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Chapter 747 Nirvana appears!

"Although it was later weakened by Susanoo and became the bird it is today, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse. It is still very powerful. It is not surprising that its magical power of language has been preserved!" Wei Bin explained!


"Okay, we are ready to enter. I emphasize it one last time. After entering, we must communicate in our dedicated channel to prevent the Yamatamon from knowing our intentions! Furthermore, players who are resurrected after death must

To use the locator, go to Hello City where we are locating, and then teleport directly to the Border City through the teleportation array there!" Wei Bin gave the final emphasis!

If the Yamatomon can understand human speech, then they can't use the channels near the battlefield to communicate. The Yamatomon can also understand Wei Bin's command, so the Yamatomon will naturally have a way to deal with it, which is very useful for them.

It is extremely disadvantageous to attack Yamatamon!

In addition, in order to resurrect after death and be able to support the border city immediately, Wei Bin deliberately thought of a sparsely populated player-built city, and asked all the 100 members to set locators there, in order to be able to resurrect.

In the future, he will be able to support the battlefield in time. Wei Bin knows that as long as the battle starts, a large number of players will go to the border city through the teleportation array to participate in the battle. By then, the teleportation arrays in major cities will definitely be crowded with people, three floors inside and three floors outside.

, this will undoubtedly slow down the pace of their support, which is not what Wei Bin wants to see!

But the Hello City chosen by Wei Bin is different. There are too few players in this city and it lacks a sense of presence. Entering the border city from the teleportation array here is definitely the best choice!

After the incident of Yamatamon occupying the Border City a month ago, the Stone Forest Kingdom officially united the major kingdoms and opened the teleportation function to the Border City. All of them are free of charge. The purpose is to encourage players to go to the Border City to destroy the Yamata.

Beast, regain the lost ground!

Regarding the matter of resurrecting after death to support the battlefield, there is actually a little-known unspoken rule, which is the problem of halo coverage. After the player dies, the halo effect will disappear. In other words, when the Nirvana man enters again,

At most, it only acts as a human shield, and cannot become a part of the Halo Tactics again!

"Okay, let's enter. Let me tell you the order of entry. I am the first, the Empress of Soochow is the second, the Blood Sea Demon is the third, Ximen Yibei is the fourth, and Fengyun Wuji is the fourth.

Five, the Bull Demon King is the sixth, Bingyue Hanxin is the seventh, and the Lion King is the eighth. Next, the four Emei core members enter, and then other core members and players with a limit of five enter, and the others last

Enter!" Wei Bin arranged.

After saying that, Wei Bin walked towards the teleportation array that Lia had just opened!

Wei Bin arranged the entry order in this way, which actually has profound meaning. You must know that the teleportation array in Border City has long been surrounded by Japanese warriors. What is the first thing Nirvana must do after entering Border City?

?Clear the teleportation array!

This is inevitable, because if Nirvana does not clear the teleportation array, Nirvana's follow-up personnel will not be able to enter. If Nirvana's follow-up personnel cannot enter, then Nirvana will undoubtedly fail!

Therefore, the order in which Wei Bin arranges the entry is very worthy of consideration. What does he rely on to clear the ground quickly? It relies on explosive power. Only the explosive power is high enough to clear the ground. If the explosive power is low, it is very likely that the ground has not been cleared yet.

Qing Kong, he was killed by Yaqimon first! So first of all, he must be the first one, because he is the person with the highest explosive ability among this group of people, and he has the ability to kill Japanese pirate warriors instantly, so

It is most appropriate for him to be the vanguard!

There is no doubt that the second one is the Soochow Empress. The Soochow Empress has a total of three group attacks. In a high-explosion state, these three group attacks are just enough to clear out a group of Japanese warriors! How much does it take to use three skills?

Time? Two seconds at most. This explosive power must be ranked second!

The third one is the Blood Sea Demon. Although the Blood Sea Demon does not have the ability to clear out the Japanese warriors within two seconds, it is still no problem to clear out a large area of ​​​​empty space within the duration of the transfer. If we look at the output within 2 seconds,

, maybe the Blood Sea Demon Lord is not as good as the Tang Sect, but in terms of total output within ten seconds,

Then the Empress of Soochow is not as good as the Blood Sea Demon Lord!

The fourth place is Ximen Yibei. Ximen Yibei and the Blood Sea Demon Lord belong to the same Tianshan Mountain. His strength is not much worse than that of the Blood Sea Demon Lord, and his skills are as complete as those of the Blood Sea Demon Lord. He can also clear an open space in the state of grafting flowers and trees.


Next is Feng Yun Wuji and the Bull Demon King. Feng Yun Wuji's group attack is no dog in the world. After superimposing many states, although the Japanese warriors cannot be killed in seconds, the stiffness effect of the dog in the world in the state of ice is enough.

How helpful is the large-scale group control with a radius of 20 meters to the entire team to control these Japanese warriors? And even if he can't stop these Japanese warriors, these Japanese warriors will not have much blood left. Next,

, the Bull Demon King can perform meritorious service. The Bull Demon King has a double group attack. After the double group attack, who else can survive?

