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378.The house is built

"Isn't there a small harvester now? Just put it on your back and saw the wheel with the side facing the rice. It's quite fast, right?"

Zhang Yanping couldn't help but ask.

"No," Song Sancheng waved his hand: "I went to the store in town and tried it. It's very heavy. Young people like you don't have any strength. You can't lift it even if you wave your arms twice."

They can...but it's not necessary!

"Besides, that thing burns oil, and the loss of the front saw blade is also high. The machine is not expensive, costing three to five hundred yuan, but if it gets stuck during use, it will be really delayed..."

As he talked, he couldn't help but miss the past:

"I used to be very good at cutting rice. I could lay one and a half rice fields in an hour."

Song Youde also nodded: "Indeed, you are better at this job than me, so I can gain some land."

Together, the father and son can work on these two acres of land in one day. This is the main reason why they don't want to spend money.

The two of them were minding their own business reminiscing about the past and discussing it.

Old Man Li was not to be outdone: "Don't look at my age, but I can help cut two handfuls. I can definitely finish it in one day!"

The three people's bold words made Song Tan stunned as soon as he stepped through the door!

Isn't it that she earns so much money just to improve the lives of her family members and stop them from working so hard?

Turning around, her father and grandfather wanted to go harvest the rice in person - it was such a hot day. If she got sunstroke and fell into the field, why was she working so hard?

So he waved his hand: "No one can move."

"If I hire someone, it's 150 a day, right?"

When men and women in the village know how to do it, why would you have to tire yourself to death if you hire just two people to do it in one day?

At most, most people can't finish the work in one day, so their family members helping out can be regarded as an addiction to harvesting rice - after all, they haven't grown rice again for decades.

Song Youde and Song Sancheng didn't really want to harvest rice, but now they could accept the price.

After all, it’s normal to hire people to do work during the busy farming season!

With this free space, they can also choose seeds, hoe the ground and cultivate rice seedlings!

At this moment, he nodded quickly:


Then he asked Old Man Li: "Drain the water in the rice field when the time comes, so as not to get stuck. After the rice is harvested, dry it in the field first, and I will make a yard here to dry it..."

Old Man Li was also worried: "The fields must be drained, but no matter how much water is drained, there will definitely still be moisture in the past few days. The rice will dry slowly if it is left to dry on it. And if there is heavy rain or something, it will not be easy to harvest..."

The face of summer and the face of children are all uncertain. Heavy rains are coming at any time, so we have to be prepared.

Before that, they still need to select and breed seedlings again, so that after the rice is harvested, they can quickly burn the straw and plow the ground, and then plant the next crop.

As for the place to dry...

"There's no need to go out of your way."

Song Tan reminded: "You have forgotten that the engineering team said it was basically completed two days ago."

Of course, the furniture, soft furnishings, doors and windows have not yet been arranged, but all the main parts have been completed. The water and electricity pipes have also been secured, and the latex paint and cement tiles have been laid.

The original house renovation procedures submitted were stamped with Xiao Zhuzhi's signature, and the application submitted was for family farm housing renovation.

I renovated my own place, and spent money to put together the homesteads of several families, and let the staff of the land office take photos and archive them.

Not to mention the large yard outside, the entire house covers an area of ​​370 square meters.

In addition, the main building has three floors, and the side building has 1-2 floors...

Not to mention how spacious it is!

The land office also took photos and archived them for verification... In other words, there is nothing wrong with the house!

If you are in a hurry, you can move in now.

White walls and gray tiles, long corridors with raised eaves, stone paved floors, and empty flower beds... Before the greening even entered the yard, it already looked quite Chinese-style.

Most importantly, it's spacious.

Not only is the yard spacious and well-organized, but the large open space in front of the door is also particularly square, perfect for drying rice.

It has been too hot these days, and the engineering team worked so meticulously that no one noticed. When I heard this, I couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised:

"So fast?!"

Song Sancheng was filled with joy, and then he couldn't help but said to himself: "It's really fast! At that time, I had to use a lot of strength to lay the floor, and I had to ram it down desperately. Now they have a tamping machine, and it can be done in two or three strokes.

A day's work...this high technology is different."

Then he stared at Song Tan closely and asked the most important topic: "How much did this house cost in total?"

How much did it cost? Of course it was a lot of money. After calculation, the income for the past six months was basically spent on it.

Not to mention anything else, the depth of the pit in the foundation of the main building alone is 2.7 meters, and the width is one meter! Plus the side rooms and other...

After the entire contracting of work and materials was completed, the engineering team's quotation was 89,000 yuan.

The ground beam is 80 centimeters long with 8 steel bars, plus the board paving, 3 floors and two side rooms, all costing more than 400,000...

In the past few years, the cost of materials has been rising year by year, and the price of cement has been soaring day by day. Even red bricks cost 50 cents a piece. After calculating the whole account, Song Tan's heart was twitching.

I can't say it directly at this moment.

So I avoided the important and ignored the important: "All the water, electricity, latex paint and other things in the house have been done. If it hadn't been delayed by doing waterproof painting and drying, it should have been done half a month ago. I went to check and there was no smell at all.


After all, the floor height of rural houses is much higher than that of commercial houses. Without doors and windows, the ventilation is extremely good. When the weather is hot and the wind is blowing, the remaining formaldehyde cannot be retained.

However, to be on the safe side, the engineering team will bring in more than a dozen large industrial fans to blow after the handover tonight.

"Everyone can take a look when you have nothing to do, and think about how to clean up your own room."

The batch of furniture purchased by Zhao Fangyuan has arrived. This was included when the design drawing was first produced, but some details can be adjusted by yourself.

Now, not to mention Song Sancheng, even Xin Jun and Zhang Yanping are looking forward to it!

If nothing else, there are enough toilets in the new house!

Everyone didn't even care about the rice, and started planning happily: "If you say that, wouldn't it be possible to move in next month?"

"Ah! Then we have to hold a big greenhouse dinner!" This is Song Sancheng.

The seventh cousin was also very energetic: "I have to go check out the kitchen! I also have a whole set of chopping boards. I have to see where to put them!"

Qiaoqiao looked left and right: "Then do I have my own place to go to school?"

Wu Lan was thinking to himself: The design at that time left a lot of space for the side room, and there would be no problem for more than a dozen people!

In that case, can we take advantage of the hot weather and take the child’s grandparents over?

I don't want the elderly to work, I just want them to have some leisure time and give me a chance to accompany them. By the way, it also allows my children's aunt, who has taken care of the elderly for many years, to relax.

This chapter has been completed!
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