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Chapter 827 A big fight!

"A bunch of ignorant people, do you know that these 5-max players under my command are not ordinary 5-max players? They are really a bunch of waste who overestimate their capabilities! Humph, I'll kill them all without leaving any one behind!"

The elder sneered.

The group of Great Elders are indeed not ordinary players with a limit of five or more. They are just players with good equipment and many gems. In other aspects, such as cultivation and sealing, they are not considered high-end, or even

, even the inner elixir possessed by the precious beast has not yet reached the full level. This kind of players with a maximum of five players are called ordinary players with a maximum of five players!

And what are extraordinary players with a limit of five or more? For example, in the leader arena battle a few days ago, the group of people brought by Ye Ting Feng Yu. At that time, the people brought by Ye Ting Feng Yu were all players with a limit of six or more. Put these

The gem level of players with a limit of six or more is reduced by one level, and they are extraordinary players with a limit of five or more!

Among the people brought by Ye Ting Feng Yu at that time, their equipment was actually the same as that of ordinary players with a maximum of five or more, and they had basically reached the limit. What made them better than ordinary players with a maximum of five or more? It was their seals.

With those possessed by rare beasts, their seals are very strong, very strong, even comparable to those of Wei Bin and others. They acquired a large number of military exploits and made the seals well! The seals possessed by rare beasts

In terms of physical formations, the inner alchemy has also been upgraded to the full level!

And the group of players with a maximum limit of 5 brought by the great elder in front of them are stronger than those extraordinary players with a maximum of 5! .??.

How are they strong? Not only are they strong in granting seals and possessing precious beasts, they are even stronger in their cultivation system!

You know, how can we widen the gap between players with a max of 5? Equipment? Without equipment, there is no gap at all. Let alone ordinary max 5 players, even Nirvana's group of max 5 players can't equip it.

To be ahead of those ordinary players with a maximum of 5, because the equipment is too easy to reach the limit. Even the equipment of players with a maximum of 5 and a player with a maximum of 6 are almost the same. Even if it is worse, it is not different by dozens of attribute points, and which one has the maximum of 5?

Players don’t have thousands of full attributes? A mere dozen points of attribute difference is nothing!

What about gems? There is no difference in gems. We are all players with a maximum of 5, and each piece of equipment is inlaid with four level 5 gems. In terms of gems, they are exactly the same!

Fame? As we all know, after reaching a certain level in the challenge arena, you can get the reputation title. The reputation title can not only reduce damage, but also increase attributes for the player. However, among players who reach the limit of five in each major, the reputation is still the same.

There is no gap, because everyone has similar combat power, and the number of levels in the challenge arena is about the same. At most, you can challenge one level more than me, and you just have a few more attributes than me, but these attributes are lower than those of players who have reached the limit of five.

It is said that it is also not enough to widen the gap with other players who have reached the limit of five!

So, what is it that widens the gap between the players of Maximum Five?

Generally speaking, the first thing is to give the seal, the second is to practice, and the last is to possess!

Why is it ranked like this?

Because the attributes added by the seal to players are too many, and military merit is something that can be encountered but cannot be obtained. It does not mean that you can buy it if you have money, because everyone wants military merit, but virtual

There are only so many cities, and they are destined to have more wolves and less meat. Most of them only have a basic seal that can’t add many attributes. But at this time, what if you have a top-level seal? A top-level seal can greatly

Why are the core members of Nirvana so invincible? In addition to the fact that they have undergone reconstruction, the sealing also plays an important role!

The second is cultivation. In cultivation, the higher the cultivation level, the higher the attributes that the cultivation system brings to players. However, while widening the gap, the price required is destined to be extremely huge, which can be very high.

