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Chapter 928 Audition

And at the beginning, what was the purpose of building a tank factory?

First of all, one thing can be ruled out, that is, it is definitely not building tanks! Because after you have discovered the opponent's field of vision, if your neighbor starts building tanks, you will not have time to start building tanks at that time, and if your neighbor

It has not been built, but you have built it, then you must send tanks to attack your neighbors. Otherwise, why would you build it? It takes up so much funds, wouldn't it be good to use it to develop the economy with mine carts? In the early stage, it is like this

Who would be stupid enough to build a tank when they are short of money and can’t even build buildings and are stuck for money? Tanks are definitely excluded!

As for the other two arms, in the multiple-choice question of mine carts and anti-aircraft vehicles, the vast majority of people will choose to build mine carts, because in the early stage, economic development is the top priority, and this map is indeed not short of money.

But the prerequisite for not being short of money is that you have to have enough mine carts to mine. If you don't have enough mine carts, then no matter how much mine you have, you will still be short of money!

As mentioned above, the vast majority of people will choose a mine cart. Since there is an overwhelming majority of people, there will be a minority of people. What will the minority choose? A minority of people will choose an anti-aircraft vehicle!

The bug in Qian's eyes is one of these few people! After the barracks, he did not choose to put down a second mine, but chose to directly build a chariot factory. After the chariot factory was completed, he directly built a

The anti-aircraft vehicle also builds an engineer. The role of the engineer is to instantly repair his own building. After the repair, the engineer disappears. For example, one of your buildings is almost out of blood after being beaten by the enemy. At this time, you send an engineer into this building.

Building, then this building can restore full health in an instant! In addition, engineers have another purpose, which is to occupy hostile buildings. After you send an engineer into the enemy's building, this building is

It's yours!

When the engineers and anti-aircraft vehicles were all built, Chongzi built another terrorist robot. He put the engineers and the terrorist robots into the anti-aircraft vehicle. At this time, the two dogs he sent out had already discovered

Having occupied the territory of two neighbors, with the operation of the insect, it couldn’t be easier to evade each other’s defensive dogs!

Among these two neighbors, one is a Soviet Army and the other is an Allied Army.

Here, let’s introduce what the Soviet Army is and what the Allies are. In their competition map, there are nine countries in total, namely the United States, the Country of Go, the Country of Eagle, the Country of Destiny, and the Country of Han. These five countries belong to

The four countries of the Allied camp, the Soviet Union, Ilakh, Levaya, and Cuba, belong to the Soviet camp. They are divided by camp. They are mainly based on arms. The unique arms of the Allies are flying troops, Prism tanks and Phantom tanks.

The unique units of the Soviet army are Apocalypse tanks, Kirov airships and Yuri.

In addition, in terms of mine carts, the cost of the mine carts of the two camps is the same, but each has its own characteristics. The characteristic of the Allied mine cart is that after it has finished mining, it will teleport through time and space.

, instantly returning to the mine to unload the ore, which invisibly greatly reduces the time it takes to run away and improves the efficiency of mining. What’s more, this method of time and space transmission directly eliminates the phenomenon of traffic jams!

The Soviet mine carts are different. The Soviet mine carts can only run back to the mines to unload the ore by themselves. This means that the Soviet mine carts spend twice as long on the road as the Allied mine carts, and their efficiency is

It is not as good as the Allied mine carts, but only in terms of running time, its mining efficiency is not as good as the Allied mine carts. In another place, the Soviet army has completely made up for the efficiency, that is, the Soviet army

The maximum carrying capacity of a mine cart is 2,000 yuan of ore, while the Allied mine cart can only mine a maximum of 1,000 yuan of ore before returning home to unload the cart. Due to the difference in mine cart capacity, the Soviet mine cart is an Allied mine cart.

Twice the capacity, which directly results in the mining efficiency of the Soviet minecart being twice that of the Allied minecart. The Soviet army only needs one round trip to give the player 2,000 yuan, while the Allied minecart requires

Two trips back and forth can earn the player 2,000 yuan. From this point of view, although the Allied mine cart has the function of returning home to unload the ore over time, its efficiency is the same, because you have two doors, and

The Soviet mine cart only needs to go out once, and everyone walks the same distance, so after all, the mining efficiency of the Allies and the Soviet army is almost the same!

