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Chapter 745 Bartering

"We barter with them and refund the difference in price. Someone will definitely come forward to trade with us. When the time comes, we will choose one of the items we have, or it is easier for us to obtain props, and go with

Isn't it okay for them to trade?" Wei Bin suggested.

"Gang Leader, I have also thought about your proposal. I think it is this person who gave us hope, and we should be worthy of him. If we change the acquisition method now, wouldn't we let this person down? Then

How chilling is this person? I think we should give him a chance, one day at most, to know whether we can conquer the Yamatamon tomorrow? If we fail tomorrow, we will change the acquisition method at that time, and we will

It’s all kindness and justice!” Avril said.

"What you said makes sense. Our unblocking plan is not in a hurry. We will attack the Baqi Beast tomorrow. To be honest, I don't want to unblock Shennongjia today. What will happen after unblocking Shennongjia is unknown. God knows.

After Shennongjia is unblocked, will there be some other follow-up matters that will emerge? If there are any follow-up related matters, we don’t have time to deal with them. We must now focus on discussing every aspect of the strategy of attacking the Yamatamon.

Details! Then I’ll listen to you and let’s see the results tomorrow!” Wei Bin said.

Others gave him the hope of unsealing Shennongjia, so he naturally wanted to give them the hope of raising his title to Viscount! With this person's hope, Wei Bin became more motivated to conquer the Baqi Beast!

Next, after countless discussions on the details that needed to be paid attention to in conquering the Yamatamon, the next day finally arrived as scheduled, and Wei Bin and others once again embarked on the mission of gang subjugation!

That's right, all of Wei Bin's plans to attack the Yamatamon are centered around gang subjugation missions. The core of his strategy is to use the Halo of Heart to conquer the Yamatamon, and the Halo of Heart is only available in gang crusade missions.


Wei Bin selected 100 elite players from the gang, including 60 players who reached the limit of five and 40 players who reached the limit of four!

Originally, a month ago, Nirvana only had 50 Max 5 players. However, after a month of that battle, Nirvana seized a lot of Max 5 equipment from Ao Shi. In addition, Nirvana's accumulation of sea resources in the past month, and from the sea.

A large number of gems were transported, so Wei Bin created 10 more players with a limit of five or more for today's battle!

The 100 people selected by Wei Bin are not actually Nirvana's most cutting-edge combat power. The reason is very simple. If you want to defeat the Yamatamon, you definitely can't defeat it with high combat power. If you want to defeat the Yamatamon, you must

Prescribe the right medicine!

Because the core of their attack on Yamatamon is the Halo of Heart, not the player's own output. Compared with the Halo of Heart, the player's output is as low as scratching an itch, and is not worth mentioning at all!

If you want to conquer the Yamatamon, the selected personnel must fit the tactics. The 60 players with a maximum of 5 that Wei Bin selected are indeed the top combat power of Nirvana, but the remaining 40 players with a maximum of 4 are not.

Well, among the 40 full-four players selected by Wei Bin, they have two things in common!

The first thing in common is that all hidden weapon skills are unyielding! Why is this? Because players with a limit of five players or less have no resistance at all to Yamatamon. As long as Yamatamon attacks them, they will die without exception.

Undoubtedly! Because of their blood volume and defense, they are destined to be unable to withstand a blow from Yamakimon! One hit will kill you. If you want to survive, you must be unyielding. No matter how many seconds of unyielding it is, four seconds is enough.

Okay, eight seconds doesn’t matter, as long as they can resist the next blow without dying! As long as they don’t die, there is a possibility of survival! And what if they survive? This involves the second thing they have in common!


These 40 people are all Xiaoyao sect or Wudang sect, and the vast majority of them are Xiaoyao sect! These two sects have one thing in common, that is, they can teleport, the Wudang sect can move up and down the ladder, and the Xiaoyao sect can walk on the waves.

As long as they withstand the attack of the Yamatamon, they can teleport away in the next second and go to the back to find Emei to replenish blood! Of course, they can also wait until the unyielding time is about to end before teleporting away, anyway.

unyielding duration

Players in this room are invincible!

How do you kill the forty players who have both the unyielding and teleportation skills? What's the point of letting Yaqimon have an attack power of 100 million? He can only knock out 90 of the player's health in one blow, and then trigger the player


Therefore, when Wei Bin selects personnel, he does not look at who has high output or high combat power. These are of no use to the Yamatamon. To conquer the Yamatamon, it is not that the higher the combat power, the better.

The higher the survivability and escape ability, the better!

"Miss Yali, how are you doing lately?" Wei Bin found NPC Leah who was on the gang crusade mission.

"I hate it, didn't I just lose to you once? Why do you miss it so much?" Liya rolled her eyes at Wei Bin!

"Haha, what a joke! I came here today because I want to challenge the mission we failed last time again! That mission should still be there, right?" Wei Bin asked.