To be honest, if you want to widen the gap between you and other players through practice, it is much more difficult than to widen the gap between you and other players through sealing. Take the core members of Nirvana as an example, they are considered

They have earned military merit while lying down. Since they have gone through reconstruction, the virtual city of Nirvana has never been lost because of their invincible combat power! But what about their cultivation level? Like other players with a limit of five or more, it is also pitifully low. Next time

Look at the ordinary members of Nirvana. They are also enjoying high military merit benefits. Their seals are better than those outside players who have reached the limit of five, and they are even more top-notch. But what about their cultivation levels? It is also very pitiful, because

If they want to improve their cultivation, in addition to spending experience and money, the most important thing is that they also need to spend tribute. Tribute is the most rare thing. Nirvana has 300,000 players who enjoy the benefits of high combat performance, but none of them practice.

For high-level players, it can be seen that if you want to improve your cultivation level, it is much more difficult than improving the quality of the seal. Your military achievements can be used to draw water, and you can pay tribute.

To pay tribute, and the number of gang tasks that players can accept every day is also extremely limited. No matter how hard-working a person is, it is impossible to get more tribute!

The third is the possession of rare beasts. As we all know, the possession of rare beasts can bring a lot of attributes to the players. The specific principle is to inlay the inner elixir in the eight inner elixir positions of the formation, and then place the inner elixir in the center of the formation.

Select a rare beast in the center of the formation, so that the formation can add attributes to the player! As the qualifications and levels of the rare beast increase, or the level of the inner elixir increases, the attributes that the formation brings to the player also increase.

It will increase accordingly!

However, rare beasts are easy to say, as long as you have money, you can buy the best rare beasts, but what about the inner elixir? The inner elixir is different, the inner elixir is too scarce, and it is not something that can be obtained with money. Why?

The inner elixirs of many players with a limit of five or more have not been upgraded to the full level yet? Do they have no money? Don’t they want to? No! They can’t do it. Even if they have money, they can’t receive the inner elixirs!

And just today, the Great Elder brought a group of top Max 5 players. Not only are these top 5 players better at sealing and possession of rare beasts than ordinary 5 players, they even have higher cultivation levels.

It’s scary. It completely leaves the ordinary Max 5 players behind. This kind of Max 5 players can be said to be the limit of Max 5 players. No one can surpass them in the category of Max 5 players, even

Even the core members of Nirvana can't do it! To put it bluntly, the core members of Nirvana have reaped the dividends of rebuilding. If they hadn't rebuilt, even they wouldn't be able to defeat this group of people brought by the Great Elder!

Seeing this group of top five players rushing towards Wusuo, Wei Bin and others with ferocious looks, Wei Bin didn't take it seriously. In his eyes, these top five players were like

It's like grass and grass on the ground, vulnerable!

What scene has Wei Bin not seen? When he was killing everyone in the league leader arena, where were these people? Not to mention Wei Bin, even if Lin Qianhong came, it would be enough for them to drink a pot, Ye Ting Feng Yu

Ten players with a limit of 6 or above would have a hard time beating Lin Qianhong, let alone them? Their strength is only similar to the players with a limit of 6 or above, and they will basically not surpass it!

Wei Bin closed his eyes tightly, and suddenly opened his eyes again. At this time, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, as if he would not stop until he killed all the people in front of him!

Then, Super Bloodthirsty + Shifting Flowers + Sky-Breaking Style revealed everything. Then, another move, Lingshen Style, flew into the crowd first. After landing, a move of Yaoyang Eclipse bloomed on the ground, affecting everywhere.

Give it a lifetime!

"No, don't do it!" When Xiongba saw Wei Bin standing up and preparing to resist the great elder, he was ready to tell the great elder not to, but who knows, he was a step too late in the end!

"What don't you want?" the great elder asked.

"Don't fight with Wei Bin!" Xiongba didn't have time to explain the reason, so he had to tell the elder the result first.

"Haha, Xiongba, are you afraid that you don't know the strength of my people?" the great elder said with a smile.

Who would have known that as soon as the great elder finished speaking, he saw Wei Bin's screen clearing from the corner of his eye!