Behind them are the Lion King and Bingyue Hanxin. Logically speaking, these two Shaolin masters can be used as human shields. If they want to kill the Japanese warriors instantly, clear the ground, and make room for future generations to enter, then whether it is

No one would give such a task to two Shaolins, right?

But in reality? Shaolin is not as useless as everyone imagines. The fact that these two great Shaolin appear so early is not to let them kill monsters. They have their own unique mission. Although Shaolin cannot kill monsters,

But they can pull monsters. You must know that the high explosive people in front must be able to open up a lot of open space, especially Wei Bin. With his full firepower, he can kill one by one. At this time, the two Shaolin

The role of the Shaolin is highlighted. The two Shaolin masters can pull the monster to run in the direction of Wei Bin. As long as they enter the attack range of the Breaking Heaven style, they can basically fight. Under the giant sword, no one will survive!

It will be easy to understand later. The strong ones must enter first, and the weak ones enter last!

"Appeared, appeared, they appeared!" After going to the Border City three times in a row and dying twice, at the same time that the Big Dog anchor had just entered the Border City for the third time, Wei Bin appeared!

"Damn it, Nirvana is here after all! I thought Nirvana was going to break the promise!"

"Nirvana will break the promise? Don't be ridiculous. Wei Bin made a promise to the public a month ago, saying that he would come to take revenge early this morning and rescue his compatriots who were besieged in the Resurrection Temple in the border city. How could he break his promise? The whole world has

How could Wei Bin let go of all the pigeons in the world while staring at Nirvana?"

"Nirvana is awesome, Nirvana is invincible, first there is Nirvana and then there is heaven!"

"I didn't expect that Nirvana would really come. It looks like there is another good show to watch!"

"Come on Nirvana, I bet you a thousand gold, I will definitely win!"

"I bet two thousand gold, please Nirvana, I must win!"

For a moment, the Big Dog live broadcast room exploded. Various barrages instantly occupied the entire screen, so that many people directly closed the barrages. This greatly affected the viewing experience!

Most of the people in this group were watching the fun, but there were also some people who bet on the market opened by the Big Dog anchor. These people were excited. This was a matter of their interests. How could they not be excited?

, can you not be nervous?

But if we want to talk about the most excitement, who can compare with the players who are besieged in the Resurrection Temple at this time?

"It's been a month, it's been a month, Nirvana has finally come, our savior has finally come!" One of them said with tears in his eyes. He had been waiting in the Resurrection Temple for a month. A month ago, he saw

A large number of Japanese pirates appeared here, so they temporarily formed a team with a maximum limit of five and wanted to come here to gain some reputation. But as soon as he arrived here, he met the Yamatamon who had just rushed into the city gate. Two Yamatamons

He was killed instantly with just one move. His teammates were also vulnerable to the indiscriminate bombardment of Yamakimon and were quickly defeated.

The team was wiped out! This siege lasted for a month! He was a player with a maximum of five players. He was trapped for a month and couldn't get out. Even if he went out today, he wouldn't be able to become a front-line player. He was too far behind!

"Savior? Brother, please respect my father! Everyone who came to Nirvana today is my father! Thank you fathers for coming to save your son!" Another player said crazily while kowtowing.

This is a player who was driven crazy by the Resurrection Temple. He was not originally a player who hangs out in the borderlands all year round, but he received a hidden mission. This mission is very strange. The mission requirement is to complete the title within two months.

Viscount, in order to gain reputation in the border land for a long time, he set the resurrection point in this border city. Just a month ago, he finally gained 2000 reputation, just when he was about to leave the border city.

When he went to submit the hidden task in the city, something unexpected happened, and a large number of Japanese warriors poured into the city. This man did not leave immediately because he wanted to see the excitement! Who knows, at this moment, Yamatamon appeared,

Yamakimon instantly killed him with one blow. Since his resurrection point was in Border City, he was resurrected directly from the Resurrection Temple in Border City! He suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem, so after his resurrection

He immediately ran non-stop in the direction of the teleportation array. Unexpectedly, before he ran a few meters, he was surrounded by the Japanese warriors who poured into the city with the Yamakimon. Now he was in a terrible situation.

! He died again! Can he still run out? The outside of the Resurrection Temple has long been occupied by Japanese warriors. He has no reputation, but he can't leave here! And now, today is the end of his mission period.

It's been a day, and he has been driven crazy. The task that could have been completed a long time ago has been dragged to today. Moreover, if Nirvana cannot defeat the Yamatamon today, then he will not be able to get out today, and his task will naturally be impossible.

It failed! All this was due to his mentality of just watching the excitement. Now, he has long regretted it!

Just when he saw Wei Bin appearing in the distance, he knelt on the ground with a plop and said the above words. If Wei Bin could save him today, then Wei Bin would be his father.

Dad still wants to kiss me!

"The emperor pays off, the emperor pays off! I have finally waited for this day, I have finally waited for this day, hahahaha!" A disheveled player looked up to the sky and screamed. This was another resurrected temple, destroyed by Japanese pirates.

Compared with the person in front of the person who was driven crazy by the samurai and Yamatamon, this person is pitiful!

