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Chapter 826 Unknown intrusion

First, he wanted to convey to Shen Wansan the impression that he was weak and weak. He wanted Shen Wansan to think that he knew that he could not win the voting meeting, so he stopped the voting meeting. conduct!

Secondly, he wanted to be just in case. Bingcheng's gang leader Bing Daowan quit the gang and was responsible for dealing with the Angel Chamber of Commerce. Deputy gang leader Wu Suo disappeared again. Although the elder guessed that Bingcheng did not want to participate in this party struggle, but the world's affairs Impermanence, what if he miscalculated? What if this was a trick of Shen Wansan? Bingcheng built the plank road openly, secretly visited Chencang, and made an illusion on the surface to numb himself and make him mistakenly think that he had won. !Then after he jumps back, Bingcheng will stand up and give him the final blow? Then he will get away with it? Therefore, in order to eliminate this possibility, the great elder must be cautious and find ways to make Bingcheng lose the vote Right! At the same time, this move can directly test whether Bingcheng boarded Shen Wansan's ship. If Bingcheng boarded Shen Wansan's ship, then Shen Wansan would definitely not cancel Bingcheng's voting rights. On the contrary, if Shen Wansan cancels Bingcheng's voting rights, then Bingcheng is probably completely neutral!

Third, the great elder knew that no matter how he tried to stop it, he would not be able to stop the voting meeting from proceeding in the end. He wanted to use this opportunity to punish Bingcheng a little and establish his own prestige. He wanted others to know that it is okay to offend me. It will all end well, Bingcheng is a lesson learned from the past!

As for the extent of punishment, the Great Elder is also extremely shrewd. He chose the strategy of being strict first and then loosening. He first proposed to directly expel Bingcheng from the Angel Chamber of Commerce. After Shen Wansan refused, he proposed his true purpose and canceled Bingcheng's vote. Quan! The great elder understands that although what Bingcheng did today is indeed very dissatisfying to the Angel Chamber of Commerce, considering the current situation of Bingcheng, his fault is indeed not enough to expel him from the Angel Chamber of Commerce. If he makes such a mistake, he will be expelled from the Angel Chamber of Commerce. , then who among all of you here has not made a mistake of this level? None of the major forces here can stay! In the final analysis, the real purpose of the Great Elder is to cancel Bingcheng’s voting rights, even if it is only canceled for today, at least It can be guaranteed that the number of votes on the Great Elder's side today will be higher than that on Shen Wansan's side!

There is a joke here, that is, Xiao Ming called his mother and said that he had screwed over Da Ben. When Xiao Ming’s mother heard this, she thought this was bad. Why should she pay tens of thousands casually? Later, Xiao Ming said again, Da Ben Ben's driver was very rude, and then Xiao Ming beat the driver again. When Xiao Ming's mother heard this, she said, "Hey guys, the fun is over now, and another 100,000 yuan was added to the ride!"

However, just when Xiao Ming's mother was so angry that she was out of breath, Xiao Ming said, "Mom, I didn't hit the driver, nor did I run away. I just failed the test today!"

When Xiao Ming’s mother heard this, she thought it was okay. It turned out that it was just a failing grade. What does a failing grade mean? It’s better than paying someone a dozen or two hundred thousand, right?

In this way, Xiao Ming successfully escaped a fat beating!

The Great Elder is currently using this tactic. He first proposed the expulsion from Bingcheng. When Shen Wansan thought it was serious, the Great Elder retreated and did the next best thing, proposing to cancel Bingcheng's voting rights. In this way, Shen Wansan Wansan’s resistance has been reduced a lot!

"Now that President Shen has canceled Bingcheng's voting rights, at this time, all the forces with voting rights within the Angel Chamber of Commerce have gathered together. The Great Elder has no reason to obstruct the voting meeting anymore, right?" The third elder said said.

"Since Chairman Shen has canceled Bingcheng's voting rights, the rules have been complied with. Since the rules have been complied with, we can naturally proceed!" the elder said as if his conspiracy had succeeded.

