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1034. Cabbage and radish price

The fire of the wood-fired stove was strong, so Zhou Maozhu peeled and cut the radish and found a plate to put it on. There was only a "sting" sound from the other end, the lard was burning hot, and then the cabbage was put into the pot.

Li Lanhua sniffed: "Oh, no wonder Song Tan's vegetables are so expensive. If you smell the cabbage, it smells so fragrant!"

"Yes!" Zhou Maozhu also smelled it. At this moment, he was rummaging through the cabinets to find toothpicks. At the same time, he praised: "These radishes are also tender. Don't sell them all later. Save two for me to try."

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't help but feel happy. I whispered to my wife in the kitchen: "Just from the smell, I think it can be sold for three yuan!"

But what they didn't know was that Song Tan's price was 5 yuan, and Xiao Zhu, the branch secretary, was purely to prevent everyone's psychological expectations from being too high.

Now Lao Zhao looked at the plate in front of him and quickly greeted everyone: "Come, let's try it together and see if this is worth the high price?"

Everyone was not polite and extended their hands one after another.

Sitting in the cold yard this morning eating the same cold radish, the taste was not pleasant.

However, this radish has high water content and is sweet and crisp in the mouth. Only when you swallow it does it bring out a hint of spiciness that is unique to radish... Even though it is ice cold, it does not hide its good taste.

Such a product is really worth the five dollars!

Only Lao Zhu and the others smacked their lips and said critically: "It's still better than what we ate yesterday."

Xiao Du also nodded in agreement: "But it tastes slightly better than what we eat on the mountain. Only occasionally on the mountain, the taste will be particularly good."

After all, they are fruits and vegetables, and there are sour and sweet ones on the same tree, not to mention radishes in the ground.

You know, this alone is particularly rare, but if the packaging slogan is used, the pound of radish can be doubled several times.

Zhou Maozhu didn't know if they were also buyers. When he heard this, he couldn't help but feel anxious. He thought that three yuan was not enough. Two yuan, two yuan, five yuan, right?

He couldn't help but salivate as he watched everyone eating the radishes. He was about to reach out to grab a piece and taste it, but he saw that the plate in front of him was empty.

Song Tan dropped the toothpick and asked Lao Zhao neatly:

"It's five yuan and a pound of radish, do you want to take it?"

This was 5 cents more expensive than originally planned, but Lao Zhao thought it was worth it. Who would sell this thing as a vegetable?

I took it back and set a price of 12.8 yuan to sell it as fruit radishes. There was no pressure at all.

After all, Song Tan's products are priced in the early stage, and they won't be restricted in the later stage, otherwise he won't be able to earn so much money!

"Okay!" He nodded simply, then looked at Zhou Maozhu: "I don't want your own varieties, I want these transplanted from Song Tan's family, 5.5 pounds per pound, wash them clean and dry them."

After thinking for a while, he said: "Let the radish leaves dry to let the dew drop. Pick out the old leaves that have yellow leaves that are inedible. I will collect the rest for two yuan a pound."

Oh my god, there are radish leaves?!

Zhou Maozhu was stunned with surprise: "Is this really the price?"

Lao Zhaoxin said that Song Tan had brought him here specially. How could he still not know whether this thing was worth it?

However, he has also been a vegetable seller for many years and knows the impact of this price on farmers, so he nodded patiently:

"Yes, I'll collect it from your house today. When it's sold out in two days, I'll go to other people's houses in the village to collect it."

After thinking for a while, he added: "Please don't tell anyone about this price, otherwise I'm afraid that someone will fake it. If my customers buy fake ones, we won't be able to do business in the future."

"I understand, I understand!" Zhou Maozhu nodded repeatedly, then stood up and took two steps at a loss, and asked excitedly:

"Then... then you guys sit down first and I'll go pull the carrots first?"

"Go, go!" Party Secretary Xiao Zhu quickly urged him: "We are just here to join in the fun, don't worry about it, just go and do your business!"

Lao Zhou, who was joining in the fun, asked curiously: "How many radishes did his family grow?"

Party Secretary Xiao Zhu explained: "The most powerful plant in our village is Songtan, and she has selected these varieties. In autumn, the villagers only need to go to the fields to help work for two days, and they can get a bunch of radishes."

Seedlings of cabbage.”

"We agreed at that time that these might be fetched at a high price, so everyone started planting them... This family should be able to harvest one or two thousand catties of radishes, and about the same amount of cabbage."

Lao Zhou quickly took stock in his mind.

Calculating 1,500 kilograms of radish, the unit price of 5.5 is more than 8,000, and the leaves are two yuan per kilogram——

"How many pounds of leaves does a radish produce?"

The radish leaves are still quite strong even when they are old.

Xiao Zhu, the branch secretary, had not paid enough attention to this and could only look at Song Tan.

Song Tan thought for a while: "Look at the size of the radish. For example, the largest radish we just picked up weighs more than 6 pounds. After picking out the leaves, it should weigh about two to three pounds."


These people who came here are not ignorant of people's livelihood. Now they can figure out the price just by thinking about it——

In other words, just from radish, you can earn close to 10,000 yuan!

For the farmers in the village, it is indeed a huge income!

The next moment, Li Lanhua, who knew nothing, came out of the kitchen with a plate and a pair of chopsticks in her hand:

"I thought you wanted to taste it, so I fried it with lard and didn't add any other seasonings except salt..."

She thought for a while and then asked carefully: "How about I use water to make another cabbage soup?"

"No, no, no." Lao Zhao was very confident in the cabbage after eating the radish. Now he waved his hand, took the lead in picking up the chopsticks and started eating.


He chewed slowly, and the sweetness, crispness and tenderness of the cabbage became more and more obvious due to the hot oil. There was still rich juice in the chopped cabbage stems.

This is not the unpleasant grassy smell of green vegetables, but it has a unique style.

And everyone unceremoniously stretched out their chopsticks to taste it, and nodded along: "It tastes so good!"

Li Lanhua looked at everyone expectantly, and Lao Zhao gave the answer directly: "Chinese cabbage costs 5 yuan per pound. You need to break off the old leaves that look really ugly before weighing them."

Li Lanhua:......!!!

"Okay, okay!" She agreed wholeheartedly!

What's the price of cabbage at 5 yuan a pound? The cabbage in their town is almost 25 cents! Not to mention just breaking off some old leaves, even if the leaves are not stalks, isn't it still free money?


She looked around the yard and couldn't help but murmured: "Where did this man go?" It was such a big business, why wasn't Zhou Maozhu not here?

Song Tan laughed and pointed outside the yard:

"Auntie, you'd better help Uncle Zhou pull the radishes first. Radishes are 5 cents more expensive than cabbage."

She stood up and greeted everyone: "Let's go, it's too cold. Let's go back and warm ourselves by the fire. Teacher Tang said we will make rock sugar oranges today."

This chapter has been completed!
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