Is there such a person in this world? Kill so many of my people with one blow? Wei Bin has the ability to instantly kill five players with the maximum limit. This is very clear to the elder. However, my people have high defense, thick health, and resistance.

The sex is also high, how can it be comparable to the average Max 5 players? In the eyes of the Great Elder, in the past, the reason why Wei Bin could instantly kill a group of Max 5 players was because these Max 5 players were very ordinary, and their

Defense and resistance are not enough to deal with Wei Bin, but as long as Wei Bin can cause a certain amount of damage to them, after adding various skill bonuses, he can instantly kill a group of players with a limit of five or more!

However, as long as the defense and resistance are high to a certain level, Wei Bin will not be able to break through their defense. As long as Wei Bin cannot break through their defense, any bonus skills will become useless! Ling Great Elder did not expect that.

What's strange is that his people have such high defense and resistance, and Wei Bin can actually break through their defense? Isn't this a bit too much? How high of attack does Wei Bin have to have to do this?

Isn't Bin a player of the Tianshan sect? Isn't the Tianshan sect a sect of external skills? Any one of them has a defense of 40,000 to 50,000 external skills. How many external skills does Wei Bin have? 30,000 to 40,000 is as high as the sky.

Right? Even if the super bloodthirsty is doubled, the basic damage is only 20,000 to 30,000. No matter how much it is doubled, it will not kill his people instantly, right?

Horrible, really terrible!

As everyone knows, Wei Bin transferred to the Murong sect early. Even though the Murong sect is a close combat sect, the Murong sect is an internal martial arts sect, not an external martial arts sect. The great elders are just good at external defense.

That's it, internal defense is the same as other players, it is also their weakness! How can a group of players with low internal defense be able to withstand a beating from Wei Bin? Isn't that just throwing an egg at a stone?

Moreover, Wei Bin is equipped with the Tian Congyun Sword, and its normal internal attack alone is as high as 135,000. After doubling the super bloodthirsty, it is directly doubled to 270,000, plus the damage bonus of Ling Shen style, and the grafting With the sputtering effect, it’s amazing that these players with four to five million HP can survive!

"No!" the great elder roared. These people are the elites among his elites. The loss caused to him by losing one level is very huge. What's more, there is a 50% chance that they will drop one after they die. Equipment, once these equipments are dropped, it will definitely belong to whoever picked them up, and it is impossible to get them back!

However, the Great Elder was powerless to stop him. Wei Bin's killing speed was so fast that he could take away one or two heads with just one blow. If he was lucky, he could kill three heads instantly! Furthermore, the war was about to break out, even if It's your great elder's men who are willing to stop, but Wei Bin and the others won't stop either. Are you just playing house? You can fight when you say, and you can stop when you say?

In a moment, most of the Great Elder's people had been lost. Only half a minute later, there were not many players left in this group of players who had reached the limit of five!

Seeing that the Great Elder's people were almost wiped out, Shen Wansan opened his mouth!

"That's enough! This is the city lord's palace of our Angel Chamber of Commerce, not a battlefield. How can you let you go on a killing spree here? Don't stop me!" Shen Wansan said angrily.

As soon as Shen Wansan finished speaking, the First Elder and others looked at him with disdainful expressions. Are you trying to stop a fight? Are you the one who can stop a fight like this? When people are fighting fiercely, you don't say anything, oh, they are here. After the fight, you started talking. You are quite a good person, right?

As soon as Shen Wansan's words ended, Wei Bin finally killed the last of the Great Elder's men. The whole battle lasted for thirty-five seconds. No one on Nirvana's side died, and the Great Elder's side was completely wiped out!


Most of the people present were shocked by Wei Bin's combat prowess. Among them, who has not watched Wei Bin's battle videos? Who has not studied Wei Bin's deeds of defeating many with less? But the video is just a video after all, and its visual shock effect is too weak compared to being there in person! Only by experiencing it personally can you know how powerful Wei Bin is!