"Xue Muhua agreed to Nirvana joining the Angel Chamber of Commerce!" Aunt Wang was the first to express her position. You must know that he and Feng Zhongzhui Feng were the initiators of Nirvana joining the Angel Chamber of Commerce. Although they did not help with the introduction in the end, their intentions were obvious. !

"Juesha also agrees with Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce!" Following Aunt Wang, Fengzhong Zhuifeng also expressed his stance.

"I agree!"

Subsequently, the five forces of Xue Muhua's faction expressed their stance one after another and expressed their welcome to Nirvana! Even the third elder and the fourth elder voted for Nirvana without any surprise!

"I refuse Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce!" Just when they all agreed to Nirvana joining the Angel Chamber of Commerce, a discordant voice appeared!

"I think Nirvana's background and strength are not enough to join our Angel Chamber of Commerce. Our Angel Chamber of Commerce is not a garbage collection station, and not all kinds of garbage can be added casually!" the great elder continued.

As soon as the Great Elder said these words, Xue Muhua's and Wei Bin's faces all turned green!

Originally, they thought that the reason why the Great Elder launched an attack just now was not against Nirvana, but because the Great Elder had a problem with Bingcheng. The Great Elder wanted to deal with Bingcheng, so he interrupted Shen Wansan at such a critical moment, but Now it seems that the Great Elder is targeting Bingcheng? He is clearly targeting Nirvana!

What is going on with this horse-trading situation? President Shen has personally recruited Nirvana, and you are still opposed? Are you openly opposing President Shen? According to common sense, this should not be just a vote based on the situation. ? Looking at the fact that the Angel Chamber of Commerce has recruited so many forces, when did Chairman Shen personally take action, it was not unanimously approved? Why was the great elder so abnormal when it was Nirvana's turn today?

Wei Bin looked at the First Elder fiercely. It was already a done deal, but he didn't expect that this bad old man would suddenly stand up and intervene. It was really abominable!

"I also refuse Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of our Angel Chamber of Commerce has always been to extract the essence and not to take too much. We have always won by quality and are famous for our outstanding team members. If we have just been established for more than two years, we have no foundation." Nirvana and Nirvana in the background can join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. How will the world view us? Even Nirvana can join, so what other gangs cannot join? Will the world think that our Angel Chamber of Commerce is not as good as before and has started to recruit rubbish? Really? The addition of Nirvana will really damage the influence of our Angel Chamber of Commerce. I cannot tolerate this happening!" The second elder agreed.

"Nirvana is rubbish? Nirvana has no background, no backing, and has been established for a short time? Could it be that this is one of the criteria for recruiting new forces in your mind? If so, then it is too superficial, right? Nirvana has always been pragmatic. Foundation, we don’t seek false fame, foundation? What’s the use of foundation? Our nirvana can do things that forces with profound foundation cannot do. Isn’t this enough? I dare to ask the second elder, in your heart, the Angel Chamber of Commerce What is needed is a person who is superficial, strong on the outside but has a solid foundation, or is a down-to-earth person who does not seek fame and can satisfy any needs of the Angel Chamber of Commerce?" Seeing the first elder and the second elder criticizing Nirvana in this way, Wei Bin could no longer sit still. Now, it’s time for them to show their temper!

Wei Bin's temper was not only for the two elders to see, he was also for Shen Wansan to see. Shen Wansan was able to lower his status and take the initiative to recruit Nirvana. He already had a very great debt to Nirvana. But now, Although the First Elder and the Second Elder openly target themselves, in fact, their fundamental target should be Shen Wansan. There is no need for the First Elder and the Second Elder to embarrass themselves. The reason why the two of them are so verbally abusive is that There is only one answer! That is, they are going to embarrass Shen Wansan! What they really want to deal with is not themselves, but Shen Wansan!

