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Chapter 942: Waste No. 2

Because under normal circumstances, there is a 70% to 80% probability that the first target of position 7 is position 6, which has two super weapons. The second is to attack the late position of position 1, because position 1

In the early stage, his defensive ability is very weak, and with his triple salary gimmick, it is very likely that position 7 will attack position 1, and position 7 will start to attack position 2, which is far away. To be honest, although it is also possible

, but the possibility is very low, because the bridge in front of the second position is disconnected, and there are two light prism towers at home. Its defense capability may not be as good as that of the second position with two super weapons, but it is better than the first position.

The No. 2 position is much stronger, but who would have thought that Brother Li would be so unexpected and hit me at the No. 2 position? Is he probably crazy? Is my light prism tower just a decoration?

In order to ensure their own safety, Position 2 hurriedly started building sentry guns.

When arriving at the bridge, Brother Li first ordered the anti-aircraft vehicle carrying an engineer to get off. Since Brother Li had already set the path, the engineer immediately got into the bridge's repair room as soon as he got off the vehicle.

, the bridge in front of the second position was repaired, and then the tank took the brunt and rushed into the house of the second position, while the other two anti-aircraft vehicles followed closely behind the tank.

Driving into his house!

As for the position of No. 2, there are actually some defensive methods given by the system at the beginning. Otherwise, No. 2 would not have done any defensive methods at the beginning. At the beginning, the system gave No. 2 as a gift.

There are two light prism towers. Buildings like the light prism tower are very defensive in the early stage. As soon as Brother Li's tank came forward, it was attacked by the two light prism towers and was reduced to residual health.

A primary tank will be destroyed if it withstands three attacks from the Prism Tower!

And just when Brother Li's tank was under attack, Brother Li's two anti-aircraft vehicles had already driven into the house in position 2, because the anti-aircraft vehicles moved very fast, and this tank actually had only one role,

That is the attack that attracts the two light prism towers, because the anti-aircraft vehicle is very fragile and will be destroyed if it takes two attacks from the light prism towers!

After the two anti-aircraft vehicles rushed in, their division of labor was very clear! One of the anti-aircraft vehicles drove near his base vehicle, while the other anti-aircraft vehicle drove to the combat laboratory at position two.

In fact, among the two anti-aircraft vehicles of Brother Li, the one heading towards the base vehicle at position 2 is an empty vehicle. This is the anti-aircraft vehicle that just loaded the engineer who was repairing the bridge, and Brother Li's

So I drove it in. In fact, I wanted to confuse the audio and visual of the player in position 2. Maybe position 2 has already seen that this is an empty car, but what if he didn't see it? Wouldn't it interfere?

Have you figured out the operation and ideas of position 2? .??.

However, position 2 ignored Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicle parked next to his base vehicle because he did not put the base vehicle away. This is enough to prove that he saw and remembered this vehicle.

The anti-aircraft vehicle is the one that just loaded the bridge repair engineer. When the units in an anti-aircraft vehicle get off the vehicle, they either do not dismount or all dismount. It is impossible for only a part of the troops to dismount, and the units that just disembarked.

When driving, No. 2 clearly saw that only one engineer got out of the anti-aircraft vehicle. In other words, the current anti-aircraft vehicle was just an empty vehicle. For an empty vehicle, No. 2 naturally

Won't care anymore!

Position 2 focused all his attention on another anti-aircraft vehicle driving towards his combat laboratory! He knew that Brother Li must want to occupy his combat laboratory!

But this is a bit embarrassing. He is now unable to stop Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicle. His bunker is still a few seconds away from being built, and his Yuri has even more time to change. What should he do?

In desperation, the second player hurriedly canceled the construction of Yuri Kai, because he knew that his Yuri Kai would not be built in a short time, because next he would face two choices, the first choice

Yes, sell the combat laboratory, that's right! In order to prevent Brother Li from occupying his combat laboratory, he can choose to sell the combat laboratory, but in this case, his loss will be too great. This

The combat laboratory was given to him by the system, so he had it at the beginning. If he waited to build it himself, he would need to add a tank factory and a radar. This would take too long, and

That is to say, once he sells this combat laboratory, if he wants to continue to build a combat laboratory, it will take a long time. During this period, position 7 will have enough

Time to build enough tanks to destroy him! In this way, he will really be beyond redemption!

