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Chapter 781 Acting!

And if it is true, it would be really great. You must know that so far, the Nirvana Fleet has only attacked the Wuzhang Shark Fleet, and has not attacked any force except the Wuzhang Shark. If

If the Jurchen fleet is near that safe route, then the Jurchen fleet is a natural spy, a spy that can safely deliver information! As long as the Jurchen fleet continues to stay there, then the Wuzhangsha fleet can continue to be bold and confident

Let’s move forward!

Even if the Nirvana fleet reaches the end of the safe route and is about to sail into the waters of the Jurchen Kingdom, the Jurchen fleet can organize defenses in advance to buy time for the arrival of the Wuzhang Shark fleet. After the Wuzhang Shark fleet arrives,

You can successfully intercept the Nirvana fleet at the exit of the safe route!

No matter how bad it is, the Jurchen fleet failed to block the Nirvana fleet, at least the Wuzhang Sharks are still safe. They themselves have not lost a single hair. This is the most important thing. Therefore, when the sharks heard the Jurchens say so confidently, the Jurchens said

When the fleet was closer than the Wuzhang Shark fleet, the shark immediately became excited!

"Our Jurchen fleet is around the safe route at this time. Do you think everyone is as slow to react as your Wuzhang Shark fleet? As early as the first time the Nirvana fleet attacked your Wuzhang Shark fleet, I assembled our Jurchen fleet, and

We sailed it to a safe route to the sea of ​​Dali and waited for it! Now you know why I dare to ask for 50, right? Without our Jurchen fleet, can you defeat the Nirvana fleet alone? Once Nirvana

If the fleet sails into our sphere of influence, then we are done!" Jurchen said proudly.

"What? Is this true? So, your Jurchen fleet has actually known for a long time that our Wuzhang Shark Fleet will organize an alliance to fight against the Nirvana Fleet? You have also expected that we will come to win over your Jurchen fleet, you

In your heart, you have always wanted to resist Nirvana. Just now, you just pretended that you didn't want to fight against the Nirvana fleet, so as to increase the voice of your Jurchen fleet and then seek more benefits!" Shasha explained his conjecture to the Jurchens.

, at the same time, he also developed a sense of awe and wariness towards the Jurchens. The Jurchens are very extraordinary! The Jurchen fleet cannot be retained. After this battle, the Jurchen fleet must be dealt with as soon as possible!

If Jurchen knew what Shark was thinking at this time, she would definitely sneer at her. She was just playing with you, but you actually take it so seriously? Is my acting skills so good?

"Otherwise? Counting on you? If I counted on you, the Jurchen Kingdom would have been occupied by the Nirvana Fleet! Now our Jurchen Fleet is blocking the exit of the safe route. The warships from the other three parties will come over as soon as possible. Once the Nirvana Fleet

Appeared, our Jurchen fleet cannot resist for long!" Jurchen urged.

"That's right, I will go back and resume my life right now, and let all the warships sail to a safe route at full power! I will also leave the patrol ship for you for us to communicate information!" Shark said excitedly, as long as there is a Jurchen

fleet, the Wuzhang Shark fleet has regained its sight and is no longer blind. As long as the Jurchen fleet is there, the Wuzhang Shark can sail to a safe route without any worries. There is no need to worry that the Nirvana fleet will sail out first.

Safe route!

In this way, Shark returned to the Wuzhang Shark Fleet and explained to Wu Hezhang the entire process of his negotiations with the Jurchens!

"It's really disgusting. I didn't expect that this Jurchen looks so gentle and cute on the surface, but she has so many scheming hearts. She actually raised the price. The lion asked for 50 shares. We who sent the most troops actually got the least.

Humph, you really piss me off!" Zhang, the second child, said angrily.