Shen Wansan was kind to him and Nirvana. He couldn't sit idly by and let the first elder and the second elder slander him. On the surface, they were scolding Nirvana for how bad he was, but in fact, they were scolding Shen Wansan for being blind and ignorant. !

"I am also opposed to Nirvana joining the Angel Chamber of Commerce. As we all know, Nirvana is an evil and hypocritical gang. On the surface, Nirvana takes peaceful coexistence with everyone as the gang's first policy. It tries to use this policy to beautify Nirvana's influence, but in fact What? Did Nirvana really coexist peacefully? Why was the maritime city we established in Dali not long ago that was razed to the ground by the Nirvana fleet?

Is this peaceful coexistence? Isn’t it because our gang city touched the interests of Nirvana, and Nirvana didn’t want us to share the profits of their Qinglu City, so they destroyed our gang city on the sea? Even if we don’t talk about my gang City, there is one thing that everyone has seen. The Nirvana fleet dominates the waters of Dali and forcibly collects taxes from people leaving the port. Dare I ask, is Nirvana going to establish a country? When will it be your turn to collect taxes? And If you don’t pay, you won’t be able to leave the port. This is really overbearing. Is this Nirvana’s policy of peaceful coexistence? Nirvana is originally an evil gang, and its policy of peaceful coexistence is just a cover for you to beautify yourself. It is really hypocritical! "Seeing that the second elder was attacked, Xiongba jumped out directly. If Shen Wansan was really tripped in the future, the second elder would become his leader. If he didn't seize the opportunity to stand up for the second elder at this time, it would be even worse. When?

"Oh, it turns out it's the Xiongba Gang Leader who fought against our Nirvana and suffered repeated defeats and defeats. Xiongba Gang Leader, you're fine!" Seeing Xiongba jump out, Wei Bin also responded unceremoniously!

"You! Wei Bin, you'd better pay attention to what you say!" Xiongba said with a blushing face. Wei Bin's words hit him in the ribs. If Nirvana is trash, then Aoshi, who can't even defeat Nirvana, should be. How about it? Ao Shi, who can't even defeat Nirvana, can join the Angel Chamber of Commerce, why can't Nirvana?

"Ao Shi is a well-known gang after all. I originally thought that its leader should be a big and far-sighted man, and he must have a lot of high-minded speeches. I didn't expect that the leader of the gang is so despicable. He never speaks out of his mind and speaks casually. !Really worse than a three-year-old child! Leader of the Xiongba Gang, let me ask you, why did our Nirvana Fleet bombard your proud gang city? Am I afraid that your proud gang will steal the business of our Qinglu City? No! Just! Based on your poor reputation, after you established the gang city, it’s hard to say whether anyone is willing to go there. Why should I worry that you Aoshi will steal my business? As for the real reason why I bombarded your gang city, haha , Leader of the Xiongba Gang, don’t pretend to be confused because you understand! How many times have you attacked our Nirvana City? Don’t you think you can only attack us, but you can’t let us Nirvana fight back? Only the officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps? This What's the point? As for what you said about the Nirvana fleet dominating the waters of Dali and collecting tolls, I won't quibble about this matter. I, Wei Bin, dare to take responsibility. If it is done, I will have the courage to admit it! But, you have Have you ever thought about why our Nirvana Fleet does this? We are protecting the majority of players! As we all know, the safety factor at sea is far less than that on land. After all, there are cities on land. Players can go to the city to take refuge, but what about the sea? ?Leave aside the pirates in the system, how many players are there who make a fortune just by robbing homes? Once those players who engage in maritime trade encounter pirates during transportation, they will really cry out every day. , the ground is not working, they can’t even save their lives, let alone their property! It is out of consideration for the safety of these businessmen that we, Nirvana, have launched such a set of strategies, the purpose is to protect them from being able to go smoothly To transport the goods to the other side! To this end, our Nirvana Fleet has sent a large number of fleets to escort them and clear their routes. Our Nirvana Fleet has paid so much, shouldn’t we charge some fees from the players? In the real world, don’t you need to pay to go on the highway? If you don’t pay, who will keep the highway clean for you and ensure the safety of the road for you? We have paid so much for the majority of players, and when it comes to your mouth, It actually turned into collecting taxes? It’s really ridiculous!” Wei Bin retorted!