"Yes, I am sure. However, I would like to give you a suggestion. Instead of accepting the mission that wins by quantity, it is better to accept this new mission. Anyway, you can't complete either of these two missions!" Leah said casually.

"I can't complete any of them? Are you kidding me? Tell me, what is the new task?" Wei Bin asked, are you looking down on others? Although most people think that Wei Bin can't complete it...

"Liberate the Border City!" Leah said.

"Liberating the border city? Is there such a task?" Wei Bin asked curiously. In his impression, there should be no such number one task in the gang's task list!

"Haha, it's not all thanks to you. If you hadn't hunted too many Japanese pirates last time, the Japanese pirates wouldn't have sent the Yamaki beast to attack the border city of our kingdom. The border city of our kingdom wouldn't have

If it falls, naturally there will be no need for this mission!" Leah continued.

"Haha! Miss Lia, you really know how to joke. I serve the country, and hunting down the Japanese pirates seems to have become a sin," Wei Bin said with an innocent look.

"Haha! Who asked you to make a joke on me first! Don't worry, no one will blame you. If the king blamed you, he would have punished you long ago! No one expected that there is a Yamatamon hidden in the Japanese pirate clan.

Such a big killer! You have made great achievements in hunting Japanese pirates. This is obvious to everyone. It is precisely because you hunted too many Japanese pirates that you angered the Japanese pirates. This shows a problem! It means that the Japanese pirates are already very afraid of them.

You! If you go back to that place again, be careful, they will definitely kill you and then kill you!" Leah reminded.

"Don't worry, you will die for your country and die! I will not waver in my determination because of their threats! However, what kind of mission is the rescue of the border city you just mentioned? Why do you say it is better than the one I took last time?

Which mission is more cost-effective?" Wei Bin asked.

"It's definitely more cost-effective. In fact, it can no longer be described as cost-effective, because if you don't complete the mission of liberating the border city first, you will never be able to complete the mission you took on last time! Because,

This mission to liberate the border city is to kill Yamatamon!" Leah explained.

When Liya said this, Wei Bin understood that it was indeed true. If he didn't kill the Yamatamon, it would be impossible for him to kill more Japanese pirates. In other words, if he didn't complete the liberation first

As for the Border City mission, the monster-killing mission is naturally impossible! But this makes no difference to Wei Bin. Anyway, no matter which mission he chooses, he has to conquer the Yamatamon, and he has to choose to devote himself to it.

Halo, it’s okay to take on this mission first this time. He can take on the monster-killing gang subjugation mission next month!

"Okay, then I will accept the task of liberating the border city!" Wei Bin said.

"Are you serious? You have to think about it! Eight

You know the strength of the Qi Beast. You have fought with it. You should know whether you are its opponent, right? Although I also eagerly hope that the Stone Forest Kingdom can regain its lost territory as soon as possible, it is far from the time now.

, I suggest you wait for a while to improve your strength, and then go back to attack the Yamatamon!" Leah said.

"These are your kind wishes, but I still want to eliminate harm for the country now, liberate the border city as soon as possible, and regain the lost territory of our Stone Forest Kingdom!" Wei Bin said resolutely.

"Since you are determined to accept it, okay! I will open the teleportation array for you! What halo buff are you going to choose?" Leah said.

"I choose the aura of dedication and the aura of concentration!" Wei Bin said!

Regarding the choice of halo, it was also a big topic for Wei Bin and others yesterday, because there are ten types of halo, but they can only choose two of them. First, they must choose the halo. As for the other halo,

That’s worth investigating!

Regarding how to choose a halo, it depends on how Wei Bin and the others formulate their tactics. If they are to confront Yamakimon head-on, then they must choose a halo with strong front-on strength, but Wei Bin knows his own

If their strength relies on frontal force, then they are definitely no match for Yamatomon. Not to mention that they only have a hundred people, even if they are given a thousand people, they will all be destroyed at the feet of Yamatomon!

Of course, it's a snake and has no legs!

Therefore, Wei Bin's strategy for attacking the Yamatamon revolves around the Halo of Heart, flying kites to continuously consume the blood of the Beast. Halo of Heart: causes enemies within 10 meters around team members to lose their energy every second.

The maximum health loss is 0.1 skill level damage, and the aura is up to level 3.

Because the Heart-Ending Halo loses blood based on a percentage, that is to say, Wei Bin and the others only need five or six minutes to consume the Yamatamon to death. As long as the hundred of them can persist for five or six minutes, even if there is only one left in the end.

Being alone can be considered a victory! To put it bluntly, it is to use human heads to pile up the Yamatamon by flying a kite!

Wei Bin and others also focused on this tactical idea to discuss which halo should be chosen as an auxiliary. Based on this tactical idea, most of the halos were directly eliminated, because these halos were biased towards output, or even only increased output!

What kind of halo do they need? What they need is a halo that increases their survivability. Based on this, most of the halos have been eliminated?

First, command the aura.

Command Aura: Increases the damage of team members by 5 skill levels. The maximum aura is level 3.