"Second brother, this is not the point. From my point of view, it doesn't matter no matter how much Jurchen wants more shares, because the point is that we have overcome the difficulties, and that is the most important thing! What is the other point? We should now

What we are thinking about should not be the issue of the number of shares, but the sincerity of the Jurchen fleet. Do their Jurchen fleet really want to join us to deal with Nirvana?" Old Dawu still had a sharp mind, and he immediately saw the second chapter.

The problem that cannot be seen can be said to hit the nail on the head!

"Brother, according to my observation, the Jurchens should want to join us to fight against the Nirvana Fleet. Other than that, she has no choice. What good will it do to her after the Nirvana Fleet occupies the Jurchen Kingdom? She will still be unable to escape and be destroyed.

fate?" Shark explained.

"That's right. That's what we thought before we asked you to negotiate with the Jurchens. Otherwise, we wouldn't have let you negotiate with the Jurchens! The reason why I am suspicious of the Jurchens is because of the position of the Jurchen fleet at this time.

We, the Wuzhang Sharks, were the ones being attacked. Why did the Jurchen fleet head to the safe route first? Isn't their reaction speed too fast? Don't they need to assemble the fleet? Their speed is like being ahead of schedule.

It was already known that the Nirvana Fleet would invade the waters of the Jurchen Kingdom. This was so abnormal! Also, how could she calculate so far? Could she have calculated that the Nirvana Fleet would sail from Dali to the safe route of the Jurchen Kingdom's waters?

How could she have predicted that our Wuzhang Sharks would organize an alliance against the Nirvana Fleet? How could she have predicted that we would win over her and she would send the fleet to a safe route in advance? Could it be that she is the living female Zhuge

Really? Her calculation was so accurate, like a well-written script!" Boss Dawu said suspiciously.

"Brother, there is nothing to doubt about this. You were not present at the time. Every expression Jurchen faced me was not strange, and I could see from her eyes that she was sincerely resisting.

The arrival of the Nirvana fleet, she knows that if we fall, their Jurchen fleet will not end well! As for what you suspect, brother, what is the real intention of the Jurchens?" Lao Sansha asked.

"I suspect that the Jurchens are killing people with a borrowed knife. The Jurchens are afraid that the Jurchen fleet will be wiped out by our Wuzhang Shark fleet, so they colluded with the Nirvana fleet in advance, trying to drive away the tiger and devour the wolf, allowing the Nirvana fleet to destroy us first! I know that this possibility is not

Not high, but why did the Jurchens collectively drive to a safe route at this time? Is it really just her ingenuity that she had anticipated this step, so she went over to arrange her troops in advance?" Wu continued.

"Brother, you also said that Jurchen is not a fool. If she does this, then she is luring the wolf into the house. Can she understand the consequences of luring the wolf into the house? Even if she borrows the power of the Nirvana Fleet, so what? We will be destroyed.

But what about her? What she needs to face next is the more powerful and ruthless Nirvana Fleet! How could the Jurchen be so stupid? In my opinion, the Jurchen is indeed close to a female Zhuge! The reason why she appeared in advance

She did not take the initiative to get in touch with us on the safe route because of two points. First, she knew that she could not let the Nirvana fleet enter the waters of the Jurchen Kingdom. She also knew that our alliance would win her over, so she had to

Be prepared and never let the Nirvana fleet sail into the Jurchen Kingdom. This is the first reason why she appeared there so early! The second reason is that she wants to show that she occupies such an important strategic location.

Blackmailing us, coming to negotiate with us, trying to use this advantageous position to increase her bargaining chip in the distribution of spoils. Although she did not use this bargaining chip, if I did not make concessions, she would definitely use this magic weapon.

Increase her share of the spoils! This is the second reason why she rushed over so early! Brother, I am the party negotiating with the Jurchens. I know many things better than you. I personally think that what we should worry about now is

, neither the lion of the Jurchen fleet directly asked for 50 trophies, nor the extent to which the strength of the Jurchen fleet will expand after obtaining 50 trophies, nor whether the Jurchen fleet colluded with the Nirvana fleet to launch an attack on our Wuzhang Shark fleet.