"What did you just say? Great Elder, are you saying that Bingcheng doesn't have the right to vote, so he can't stay here? It's just the right to vote. As the president of the Angel Chamber of Commerce, I can deprive Bingcheng of his right to vote. Can't we give them the right to vote again?" Shen Wansan said with a smile, as if he had already been on the winning side, and where was the nervousness and embarrassment when the unknown just appeared?

"Shen Wansan! Are you abusing the power of the president like this? Take it away when you say it is taken away, and grant it when you say it is given? Are you playing too hard with the power in your hands? As the leader of the association, how can you change the order overnight, let alone, It has only been a few minutes. You are so capricious and unfaithful that you will definitely ruin the reputation of the Angel Chamber of Commerce. How will our Angel Chamber of Commerce gain a foothold in the world?" the Great Elder stimulated, trying to force Shen Wansan to take back his new name. The idea of ​​giving Ice City the right to vote!

"Hahaha! I'm really laughing to death. Great Elder, what you just said is the most ridiculous thing in the world! It's you who said to go east, and you're the one who said to go west. Where should we go?

Let’s go? It’s you who said that the Angel Chamber of Commerce is based on observing the rules, and it’s you who said that it’s based on credibility? Why do you have to say everything? I dare to ask the great elder, which one of the rules of our Angel Chamber of Commerce is stipulated?

, the president can’t change overnight? Furthermore, why was Bingcheng deprived of the right to vote? Isn’t it because Bingcheng was absent from today’s voting meeting? Now, the people from Bingcheng have arrived, that is to say,

Bingcheng is not absent, they are just late at best. Do you want to deprive an old force within our Angel Chamber of Commerce of the voting rights just because of being late? Isn't this too unkind of you?

Could it be said that if I deprived Bingcheng of his voting rights because Bingcheng was late, the reputation of our Angel Chamber of Commerce would be better? Wrong! As long as you know your mistakes, you should correct them and correct them in time. After the people from Bingcheng show up, I will not hesitate to

Destroy your own reputation and give Bingcheng the right to vote again, so that we can restore the reputation of our Angel Chamber of Commerce, and even make our reputation even greater!" Shen Wansan said solemnly.

"It's really nonsense. You change your orders every day and don't keep your word. How can you say such nonsense? Shen Wansan, you are really eloquent. Sooner or later, the Angel Chamber of Commerce will be finished in your hands! Humph!" Great Elder!

He said very angrily, and after saying that, the great elder got up and left!

"Do you still have any objections? If there are no objections, then I declare that the voting session for recruiting new members of the Angel Chamber of Commerce has officially ended. The final veto and approval votes were nine to nine, and Nirvana passed the voting session! Next, we proceed

The second link is the release of assessment tasks. Great Elder, if something happens to you, you should withdraw first. There are two elders here to keep an eye on you, and no one will do anything about it!" Shen Wansan said arrogantly.

As soon as the great elder heard this, he sat back in his seat. He was a little dizzy with anger. During the voting period, he was really helpless, but he couldn't give up completely just because he lost this round.

Ah, Nirvana only passed the voting process, and did not really join the Angel Chamber of Commerce. Although he lost this round, it was not enough to make him lose everything. At this juncture, Shen Wansan was eager for him to leave.

You know, although today's events are not broadcast live, he can guarantee that as soon as this voting meeting ends, the details of the entire voting meeting will be spread to the ears of every middle-level and grassroots member of the Angel Chamber of Commerce.

By then, he will really be defeated. Everyone in the Angel Chamber of Commerce will think that his Great Elder cannot defeat Shen Wansan. Those neutral players who usually neither support Shen Wansan nor the Great Elder clearly.

, they will immediately flock to Shen Wansan's side!

If he leaves, he will overthrow him in the future

The possibility of Shen Wansan will plummet, and what if he stays? At least he will leave the impression to those neutral players that he still has a trump card, and it is still possible to defeat Shen Wansan. In this way, at least it will not be one-sided.

