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Chapter 744 Straw

Because they need to reasonably allocate player activity. For example, a player has a total of 60,000 activity points, of which level 9 herbs are worth 50,000 activity points, level 6 herbs are worth 5,000 activity points, and level 7 herbs are worth 10,000 activity points. At this time

, Avril and others need to choose based on their actual needs. If Avril is in urgent need of ninth-level herbal medicine, then she must ask this person to exchange for a ninth-level herbal medicine! After redeeming the ninth-level herbal medicine, she must measure herself.

The demand for level 6 herbs and level 7 herbs. If the lack of level 6 herbs is more than the level 7 herbs, then the remaining 10,000 activity levels will definitely require two level 6 herbs. If the lack of level 7 herbs is

If there are more herbs than level 6 herbs, then the remaining 10,000 activity points will naturally be exchanged for a level 7 herb!

The meaning of their existence as player employees is to measure and make choices!

In this way, Avril Lavigne's activity of purchasing activity was in full swing. Until the 18th day, no one came to sell activity anymore, because Avril made statistics and found that what she lacked now was only more than a thousand and ten kinds.

Level 10 herbs require 100,000 activity points to redeem, and there are very few hidden tasks for level 10 herbs, so in the end, Avril was stuck with level 10 herbs as she expected!

"Let the wind go out and purchase 100,000 activity points in large quantities. The price has been increased, from the original 2,500 gold to 3,000 gold!" Avril said.

Soon after, some players came. Obviously, these players had enough activity in their hands, but they felt that the price of 2,500 gold was a bit low and were not willing to sell it. Instead of selling it, they might as well stay and keep it.

Exchange what you want! And now Avril has given them another 500 gold increase. This is 5 million federal coins. It is a number that can make a person eat and drink without worries for a lifetime. Finally, some people can't resist the temptation and sell out.

own activity...

On the 19th day, Avril still had 500 level 10 herb labels left in her hand. In other words, she still needed 500 level 10 herbs to unblock Shennongjia!

"Let it out again, let's talk about the 3,500 gold purchase. This is the last time. This price is already sky-high. Let those who still have more than 100,000 active points think about it for themselves. Don't wait for us to raise the price again! In addition,

, let’s not be idle, get all the herbs we purchased with gold coins, let’s fuse those herbs first, maybe the 500 herbs we lack are in that batch of herbs!” Avril said.

Of course, Avril was actually lying to herself. Although she didn't know exactly which herbs she still lacked, there must be among these 500 herbs that she lacked in the batch of herbs she purchased with gold coins! Even if there is only one kind

, she will continue to acquire it!

However, her choice to fuse the herbs purchased with gold coins first actually has some advantages, that is, it can reduce the types of herbs she is lacking. Now she still lacks 500 kinds of level 10 herbs in her hand and has not collected them. However, these 500 kinds

Herbal medicines are just that she has not yet been integrated into Shennongjia. She has not integrated them, but it does not mean that her predecessors have not integrated them. Perhaps her predecessors have already integrated 499 of the 500 kinds of herbs. In other words, as long as Avril combines those

After all the herbs bought with gold coins are integrated, she only needs to buy another level 10 herb! This saves trouble. She doesn't even need to buy anymore. There is someone in Nirvana who has 100,000 activity points. She

Just contact Nirvana people directly to redeem!

By integrating these gold coins in advance to purchase herbs, she can determine how many level 10 herbs she still lacks, which can reduce the number of level 10 herbs she purchased, leaving a large sum of money in case she needs the last ones next.

The acquisition of level 10 herbs has come up? Then didn’t she save 499 level 10 herbs?

Thanks to Avril Lavigne’s vigorous acquisition, on the 20th day, she finally collected another

There were a large number of level 10 herbs, and after Avril incorporated all the herbs, she was surprised to find that she only lacked 20 kinds of level 10 herbs. This is definitely exciting news that makes you unable to sleep!

Next, Avril Lavigne announced the acquisition of activity within Nirvana. In the end, together with Nirvana's core group and all players including the main group members, there were only 19 players with an activity level of more than 100,000. In other words, now she only

There is a lack of a level 10 herb! The most pitiful thing is that she was so unlucky that she actually left the needed herb until the end!

Because among the 19 level 10 herbs she finally acquired, only 10 were integrated into Shennongjia. 9 herbs had been integrated into it by previous generations, but she had personally chosen which herbs to exchange for the Nirvana people.

Which herb she asked them to exchange for, they would exchange for it. What if she had better luck? Should she hand-pick the last remaining herb in advance? Even if she hand-picked one place in advance, Shennongjia would have been successfully unlocked now.