He has a girlfriend, and the two of them entered the game together. They usually fight monsters and level up together, and they are inseparable! However, just a few days after he came to this borderland to gain reputation, Yamatamon came and trapped him.

In the Resurrection Temple, he will not be able to get out after that!

He couldn't get out, but his girlfriend was still outside. Just like that, his girlfriend formed a team with another team and upgraded. In this new team, she met another man, who was from the same city.

This is terrible. The two of them gradually fell in love because they were together every day! What about his girlfriend and him? The two have been separated for a long time, and their relationship has become increasingly cold. Although they can meet in reality, the girl cannot because

She gave up the game when she was with him. The game eventually took up most of her time. Just like that, he was poached by other men and his girlfriend ran away with someone else!

Since he was trapped here, he has been guarding the door of the Resurrection Temple every day, hoping that someone can reach nirvana first and come to this border city to attack the Yamatamon. If there is, then he can leave early, but in reality

It is always unsatisfactory. Indeed, many forces have assembled elite troops to attack the Yamatamon, but without exception, they all failed. This man looked forward to the stars and the moon, but finally Nirvana came. He swore from the bottom of his heart.

, after he gets out, he must kill the man who poached him back to level zero!

"As long as Nirvana saves me, Nirvana will be my savior. If Nirvana is in trouble in this life, I will do my part even if I go through fire and water!"

"Nirvana did not break his promise, they are here, Nirvana is here to save us!"

For a time, countless people were moved to tears. They were so excited. As long as Nirvana successfully defeated the Yamatamon, they would be free. This month has really driven them crazy.

If they don't go out for a month, how far behind will they be?

Countless people swore in their hearts that as long as they went out, they would never come to this border city again. This was so dangerous!

The camera returns to Wei Bin.

The first time Wei Bin entered the border city, he immediately activated the Heavenly God Descended to Earth + Super Bloodthirsty + Sky Breaking Style + Shifting Flowers. Then he used the Lingshen Style to fly to the side of Yamatamon, and then used the force to counterattack and hold his whole body.

, and then ran towards the direction of the teleportation array!

In fact, it didn't matter where he flew. No matter where he flew, he had to move in the direction of the teleportation array to clean up the Japanese warriors near the teleportation array. The reason why he flew directly to the Yamakimon in Lingshen style

The reason why he is with him is because he wants to gain the hatred of Yamatomon. He is definitely the most resistant existence among the hundred people. If possible, he hopes that Yamatomon can keep attacking him!

Next, Wei Bin began to imitate the last time he broke out from the border city, activated the acceleration skills and ran rampant among the Japanese warriors. With the blessing of many explosive skills, wherever the Sky Breaking Style went, not a single blade of grass grew. These Japanese pirates

The samurai simply couldn't withstand a blow from Wei Bin at his peak!

There is no way, Wei Bin's strongest explosive state is too abnormal!

Gods descending to earth and transplanting flowers and trees can be superimposed. After superposition, their power will be increased by more than a hundred times.

Suppose a group attack can only attack 10 targets under normal conditions, that is, it attacks 10 times in total. The damage is measured here by the number of attacks! Then after the splash effect is added, this group attack can attack 50

times, because Yihuajimu itself carries an attack to the attacked person, and also splashes to three surrounding targets, which means a total of 4 times of damage is caused. It is considered as the attack of the group attack itself, which is 5 times! And because

The number of attacks in this group attack is 10, so after the blessing of Yihuaqiaomu, the number of attacks directly increased to 50 times!

And what about Gods descending to earth? In the state of Gods descending to earth, each unit must splash 1 damage to the surrounding units. In other words, the actual number of attacks of this group attack skill in the state of Gods descending to earth is 100 times, plus the additional ones.

The number of attacks is 150 attacks! Of course, this is only the number of attacks when there are 10 targets. If the number of units is less than 10, the total number of attacks will definitely not reach 150. Similarly, if the number of units is greater than

If there are ten, it may appear 160 or even 170 times!

Just consider it based on ten units. If the 150 attacks are evenly distributed to each unit, it will cause 15 attacks to each unit. This is only the damage caused by the joint attack of the splashing players. Breaking the Sky Style

The damage itself is very high, and the damage splashed by the gods when they descend to earth still ignores defense. Which Japanese warrior with a maximum player strength of 5 can resist Wei Bin's 15 attacks that ignore defense without dying? It doesn't exist.


So along the way, Wei Bin did not have to deliberately fight these Japanese warriors. The Potian Shishi smoothed the way forward for him, unless the Potian Shishi did not land in front of Wei Bin, because the Potian Shishi landed randomly on

If the sky-shattering giant sword didn't land next to Wei Bin, then Wei Bin wouldn't be afraid at all. He has mastered the A tactic! And he is extremely good at the border area of ​​the A technique!

What is A-level technology? A-level technology is awesome!

To put it simply, walking a means moving and attacking at the same time. a is the English abbreviation of attack.

For example, there are two people A and B. When A is chasing B, player A can attack B while walking. At the same time, both parties can maintain the same moving speed, and the distance between the two parties will not be affected.

Pull away!

This chapter has been completed!
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