In addition to these differences between the two sides' mine carts, the Soviet mine carts also have an additional attack function than the Allied mine carts. The Soviet mine carts have weapons on the front, which can mine and attack at the same time, while the Allies have nothing.

No, the allied minecarts can only be passively beaten and cannot attack!

However, there are advantages and disadvantages. As the same arms, the Soviet mine carts cannot have such a huge advantage over the Allied mine carts in vain. When the Soviet mine carts have the advantage, they naturally have advantages in other places.

The disadvantage that cannot be ignored is that the Soviet mine carts are prone to traffic jams. Compared with the Allied mine carts, they will not be jammed because the Soviet mine carts can teleport home and finish unloading.

After mining, you can continue to go out to mine!

How do traffic jams form? Isn’t it because of low efficiency? The mine cart in front has just finished delivering the ore, and before it has time to get out, the mine cart behind you has already come up against you. As time goes by, traffic jams naturally occur!

The Soviet Union's mine cart is like this, because he can only drive the cart back to the mine, and several mine carts all drive home together. The mine cart in front has not driven out after unloading the ore, and the mine cart behind you has already

If the door is blocked, how can people get out?

Mine carts have a mechanism to unload ore nearby, that is to say, whichever mine is closest to them will unload the ore from that mine. Players who play the Soviet Army have all experienced such a scene, that is, one or two mines

The traffic jam at the mine was overwhelming, while the other ten or eight mines were idle with no work to do!

This is the disadvantage of the Soviet minecart!

And when Chongzi found out that his two neighbors were a Soviet family and an Allied family, Chongzi drove the car directly to the Allied house. That's right! He was going to use engineers to occupy the Allied house's building!

Because of the existence of mine carts, the Soviet Army's defensive capabilities are relatively stronger than those of the Allies!

While the bugs sent the anti-aircraft vehicles over, they were still busy with their work and began to build a second mine. At the same time, ten mine carts were built in the chariot factory column!

The construction mode of Red Alert is that you can build many soldiers or tanks at one time. Take the mine cart as an example. It doesn’t matter even if the bug has no money, he can still build the mine cart, but the progress bar of the mine cart will not advance.

, the minecart construction progress bar will start to rotate only after you have money, and after the first minecart is completed, the second minecart will be built automatically and continuously.

Immediately afterwards, the insect chose to build a sentry gun.

As mentioned before, there are four columns on the right side of the screen. The shortcut key in the first column is q, which contains some functional buildings, including power plants, mines, barracks, tank factories, radars, maintenance factories, and combat experiments.

Room, the Allies also have a unique building which is an ore refinery, and the Soviet Army also has a unique building a nuclear power plant.

The shortcut keys for the buildings in the second column are mainly defensive buildings, including walls, Allied bunkers, Soviet sentry guns, Allied light prism towers, Soviet magnetic storm coils, and spies.


The third column is the military units in the barracks. Commonly used soldiers in the Soviet army include magnetic blast infantry and Yuri. Commonly used soldiers in the Allies are pilots and chrono-space corps. Tanya!

The fourth column is the units in the tank factory. The commonly used units of the Soviet army are anti-aircraft vehicles, Apocalypse tanks and Kirovs. The commonly used units of the Allies are anti-aircraft vehicles, Prism tanks and Phantom tanks.

The sentry gun that Chongzi just built is a defensive building. It can automatically attack the enemy, or it can also manually control the attack on a certain unit!

Of course, Bugs has no money now, so the progress bar of his sentry gun is not moving at all.

Next, the bug clicked on an engineer again. This engineer had a wonderful effect of his own!

Then, Chongzi controlled his anti-aircraft vehicle and made a special circle to avoid the alliance.

The field of view of the army player, because Chongzi had just seen the dog of this allied army come to explore the field of view of his home, but was bitten to death by the dog he had set up defense at the intersection in advance. In other words, this allied army is

If you can't see the situation at Chongzi's house, this is the magical effect of the Four Dogs gambit. The other party can't see the situation at Chongzi's house, and they don't know what the Chongzi family has built. This is equivalent to a blind man trying to figure it out.