Ah! Even if she had better luck, she wouldn't be in this embarrassing situation now, where the entire Middle-earth continent can't find anyone with 100,000 activity points? Or is there someone who is holding on to the activity degree and refuses to sell it?

"Sister Wei'er, we only need one herbal medicine now, what should we do?" an employee asked.

"Raise the purchase price to 5,000 gold!" Avril said.

"Sister Wei'er, haven't we already let go? The last price increase was the last one. If we continue to increase the price now, wouldn't we be suspected of slapping ourselves in the face? Will it damage our reputation of Nirvana?

" asked the employee.

"Can't we just put it another way? This time we won't buy the activity. We will buy the herb directly by name. We will buy it for 5,000 gold. Now this herb is definitely no longer on the market. Our purpose is to let those hands

Players who still hold on to more than 100,000 active points in the game saw that our activity to acquire active points was such a fuss. They must know the trading rules, but our price did not impress them. They must have kept the active points, etc.

I want to exchange it for a prop that is very important to me! As long as the money we give is in place, they will still sell it!" Avril said.

This is called flexibility!

Time passed minute by minute, one day, two days, until the 29th day, someone finally contacted her!

"Excuse me, are you buying Baiyao?" A player approached Avril!

"Yes, I am purchasing, do you have any?" Avril asked excitedly. She has collected 99,999 of the 100,000 kinds of herbs. She concluded that as long as the last Baiyao plant is collected, Shennongjia can be unblocked! She

Can you not be excited?

"The situation is like this. I still have 100,000 activity points in my hand that are useless. However, I reserve this activity degree to exchange for an item I want, so before I get this item, I can't use the activity degree

I sold it to you!" the player said.

"You can't sell it to me? Then what do you want to do when you come to me?" Avril was a little angry. Are you just teasing me? If you don't plan to sell it to me, why do you come to me?

"What I'm saying is that I can't sell you the activity level until I get the item I want. However, if you can help me get the item, I don't mind bartering with you. As for the price difference,

, we can refund more and make up less, what do you think?" the player said.

"Oh! Why didn't I think of this method!" Avril slapped her forehead, and suddenly she had an idea! I know clearly that those people who hold activity points in their hands and refuse to sell them all have what they want.

The props need to be redeemed

Why didn't I think of bartering? If I gave them the items they wanted, wouldn't they get the herbs? As for the price difference, just refund more and make up for less? If she had thought of this a long time ago

, maybe the last herb has been harvested long ago!

A wise man will always make mistakes. She has been too busy in the past month. In order to avoid making mistakes in any link, she has been supervising these employees in every link, so she neglected this bartering method.


"Okay, tell me, what props do you need?" Avril asked.

"I need the reputation of White Rock City! I still have 300 reputation left before I can be promoted to Viscount, but the way to obtain reputation is too narrow and too difficult. I originally wanted to go to the border city to kill Japanese pirates.

, to accumulate these 300 reputations, but I am not strong enough to defeat the monsters there, and it has been occupied by Japanese pirates now. Even if I want to, I can’t go there! In addition, in the activity exchange system, there are

A prop that can increase the reputation of any city by 1,500 and is worth 150,000 activity points. I originally wanted to accumulate some more activity points and redeem this prop directly, but I'm afraid it will take a few months, so I

I want to try my luck at your place. If you also have this kind of prop, we can barter. Isn’t the purchase price of Baiyao you set 5,000 gold? Corresponding to the activity level, it is about 200,000 activity level, and what I said

The item I need is only worth 150,000 activity points, and 150,000 activity points is worth about 4,000 gold. As long as you help me find this item, I can give up the 1,000 gold price difference you owe me!" The player said with a look of eagerness,

How he hopes to get that prop from Avril Lavigne!

"Are you talking about the reputation token? After using it, you can increase the reputation of any city by 1,500 points. To redeem the reputation token, you need 150,000 activity points! I would like to ask, you said that you still have 300 reputation points, so you can

The reputation has been upgraded to Viscount, which means that your current reputation is only 1700, and even if you get this reputation token, your reputation can only reach 3200. This number can only obtain the title of Viscount, and the title of earl requires 5000 reputation.

Well, what I want to know is, what do you want to do if you are so eager to be promoted to Viscount? If I can help you to be promoted to Viscount, but the reputation is only just enough for you to be promoted to Viscount, you will not be rich.

Too much prestige, is that okay? Of course, I will subsidize you in terms of price, and I will still pay you 5,000 gold!" Avril said!

"What? Is this true? That's great! In fact, I just eagerly hope to be promoted to Viscount. As for the extra reputation, there is no difference between 1 more reputation and 1,000 more reputation for me!"

This person said with great excitement.

"Okay, but now I can't give you the reputation you want. Tomorrow, tomorrow we Nirvana will go to the border land to capture the Yamatamon. As long as we capture the Yamatamon, we can liberate the border city.

