirvana is too confident, right? All the teams I have seen have entered 2,500 meters.

No team has ever come back, not even a team composed of players with a limit of five or more!"

"Who says otherwise? I think it must be the first time for Nirvana to come to this place. They must not know that there is a drug-free zone outside the city and no drugs can be used. If they knew, they would not go so far.

Because they simply cannot continue fighting outside and have to return to the city once an hour at most, so the farther they go, the longer they spend on the way back and forth!"

In fact, the prohibition of supplies in crusade missions is not a restriction on the crusade missions themselves, but the location of these crusade missions is a drug-free zone, so the crusade missions give people the impression that the use of drugs is prohibited during the mission!

It is actually very easy to prove this. That is, other players who have not performed the crusade mission are also prohibited from using drugs in this area. This is the case in this area now, including the one where Wei Bin performed the four-star mission before.

The same goes for the Starburst Formation. If any non-mission players go there, they can’t use medicine either!

And it is precisely for this reason that those players feel that there is no need to go so deep into Nirvana. If they just want to find a place with many pirates, a location around 2000 meters is just right. Not only are there fewer people there, but there are also more monsters.

It is also the hinterland of Japanese pirates, and it is also close to the city. Whether you encounter a Japanese swarm or run out of supplies and return to the city, it is a convenient and safe choice. Don’t brush the 2000-meter golden spot, but go deep.

At 2,500 meters, we even have to go deeper. What are we trying to do? You know, not only drugs are banned in the border city, but even town return scrolls are banned. In fact, any items are banned in all crusade mission scenes, or in other words

Most items are banned. Commonly used items such as town portal scrolls and supplies are definitely banned. The reason why people only talk about banned drugs is because banned drugs have the greatest impact on players. Compared with banned drugs,

Others seem too insignificant, so people usually only talk about banned drugs, not banned items. Why did the player just say that the farther Nirvana goes, the longer it will take on the way back and forth? It’s because of the return.

The city scroll is disabled. They cannot use the city scroll to return to the city at all. They can only run on their legs. They cannot even summon their mounts, because in the mount state, as long as they are attacked, the mounts will be forcibly taken back. It is so on the road.

How to summon a mount if you are a pirate?

Think about it from another perspective, even if you can use the scroll of return to the city, do people in Nirvana dare to use the scroll of return to the city to return to the city? You must know that the scroll of return to the city needs to be read. During this period, if you want to use the scroll of return to the city smoothly,

, there must be someone to protect you, because there are too many Japanese pirates, and the Japanese pirates came up before you finished reading, but you left successfully, what about the people who protect you? How can they go back in the sea of ​​monsters?

Therefore, in this place, even if the scroll to return to the city is not allowed, very few people will use the scroll to return to the city. Basically, they will run back!

When 3000 meters away from the city!

This chapter has been completed!
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