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Chapter 780: Starting from the ground

"Once your Jurchen fleet reaches that safe route, it will immediately be attacked by the Nirvana fleet. There are nearly 1,200 Nirvana fleets there, but your Jurchen fleet only has 500 ships. How to fight?" Shark Ruoyi said.

Said matter-of-factly.

"I'm afraid you are a bit alarmist when you say that? The Nirvana Fleet is only targeting your Wuzhang Shark Fleet. Even if our Jurchen Fleet is within the attack range of the Nirvana Fleet, they won't attack us so early, right?

They may attack us in the future, but definitely not now! Nirvana definitely does not want to go to war with all forces at the same time, and defeating them one by one is the way to go! So I think that even if we go to that safe route, the Nirvana fleet will not attack us

Our action is just an excuse by your Wuzhang Shark Fleet to lure us into the water! Am I right to say that?" Jurchen said.

"Jurchen beauty, what do you think? We are on the same front now. Even if Nirvana does not attack you in this battle, you will successfully leave the Jurchen sea through that route, but the sea next door will accept you.

Is it? At present, the power structure of major sea areas has been formed, and any sea area will no longer accommodate the entry of other forces, because the resources of each sea area are limited. If you go to the next sea area to develop, the forces in the next sea area will gain.

The resources will become less, so no one will allow you to snatch resources in their sphere of influence! Moreover, your Jurchen fleet has been operating in the Jurchen waters for a long time and has occupied many treasure mines. Once you leave here,

That means you are going to give up these resources. Are you really willing to do so? You have worked hard to obtain these resources at a great cost and energy. How can you give them away so easily when the Nirvana Fleet arrives?

This is the place where the Jurchen fleet rises. This is the rear area of ​​the Jurchen fleet. Once you leave here, you will be like rootless ducks, wandering around. In the end, you will be disbanded because there is no profit input! This is you

Do you want to see it?" Shark explained the stakes to Jurchen seriously!

"Haha, you are really eloquent, but do you think I don't understand what you are saying? Do you think I want to become like a rootless duck wandering around the world? I have already said it before,

It's not impossible to rise up to resist, but you have to weigh the difference in strength! If possible, I would also like to, and I don't want to leave the Jurchen Kingdom. This is my home, and it is also the place where my dream sets sail! However, the strength of us and the Nirvana Fleet

The gap is too huge. Even if you and I join forces, we only have 1,500 warships, but Nirvana has 3,000 warships. One versus two, do you think we have a chance of winning? Instead of destroying ourselves like an egg against a stone,

, it is better to retain the strength in order to make a comeback, you can understand what I say, right?" Jurchen said.

"Beauty Jurchen, of course I understand what you mean. In fact, not only you think so, I think so too. If it is obviously invincible, then we Wuzhang Sharks will not act like fools and send warships to the Nirvana Fleet.

, the reason why I came to you now is because I have a way to compete with the Nirvana Fleet. We have no chance of winning. Otherwise, our Wuzhang Shark Fleet would have run away long ago. Where would I have time to find you?

What about you?" Shark said.

"What do you mean? It seems that our alliance will still be able to fight in the future? I would like to hear the details!" Jurchen seemed to be interested, but of course, this interest was fake!

"Of course, to be honest, in addition to your Jurchen fleet, our Jurchen Kingdom's No. 3 and No. 4 have already joined our alliance. In the near future, more people will join us and come together.

To fight against the Nirvana fleet, for now, as long as your Jurchen fleet joins us, our alliance will have more than 1,800 warships!" Shark said.

"With more than 1,800 ships, it might still be difficult to fight against the 3,000 warships of the Nirvana Fleet, right?" Jurchen asked.

"Jurchen beauty, don't worry, although we only have more than 1,800 warships, Nirvana has 100

0 warships were pinned on the safe route to the sea next door. In other words, we were not fighting 1800 against 3000, but 1800 against 2000! The waters of the Jurchen Kingdom are our territory, and we are very familiar with it. We are completely

This advantage can be used, and every player has a plot of being invaded in his heart, and will definitely rise up to resist. What does the difference of 200 warships mean? In my opinion, our alliance will win without a doubt!" Shark analyzed to Jurchen

Consider the pros and cons of this!

"Although 1,000 ships of the Nirvana Fleet are restrained on the safe route to the next sea area, it is only a temporary restraint. Once we fight the main force of the Nirvana Fleet, the 1,000 warships will definitely come over to support us.

At that time, these 1,000 warships will no longer be decorations, they will transform into a vigorous force! By then, what will we do?" Jurchen asked.

"Jurchen beauty, our safe route to these two neighboring seas is across the entire sea area, and it will take at least a day to cross the entire Jurchen sea area. When we fight with the main force of Nirvana, they

These 1,000 warships are simply too late to support them, and we don’t necessarily have to fight the main force of the Nirvana Fleet. We are the indigenous forces in this sea area. We have to use our geographical advantages to fight guerrilla warfare against them. As long as we plan well

Properly, there is no problem even if 1800 fights 3000! After all, guerrilla warfare at sea is full of too many unknowns. It is possible that a piece of fog can help us capture 100 of their warships, and a piece of reef can also help us capture 100 of their warships.