When the time comes, I will personally arrange bodyguards for you to go there to build up your reputation, okay?" Avril looked at the player with an earnest look, fearing that he would regret it because of this looming promise. After all, can Nirvana defeat the Yamatamon or not?

An unknown number. Isn’t this a empty promise? What if the Nirvana strategy can’t get rid of Yamatamon? What should we do?

"This young lady, it's not that I don't believe in Nirvana. I know that Nirvana is very powerful, especially Nirvana's cutting-edge combat power, which is ridiculously strong. I have already heard about Nirvana's attack on the Yamatamon tomorrow.

However, I have deep doubts about whether Nirvana can defeat the Yamatamon. The Yamatamon is too powerful and cannot be defeated at our level. A month ago, the video of the live broadcast of the Big Dog anchor was circulated.

Most of the attacks from Yamakimon last for one second, and few can withstand two attacks. Even Nirvana's cutting-edge combat power can't withstand a few attacks. How are you going to attack it?" said the player.


In fact, his idea represents the thoughts of the vast majority of people in Middle-earth. The strength displayed by the Yaqimon is simply not something that players with current equipment can defeat. It will take another year and a half.

That’s fine! And it’s too difficult for Nirvana to conquer it tomorrow! It’s not like Nirvana has never fought against Yamatamon. If Yamatamon wants to focus on one person, it will take all Emei to add blood to this person.

If you don't come here, how will they conquer it?

And if Nirvana cannot defeat the Yamatamon, then his deal will be ruined. This is the only frontier place in the entire Stone Forest Kingdom that can gain reputation by spawning monsters. Although other kingdoms have similar places, due to his resurrection

The point is set in White Rock City, so the system defaults to him as a White Rock City player. When a White Rock City player goes to the border areas of other countries to farm monsters, he will not gain the prestige of the city, but can only gain the prestige of the kingdom of that country. He wants to

What’s the use of the reputation of other countries’ kingdoms? He only wants the reputation of White Rock City!

"Don't worry, our Nirvana will definitely be able to defeat the Yamatamon! This is Nirvana's confidence!" Avril's eyes were full of hope and confidence!

"Well, anyway, my current activity level is not 150,000, so why not just wait for you for a day. Let's do this. If Nirvana really defeats the Yamatamon tomorrow, then our transaction will still be valid. If Nirvana fails,

If so, that would be embarrassing!" the player said.

"You should be like me and believe in Nirvana and Gang Leader Wei Bin!" Avril said.


Immediately afterwards, Avril contacted Wei Bin again and reported to Wei Bin the progress of unsealing Shennongjia!

"Damn it, you are too confident, aren't you? I'm not sure I can defeat the Yamatamon, but you are more confident than me! Where do you get your confidence?" Wei Bin was speechless.

"I just believe in you, Gang Leader. You are omnipotent in my heart. You made a promise a month ago, saying that you would conquer the Yamatamon in one month and rescue those who were besieged in the Resurrection Temple in the borderland.

My compatriots, you will definitely do what you say, I believe in you!" Avril looked at Wei Bin with hope and trust.

She watched with her own eyes how Wei Bin grew up step by step and how he led Nirvana to rise step by step. She trusted Wei Bin. She believed that since Wei Bin had said that, he would definitely be able to do it!

She was among the first batch of people to follow Wei Bin. Her qualifications were only a few days behind Bingyue Hanxin and others. She followed Wei Bin even earlier than Xuanyuan Aai and Fengyun Wuji. She

Knowing Wei Bin, since she got to know Wei Bin, Wei Bin has never broken his promise. He always does what he says. As long as he makes a promise, he will definitely work hard to fulfill his promise!

"Haha, you should have trusted me before, and you should trust me as before in the future. However, to be honest, this time, I am really not sure. I just formulated a strategy that might defeat Yamatamon.

That’s it. If the strategy can be implemented perfectly, there is a high probability that we can defeat the Yamatamon, but even if there is a little accident, we may overturn, so even I don’t feel confident now!" Wei Bin confessed to Avril.

Bottomed out!

"I don't care. Anyway, I have progressed the task of unsealing Shennongjia to the last step. The next step is up to you!" Avril said with a smile.

"You did this very quickly. You actually advanced the unsealing of Shennongjia to the final step so smoothly. This deserves extra points for you! Since this person can propose a barter proposal, then

Why don't we change the principle of acquisition? We can acquire other people's activity by bartering. There are so many people in Middle-earth. It must not only be that he has activity in his hands, but also with him.

Just the same, it’s useless to hold 100,000 activity points in your hands, only those who can exchange them for the items they want!” Wei Bin said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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