What about the second possibility? He did not sell this combat laboratory, but it was occupied by Brother Li. If this is the case, then if he wants to rebuild a combat laboratory, he also needs to face the above steps.

The ending!

However, in this second possibility, he still has some room for redemption, and that is to gamble!

What to bet on? Bet on two things. First, bet that the sentry gun he is building can be built before Brother Li takes over his combat laboratory, because although it seems that Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicle still has a second or two.

He arrived at his combat laboratory, but he only had two or three seconds left to complete the construction of his bunker. Counting the time for several engineers to run away, his sentry guns may not be able to intercept Brother Li's engineers.

, as long as it is stopped, all crises will be solved!

The second thing he gambled on was that he couldn't intercept Brother Li's engineers, but he didn't sell them either. He made his own engineers and then took back the combat laboratory, because his barracks was right next to the combat laboratory, and the engineers

After coming out, he can immediately enter the combat laboratory and steal the combat laboratory back. In this case, relatively speaking, he will be much safer!

Obviously, the consequences of the second possibility he bet on are much safer than the consequences of the first possibility! Therefore, he cannot sell this hard-won battle no matter what.


The player in position 2 is staring closely at Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicle, and at the same time he is also staring at the sentry gun he is building!

Soon, Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicle arrived at the station and unloaded the engineer. However, the next scene surprised the player in position 2. It turned out that not only the people who got off Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicle were

Engineer, and a spy, he watched helplessly as the spy got into his combat laboratory.

"With such a big appetite, you want to steal Yuri Kai first and then occupy my combat laboratory?" the second player thought to himself.

Brother Li is also a Soviet army. He has a Soviet army barracks. If he steals the Soviet army's combat laboratory and builds another combat laboratory, then Yuri will not only change him in position 2 on this map.

, and Brother Li at No. 7!

Even Brother Li doesn't need to build a combat laboratory by himself, because he also brought an engineer. As long as he occupies the combat laboratory in the second position, his hometown barracks can immediately build a Yuri Kai.

, and built two, because his hometown has a copy center given by the system. If he built two Yuri Kai at such an early time, wouldn't it make him even more invincible? Originally, his position was that of the early overlord.

, if he had two more Yuri Kai, who would be able to punish him?

So, where did Brother Li's spies come from?

Yes, it was one of the two spies given to Brother Li by the system in the early stage. Since Brother Li was a Soviet soldier, even if he stole the neutral barracks given to him by the system at the beginning, the effect would not be very great.

Because the biggest significance of stealing the barracks is to send out flying soldiers. If it is just to steal one star for the soldiers, to be honest, the effect is not very great, because the soldiers can barely use it in the early stage of quick attack, and not much.

They will be eliminated in a short while. In the middle and late stages, the world is dominated by tanks and warships. Who will send ordinary soldiers? Therefore, Brother Li did not steal the barracks at the beginning, but only stole a tank factory.

He used another spy to steal Yuri, who was in the second position. Isn't Yuri's role more useful than that of a group of soldiers?

However, now that the matter is over, No. 2 still cannot sell this combat laboratory because

If he sells it, he will definitely lose. If he doesn't sell it and takes back the combat laboratory later, or even uses sentry guns to prevent Brother Li's engineers from occupying his combat laboratory, then even though Li

Brother stole Yuri Kai, but he is not certain to lose. After thinking about it, he definitely cannot sell it!

However, the moment Brother Li's engineers entered his combat laboratory, the construction of his sentry gun was completed. In the end, he was still a step late, but the problem was not big, because he just knew that he had probably built it.

It turned out that Yuri had changed, so he just canceled the construction of Yuri Kai and built an engineer instead, just in case the combat laboratory was occupied by Brother Li, so he could occupy it immediately! And that's it!

Now, his engineer is about to walk out of the barracks. In the next second, he can snatch the combat laboratory back. In this way, the crisis will naturally be resolved. Although Brother Li stole Yuri Kai from him, but

For himself, he has not lost anything! As long as he also transforms Yuri, there is nothing good that Brother Li can do to him. As for Brother Li's transformation of Yuri, he will leave it to others.

Go deal with it!