"Quiet! Everyone, this is not a vegetable market, nor is it a mountain of flowers and fruits. This is not a place for you to act recklessly! This is the voting meeting of our Angel Chamber of Commerce. Here, everyone only needs to say yes or no. There is no need to say so much, let alone personal grudges, do you understand?" Just when the two sides were arguing, Shen Wansan stood up, looked around, and then looked at Wei Bin with very appreciative eyes. , especially refreshing!

"I also refuse Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce!"

"I refuse too!"

With Shen Wansan's shock, the situation was under control in an instant. Although the forces in Aoshi's lineage had already turned against each other, the first elder and the second elder have not yet brought down Shen Wansan. For now, Shen Wansan is still the head of the family, and they will not be stupid enough to disobey Shen Wansan's warning again at this time. They do not want to be the weaklings!

In this way, after all the forces present voted, the result was eight to eight.

"Haha, eight votes to eight. According to the voting rules, as long as half of the votes agree, the new force will pass the voting. Great Elder, do you still have any objections?" Shen Wansan said with a look of victory. He looked at the Great Elder with a vigilant attitude!

If it were in the past, Shen Wansan would not have ridiculed the Great Elder like this. As long as the number of votes reached the standard, Shen Wansan would directly declare the approval! But it is different now. The Great Elder's treason has been exposed, and Shen Wansan must do this. At the final moment of victory, he had to ridicule the Great Elder and suppress the spirit of the Great Elder's faction. In this way, he would declare his victory and let the middle-level and grassroots players of the Chamber of Commerce take a look at who is the winner. The leader of the Angel Chamber of Commerce in the game lets those who are hesitant about who they should support know who they should support!

"Haha! President Shen, if it is really eight votes to eight, then Nirvana will naturally pass the voting process. But, are you sure it is eight votes to eight?" the great elder said disdainfully.

"Haha, Great Elder, you are getting old. Are your eyes dim? Are you too old to know how to count?" Wei Bin said sarcastically. Such words were definitely what Shen Wansan was thinking at this time. But as Shen Wansan is the head of the association, if he said such words, it would be a bit disrespectful, and what the great elder was targeting today was Nirvana, so Wei Bin stood up and stood up for Shen Wansan. San spoke his mind!

"Although I am old, I am not dim-sighted. Just take a look and see how many votes there are that refuse your Nirvana membership!" As soon as the Great Elder finished speaking, another player came in from the gate of the City Lord's Mansion!

"What?" When he saw the name of the gang above the player's head, Shen Wansan's expression turned ugly!

"That's right, it's the nameless gang! President Shen, you should still have an impression of this nameless gang, right?" the elder said sarcastically.

"How could I not remember Wuming? However, when Wuming completed the assessment mission, he violated the mission rules, and he has been disqualified from joining the Angel Chamber of Commerce. Now, what is the use of his coming? Do you think so? Say, a powerful member who has not joined the Angel Chamber of Commerce also has the right to vote in our Angel Chamber of Commerce's new voting process, right?" Shen Wansan said with great embarrassment.

"What's going on? What's the origin of this unknown gang?" Wei Bin asked Aunt Wang, who also had an unsightly look on her face!

"Wu Ming is one of the earliest gangs to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce! After the establishment of the Angel Chamber of Commerce, Ao Shi became the first force member, and then we, Xue Muhua, became the second. Next, there is Wu Ming, and Wu Ming is the third A member who tried to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. However, Wuming received secret help from the Great Elder while completing the assessment tasks assigned by the Angel Chamber of Commerce. Later, he was noticed by Chairman Shen. Therefore, in the end, although Wuming completed the task, he was still The Angel Chamber of Commerce has turned me away!" Aunt Wang explained.