Boat!" Shark continued to explain.

"Listening to what you said, it seems to make some sense! However, I would like to hear how the spoils after the war should be distributed!?" Jurchen deliberately made an expression that was moved by the shark.

"On the issue of spoils of war, it is naturally distributed according to the number of warships participating in the war. The percentage of the warships participating in the war of each party accounts for the total number of warships will determine the percentage of the final spoils! This is the fairest

Distribution plan!" And positions 3 and 4 have already agreed to my distribution plan! Shark said.

"Distributed according to the number of warships participating in the war? No! I don't accept such a distribution plan!" Jurchen said.

"Do you have a better distribution plan for the Jurchen beauties? If so, then there is no problem in following your distribution plan!" Shark said.

"I want half of the loot, don't even think about missing a word!" Jurchen said forcefully. At this moment, in order to make Shark believe that the Jurchen fleet is really willing to join their alliance, she must raise the price. As long as

If she shows enough greed for profit, she can reduce Shark's suspicion and make Shark feel more at ease with herself!

"Beautiful Jurchen, aren't you okay? In terms of contribution, your Jurchen fleet's 500 warships only account for a quarter, but you want 50 trophies. You know, we are the only ones in this alliance.

, the more you share, the less will be shared by others. Who is willing to share part of the spoils with you? Everyone is paying. The waters of the Jurchen Kingdom belong to all of us, not to anyone. You ask for a price.

I'm afraid it's inappropriate to be so high, right?" When Shark heard this, he thought, "Good guy, what a lion! He only sent out a quarter of his troops, but he wants to take away 50 of the loot. Isn't this too greedy?"

However, the Jurchens' excessive demands gave the shark a shot of reassurance. Although the Jurchens' demands were a bit high, at least the alliance was about to be reached. The Jurchens were sincere in forming an alliance with them, but it was just a little bit...

It's just greed. As long as there are no problems in the general direction, as for how to distribute the spoils, it's just a small matter!

"You can't say that

Tell me, what can be in the spoils of war? It’s nothing more than some warships. I made it clear today, who of us doesn’t want to get more warships? Only warships can bring us a sense of security, and you and I are no exception.

!Right now, your Wuzhang Shark Fleet has developed by burning, killing and looting our Jurchen Kingdom’s small fleets. This is obvious to everyone. Although you say you won’t do anything to us, when that day comes, who will

Are you accurate? So I must protect myself, I must strengthen the strength of our Jurchen fleet, I just want half of the loot, not even a word less!" Jurchen said forcefully.

"Beautiful Jurchen, you are really going too far. I have already agreed to No. 3 and No. 4. You suddenly come to me like this. How can I explain it to them? What if the cake given to them becomes smaller?

What should I do if they withdraw from the alliance? You know, the two of them together have 500 warships, the same number as your Jurchen fleet. If your Jurchen fleet wants 50, and they want 50 more, then what does it have to do with me?

?In the end, we, the Wuzhang Shark Fleet, who paid the most, became wage earners? Is this appropriate?" Shark said with a bitter look on his face. Of course, No. 3 and No. 4 did not ask for 50 shares. Shark just exaggerated.

Just angry words!

"Then I don't care. How you agreed to the other two families is your business, and I didn't agree to them. Anyway, I won't send troops without 50 pieces of loot. You can find a way on your own!" Jurchen still did not give in.

Because she knows that no matter what kind of outrageous conditions she puts forward, Shark will agree, because the Wuzhang Shark Fleet is at the end of its rope. If the Jurchen Fleet joins their alliance, then they may still have a chance of survival. If the Jurchen Fleet does not join them,

Then they will undoubtedly die. The Wuzhang Shark Fleet has really reached the end of its rope again. No matter what kind of excessive demands the Jurchens make, the Sharks must agree! Even after this battle, the Jurchen fleet has become the Jurchen fleet with 50 trophies.

The largest force in the country's waters, Wuzhang Shark, has been reduced to the second force. He must also agree to be completely destroyed and fall from the first to the second place. This kind of multiple-choice question must be chosen by everyone, right?

At this time, Shark also began to carefully calculate his own account. There were 500 warships in positions 3 and 4, accounting for 27. The Jurchen fleet asked for 50. In other words, if he wanted to maintain this

If it's an alliance, then he has to make concessions. He can't let the other two companies make concessions, right? He is the organizer of this alliance!

In this way, the Jurchen fleet can only get 23% of the loot. If all 3,000 warships of Nirvana are captured by them, then after the war, the Jurchen fleet will get 1,500 warships. Counting the Jurchen fleet’s current warships,

Some of these 500 ships are 2,000 warships!