Chongzi knew everything about the situation at Chongzi's home, but what about this Allied army? He didn't even know that Chongzi had built an anti-aircraft vehicle, a terrorist robot, and engineers! Because he didn't find out the vision of Chongzi's home.

Even when Chongzong sent an anti-aircraft vehicle out of that intersection, he deliberately followed the intersection on the other side for fear of being seen by the allied forces!

But the scene when Chongzi came out was seen by another Soviet neighbor of his, because the Soviet neighbor’s dog died there, so he had a partial view!

For a moment, the Soviet neighbor was so frightened that he quickly added two more dogs at home, because he knew that the bugs were coming to steal him! If the bugs were coming to this side, they must be stealing from him. If they were stealing from the other side,

If it's a family, then why should we drive out of the intersection on his side?

However, soon, Chongzi's anti-aircraft vehicle left his sight, causing him two dogs in vain!

Who said you can't steal from another house? The reason why the bug drove out of the intersection on the side of the Soviet neighbor was just to avoid the sight of the Allied house, because although the Allied dog was killed by the bug

The dog bit him to death, but in the area from the allied house to the location where the dog died, the allied player had a field of vision. The dog had already opened his field of vision. What is stealing? Just drive there in an open and honest manner.

, are you going to bet that someone didn’t notice your anti-aircraft vehicle? This is not called stealing, this is called gambling! To really steal, you must avoid the opponent’s sight!

At this time, where the Allied Forces had vision and where they did not have vision, Chongzi knew clearly in his heart, because everyone's dogs explored the path in the same direction. Which fields of view Chongzi's dog explored, that Allied Force

The player's dog has explored the field of vision, but the bug's field of vision is just a little more than that of the allied player. That is, the field of vision of the allied player's house has been explored by the bug, but the allied force has not explored the field of vision of the insect's house.


Now that the bug knows what vision the ally has explored, it will be easy to bypass his vision!

Soon, Chongzi's anti-aircraft vehicle arrived at the intersection of the Allied Forces' home. At this time, the Allied player discovered Chongzi's stolen car. Is it possible to repay it? The stolen car has already arrived at the door of his own house.


The allied player was so frightened that he hurriedly canceled all the buildings and minecarts under construction and built a dog and a bunker because he, like everyone else, was stuck with money. Although he ordered the minecart

and buildings, but because there is no money, the progress bar has been stuck. He is waiting for the mine cart to return the mine to the mine and receive wages before he can continue construction, and he canceled the half-built buildings and mine carts.

In the future, the money that has been spent will automatically return to the player's account, and this player uses this money to build bunkers and dogs!

But the dog can be built very quickly and can come out in about three to two seconds, but the bunker is not that fast. The bunker must be built in seven or eight seconds. The air defense vehicle moves very fast. It starts from the intersection.

It definitely won’t take seven or eight seconds to get to his house!

At this time, the bug no longer hid, and drove directly in a straight line between his base vehicle and the barracks!

Next, Chongzi released the engineers and terror robots in the anti-aircraft vehicle, and this player was obviously a very good player. He had already sent the newly built dog there. He knew that Chongzi’s engineer

You will definitely get off the car there, and as long as the engineer gets off the car, his dog can directly bite him to death. The dog's killing mechanism is very simple, that is, an instant kill. As long as it is a soldier coming out of the barracks, the dog can directly bite him.

If you die, you will never bite a second time. As for the soldiers in the tank factory, dogs are a bit useless. They can't bite steel, right?

But his series of operations were all seen by Chongzi. Why did Chongzi build a terrifying robot and accompany the engineer into an anti-aircraft vehicle to come to his home?

The moment the engineer got out of the car, the bug immediately selected the engineer again and asked him to return to the anti-aircraft vehicle. The player's dog also just jumped up, but it missed the air. The engineer successfully reached the anti-aircraft vehicle.

Take refuge!

But his dog was not so lucky. The killing principle of the scary robot is similar to that of the dog. It also has the ability to instantly kill all the soldiers in the barracks. The insect's scary robot bit the player's dog to death in one go!

Seeing this scene, the Allied player's heart suddenly went cold. Not only was the engineer of the bug not dead, but there was also a terrifying robot present. How could he play with it?