The next second, the engineer of the second player walked out of the barracks and ran towards the combat laboratory occupied by Brother Li just now. However, at this moment, a sentry gun appeared out of thin air in front of the engineer.

After a machine gun sweep, the engineer was beaten into a sieve!

"Fuck!" Seeing that his engineer was killed, No. 2 yelled. Obviously, Brother Li came prepared. The sentry gun in his hand was definitely not just built, because there was no time at all.

His sentry gun must have been built a long time ago and was just about to land, and Brother Li must have known that he would not sell this combat laboratory and would build an engineer to seize it back, so Brother Li did not

He didn't put down the sentry gun immediately, because once Brother Li put down the sentry gun in advance, he would definitely not let the engineer walk out of the barracks. Instead, he would try to get rid of Brother Li's sentry gun before letting the engineer walk out of the barracks! Li

Brother took advantage of this, so he did not rush to put down the sentry gun. Instead, he waited for his engineer to come out before he put down the sentry gun. With the engineer's small body, how could he withstand the fire from the sentry gun?

Poisonous! This Brother Li is really too poisonous!

However, the next scene brought No. 2 directly to despair, and Brother Li became even more vicious now!

Seeing that Brother Li's sentry gun killed his own engineer, No. 2 must immediately put down the sentry gun he just built. He has to fight with Brother Li. If he doesn't dismantle Brother Li's sentry gun,

How to build engineers to capture the combat laboratory?

Not only did he build the sentry gun next to Brother Li's sentry gun, but he also built a dozen mobilization troops in the barracks. The task of destroying Brother Li's sentry gun was imminent!

At this moment, a barracks appeared next to the base vehicle in position 2, and then an engineer walked out of the barracks and occupied his base vehicle!

That's right, Brother Li not only made a sentry gun in advance but didn't put it down, he also held a barracks in his hand and didn't put it down. He built an engineer in the barracks at home, and its progress bar had read to the last trace, and then he

I was ordered to pause by Brother Li!

Then, while position 2's attention was focused on the combat laboratory and the sentry gun next to the combat laboratory, Brother Li unexpectedly built the barracks next to the base vehicle at position 2, and at the same time, he built the barracks next to the base vehicle at position 2.

Set it as the main one, and then let the engineer who is about to end the countdown walk out of the barracks and enter the base vehicle in position 2. This operation can be said to be smooth and smooth, and the layout is also seamless!

Brother Li's operation made the player in the second position dumbfounded. What was going on with this horse? The situation was very good a second or two ago, but how come it only took a second or two, and suddenly it was like this?

Even the base vehicle was lost?

Player No. 2 is a little confused. At this time, he only has one barracks, one sentry gun and one mine. How can he play with it? Although he still has two light prism towers, these two light prism towers are basically useless.

We can't hit Brother Li's barracks and sentry guns!

The player in position 2 simply broke the pot and threw it. Aren't you not going to let me win? Well, you don't even want to win! So, he crazily mobilized his troops and prepared to take over these areas occupied by Brother Li.

All buildings are demolished!

Although there is still a way for him to come back to life at this time, he knows that it will be difficult! With Brother Li's strength, it is impossible for his conspiracy to succeed, that is to build an engineer and then take back the base vehicle!

If it can be realized, then he will still have fun!

But is that possible? Judging from Brother Li's layout and operation just now, it is impossible for Brother Li to let him take back the base vehicle he finally obtained!

That’s why the player in position 2 decided to break the pot and fight with Brother Li!

But at this moment, soldiers broke out in Brother Li's barracks. At the same time, two tanks drove over from the direction outside the bridge. After a few seconds, Brother Li gathered a group of soldiers and the soldiers rushed forward.

, ran towards the direction of the light prism tower at position 2. The soldiers resisted damage, and the tanks rushed in to attack his light prism tower. At the same time, position 2 dismantled Brother Li's sentry gun, but Brother Li

As soon as the sentry gun was demolished, he built another sentry gun on the spot. Brother Li now has two base vehicles, which has greatly improved the construction speed of the building. What about the second position? He just lost it.

Base vehicle, it is no longer possible to continue building sentry guns!

After three attempts, five and two, Brother Li demolished the two most threatening light prism towers at position 2. The soldiers transferred their hatred to the barracks at position 2, the only building that sent troops, while the tanks moved toward the second position.