The situation, the voting session in front of him, is just the first battle. This is a protracted battle. Losing the first battle will at most put him at a disadvantage, and it will not make him completely defeated. But once he leaves here, then

This fight basically ended with his defeat!

"Who said I have to leave? I'm old. I can't stand up and stretch my muscles? Okay, you start issuing tasks!" The great elder came back to his senses and said calmly, without any trace of the fact that he had just lost a round. signs!

"Okay, then next, I will officially announce that I will release assessment tasks to Nirvana. The rules for issuing assessment tasks are as always. I will release three tasks, Wei Bin, you can choose one!" Shen Wansan said.

"Okay!" Wei Bin said with great confidence. At this time, he no longer represents Nirvana. He has now begun to represent Shen Wansan. If Nirvana finally passes the assessment task, then Shen Wansan will be in this party struggle. Among them, it can increase the chance of winning. If Nirvana loses, the great elder will definitely use Nirvana's failure as an excuse, saying that Shen Wansan has no eyesight, does not know people well, does not have a far-sighted vision, etc., and is not worthy of leading the Angel Chamber of Commerce. The Angel Chamber of Commerce is bound to decline under the leadership of Shen Wansan! At the same time, Shen Wansan's failure just highlights the wisdom of his great elder. His great elder has long discovered that Nirvana does not have the strength to join the Angel Chamber of Commerce, and Shen Wansan But Wan San couldn't find it, what does this mean? Doesn't it just mean that the great elder's ability is better than Shen Wansan's?

Once the Nirvana assessment mission fails, the Great Elder will definitely use this matter to criticize Shen Wansan. Therefore, Wei Bin must be confident, strive for success, and pass the assessment mission!

"The first assessment task is 10,000 level 10 herbs, and the task time limit is one year! After the task is completed, the herbs will belong to the Angel Chamber of Commerce!!" Shen Wansan said.

"What? Ten thousand level 10 herbs? President Shen, did you issue such a difficult task when you came up? These are level 10 herbs. How many levels of herbal picking skills do players have in total now? They may not be available in a year's time. A player with level 10 herb picking skills was born, let alone 10,000 level 10 herbs!" Before anyone else could comment, Aunt Wang spoke up.

The reason why the assessment tasks of the Angel Chamber of Commerce are released in front of so many people is to allow them to express their opinions, because Shen Wansan needs them to judge whether the task is fair. If it is not fair, then naturally they can put forward opinions and modify it. Mission accomplished!

As a die-hard ally of Nirvana, Aunt Wang will naturally side with Nirvana. No matter how easy the task is, she will try every means to brag about how difficult it is. The purpose is to prevent the great elder from expressing opinions. , make this task harder!

"Difficult? Who said it was difficult? In my opinion, this task is very simple. In fact, Shen Wansan deliberately hindered Nirvana! A year later, the collection skills in the players' hands may not reach level ten, but Nirvana may not be gone. As for the channel to obtain tenth-level herbal medicine, you must know that Nirvana just purchased a large number of herbal medicines not long ago. What did his herbs do? They must be doing things related to herbal medicines. Maybe he has the seeds to cultivate herbal medicines. The secret recipe is uncertain! Even if it doesn't help, Wei Bin also got some information about obtaining the tenth-level herbal medicine from those herbal traders. Perhaps Wei Bin has already discussed with Shen Wansan that Wei Bin has the channel to obtain the tenth-level herbal medicine. Today’s assessment task is just a process!” said the Great Elder.

Although the Great Elder did not know the existence of Shennongjia, nor did he know what Wei Bin did with those herbs, he believed that Wei Bin had just done a major event related to herbs not long ago. There are some channels to obtain level 10 herbal medicines, and now Shen Wansan has actually issued a task related to herbal medicines to Wei Bin. There must be fraud in this, so the great elder must be opposed to this task!

