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Chapter 748 High Explosion

You know, under normal circumstances, no matter who wants to launch an attack, they need to stop first and stand still to attack the target! This means that if a is chasing b, a can only

Attack b, because a needs to stop when attacking b, but when a stops, b does not stop. When a stops and attacks b, b has long distanced itself from a.

Yes, it is impossible for a to attack b for the second time, because b is outside the attack range of a!

But if you master the A technique, it will be different! The principle of the A technique is to move and attack at the same time. You will not stop when you attack, and you will still maintain the same distance from the target as before. It will not

Because you launched an attack and were knocked down by the opponent! In this way, you can attack the opponent while moving!

As for the A technique, Wei Bin has long been favored by him after practicing hard in the past few months!

Judging from the current situation, strictly speaking in theory, the A technique is not in line with the current environment, because he is not chasing anyone at the moment, he just wants to kill the Japanese warrior in front of him instantly, and then move on.


However, in fact, there are more or less connections between various techniques. For example, in the current environment, although Wei Bin's A technique is not useful, the skills contained in the A technique are not useful.

But it can be used, which is the border area of ​​​​the A technology mentioned above!

What kind of techniques was used by Wei Bin here to deal with the fierce group of Japanese pirate warriors in front of him?

This starts with the basic principles of A technology.

The principle of the A technique is to use the knife to attack others while stopping moving. In other words, it seems that the blow is delivered while moving, but in fact, the blow is actually delivered while still.

It is emitted, but because the action of drawing out the knife and the action of stopping are performed at the same time, it looks like it is emitted during the movement!

Immediately after the attack hits the target, immediately retract the knife and start moving again! After this set of operations is continued, it is time to perform technique A! To outsiders, you did not stop at all when you launched the attack, but

In fact, you actually stopped to launch the attack!

The essence of A move lies in the synchronicity of quick start, quick stop, forward swing of attack, and back swing of attack. As long as you can synchronize the four of them, then your A move technique will be considered qualified!

So what is a quick stop?

The so-called quick stop means that you suddenly stop while chasing the target!

And what about quick startup?

As the name suggests, quick start and quick stop are exactly the opposite. Quick start means that after attacking the opponent, you can suddenly change from a stopped state to a moving state!

So what are the forward swing and the backward swing?

The attack forward swing refers to the speed at which you raise the knife, and the attack back swing refers to the speed at which you drop the knife after completing the attack! You must know that any skill, even a normal attack, has a cast forward swing and a cast back swing.

Yes, it's just that the forward and backward swings of normal attacks are the shortest. The total of the forward and backward swings of normal attacks is 0.5 seconds. Of course, the minimum is 0.5 seconds. If you are slow to release the sword, you will also be slow to retract it.

, that is possible within an hour! This is why the fastest attack speed of players is twice per second! Other skills also have different forward and backward times of casting according to different skills, whether it is

For any skill, the time of forward swing + backward swing is longer than normal attack!

What is particularly outstanding is that the Tianshan School's Plum Blossoms 3rd and Snowflake 6th came out. The plum blossoms 3rd Lane's hand-raising action is to jump up, and then hit the opponent with double rings. Does it take time to jump? And the Plum Blossoms 3rd Lane's cast is shaken after casting.

Even more outrageous, after the spell is cast, a huge figure will appear behind the caster, which can be understood as the visual effect of the skill.

The effect is noticeable! Only after this afterimage disappears can the player continue to attack!

And what about Snowflake Rippei? Snowflake Rippei is simply a funny skill. Snowflake Rippei also has skill visual effects. Snowflake Rippei's hand-raising action transforms the double rings into a spiral pill, which hits the target hard. Next,

, the climax is coming, this Rasengan will stay on the target for a few tenths of a second before disappearing, which is very embarrassing. You must know that this Rasengan is transformed into your own weapon, which means that as long as

If the Rasengan doesn't disappear for one second, you can't take your hand back unless you don't want the weapon! During the time that the Rasengan lasts, whether it is classified into the pre-attack wave or the post-attack wave.

, it’s all a hand-raising action anyway!

Therefore, during A, try not to use other attack skills, just use normal attacks, because the attack forward and attack backswing of normal attacks are the shortest, and other skills will more or less extend the attack front.

After shaking and attacking, obviously, this is not conducive to the A operation!

The specific implementation of the walking a technique is divided into two steps. The first step is that the moment you stop should be synchronized with your knife draw. Make sure that the knife has been swung out at the moment you stop, and

It has already hit the target!

The critical point between the second step and the first step is when your knife strikes the target, so the specific operation of this second step is to act immediately the moment you put the knife away!

Now Wei Bin is using this principle when facing places that cannot be covered by the Sky Breaking Style. He successfully integrates the four into one, suddenly stops during the movement, and at the same time draws his sword to kill.

The target, then, retracted the knife at the same time, and then moved quickly again!

The result of this was that, in the eyes of outsiders, he directly attacked the Japanese warrior without stopping. During the process from standing to falling, Wei Bin was always moving forward, and the whole process did not move at all.