"That gang that was rejected by the Angel Chamber of Commerce, why did the Great Elder invite him in today? Also, why do you and President Shen look so ugly? What threat does a force without voting rights pose to us? "Wei?"

Bin obviously didn't get the answer he wanted from Aunt Wang.

"You don't know something. Every force that joins the Angel Chamber of Commerce has a customs clearance document in their hands. Only when this customs clearance document is stamped with the seal of the Angel Chamber of Commerce can it be considered as having truly joined the Angel Chamber of Commerce. And this seal is the official seal of the Angel Chamber of Commerce in reality, which means" Before Aunt Wang could finish her words, she was interrupted by Wei Bin, who seemed to have guessed something!

"In other words, although Shen Wansan has the final say in recruiting new members to the Angel Chamber of Commerce in the game, the Great Elder still left some means to restrain Shen Wansan, such as this seal. Such an important seal must be It is in the hands of the great elder. On weekdays, the back-up left by the great elder may not be of much use. After all, if a certain force passes the assessment, then the great elder has no reason not to deduct the stamp from the person! But under normal circumstances, the great elder This back-up trick doesn't work, but it doesn't mean it won't work under abnormal circumstances. Under this abnormal situation, which is the situation at hand, although Wuming violated the rules of the Chamber of Commerce during the assessment task that year, the Great Elder still Give him the seal of approval and hide it as a pawn to defeat President Shen?" Wei Bin guessed.

"Judging from the current situation, we are almost inseparable!" Aunt Wang said bitterly. If this is really the case, then not only will Nirvana not be able to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce, but even Xue Muhua will suffer along with it, because Xue Muhua just voted During the link, those who stood with Shen Wansan, no matter whether Xue Muhua intended to confront the Great Elder or not, he would not get any good results. There is a saying that he would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go. The Great Elder would not tolerate it in his eyes. Shasha, in the future, Xue Muhua’s faction will definitely be liquidated!

"I not only remember this Wuming family, I also remember that when Wuming started the assessment mission, he was supported by you, the Great Elder. Therefore, he violated the assessment rules and was rejected by me. Don't you think Let a member outside the Angel Chamber of Commerce interfere in the internal affairs of our Angel Chamber of Commerce?" Shen Wansan continued.

"A force outside of the Angel Chamber of Commerce? Who said that we, Wuming, are a force outside of the Angel Chamber of Commerce?" The player said arrogantly. After speaking, he took out a customs clearance document from his pocket with a bloody Four big red letters - Angel Chamber of Commerce! .??.

"Great Elder, you have violated the rules of the Angel Chamber of Commerce. Why do you want to deduct a seal from a force that has been rejected by me?" Seeing the player take out the customs clearance document with the seal, Shen Wansan suddenly panicked. Originally, A sure-win voting meeting was completely shattered with the appearance of a customs clearance document with an official seal!

The situation is reversed!

"Haha, I violated the rules of the Angel Chamber of Commerce? May I ask President Shen, which rule did I violate? May I ask President Shen if he has evidence? If President Shen has evidence, please be sure to show it, otherwise, I will sue You are slandering! Hmph! Why should a person who talks nonsense and spits blood without any evidence become the president of our Angel Chamber of Commerce? With such a person as our president, can the Angel Chamber of Commerce grow?" The great elder said fiercely.

At this moment, the Great Elder had completely broken up with Shen Wansan, and had completely kicked off the overthrow of Shen Wansan's rule!

"Yes, this kind of person is not worthy of being the president of our Angel Chamber of Commerce, and he is not worthy of leading our Angel Chamber of Commerce!" Seeing how fierce the Great Elder was, and how tyrannical the cards in his hand were, Xiong Ba was the first one to jump out with quick eyes and quick hands. Be the first to stand in line!

At this time, what does the Great Elder need most? What he needs most is someone to support him. If there is no one behind him to support him, if everyone here is Shen Wansan's people, there will be no one to support him. What he said, no matter how extravagant his words were, he would be slapped to death by Shen Wansan in the end?