You must know that terrorist robots have an instant kill effect for soldiers, and for the units in the tank factory, terrorist robots can get into these units and continue to cause damage to them. These units not only include tanks, but also

Includes base vehicle!

Why is he heartbroken? Because he knows that the engineer of the bug will get off the car again soon and then go to occupy his base vehicle, but due to time issues, he will not have time to complete the construction of his bunker. As long as he does not have a bunker, then he will

Engineers who are unable to deal with bugs or who want to deal with bugs can only place their hopes on bunkers now, because the situation is so urgent that it is already too late to build troops and tanks. Besides, only tanks are of some use now. Even if

It doesn't matter if the tank is burrowed by the insect's terror robot. After the terror robot gets into the tank, it will continue to cause damage to the tank. It does not kill the tank instantly. At least before the terror robot kills the tank, the tank will have taken the first step.

The engineer was killed! Even if there is time to build soldiers, it is useless now, because the insect's terrifying robot is guarding the barracks. When a soldier comes out, the scary robot can kill a soldier immediately, so it is useless to build soldiers. The only way is to build soldiers.

A tank or a bunker will do! But right now, neither of these two things can be built!

Why is this player so upset? It’s because he has no means of defense. Of course, he can put away the base vehicle and return it to its initial state. Engineers who occupy the base vehicle can only occupy the base vehicle in the expanded state and use it as a base.

After the vehicle is put away, the engineer cannot occupy it, but why is he upset? Because there is a terrorist robot next to it. The base vehicle and the tank are of the same type. The terrorist robot can get into the base vehicle, and after getting in, the base

The car cannot be deployed. The base car cannot be deployed. How to repair it?

And this is why Bugs must install an engineer and a terror robot in the anti-aircraft vehicle at the same time! His terror robot can first kill the player's dog, and second, it can prevent the player from putting away the base vehicle.

! Because as long as he puts it away, the insect’s terrifying robot will definitely get in!

But in desperation, the player finally put away the base vehicle, because if he didn't put it away, the base vehicle would be occupied by the bug engineers!

As for what he should do if his base vehicle is drilled by a terrorist robot?

There is no way!

When the base vehicle is drilled by a terrorist robot, there are two ways to kill the terrorist robot inside the base vehicle. The first method is to use the repair shop to repair the base vehicle. There is no need to repair the base vehicle's HP.

It just needs to be repaired! But where can he build a maintenance factory now? Which player would build a maintenance factory so early? Absolutely no one. With so much money in the early stage, even the mine carts and mines are laborious, who has extra money?

Money to build a repair shop?

What is the role of the maintenance factory? The first is to maintain tanks

Gram, he doesn’t even have a tank, so he wants to build a maintenance factory? The second is to build a base vehicle. You know, base vehicles can also be built, and base vehicles also belong to the category of tank factories. But if you want to build a base vehicle, just

There must be a front-end building, which is the maintenance factory! But in the early stage, one base vehicle is enough, why do you need so many base vehicles? Even if it is built, it will be built in the mid-term. In this way,

You are no longer afraid of the other party attacking your own base vehicle. Anyway, I have many base vehicles, and I am not afraid of you killing any of them! Furthermore, the more base vehicles there are, the faster the construction speed of the buildings in the first and second columns will be.


At the moment, he has no reason to build a maintenance factory, and he indeed has no maintenance factory. Therefore, it is impossible to repair base vehicles through a maintenance factory right now!

In addition, there is a second way!

The second way is to build an engineer, then build an anti-aircraft vehicle, and let the engineer get into the anti-aircraft vehicle. In this way, the original anti-aircraft vehicle will become a maintenance vehicle, and the maintenance vehicle is equivalent to a mobile maintenance vehicle.

Factory, this way, you can go to repair the base car!

This combination of engineers + anti-aircraft vehicles into a maintenance vehicle can only be done by the Allied forces. Only the Allied anti-aircraft vehicles can be converted into maintenance vehicles. The Soviet anti-aircraft vehicles do not have this function! Because the Allied anti-aircraft vehicles are called

The multi-functional crawler vehicle, as the name suggests, is multi-functional. It is not only an air defense vehicle, it also has many functions. These many functions are reflected in the fact that it can be matched with other military units. If the multi-functional crawler vehicle is matched with an engineer, it can be converted into a

If a maintenance vehicle and a multifunctional tracked vehicle are combined with magnetic blast infantry, they can be combined into a tank that can release magnetic blasts, which is extremely powerful!