This is an aura that purely increases the output ability. Wei Bin and the others do not expect their own attacks to increase output, so this command aura is an aura that will definitely be assed!

Again, the strong attack halo!

Assault Aura: Increases the damage of long-range units among team members by 10 skill levels. The maximum aura is level 3.

The strong attack aura and the command aura are the same. They are both halos that only increase the output ability. The only difference is that the command aura is effective for all players, while the strong attack aura is only effective for remote players!

Next comes the brilliant halo.

Brilliant Aura: Team members recover 100 skill level Qi every second, and the maximum level of the aura is level 3.

The brilliant halo is a purely auxiliary halo, which neither increases attack nor defense. It increases the team's endurance, because supplies cannot be used in the border city or the border land outside the city.

!This brilliant aura, if Wei Bin and the others are going to kill monsters, then this brilliant aura is definitely one of the must-selected halos, just like the last monster-killing mission they took on! But if it is used to kill the Yamatamon,

That’s too weak! In this group of players, besides Emei, who else would use skills frequently? No one! At most, using one or two skills would be overwhelming! And even Emei can’t add them at all.

A few times of blood, because Yamakimon is a

As a random person, Emei doesn't have much chance to add blood at all. It is very likely that the person whose blood is added is already dead before the countdown is finished! Therefore, this brilliant aura is only used to deal with Yamatamon.

It’s so stupid to say that!

Blessing of the Moon: Increases team members' internal and external attacks with a skill level of 3000 and attribute attacks of the sect with a skill level of 500. At the same time, they have day vision at night, and the aura is up to level 3.

As for the Blessing of the Moon, in addition to increasing the output, it also adds a daytime vision effect, but this is still useful for places where it is dark all year round. After all, sometimes vision is still very useful! But this effect is used against eight

The Qimon seems worthless! The Yaqimon is less than 20 meters away from you, so what's the use of this field of vision? Besides, it's not always dark in the border city! So the Blessing of the Moon is destined to be excluded.


Vampiric Aura: Every time a melee unit in the team attacks, 15 skill levels of the damage caused will be converted into its own blood volume. The maximum aura is level 3.

This is a halo that changes direction to increase survivability, but this halo can be used to deal with ordinary wild monsters. After all, those wild monsters cannot stop you. You can suck blood while fighting, which can reduce a lot of pressure on Emei, which can greatly

It improves the player's survivability! However, if this blood-sucking aura is used to deal with Yamatamon, it will be a little helpless. Yamagamon will not hit you easily. Once it hits you, it will kill you instantly, even if it cannot kill you in seconds.

, I want to kill most of your health! And the next blow will kill you! What do you think is the use of your blood-sucking? They hit you with hundreds of thousands of blood at once, but you get back thousands of blood at once. Is it useful? So,

The blood-sucking aura is a skill used to fight fiercely with ordinary monsters, not a skill used to fight bosses!

Next is the Halo of Thorns.

Aura of Thorns: Allows team members to feedback 10 skill levels of the damage caused by melee to the opponent. The maximum aura is level 3.

If you say which aura is the most useless when used against Yamatamon, it is not the command aura, the strong attack aura, nor the brilliant aura and the blessing of the moon, nor the blood-sucking aura, but the thorn aura. Come and take a look.

, there is no such shop in this village! Come and take a look, everyone, and see how useless this skill is! It allows team members to feedback 10 skill levels of the damage caused by melee to the other party, and the maximum aura is level 3.

Okay, even if I give you a level three thorns aura, will it be useful?

Yamakimon is a long-range attack!

Yamakimon is a long-range attack!

Yamakimon is a long-range attack!

Say important things three times!

Is there any skill more useless than this in history? If you want to deal with Japanese warriors, then this thorn aura may have some effect. After all, Japanese warriors are melee types, but in this battle, there are so many Japanese warriors.

You can't kill them all, your only target is the Yamatamon, so what's the point of taking more damage from the Japanese pirate warriors? As long as the Yamatamon doesn't die, won't the group be wiped out in the end?

If the above six auras are of no help in conquering Yamakimon, then the following three auras will be more or less helpful!

Durability Aura: Increases the movement speed of team members by 10 skill levels and the attack speed by 5 skill levels. The maximum aura is level 3.

The durability aura, in addition to increasing the attack speed, also increases the movement speed. The attack speed may be useless in the strategy of attacking Yamatamon, but the movement speed is useful! In Wei Bin's strategy, the main method is to fly a kite

For the main purpose, instead of engaging in a head-on confrontation with Yamakimon, since it is flying a kite, the movement speed will naturally come into play. However, the effect is actually minimal! Because the range of the Heart-Ending Halo is only 10 meters, and Yamakimon's attack

The distance is 20 meters, that is to say, there must be a player within 10 meters of Yamakimon, and most of this player is also suffering attacks from Yamakimon. You said your movement speed

How effective can it be?

This chapter has been completed!
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