The group of soldiers at position No. 1 rushed forward! After a crushing attack, Brother Li's tank was directly promoted to three stars!

A three-star tank is different from a one-star or even no-star tank. A three-star tank has a fatal effect on soldiers. One shot kills a child. How can the second position survive? After destroying the barracks and soldiers in the second position,

Brother Li destroyed the mine cart in position 2 again, but even so, position 2 still did not exit the game!

Then, Brother Li built an engineer and ran towards the mine at position 2. Just when Brother Li's engineer was about to occupy the mine at position 2, the player at position 2 directly sold the mine.

, after the mine was sold, a soldier came out from the place, and the soldier opened fire on Brother Li's engineer.

That's right, the player in position 2 hates Brother Li. Even if he dies, he will have someone to support him. He knows very well that Brother Li will not dismantle his mine. He will definitely build an engineer to destroy his mine.

The mine is occupied, because even if he doesn't occupy it, he still has to build a mine here, and a mine is worth 2,000 yuan, and an engineer is worth 500 yuan. Who doesn't want a ready-made mine? So even if No. 2

There is no more soldiers left, and he still hasn't quit the game. His purpose is to wait for Brother Li to send engineers to occupy his mine. Then he can sell the mine and use the soldier who comes out after selling the mine to kill him.

Brother Li's engineer made him lose his wife and lose his troops!

Buildings such as mines, power plants, barracks, tank factories, etc. will have several soldiers coming out after they are sold. If it is a base vehicle, in addition to a few soldiers coming out, there may also be an engineer!

Seeing that he was about to succeed, player No. 2 couldn't help laughing, and an expression of revenge gradually emerged on his face!

But who would have expected that the sold soldier would need two shots to kill an engineer, and he had just fired one shot. The engineer had not been killed yet, but he himself fell to the ground first!

The player in position 2 was directly fooled!

It turns out that Li Geqi

Shi Shi has long seen through his conspiracy, and Brother Li has guessed his thoughts. Brother Li knows that the second position has reached this point and has not quit the game. Most likely, he wants to retaliate against himself, and the second position is still

Is there any way to retaliate against yourself? It's just that position 2 knows that he will occupy his mine, and will sell the mine when he is about to occupy it, and let the sold soldiers kill his engineers. Since Brother Li has guessed it

How could he let Position 2 succeed in his idea of ​​position 2? So before Brother Li sent out engineers to occupy his mine, he had demolished the other buildings in position 2, leaving only a mine and a power plant.

Well, Brother Li’s idea is that if he can occupy the mine at position 2, that would be great. Even if he fails to occupy his mine and the mine at position 2 is sold, he still has

As a countermeasure, he only needs to instantly demolish the remaining power plant in position 2. By then, there will be no buildings in position 2, and he will naturally be forced to quit the game!

Only then did the scene just happen. The soldier in position 2 just fired a shot and was sacrificed because all the buildings were demolished!

At this point, Brother Li’s start is perfect!

As a dominant force that can occupy the central mine pillar of the map, it also occupied the two mine pillars at the second position in the early stage, and also stole Yuri Kai's big killer weapon. It can be said that his invincibility

The road begins here!

Seeing this scene just now, the audience immediately became excited.

"Hahaha, it really made me laugh to death. This person is so funny. He thinks he is very smart and tries every means to get revenge on Brother Li. But how did he know that Brother Li has already decided on him and all his plans have failed?

It's in the hands of Brother Li!"

"Hahaha, this second position player thought he had predicted Brother Li's prediction. How did he know that Brother Li had already predicted that he had predicted Brother Li's prediction! Where is this game? This is clearly

It’s a joke! Hahaha, it really made me laugh to death!”

"The second-position player probably forgot that he was in the live broadcast. He must have thought that he was in the audition and thought that his revenge would not be known to anyone. But this is a live broadcast, and there are countless pairs of eyes watching closely.

Staring at him, his face is now known to everyone around the world!"

"That's it, you really have no grace and no mind. As a master who has reached the finals, you actually want to take revenge on others? Can't you just quit the game if you have no chance? Is this okay? Not only did you lose the game

, and your character has been ruined by making fun of you! Haha, what a fool!"