However, the multifunctional tracked vehicle can only carry one unit. After all, it has a combination function. If more soldiers enter, what should it be combined into? If engineers and magnetic blast infantry are added, then these two air defense units will

Is the tracked vehicle converted into a maintenance vehicle or a magnetic storm tank?

The Soviet anti-aircraft vehicle is different. The Soviet anti-aircraft vehicle can carry five units at the same time. The bug in Qian's eyes is the Soviet army, otherwise he would not be able to fit engineers and terrorist robots into an anti-aircraft vehicle at the same time.

In the car!

After the player put away the base vehicle, he ordered an engineer and an anti-aircraft vehicle at the same time, trying to repair the base vehicle through a combined maintenance vehicle. At present, this is the only way to save the defeat!

However, the next step of the money bug blinded the player!

I saw that Chongzi did not get the terrorist robot into his base vehicle, but guarded the terrorist robot at the entrance of the player's tank factory. This operation of Chongzi made the player even more chilling!

If Bug got this terrifying robot into his base vehicle, he might still be saved, because the base vehicle has a lot of health, and it would take a long time for the terrorist robot to kill the base vehicle. During this period, his engineers and

The anti-aircraft vehicle has already come out, and as long as this assembled maintenance vehicle comes out, his base vehicle will be saved!

But what about now? Chongzi’s terrifying robot did not choose to drill into his base vehicle, but guarded the door of his tank factory. This was very difficult for him. Chongzi’s intention was obvious. He wanted to use

Terrorist robots are coming to hunt down his anti-aircraft vehicles. The moment his anti-aircraft vehicles come out of the tank factory, they will be drilled into them by the terrorist robots. At that time, he will not be able to combine them into maintenance vehicles because the anti-aircraft vehicle's health is too high.

Very thin, Terrorbots can kill anti-aircraft vehicles in no time!

What should I do?

"By the way, make a dog!" This player was quick to think at the critical moment and came up with a way to break the situation. It must be said that the bug's play style is indeed very flexible and he is very adaptable. He did not just let the scary robot drill him.

You know, if it is an ordinary person, when he sees the opponent's base vehicle put away, his subconscious will definitely let the terrorist robot get into the base vehicle, because killing the opponent's base vehicle is a human instinctive reaction!

But Chongzi held back, he didn't do that

This player admitted that Chongzi was indeed a rare master, but he was not a colorist either. Seeing that his situation was in danger, he immediately came up with a countermeasure, which was to cancel the engineers who were under construction, and

He chose to build a dog. You must know that now his maintenance vehicle has no hope, because the insect's terrifying robot has been squatting at the entrance of his tank factory to guard his anti-aircraft vehicle, and since the anti-aircraft vehicle cannot come out, then

Naturally, there is no need to build an engineer! At this moment, as long as he sends out a dog to kill the engineer who is a bug, it doesn't matter even if his engineer enters the anti-aircraft vehicle again, at least his dog acts as a deterrent.

The effect is that as long as his dog is there, the engineer of the insect will not dare to get out of the car. As long as the engineer of the insect cannot occupy his own building, what is the use of having this engineer? He can deploy the base vehicle again and go

The bunker is being built! As long as the bunker is completed, all crises will be solved!

And what if Chongzi sends a terrorist robot to bite his dog to death? It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if it bites him to death. As long as Chongzi’s terrorist robot leaves the tank factory, then he can let the anti-aircraft vehicle walk out of the tank factory!

Thinking of this, this player couldn't help laughing! I am still better!

The result? Chongzi indeed sent a terrifying robot to bite his dog to death. After all, as long as his dog was there, Chongzi's engineer couldn't get out of the car. If he couldn't get out of the car, then his car theft would be meaningless. What was the purpose of stealing the car?

It's to steal the opponent's building! Stealing the base car is just the first choice, but that doesn't mean that if you can't steal the base car, you won't steal other buildings!