There is no sign of stopping, this is the sense that walking a technology brings to outsiders!

And because Wei Bin's damage was so explosive, each of Wei Bin's swords could take away a small group of Japanese warriors. In this way, although Wei Bin's sky-breaking sword did not land in front of him, but Wei Bin's front

The Japanese pirate warriors still failed to stop Wei Bin from advancing!

This is Wei Bin's active study and application of the A technique. The A technique is indeed specially invented to chase down moving targets, but the technology is composed of small principles and techniques from multiple sections.

, these principles and techniques are actually universal. Through different permutations and combinations, these small principles and techniques can form different technologies!

As long as you learn these little principles and tricks, then you will not only learn the A technique, but you will also understand some other techniques! The set of operations in front of you is one of them!

The difference between the technique Wei Bin just performed and the A technique is that the A technique is a technique you perform when chasing a moving object, while the move Wei Bin just performed

What? The object he needs to kill in front of him is stationary. The difference between the two is that the former is moving, while the latter is stationary!

The above are the differences in the performance environment between the two. In addition to the difference in the performance environment, the conditions for the performance of the two are also very different!

If you want to use the technique that Wei Bin just performed, you must have a prerequisite, that is, Wei Bin can kill with one blow. He must kill the target in front of him with one blow, because if he cannot kill the target instantly,

That goal will still block Wei Bin's path forward, so his set of operations will naturally be meaningless!

In this way, Wei Bin used his unique "A" technique to move forward in the crowd of monsters as if nothing happened. Whenever the audience mistakenly thought that Wei Bin

When he was about to hit the Japanese warrior in front of him, Wei Bin could always draw his sword quickly, put it away, and kill the Japanese warrior in front of him in an instant!

Go back to the three seconds before Wei Bin entered the teleportation array.

The Soochow Empress was placed second in the teleportation array by Wei Bin. Before Wei Bin entered, the Soochow Empress had already started holding back. Three seconds before Wei Bin entered the teleportation array, the Soochow Empress decisively

The two explosive skills of Destruction in All Directions and Wind and Thunder are activated!

I saw the body of the Empress Dowager Dongwu glowing with purple light, and the wind and thunder were already blessing her whole body!

Wind and Thunder: The fearless posture of the king, strengthens own skills, causes skill damage, iron caltrops, and annihilation in all directions. The effect of floating light is increased by 50, lasting for 10 seconds. Kill any target during the effect, and the duration of the attack effect is increased by 5 seconds.

The duration is increased by up to 20 seconds and the cooling time is 80 seconds.

Immediately afterwards, another burst of death energy spread all over the body of the Soochow Empress, and it was his ultimate move that wiped out all directions!

The ten directions are destroyed. As the name suggests, there are ten directions, up, down, front, left, right, left front and upper, right front and upper, left back and upper, right back and upper, a total of ten directions. No matter how many people you come, they will die as many as you come!

Destruction in all directions: status, the understanding value increases by 11 points every second for 15 seconds, and the cooling time is 80 seconds.

Wind and Thunder Ten Thousand Jun can add bonus to Ten Directions Destroyed. In the state of Wind and Thunder Ten Thousand Jun, Ten Directions Destroyed can greatly increase its own understanding value, so as to achieve the purpose of a sure knowing blow!

With the blessing of the wind and thunder, Destruction in All Directions can increase the understanding value by 17 points every second. Until the third second, the understanding value of the Soochow Empress begins to exceed 100, and the Japanese pirate warriors themselves also have a certain amount of understanding.

The mental defense is not too high, and the Soochow Empress only needs one more second to basically launch a devastating blow to this group of Japanese pirate warriors!

A second after Wei Bin entered the teleportation array, the Soochow Empress also stepped in!

The next scene is wonderful! The first time the Soochow Empress came out of the teleportation array in the border city, he discovered the location of Wei Bin. Then, the Soochow Empress teleported directly to the

In another direction at a ninety-degree angle with Wei Bin, he knew what his mission was. The reason why he was placed in second place was that his mission was to enter this border city before others and use his own

In a high-explosion state, open up an open space for subsequent personnel to enter!

That's why he chose a different direction from Wei Bin to teleport. The direction Wei Bin was in was left to Wei Bin, and he was responsible for opening up another direction!

Glimpses: The night-walking posture of a monster, performing incomparable movements, performing incomparable movements, teleporting to a designated area, the movement speed increases by 50 within 3 seconds after teleportation, the damage increases by 50 within 4 seconds, and the cooling time is 50 seconds.


The flash of light increased the damage of the Soochow Empress by 50, and with the blessing of the wind and thunder, the Soochow Empress' understanding value had already exceeded 100. Immediately afterwards, the Soochow Empress used the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle.

One of the Japanese warriors was blinded, and the knowing damage in the next 5 seconds increased again!

Torrential Pear Blossom Needle: Tang Sect's shocking and supreme skill, using hundreds of tiny and dense silver needles as a hidden weapon to cause 2500 damage and blindness for 3 seconds to the target. The knowing damage is increased by 50 within 8 seconds after using the skill.