For a moment, the entire venue was in a state of excitement. It has to be said that this second-position player is now notorious! His character was suddenly exposed to the world in this live broadcast!

And when the player quit the game, he suddenly reacted!

"Oh my god, my career, my life." He suddenly realized that this was no longer an audition. He was now live broadcasting. This game could not only be seen by the millions of viewers at the venue.

, this game was broadcast, and people all over the world were watching this game. His reputation is really bad!

"However, who is this Brother Li? His operation is so sharp? The layout is also perfect. Not only did he occupy the mine pillar in the second position, but he also stole Yuri Kai. Who can stop him next!


"Yeah, I've never heard of this Brother Li before. Who is this? No wonder it made it into the top five in the bet just now. It seems like this is a dark horse!"

I have to say that this amazing performance by Brother Li is really eye-catching!

Immediately afterwards, Brother Li built a mine at position 2 and prepared to collect the ore here. At the same time, soldiers broke out in the family barracks and copy center, and two more Yuri Kai appeared!

That's right, he produced two Yuri Kai!

"Holy shit! Is this Brother Li crazy? He actually changed Yuri so early?"

"Hey, I just thought that Brother Li was a dark horse, but now it seems that he is nothing more than that!"

"Haha, bringing out Yuri Kai now is tantamount to self-destruction!"

The so-called handsomeness lasts only three seconds, and it has not even lasted three seconds yet. Brother Li's reputation suddenly reversed, from a chorus of praise to a chorus of sarcasm.

Why did the style of painting suddenly change so quickly?

There is only one reason, and that is that Brother Li's Yuri was changed too early!

Some people may want to ask, this is Brother Li's strong period. Is there any problem with him playing Yuri Kai now? This is the time when he is killing everyone. If he plays Yuri Kai, he can wipe out the entire map immediately.

Is it wrong to produce Yuri Kai? If Yuri Kai is not produced, then why steal Yuri Kai?

There is nothing wrong with producing Yuri Kai, and the purpose of stealing Yuri Kai is indeed to produce Yuri Kai. Otherwise, why would you steal him?

However, Yuri Kai must not be released now! Because the time to release Yuri Kai is not yet mature, and it is too early to release Yuri Kai now!

Why do you say that? Because Yuri Kai is recognized by all players as the strongest unit, and it is also the most difficult to deal with. If he releases Yuri Kai so early, it will definitely affect the pattern of the entire game.

, the two forces that were supposed to be fighting each other will definitely put aside their prejudices against each other and no longer fight to the death. Instead, they will jointly target Brother Li, who has made Yuri Kai! Because Brother Li, the No. 7 position, is in

In the early stage, it was already the dominant position. If Yuri Kai is added to it, it will be invincible. He will pose a great threat to all forces. He is the biggest threat on the field, so he will naturally become the target of public criticism.

Not only will Yuri Kai come out early, it will not help him, but it will push him into the abyss!

If it weren't for Brother Li, even if it were anyone else, he wouldn't have used Yuri Kai at this stage, because if you didn't use Yuri Kai, others wouldn't necessarily know that you stole Yuri Kai. You know, in

At the beginning, when Brother Li stole the combat laboratory at position 2, the other major forces were busy developing themselves and observing the forces that threatened them or the targets they intended to attack quickly. Their perspectives at that time

They may not necessarily be at the second position's home, even they will switch the perspective from time to time to take a look or two, but you must know that it only took one day for Brother Li's spies to get out of the car and enter the combat laboratory at the second position.

It's only a second. How could it be such a coincidence that in this second, the other players' perspectives are all at position 2?

Therefore, if Brother Li doesn't play Yuri Kai now, other players may not know that he has stolen Yuri Kai. He can use his early advantage to kill a few players first, and then use Yuri Kai to lay the foundation.

By then, because the number of players in the field has been reduced, even if he becomes the target of public criticism, he will still have fewer opponents than now, right? Yuri Kai now will only make him the target of everyone.

Public enemy!

Once he becomes a public enemy, absolutely everyone will give priority to destroying him. Even if his Yuri Kai dies, others will not let him go, because he can continue to produce Yuri Kai, and others will definitely want to eradicate him.


And even an ordinary player can understand the truth, but what about Brother Li? He took the risk to play Yuri Kai. How could this not lead to a change in the style of painting!