Offensive, what we should really worry about is Jurchen. Her thinking is too broad and her vision is too far-sighted. At least on this matter, she thinks one step further than us! This

This individual will definitely become our formidable enemy in the future! We must find a few people to get rid of her and strangle her in the cradle!" Shark analyzed.

Jurchen? I didn’t think so much! I just want to join forces with Nirvana to destroy you!

"Yes, brother, I don't think the Jurchen fleet will collude with the Nirvana fleet. If they do that, they have to do it for something, right? What are they trying to do? Besides, now that the matter has come to this, we can only choose to believe in the Jurchen fleet, even if she is

We have really formed an alliance with Nirvana. Do we have any choice now? 1300 vs. 3500? Don’t say we go to fight guerrilla warfare with them, even if the gods come, we can’t win! So we have no choice but to believe in the Jurchens

!" Lao Erzhang said.

Even though the reason given by the third shark was more substantial than Zhang's and closer to reality, it was Zhang's words that finally convinced Wu. Yes, I had no choice. If the Jurchen fleet really colluded with the Nirvana fleet,

The Nirvana side has 3,500 warships, but what about their Wuzhang Shark? Counting the third and fourth positions, they only have more than 1,300 ships. Let alone guerrilla warfare, even if the gods come, they will not be able to win this battle.

Ah! He had no choice but to place his hope on the Jurchen fleet, hoping that the Jurchen fleet would not be confused!

However, although Wu held the mentality that the Jurchens had indeed joined the alliance and headed towards the waters of the Dali Kingdom, Wu still sent the intelligence transmission chain over to try to check whether there was anything abnormal in the Jurchen fleet! Because he

He is not at ease with the Jurchens. He needs his own people to give him information. He only believes in what his own people see!

As for the warship Wei Bin was on, facing the large army of the Wuzhang Shark Fleet, it naturally did not dare to fight against it and had already hid far away! His purpose of cutting off the intelligence transmission chain of the Wuzhang Shark Fleet had been achieved.

He has bought his own Nirvana fleet for a long time, and also caused a lot of trouble to the Wuzhang Shark fleet. His mission has been completed, so there is no need to stay here!

"Report to the leader that everything is normal at the safe route. The Nirvana fleet has not yet sailed out of the safe route! The Jurchen fleet has been guarding the opening of the safe route!" Just when the large force of the Wuzhangsha fleet was still 100 nautical miles away from the safe route, the Wuzhen fleet

The intelligence agents under the flag sent information about the safe route!

"Okay, that's great. In a few hours, we can reach the safe route!" Wu thought in his mind.

"Explore again! If there is an abnormality on the safe route, report it to me immediately! If there are no special circumstances, report to me every ten minutes!" Wu ordered. The closer to the end, the less careless and more cautious he must be.


As everyone knows, half a hundred and ninety, the last 10 is equivalent to the overall 90, because once there is a problem with these 10, the first 90 becomes 0!

In this way, the Wuzhang Shark fleet kept sailing cautiously until they were still 5 nautical miles away from the safe route.

"They are here! It's time to start the war!" Wei Bin chatted privately with the Jurchens. Although the warship Wei Bin was on left the path that the Wuzhang Shark must pass, he did not go far, but kept monitoring from a distance.

With the Wuzhang Shark Fleet, when the Wuzhang Shark Fleet was still 5 nautical miles away from the safe route, Wei Bin's warship was naturally less than 10 nautical miles away from the safe route. The limit distance of maritime communication was 10 nautical miles. Wei Bin

You can have a private chat with the Jurchen who is at the entrance of the safe route!

"Yes, Leader of the Wei Gang!" Jurchen replied!

Next, under the order of Wei Bin, the Nirvana fleet coming from the sea area of ​​​​Dali State sailed out one by one from the safe route, and as soon as the Nirvana fleet appeared, the Jurchen gave the order to fire.