"Great Elder, you don't have to slander others! I, Shen Wansan, have always behaved upright and upright. How could I secretly help others with their assessments like you?" Shen Wansan said angrily.

"It doesn't matter, aren't there three tasks to choose from? President Shen, please tell me the last two tasks, and then we will make a decision!" Wei Bin said calmly.

The reason why Wei Bin chose to give in and did not argue with the great elder was because he did not have any way to obtain the tenth-level herb as the great elder thought. How could the tenth-level herb be so easy to obtain? ?To complete this task, it ultimately depends on the collection of players. But as Aunt Wang said, it is difficult for existing players to upgrade their herb collection skills to level ten within a year. In other words, Wei Bin It is very difficult to complete this task! As for other ways to obtain level 10 herbs, they either rely on opening treasure chests or completing hidden tasks, but these two ways are too narrow. It is difficult for Nirvana to collect 10,000 herbs in one year. Even if Tianlong's output of tenth-level herbs exceeds 10,000 in the next year, it will be difficult for Wei Bin to acquire them because of malicious competition! It is impossible for the Great Elder to sit back and watch him acquire ten-level herbs. Regardless of the superior herbal medicine, the Great Elder will definitely compete with him secretly, or even rob him openly. After all, the rules of the Angel Chamber of Commerce only prohibit helping the forces being assessed, and there are no relevant regulations prohibiting interfering with the forces being assessed. In fact, resisting Interference ability is also one of the assessment indicators for the force being assessed. If the force being assessed does not have the ability to resist interference, then once the Angel Chamber of Commerce needs this force to compete with other forces in the future, then if the force that is not being assessed does not have the ability to resist interference, that Angel will Wouldn’t the Chamber of Commerce be at a disadvantage?

As for the way to redeem herbs through the activity system, it is even more unfeasible. Avril Lavigne originally used the activity of players to unblock Shennongjia because anyone can incorporate herbs into Shennongjia. But if you want to let players pass It would be impossible to acquire the herbs redeemed by activity level into your own hands, because all the items redeemed by activity level are bound and cannot be traded to Wei Bin at all!

It is precisely because this task is indeed difficult that even Wei Bin is not sure of completing it, so he did not argue with the great elder, but showed a magnanimous image and faced it calmly!

"Okay, then, for the second assessment mission option, within one month, 10,000 sets of warship turbines, warship armor, and warship gun mounts will be given to the Angel Chamber of Commerce. In the end, the above warship equipment will belong to the Angel Chamber of Commerce!" Shen Wan San said.

"President Shen, is this task too difficult? As far as I know, looking at the entire Tianlong, only the officials of Xixia Kingdom can produce these three types of warship equipment, and they do not sell them to outsiders. Even some of them have Players with titles of Xixia Kingdom can buy them from Xixia Kingdom, but it is also a sales volume. Each person can buy at most two to three hundred sets per month, but there are so many players with Xixia Kingdom titles in the world. Even all the players together cannot buy them in a month. Ten thousand sets! The total output of these three types of warship equipment cannot reach ten thousand sets. How can Nirvana obtain ten thousand sets?" Feng Zhongfeng protected Nirvana.

"What nonsense! In terms of output, it may indeed not reach 10,000 sets of warship equipment, but in terms of accumulation, the total output of these warship equipment has already exceeded 10,000 sets, and the game has been in service for so long , God knows how many sets of warships players have in their hands now? In my opinion, not to mention ten thousand sets, even one hundred thousand sets is not a problem!" The great elder hurriedly made waves.

He doesn't care whether what Feng Zhong Zhui Feng said is reasonable, even if it is reasonable, the Great Elder will not pay attention to it. At this time, the two sides are debating two sides of the same topic. What Feng Zhong Zhui Feng emphasizes is the comparison of this task. The difficult side, while the Great Elder analyzed the simpler side. Even what the Great Elder said cannot withstand scrutiny at all. Is there any basis for the number of 100,000 sets? Definitely not. The Great Elder is completely for It’s just a waste of time to reduce the difficulty of the task!