As for the Wuzhang Shark Fleet? The Wuzhang Shark Fleet can be divided into 690 warships. Adding the original 1,000 ships, their number of warships will reach 1,700, which is about 300 ships less than the Jurchen fleet. Although it will lose its number from the Jurchen fleet.

They have fallen from the throne of the number one force in the Chinese waters, but ranking second is not bad. The most important thing is that the overall strength of their fleet has been improved. Although there are 300 fewer warships than the Jurchen fleet, the Jurchen fleet is not

I will definitely do it myself, after all, the gap is still very small! So based on this calculation, the result is actually acceptable!

Of course, this is only an ideal state. The reality is not certain, or it will never develop according to his guess. Nirvana is not a fool, how could he let 3,000 warships be annihilated here? Nirvana will lose at most

1,000 warships, because when the Nirvana fleet lost 1,000 warships, Nirvana became 2,000 ships fighting 2,800 ships. It is no longer possible for Nirvana to win. In this case, Nirvana will definitely withdraw its troops!

In other words, after the war, the Jurchen fleet could obtain 500 warships, and the number of fleets increased from 500 to 1,000, while the Wuzhang Shark

What? Although Wuzhang Shark only got 230 warships, the total number of warships in the Wuzhang Shark fleet after the war was still slightly higher than that of the Jurchen fleet. Wuzhang Shark will not fall from the number one spot in the Jurchen Sea.

!At best, we have a powerful opponent like the Jurchen fleet!

The latter possibility is the greatest! So even if Shark agrees to the Jurchen’s unreasonable request, Wuzhang Shark will be the number one profiteer. Although his spoils are not as much as those of the Jurchen fleet, Wuzhang Shark will survive.

Come down, their survival itself is the biggest profit!

"Beautiful Jurchen, you are raising your prices on the ground. You are making it difficult for me to do this. How about we discuss it again and you can reduce it a little more?" Shark said.

"No, 50 is the standard I have set. There is absolutely no room for negotiation! I don't know what you are struggling with. You must not be able to touch the shares of the other two companies. As the organizers of the alliance, you, as the immediate

The Wuzhang Shark fleet is facing a disaster. Faced with this situation, you still expect to be able to distribute the spoils as usual? What are you thinking? We left you 23 shares in the end, which is good. What other bikes do you want?

?It’s good that your Wuzhang Shark Fleet can survive. Your current task is to survive, not to gain much benefit from this battle. Do you understand? See the reality clearly! Time is passing by minute by second.

"Look, during the period of negotiation between you and me, your Wuzhang Shark fleet may have lost many warships!" Jurchen stimulated the shark.

"In that case, okay! I will give you some of my shares, and let your Jurchen fleet occupy 50 shares! Without further ado, let's meet up quickly? We can only become a rope.

Only then can we fight against the Nirvana Fleet!" Shark hurriedly urged.

"Okay, where can we gather?" Jurchen asked.

"I think the best way for us to repel the Nirvana Fleet is to intercept the Nirvana Fleet at the opening of the safe route between the Jurchen Kingdom and the Dali Kingdom. Our fleet stands outside the opening, and the Nirvana Fleet stands inside. The terrain outside us is open, and we can

There are two to three hundred warships stationed at the same time, and the Nirvana Fleet is in a relatively narrow position. It can pass at most dozens of warships at one time. In this way, their battle losses will be five or six times that of ours. This

This situation is what we want most! So our large force has already set sail and headed for the safe route! However, just now, I got the news that Wei Bin personally went into battle and destroyed the

Our intelligence transmission chain, because our intelligence transmission chain is broken, we have no way of knowing whether the Nirvana fleet has passed the safe route. If when our large force rushes to the safe route, all Nirvana fleet has passed the safe route, then we will

It will become meaningless, and even expose their whereabouts! Now my eldest brother and second brother should be debating whether to continue to the safe route to Dali Kingdom. In my opinion, your Jurchen fleet first

Let's drive in the direction of the safe route. Our Wuzhang Shark fleet is definitely closer to the safe route than your Jurchen fleet. Even if we turn around later, we can still meet you!" Shark said.

"What? Your Wuzhang Shark fleet will be closer to the safe route than our Jurchen fleet? That's not necessarily the case!" the Jurchen said confidently.

"What? Where is your Jurchen fleet now?" Shark suddenly felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart!

Does the Jurchen mean that the Jurchen fleet is closer to the safe route than the Wuzhang Shark fleet at this time? She doesn't even know how close the Wuzhang Shark fleet is to the safe route at this time, so she dares to swear that the Jurchen fleet is closer than the Wuzhang Shark fleet.

Safe route? This can only explain one thing! That is, the Jurchen fleet is very, very close to the safe route. In fact, the Jurchen fleet is right next to the safe route at this time, as close as a ruler. I would like to ask, is there anything closer than them?

According to Shark's guess, this is the only possibility!

This chapter has been completed!
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