, for a time, two to three hundred warships of the Jurchen fleet fired a hundred cannons, and several Nirvana warships instantly evaporated, and several warships lost their ability to move, because all the players on board were killed! And suffered

Arriving at the blocking Nirvana fleet, they immediately

The counterattack was launched immediately, and rows of artillery shells were fired back!

"Report! Report to the gang leader! Good news, good news!" Just as the Jurchen fleet and the Nirvana fleet were fighting each other, Wuzhangsha's spies passed the information back to Wu's ears!

"What's the good news? Tell me quickly!"

Wu asked hurriedly!

"The Nirvana fleet has emerged from the safe route!" the spy said.

"What? The Nirvana fleet has appeared? Damn it, at our speed, it will take at least twenty minutes to get there! Twenty minutes is enough for the entire Nirvana fleet to leave the safe route! What good news is this?

?" Wu was furious.

"Don't be anxious, Gang Leader! Let me tell you slowly, just when the Nirvana fleet was about to sail out of the safe route, the Jurchen fleet opened fire! The Jurchen fleet's position was very particular. They stood far away in the open terrain.

At that place, as soon as the Nirvana fleet emerged, two to three hundred warships fired their guns. In just one salvo, more than a dozen Nirvana warships lost their ability to fight back! Seeing that they were being attacked, the Nirvana fleet also began to fight back.

, now the two sides are fighting fiercely! The most important thing is that the Nirvana Fleet is located in a narrow terrain, and they have gradually blocked the ship. All the players in the warship in front have died, resulting in no one to go

Driving these warships, the opening of the safe route is only so big. If the ship in front cannot sail out, the warships behind will block it. Now the opening of the safe route has long been turned into a mess. The rest of the Nirvana Fleet

We are trying to land on those warships without players, and move those warships away so that subsequent warships can pass!"

The spy replied.

"Hahaha! Okay! Okay! Okay! The Jurchen fleet has indeed failed us. Give me the order to go down! All warships, use full power and rush forward. Our ally Jurchen fleet is suffering from the ruthless artillery fire of the Nirvana fleet.

They can't resist for long!" Lao Sansha ordered.

"How's it going, brother, I didn't misjudge the person, right? Although the Jurchen is very scheming, she still knows what is important and what is important!" Lao Sansha said proudly.

"Third brother, do you think this is possible? The Jurchens knew that our spies were not far away from the safe route, so in order to send us a false message, the Jurchens deliberately cooperated with Nirvana and staged a bitter trick in order to seduce us.

Should we take the bait and let us go to a safe route? If that's the case, that would be terrible!" Boss Dawu still didn't feel reassured about the Jurchen.

"Brother, are you too suspicious? The Jurchen fleet has opened fire with the Nirvana fleet, but you still doubt the Jurchen?" Lao Sansha asked.

"Be careful with the ten thousand year ship. Let's continue to drive towards the safe route first. By the way, the fleets in positions 3 and 4 will also speed up! After we get close to the safe route, don't join the war first and wait for the 3rd and 4th.

We will join the battle after everyone is here! Anyway, the opening of the safe route is only so big, and at most two or three hundred warships can stand there. It is useless no matter how many people we send, let the Jurchen fleet be there first

Carry it!" Boss Dawu said.

"Brother, is there something wrong with doing this? After all, we have reached an alliance with the Jurchens. Although we have not signed an agreement, we cannot break our promise. Reputation does not matter to ordinary people, but to a big

In terms of power, it is very important. Once we break trust, if word spreads, who will be willing to deal with us in the future?" When Lao Sansha heard this, did he plan to betray the Jurchens? The Jurchens will soon be destroyed.

When the time comes? How can this be done! Either don’t agree to it, and since you have agreed to it, don’t betray them like this!

"No! We didn't break our promise. We were just waiting for reinforcements tactically. Anyway, it won't help if we join the battlefield too early!" Old Dawu still seemed to be a little worried about the Jurchen fleet and the situation on the entire battlefield.

rest assured!

This chapter has been completed!
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