"Great Elder, you just said that after a long period of accumulation, players

The warship equipment in my hands has accumulated to more than 100,000 sets. I dare to ask, do you have any basis for what you say? If there is no basis, I will not adopt your opinion!" How smart is Shen Wansan? How could he not see that the Great Elder was talking nonsense? What the Great Elder said was pure nonsense. As long as the task could be described simply enough, the Great Elder would definitely weaken the task with his eloquent tongue!

"President Shen, why not release the third assessment task first? After all three tasks are released, we will discuss the difficulty of the task and whether to change the difficulty of the task!" Wei Bin suggested.

"Okay! The third assessment task is to collect or build a set of nine-star equipment within a month and hand it over to the Angel Chamber of Commerce. The equipment will eventually belong to the Angel Chamber of Commerce!" Shen Wansan said.

After Shen Wansan finished speaking, the scene immediately became quiet. Xue Muhua and others no longer knew how to refute or persuade Shen Wansan to lower the difficulty of the task. As for the Great Elder, he really couldn't find any fault. I tried to increase the difficulty of this task, because this task is really too difficult!

You know, this is a set of nine-star equipment. Looking at the two and a half years since the server was launched, how many pieces of nine-star equipment has even Wei Bin, who has the advantage of foresight and foresight, collected in total? Except for the Chonglou artifact, not a single one! This shows how difficult it is to obtain nine-star equipment. Even Wei Bin did not dare to take this task easily because he knew how difficult it was to obtain nine-star equipment!

Although Shen Wansan did not ask Wei Bin to personally explore and obtain the equipment, or to build the equipment himself, Wei Bin could complete the task through acquisition. However, at this level, how can there be so many nine-star equipment? You can get nine-star equipment. There are basically no tasks for equipment rewards, and it is also impossible to open treasure chests. At this level, the possibility of obtaining nine-star equipment through non-crafted equipment is basically zero!

However, is it easy to build nine-star equipment? It is even more difficult to obtain a nine-star equipment by building equipment! In the past more than a year, has Wei Bin ever built even one nine-star equipment? If it was possible, Wei Bin would have It’s built!

Not to mention Wei Bin, in the previous life, how many people built nine-star equipment? You can definitely count them on one hand!

"What? No one has expressed their opinions? Aren't you quite good at speaking out? Why are you mute now?" Shen Wansan looked at Xue Muhua, as if he was hinting at something.

"President Shen, this task is a bit too difficult, isn't it? I would like to ask President Shen, our Angel Chamber of Commerce has been established for so long, have you ever seen a piece of nine-star equipment? Looking at the entire Tianlong, I am afraid that only those who served in the Guardian The Chonglou artifact that fell from the gang leader is a nine-star equipment, but this kind of god-level equipment, let alone whether Gang Leader Wei can get it, even if he can get it, he won't hand it over easily!" Aunt Wang said helplessly. .

"That's nonsense. Don't use your own eyes to evaluate the difficulty of this mission, okay? You haven't seen nine-star equipment, so nine-star equipment doesn't exist?" Seeing Aunt Wang starting to lower the difficulty of the mission, the Great Elder also stood up and said, He couldn't just sit back and watch Aunt Wang convince Shen Wansan to reduce the difficulty of Wei Bin's mission!

"Then I dare to ask the great elder. What do you mean by what you said? Have you seen the nine-star equipment? Where has the great elder seen it? Do you have a screenshot in your hand?" Aunt Wang asked.

"Haha, just because I haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist? There are three to four billion players in Tianlong, how dare you say that others haven't seen it?" the great elder argued.

"If everyone has never seen it, then it most likely does not exist, because if equipment like this existed, it would have been exposed and posted on the official forum long ago! It is very difficult to build high-star equipment. In your mind It should be clear, let alone nine-star equipment, it is eight-star equipment. How many people can make it? I am afraid that most people can't even make seven-star equipment. Isn't it difficult enough?" Aunt Wang argued.