After biting the player's dog to death, the engineer of the bug immediately got out of the car again. This time his goal was very clear and he headed straight for the player's barracks!

"Fuck!" Seeing the direction of the bug, he ran towards his barracks. The player was so frightened that he shuddered, what the hell! Although my anti-aircraft vehicle came out, the engineer was still two or three seconds behind.

Without an engineer, what's the point of just having an anti-aircraft vehicle? A maintenance vehicle is a combination of an engineer and an anti-aircraft vehicle, both of which are indispensable!

Immediately afterwards, the bug's engineer successfully entered the player's barracks!

In fact, occupying the player's barracks is the fundamental purpose of the bug. The purpose of the bug is not to occupy the base vehicle with higher value and more fatal consequences for the player. The purpose of the bug from the beginning is actually to occupy

His barracks!

Because he knows that it is too difficult to occupy a player's base vehicle. The base vehicle can be put away. The players who can reach this point have all never lost a battle in the dozens of battles in the past two days.

People, because this game is a knockout, as long as you lose even one game, you will be eliminated immediately. Only one person among the eight people can stand out and enter the next game, and those who can make it so far,

They must have the most basic operation of putting away the base car! Bugs also knows that it is impossible for him to steal the opponent's base car!

The reason why Chongzi just used an engineer to kill the opponent for a while was actually to force him to put away the base vehicle, because he knew that the opponent must be building a bunker, and as long as the base vehicle is put away, the bunker will be built in vain.

Because the bunker is a building in the second column. As long as the base vehicle is put away, the interfaces in the first and second columns will disappear. The interfaces will disappear. The unfinished bunker will naturally be forcibly cancelled.

This is what insects are for!

If the bug does not send engineers to shoot a false shot in the direction of his base, but directly captures his barracks, then the other party can build another barracks and then build a bunker. In this way, it will be more or less

With the addition of some variables, it is far less cost-effective than using a feint to force the opponent's bunker back.


"It's over, it's all over!" This player became frustrated for a moment. Without the barracks, it would be impossible to build a bunker, because the barracks are the front building of the bunker, and if there is no bunker, tanks alone cannot build it.

It can compete with bugs, because the construction speed of tanks is similar to that of bunkers, but a tank cannot defeat a bunker, because bunkers can be repaired. There are two buttons on the four function bars on the right side of the player, one of which is repair.

, the other one is to sell buildings, click on the repair button, and then click on the building that needs to be repaired, you can restore the health of the building repair! Since the bug has occupied his barracks, the next step will definitely be to build a bunker near the barracks.

Establishing advantages and defenses, not to mention that the barracks just occupied by the bugs can still send troops, it is impossible for this player to make a comeback!

At this moment, if he were a player in the Soviet camp, none of this would have happened! Because the Soviet mine carts have an attack function, and a mine cart can hit an anti-aircraft vehicle.

As long as the anti-aircraft vehicle dies, the engineer will definitely die as well. At that time, even if the insect's terrifying robot drills into his Soviet mine cart, it won't matter. At least the base vehicle and the barracks will be safe. What does a mere mine cart mean?

As expected, Chongzi's operation did not disappoint him. Not only was he not disappointed, it actually made him feel despair!

I saw that just after the bugs occupied his barracks, another engineer came out of the barracks!

"Holy shit! How is this possible? How can the engineer's construction speed be so fast? He's cheating, he must be cheating!" The player's spirit seemed to have been hit, and he didn't even last a second.

, just created an engineer? Isn’t this cheating? No wonder he can hide from my sight and steal from me, his feelings are cheating!

In fact, the engineer of Chongzi had actually started construction a long time ago, but when the engineer's progress bar was about to end, he chose to pause the construction. You know, you can choose to pause the construction of all buildings and military units.

Yes, and the bug takes advantage of this pause function to pause the engineer when he is about to build it successfully. Then, after he occupies the new barracks, he allows the engineer to continue building and lets the engineer come out of the barracks.

Okay, in this way, he realized the scene where an engineer came out the next second after he occupied this barracks!

Obviously, the player did not react for a while, but I believe he will react soon after the game is over, because this is not a particularly advanced routine!

So, if you have two barracks, how do you let the soldiers come out of the barracks you want?