Therefore, after the Great Elder made his remarks, it was most necessary for someone to stand up and support him. Xiongba knew how to deal with people, and he knew what the Great Elder needed most at this time, so he resolutely took the first step. Someone stood up!

"I think so too. What the Angel Chamber of Commerce needs is a wise leader, not just a cat or a dog. If a cat or a dog is in power, it will only lead us all into the ditch!"

"In my opinion, not only is he unworthy to be the leader of our Angel Chamber of Commerce, he is not even worthy to be a human being!"

Seeing Xiong Ba's rise, other forces from the Xiong Ba faction stood up and expressed their opinions. Anyway, their vote was already a declaration of war against Shen Wansan. At this time, they had to fight to the death and simply offend Shen Wansan to death. , the more fierce they scold at this time, the more they can please the great elder!

"What kind of rules did you violate? You violated my instructions and deducted the stamp of approval from Wuming without permission. Isn't this considered a violation? As for the evidence, I found a lot of Wuming who violated the rules with just one move. Accept it. Evidence of your secret assistance! Not only do I have evidence, I also have witnesses. At that time, Xue Muhua and Ao Shi had already joined the Angel Chamber of Commerce. The two gangs must know about this!" Shen Wansan said.

"Yes, I can prove to President Shen that Wuming did receive secret assistance from the Great Elder back then. It was precisely because of the Great Elder's assistance that Wuming passed the assessment task! Since Wuming did not pass the assessment that year, then what? Elder, you have violated the rules of the Chamber of Commerce. Not only is Wuming's vote invalid at this moment, but you, the Great Elder, are also involved. If you deduct Wuming's seal privately, you will not be able to escape the blame!" Aunt Wang stood up and said, at this time, Xue Muhua had already arrived. It's a life-and-death moment for the Yiline. The Xiongba faction is so aggressive. If Xue Muhua doesn't stand up and fight back, then once Shen Wansan is really brought down, Xue Muhua will not end well!

"Witness? Haha! It really made me laugh. You Xue Muhua and Shen Wansan colluded with each other. How can you be used as a witness? If you can prove it, then I can also prove that Wuming passed the assessment task based on his strength and did not commit fraud. Accepted help from others!" Xiongba shouted. The great elder had already pulled out the final trump card. He, Xiongba, must keep the great elder's trump card! And if Xiongba wants to keep this trump card, he must recognize Wuming's legitimacy. Admitting Wuming passed the test based on his own strength, not relying on the secret assistance of the Great Elder!

"Shen Wansan, do you think witness testimony is persuasive to you? I advise you to be smarter and stop wasting unnecessary words on witness testimony. You can just present your so-called evidence. I'll give it a try. Wait here, if you can produce evidence, I will admit defeat today! But if you cannot produce evidence today, huh, then don’t blame me for being rude!" the great elder said aggressively.

"Okay, just wait for me!" After saying that, Shen Wansan arranged for someone to go down and collect evidence!

It is extremely difficult to collect evidence that the Great Elder secretly helped Wuming, because it has been almost two years since the incident, which is too long ago. Even if Shen Wansan kept the evidence in hand at the time, after so many years of erosion , has been lost a long time ago, because Shen Wansan never thought that there would be a day like today. How could he have imagined that the Great Elder would do such a trick?

Looking at the forces that the Angel Chamber of Commerce has recruited and those who have been recommended to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce, how many have failed the assessment and been refused to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce? This is so common. Who could have thought at the time that the Great Elder would retain such a hand? , leave it to today to deal with yourself?

A few hours later, his confidants came to report. After some whispers, Shen Wansan's face became even more ugly!

"How about it, President Shen? Where is your evidence? You can take it out and show it to everyone!" the great elder said sarcastically.