"Haha, your vision is still too narrow. Can't nine-star babies be obtained only through crafting? Don't you have a chance to obtain nine-star equipment by completing tasks and opening treasure chests? In addition, there is a kind of equipment that can be upgraded. As long as you have enough props, you can upgrade this equipment to stars one by one, from six stars to seven stars, and then to eight stars and nine stars. You should have seen this kind of equipment before, right?" the great elder argued.

"Even if there are these ways, how difficult is it? Although there are ways, the difficulty is as difficult as reaching the sky. If it is really possible to obtain nine-star equipment through these ways, it should have been exposed long ago. Why until now, one piece Haven’t you seen the Nine-Star Equipment yet?” Aunt Wang continued.

"It is normal for this kind of god-level equipment not to be exposed. After all, ordinary people are not guilty and are guilty of possessing a treasure. Who dares to expose their own equipment without fear of being killed?" said the elder.

"You can post anonymously. Isn't it easy to hide personal information?" Aunt Wang said.

"Then why does he post screenshots of this kind of equipment? If you hide your personal information, you won't get fame and fortune, so what does he want?" said the great elder.

"Okay, don't fight anymore, I accept this task!" Wei Bin said calmly.

As soon as Wei Bin said these words, the scene fell silent again.

"What? Leader Wei, did I hear you correctly? Do you want to accept this mission? Leader Wei, you have to think carefully. These are ten pieces of nine-star equipment!" Aunt Wang was the first to speak out.

"Yes, Gang Leader Wei, you should think twice. In my opinion, the first two tasks are easier than this one, and there is still room for maneuver. Any task is easier than this one! You can't be hot-headed. , just accept this most difficult task!" Feng Zhongzhuifeng also advised.

"Haha, Wei Bin, once you say something, it's hard to keep up. You won't regret it, right?" When the elder heard this, he actually picked the most difficult one among the three tasks. What a fool!

"Wei Bin, the assessment task is not a child's play. You have to think carefully. You have to understand the meaning of victory or defeat in Nirvana! Don't act on impulse!" Shen Wansan said with a solemn expression!

In fact, Shen Wansan never thought about letting Wei Bin accept this task. Shen Wansan understood that this task was too difficult, too difficult. The reason why he brought this task to the table was actually because he wanted Wei Bin to accept it. Choosing the other two relatively simple tasks, he was trying to guide Wei Bin in a different direction. But who would have thought that Wei Bin actually left the first two relatively simple tasks unselected and chose the most difficult task. This Wei Bin What's going on in Bin's mind?

For this reason, Shen Wansan also became nervous. You must know that Nirvana does not only represent himself at this time, he also represents Shen Wansan himself. Once Nirvana is too big and the task is not completed in the end, then The Great Elder will definitely seize this matter and criticize Shen Wansan!

"Unfortunately, Great Elder, please rest assured, President Shen and everyone else. Since I, Wei Bin, dare to accept this task, I am confident that I can complete it. Isn't there a one-month deadline? Within one month, a set of nine stars The equipment must be given with both hands!" Wei Bin said confidently.

Just like that, the Angel Chamber of Commerce’s voting meeting and assessment task release session officially came to an end!

This was not just a voting meeting, it was also a struggle. This struggle ended with Shen Wansan's victory. This struggle kicked off the party struggle between the Great Elder and Shen Wansan, a long-term struggle. The fierce battle of time begins!

"Guild Leader Wei, what do you think? A set of nine-star equipment for the Angel Chamber of Commerce? Do you have a way to obtain the nine-star equipment?" Aunt Wang asked.

"Guild Leader Wei, is it possible that you really have a way to obtain nine-star equipment? If so, don't forget about us. You can set the price as you like and give us a dozen or twenty sets to wear!" Feng Zhong Zhuifeng said.

This chapter has been completed!
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