The 50 damage increased by the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle is different from the 50 damage increased by the previous Glimpses. The Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle increases the knowing damage, which is only effective when a knowing blow occurs. If there is no knowing blow,

It has no effect, and the damage increased by Glimpse of Light will be increased by 50 regardless of whether there is a knowing blow or not!

Next, comes the exciting part!

I saw the ancient dragon soul of the Soochow Empress glowing red, super bloodthirsty already blessing the whole body, and then the Soochow Empress Ziyang Jueling Crossbow shot into the sky, and thousands of arrows were sprayed out in one move, shooting towards

a large number

Japanese pirate warrior!

Thousands of Arrows: The damage is increased by 50, causing 4000 damage to up to 6 units within a radius of ten meters, and the cooldown time is 30 seconds.

With the blessing of the high understanding value of the Empress of Soochow, Ten Thousand Arrows successfully triggered a knowing blow, and the damage of Wind and Thunder was increased by 50, Glimpse of Light increased damage by 50, Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle increased damage by 50, Ten Thousand Arrows increased damage by 50.

Damage 50, a knowing blow with the blessing of four damage-increasing skills! Who can withstand such a critical hit? Before Wei Bin was rebuilt, it would be difficult for even him to survive for three seconds in front of the Soochow Empress!

It should be emphasized again here that regarding this kind of superposition algorithm with multiple skill bonus damage, the relationship between the various numbers of damage increase is not a multiplication relationship, but an additive relationship! The percentage increase is first added, and then multiplied by

The basic damage is finally multiplied by the double damage of the knowing blow, that is, the basic damage 1+0.5+0.5+0.5+0.5)2. This is the final damage. It is not the basic damage multiplied by three 1.5 and then multiplied by


After thousands of arrows were fired, the Empress of Soochow pointed to the sky again, and once again scattered the flowers scattered by the goddess into this wave of monsters. Where the petals fell, they caused a lot of damage to the Japanese warriors. Where are the petals?

This is obviously blood!

Tiannu Scattering Flowers: A group attack, dealing 4000 points of direct damage to 12 targets within 10 meters around the target, which requires half an anger.

The group attack skill of Tiannu Scattering Flowers is a skill with mixed advantages and disadvantages, and it is also a skill that makes people love and hate them!

Its advantages and disadvantages are very obvious. The advantage is that it is a group attack. Although this group attack requires half anger, it is still a group attack after all! The value of group attack skills is always greater than that of single-target attack skills.

!As long as it is a group attack, it will always be more cost-effective than single-target skills!

But its shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, it has great limitations. Its release requires conditions, just like Wei Bin's Lingshen Style. Wei Bin's Lingshen Style needs to specify a target first.

, Wei Bin needs to use it against this target!

The same goes for Tangmen's Tiannu Sanhua. It also needs to specify a target first, and then take this target as the center to cause damage to the target and 12 targets around the target. In other words, this Tiannu Sanhua cannot be directed towards the open space.

Used! It cannot be used to blow up the invisibility of Tianshan, unless there are other targets around Tianshan that can be used as attack points for the Tang Sect!

Although Tiannv Sanhua has mixed advantages and disadvantages, and players have mixed feelings about it, but rationally speaking, this skill actually has more advantages than disadvantages for the Tang Sect. How much does the Tang Sect need the group attack skill?

His high explosive potential is here. He can only kill one if he hits the target, but he can directly knock down a large area with a group attack. You know the advantages and disadvantages of it!

After the two-move group attack, these Japanese pirate warriors who were affected were basically at the end of their health! And if you think that the stage of the Soochow Empress has ended hastily, then you are wrong! Who is the Soochow Empress?

He is the eldest brother of the Tang Sect. He is not an ordinary Tang Sect player. If it were another Tang Sect player with a limit of five or more, it would probably be like this, but he is holding a Ziyang Jueling Crossbow in his hand.

The king of soldiers!

I saw the Empress of Soochow pointing towards the sky again, the Ziyang Jueling Crossbow in his hand flashed with purple light, and a crescent-shaped ballistic trajectory ejected from the Ziyang Jueling Crossbow arrows, and fired straight into the group of Japanese pirate warriors.

Hua, this move is the built-in skill of the Ziyang Jueling Crossbow - the Wrath of the Killing God. It is another large group attack. After the group attack, no one in the affected area can survive! Just three moves, in two seconds

, the empress of Soochow opened up a large open space, its efficiency was higher than Wei Bin, and its speed was faster than Wei Bin!

Next it’s time for burst shooting. Soochow Empress’s group attack is very strong. People’s impression of Soochow Empress is that they can clear the field in an instant. Although Soochow Empress does not leave the world with the impression that the burst shooting is awesome.

A strong impression, but that doesn't mean that his point-kill ability is weak, it's just that under his powerful group attack, the glory of his group attack covers up his point-kill ability!

This chapter has been completed!
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