"Haha, how long have I been working hard for today's matter? The evidence has been destroyed by me long ago, and not even a scrap is left. I don't believe you can turn back time and remove all the details and evidence from a year ago. Take it out for me!" the great elder thought to himself.

In fact, the Great Elder is very alert. As early as when Shen Wansan led his team to Tianlong, the Great Elder

Although he was not optimistic about it, he still left a backup plan in order to prevent Shen Wansan from really becoming big in the future, and then he would not be able to lose his tail, and would turn his back on customers and steal his position as the Great Elder at the helm!

Therefore, the Great Elder personally took action. He deliberately helped Wuming secretly, and then deliberately leaked the evidence. Wuming was refused to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce because of this. However, Zhang was in the hands of the Great Elder, and the Great Elder had He was not approved and no one else knew about it. Everyone only knew that Wuming had not entered the Angel Chamber of Commerce. Naturally, no one would investigate such a common thing!

As everyone knows, at that time, the Great Elder did not approve Wuming's success or failure, but kept Wuming's customs clearance document. At the same time, he also destroyed all the evidence that he helped Wuming, and only listed Wuming who passed the assessment task. The evidence was preserved, and it was not until today that the Great Elder gave Wuming a seal and allowed Wuming to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce!

However, so much time has passed, and Shen Wansan just said that, what evidence is there to prove that Wuming completed the task with the help of the Great Elder? And the Great Elder held the evidence that Wuming completed the assessment task. Yes, Wuming has indeed completed his mission, and this evidence is not even needed!

"If no evidence can be produced, does that mean that Wuming did pass the assessment task based on his strength? Since Wuming did not cheat, then it is logical for me to deduct his seal, right? Since Wuming already belongs to us If he is a member of the Angel Chamber of Commerce, then with Wuming's size and strength, he should have the right to vote. Wuming, now tell me, do you agree with Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce, or reject Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce?" The Great Elder looked at To the nameless player.

Not only the Great Elder, but everyone here looked at the player Wuming, although they all knew in their hearts that Wuming would definitely refuse Nirvana to join...

"I refuse Nirvana to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. I think Nirvana is not qualified enough!" This player said with great pride. At this time, it is the most glorious moment in his life. He will influence the direction of the leader of the Angel Chamber of Commerce and will also decide Whether Nirvana can join the Angel Chamber of Commerce, he will decide between these two factions, and which faction will withdraw from the historical stage of the Angel Chamber of Commerce in the future. All of this is firmly in his hands!

"It's over!" The hearts of Xue Muhua's family instantly froze! Now, even if Shen Wansan doesn't fall, Xue Muhua's family will not end well, because Wuming will definitely stand with the Ao Shi faction, and now Shi Aoshi already has seven members, while Xue Muhua's faction only has five. Even if Bingcheng turns to their side in the future, it will be 7 to 6. Xue Muhua's faction will never be able to turn around in any future voting session!

Wuming broke the balance between these two factions!

However, just when Shen Wansan looked solemn, a voice appeared!

"Nine votes to eight? Haha, Great Elder, you are so arrogant! Are you so blatantly forcing President Shen to abdicate? Have you ever asked our Bingcheng for his opinion?" Under the attention of everyone, Whispering With a high-spirited step, he stepped into the gate of the City Lord's Mansion!

"What, someone is coming from Bingcheng?"

"Damn it, why is Bingcheng here?"

"Haha, Bingcheng is here. It seems that the Great Elder will definitely lose this battle!"

For a time, some people were happy and some were worried.

Listening to Bo Suo's tone, he must definitely stand on Shen Wansan's side and support Shen Wansan. As long as Bingcheng joins, it will be nine votes to nine. Nirvana can still join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. This battle will It ended with Shen Wansan's victory!

Seeing Posuo appearing here, the great elder's face instantly turned ugly. But what about Shen Wansan? Shen Wansan was instantly relieved. He knew that today, he won!