So, why does Brother Li, such a shrewd player, have to release Yuri Kai so early? Is he a fool?

There is a saying that goes like this: When everyone is drunk, I am alone awake!

There is another saying that goes like this, others laugh at me for being too crazy, but I laugh at others because they can’t see through it!

There is another saying that says, the truth is in the hands of a few people?

There is another saying that goes like this: I only know one, but not the other!

Why do almost everyone think that releasing Yuri Kai in the early stage is tantamount to digging your own grave?

Because their strength does not allow them to produce Yuri Kai, because their strength cannot control Yuri Kai at this stage. The reason why everyone thinks that Yuri Kai cannot be produced at this stage is because they cannot do it when being attacked.

Kill them before everyone gathers fire!

And what if you have the strength? What if you have the strength to destroy them or a few of them before they attack in groups? Then you still need to be timid and must wait until the people behind you attack.

Will there be another Yuri version in the future?


Brother Li is a living example! Why did he dare to release Yuri Kai so early? It’s because he has the strength and courage to attack others quickly. As long as he kills several companies quickly, the other companies cannot defeat them even if they join forces.

Himself, then it is not wrong for him to send Yuri Kai so early, and it will become a weapon for him to achieve final victory!

Right now, Brother Li is fully prepared for his quick attack plan!

The first family he wants to destroy is none other than No. 3, who possesses nuclear bomb attacks and lightning storms!

Among the remaining six families, he is also very particular about who he destroys first and who he destroys last. He must not fight in a haphazard manner, otherwise, he will suffer the consequences sooner or later!

Regarding who to destroy first and who to destroy later, Brother Li has his own philosophy, which is to destroy the one that poses the greatest threat to him first, not the weakest one first. If he wants to say who is easiest to destroy now, it is nothing more than destroying No. 1.

The easiest position is because the No. 1 position is vast and there is no danger to defend. It is the least difficult for him to destroy the No. 1 position. However, destroying the No. 1 position will do him no good at all, because no matter how the No. 1 position develops, he

None of them are the opponent of Brother Li. If the number one position wants to pose a threat to Brother Li, it is definitely useless to use the army and navy. He can only use the air force, but Brother Li has been producing anti-aircraft vehicles, which makes even the number one position

Even with the flying soldiers, he can't beat Brother Li, so even though the No. 1 position is rich, he poses the smallest threat to Brother Li, whether in the early, mid or late stages!

The biggest threat to Brother Li is the two players with super weapons. The first to bear the brunt is naturally the third position with nuclear bomb attack and lightning storm. With these two super weapons, Brother Li will suddenly

Being beaten and disabled, he would never allow this to happen!

Therefore, Brother Li exploded a lot of tanks, anti-aircraft vehicles, and ordinary mobilization soldiers. The anti-aircraft vehicles were used to prevent other people's air force from harming his Yuri Kai, and the soldiers could protect his Yuri Kai from terrorist robots.

The tanks serve as the main attacking force!

Before Brother Li destroyed position 3, he divided his troops into two groups and hung up from near position 5 and position 6. There were no tanks in this group of troops, only anti-aircraft vehicles, soldiers and a Yuri Kai. He did this

His intention is very simple, that is, to suppress positions 4, 5 and 6, because position 4 is a troop farming position. Even if he does not want to send troops, the system will continue to send him troops, and as long as the system sends troops to him, then

These soldiers will become Brother Li’s!

The same goes for Position 5. Boxes will be refreshed constantly at Position 5's home. Brother Li's Yuri is wandering here. You can prohibit Position 5 from picking up boxes at his own house, because the troops at Position 5's home will be tempted by Brother Li.

As Brother Li's unit, how can position 5 pick up boxes if there are no troops? And even if position 5 has mine carts or terror robots, two types of troops that are not afraid of Yuri Kai's temptation, position 5 does not dare to let them pick it up.

box, because he was afraid of picking up a tank. It would be fine if what he picked up was money, but what if what he picked up was Apocalypse? Wouldn’t that be shooting himself in the foot? Brother Li’s Yuri Kai can

Suppress position 5 from picking up boxes, thereby suppressing his development!