It's very simple. You only need to double-click this barracks. As long as you double-click this barracks, a "main" word will be displayed on the barracks. This means that all soldiers will come out of this barracks first.

, and if your soldiers are built too quickly, this barracks may be overwhelmed. At this time, other barracks will also assist in sending troops, but this main barracks will be the main one.

Most of the soldiers came from this barracks!

The same goes for the tank factory. You can set up a main tank factory. If your tanks are built too fast, other tank factories will also assist in producing tanks, but most tanks will be produced from this main tank factory.

Come out of the car factory!

The moment Bug occupied the barracks, he double-clicked the barracks and set it as the main barracks. Then he continued to build the engineer who was about to be completed. The next second, the engineer came out of the barracks.

! That’s the scene that just happened!

After the Bug's engineer came out, he immediately ran in the direction of the player's tank factory. The player hurriedly used an anti-aircraft vehicle to attack the Bug's engineer, but the tank had just fired its ballistics when the Bug's engineer had already gotten in.

In his chariot factory, because his barracks and chariot factory were built close to each other, very close to each other!

The full name of the map Qian Duoduo is actually an inch of land, a lot of money! As the name suggests, the value of an inch of land is about the same as that of an inch of gold. This metaphor vividly expresses how precious the land in this map is!

How precious is the land on this map?

There is only a small open space in the player's birthplace, and everything outside this open space is full of ores. Having so much money will really make you feel happy in the middle of the game, but in the early stage, it is very frustrating, because the first one is lack of money, and the second one is short of money.

The second is that the open space in the player's birthplace is too small to accommodate a few buildings. Buildings cannot be built on ore. Only after the ore is mined with a mine cart can buildings be built on the vacated land.


Precisely because of the preciousness of its land, basically every player will have a very strict layout when building a building, which means that buildings cannot be placed randomly, they must be placed compactly and regularly, so that the land can be realized

Maximize utilization, and no matter which layout is used, the barracks will not be too far from the tank factory, because the open space you start with is so big, you can't possibly place the barracks and tank factory in the far north and south, right?

It is precisely because of its compact layout that it gave the bugs the opportunity to occupy his tank factory!

At this time, the player's barracks and tank factory have been occupied by insects. The only thing left for him is a base vehicle and two mines. How can he make a comeback? Even if the King of Heaven comes, he will

It's hard to turn the tables. His base vehicle doesn't even dare to be deployed now because the bug has just occupied his barracks. As long as he deploys the base vehicle, the bug will immediately build another engineer to occupy his base! But if

If he doesn't expand, how will he play the next game? Two mines, two mine carts, how can he still play this game!

Seeing that he was helpless, the player decisively chose to quit the game! Since it was impossible to win, why stay and humiliate himself? If he didn't quit, he could guarantee that the bug would build again.

Two engineers occupied his two mines respectively. You know, the cost of building a mine is 2,000 yuan, but building an engineer only costs 500 yuan. And if you sell the buildings that have been built,

If so, the cost of 50 can be recovered. In other words, it doesn't matter even if the bugs take over his two mines and can't use them anymore. He can sell them directly. If he sells them, he will make a profit of one.


Instead of letting bugs take over his two mines, he might as well quit the game directly. After quitting the game, all his buildings and troops will disappear. He would rather admit defeat than get these two mines in vain.

Money is a worm in the eye! This mentality is definitely the mentality of most people. You have destroyed me, how can I give you an advantage?

Just like that, the bug in the eyes of money wiped out a powerful family effortlessly!

"So fast? Haha, there are so many colored pens!" A player said after seeing the system prompt that a certain player has quit the game.

"It seems that there are still some experts who dare to steal cars?" Another player said to himself. It is obvious that the country that can be destroyed in the first minute or two will definitely be destroyed by stealing cars.

Because in such a short period of time, it is impossible to build a tank that is enough to destroy the country!

"I don't know what building he occupied."

For a moment, the remaining six players all felt something bad, because the players who dared to steal cars to destroy the country were definitely top-notch masters. They were confident enough in their own strength. They firmly believed that,

Even if he wasted resources and delayed some development in order to destroy the country in the early stage, he would not be destroyed by another neighbor. This is the confidence that strength brings to them!

This chapter has been completed!
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