"Stop, stop! Bingcheng has lost the right to vote, what's the use of your coming here today? According to the rules of the Angel Chamber of Commerce, forces without voting rights are strictly prohibited from entering the voting meeting. Anyone who comes will be Get out here!" The great elder ordered in a slight panic. He couldn't let Po Sua stay here any longer. Po Sua was his deathbed!

"Who dares to touch me?" Whisper roared, which instantly shocked the great elder's followers. None of these followers dared to step forward and thrust Whisper out!

"What are you going to do? Don't you even listen to what I say?" the great elder said angrily.

Seeing the great elder's urging again, these followers hurried forward and tried to take Po Suo away from the city lord's mansion!

"Hmph! A native chicken and a wag!" Whisper said as soon as he said it, he immediately took away these followers easily with three stacks of Yangguan, Shifting Flowers and Trees, and Eagle Strike into the Sky!

This group of followers seems to have some misunderstandings about strength!

Come on, this is the famous god Wu Suo! At this time in the previous life, Wu Suo killed Aunt Wang who had reached the limit of six in one fell swoop. What kind of existence is this? Although it was Aunt Wang who attacked by surprise, her combat power was

There, if it were anyone else, you wouldn't be able to kill Aunt Wang even if she stood there and let you chop her!

And with such a great god in front of him, a group of minions actually dared to come forward and provoke him. I really don't know how to write the word "death"!

"Come on, come on, kill someone, Whirlpool kill someone!" Seeing that these followers were instantly killed by Whirlpool with one strike, the first elder didn't show anything, but the second elder couldn't sit still!

"You are so bold that you dare to kill people in the city lord's palace of our Angel Chamber of Commerce. Do you still have our Angel Chamber of Commerce in your eyes? If you are wise, get out of here quickly, otherwise, hum! Don't blame me for being rude!" Great Elder

He slammed the table angrily and roared loudly!

As soon as the Great Elder finished speaking, dozens of players with a limit of five or more rushed in from the apse of the City Lord's Mansion and from outside the door of the City Lord's Mansion!

Seeing this group of players with a limit of five or more, Whistle's brows could not help but frown. He was indeed a player with a limit of six or more. He did have the combat power to kill Aunt Wang instantly. However, a player with a limit of six or more could not do anything.

It may be worth dozens of players with a limit of five or more!

"Haha, Great Elder, you are so arrogant! It was obviously you who made the move first, but you said that Wu Suo killed people. Is it possible that everyone must obey your orders and be at your mercy?" Wei Bin also slapped him in the face.

He stood up on the table and said.

"That's right, Great Elder, you are a bit too arrogant, aren't you? At the moment, President Shen is the head of the family, not you, but you are actually stepping over and giving orders on behalf of President Shen? Do you still have President Shen in your eyes? Do you still have President Shen in your eyes?"

Angel Chamber of Commerce?" Aunt Wang also stood up. At this time, he could no longer care about the hostile relationship with Bingcheng. At the moment, he wanted to keep Posuo no matter what. Posuo was the key point for their comeback. Once Posuo was forced by the Great Elder

With threats and intimidation, he defected to the side of the great elder, then he would really burst into tears, and it was too late to say anything!

Next, Feng Zhong Zhui Feng and the gang leaders of the other four factions all stood up, with the intention of resisting to the end together with Po Suo!

"What are you doing standing still? Come on!" The Great Elder ordered. These people are all the Great Elder's confidants. Not to mention people from Wei Bin and Xue Muhua's faction. Even if Shen Wansan personally issued the order, they would not know how to do it.

Respect, in their eyes, they are only loyal to the Great Elder!

After the great elder gave the order, the group of players with a limit of five or more immediately activated various explosive states and swarmed forward!

"Haha, I haven't fought with so many masters for a long time, I'm really looking forward to it!" Wei Bin couldn't help but licked his lips.

"Guild Leader Wei, leave a few for me. The battle in the leader's arena a few days ago was really frustrating. Today, I have to let it out no matter what!" Aunt Wang said excitedly.

This chapter has been completed!
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