The sixth position is similar. As long as Brother Li's Yuri is changed here, he won't be able to get a single soldier unless he comes out of the Air Force. But in the Air Force, Brother Li has anti-aircraft vehicles defending him. He is constantly at home now.

The anti-riot air force makes it difficult for him, or in other words, positions 4, 5, and 6 to kill Brother Li's Yuri Kai even if he leaves the air force!

On the other side of Brother Li's route, his soldiers and anti-aircraft vehicles stayed outside the range of the cannon at position 3 to protect Yuri Kai, while Yuri Kai stayed between positions 1 and 3. This position can

Lure all the armies at position 1 and position 3, and his tank drove directly into the home of position 3. Although in the process his tank was bombarded by the huge cannon at position 3, but due to the

There was no army at position No. 3, so it was unable to resist Brother Li's tanks. After a while, position No. 3 was bulldozed by Brother Li, and several three-star tanks were even trained!

"Damn it, where did he come from Yuri Kai? It must be that loser in position 2. Not only was the combat laboratory occupied by position 7, but it was also stolen before it was occupied!" A player cursed in his mind.


"Hey, nanny, why is No. 2 so useless? You can let someone else take it, but you still steal it first and then take it! You really are a waste. It doesn't matter if you die. Don't hurt us!"

When the other six players in the field saw Brother Li's Yuri Kai, their hearts suddenly went cold. They kept greeting the eighteenth generation of their ancestors in the second position. The seventh position could only be stolen from the second position.

Combat laboratory, because when Brother Li came out with Yuri Kai, others didn't have combat laboratories, and Brother Li's soldiers were not one-star. Brother Li must have only stolen the tank factory, not the tank factory.

In the barracks, the spy went to steal the combat laboratory in position 2!

Isn't this the fault of No. 2? Can't you sell the combat laboratory? If you sell the laboratory, you may be the only one who loses in the end. You would rather be stolen than sell. Isn't this killing someone?

Are we in a boat?

Just when No. 3 was forced to quit the game, he kept yelling at No. 8 in his heart! Why did he scold No. 8? Because if you want to talk about who is the most oppressive to Brother Li, it is No. 8.

The No. 8 position belongs to him, because No. 8 is an aircraft position. He does not rely on the army itself. He relies on Black Hawk fighter jets. If Yuri Kai wants to destroy Brother Li, he must either use super weapons or use Black Hawks.

It is difficult for fighters, pilots and Kirovs to destroy Yuri Kai. Because Kirov moves too slowly, he will be kited like a fool. As for pilots, everyone knows that the Soviet air defense

Fighting the pilots with vehicles is like fighting mosquitoes. No matter how many pilots come, they will die under the fire of Brother Li's anti-aircraft vehicle. If you want to destroy Brother Li's Yuri Kai, you can only rely on Black Hawk fighter planes, because the Black Hawk

Fighters move fast. Even if some Black Hawk fighter jets are shot down during flight, as long as there are enough, some can break through the bombing and kill Yuri Kai...

And the only Black Hawk fighter on the field is No. 8. Can the No. 3 who was wiped out not scold No. 8? Brother Li has already changed Yuri, why don't you unite to deal with him?

?Are you still hiding aside to watch the show?

In fact, position 8 also has selfish motives. First, he is the furthest away from Brother Li. If Brother Li will win the final victory of the game, then his position 8 will definitely be the last one to be eliminated. Position 8

He also wants to win. He wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife. He wants Brother Li to kill a few people first, at least to consume the power of others first, and then he can go out and decide the outcome in a battle!

The reason why No. 8 has been reluctant to take action is because he simply does not believe that Brother Li can defeat the entire audience. This kind of thing like sweeping the entire audience by himself. Throughout his several years of gaming experience, he has never

I've heard that no one, no matter how powerful he is, can't defeat one against seven! That's why No. 8 has been reluctant to take action!

He is still waiting for No. 7 to make him a wedding dress!

After the No. 3 position, Brother Li did not target the No. 8 position, which was the greatest threat to him. Instead, he pulled the troops below the high ground of the No. 6 position. The No. 8 position was reluctant to take action, so he had some guesses.

Let’s take a look at the No. 8 position. Since the No. 8 position doesn’t want to fight him yet, why should he play the No. 8 position? What if his Yuri Kai dies during the attack on the No. 8 position?


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