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645. Retired dog adoption

Regarding the adoption of retired dogs, Sun Shouping only mentioned it casually. After all, with the status of running a dog farm, such a thing would not be his turn anyway.

But that didn't stop him from ordering two shepherd dogs in a few words, and repeatedly told him, "I'll go pick them out when the moon is full, but you have to keep them!"

"Don't worry, don't worry!" my friend also said with great certainty.

"This is the first time Congcong has given birth to a baby, and I also want to find a reliable owner for them. If nothing else, the customers you have found are quite reliable."

Thinking of this, Sun Shouping felt sour in his heart, and at this moment he said resentfully

"Let me tell you, this client is not only reliable, but he also has a unique way of raising dogs!"

"Have you seen the previous videos in my circle of friends? It's okay if you haven't. I'll send them to you again!"

He was almost obsessed with the videos of the king and several treasures at hand, and now he showed them to the other party in a familiar manner - everyone knows that dogs that are not carefully fed and accompanied cannot be raised.

in this state.

When my friend opened it, he was filled with the words "fuck".

He always felt that he raised Congcong very well and outstandingly, but he never expected that someone could raise a dog in such a state in this world!

I felt relieved immediately and looked at the four cubs in the kennel again. I couldn't help but feel regretful.

"Just two?"

"Two is enough."

Sun Shouping said bluntly, "Just look at how clever your Congcong family is. If you raise too many dogs, you don't even know whether people are raising dogs or dogs are raising people!"

After all, it is well known that sheepdogs have their own ideas about how to grow.

After hanging up the phone, Sun Shouping thought about it for a while, then asked a friend for a link to adopt a dog, and then sent it to Song Tan.

"I don't have that many suitable adult dogs for sale in this dog farm. Do you want puppies? The price will be cheaper for you. Just let me take a few videos when the time comes."

In fact, there were still some adult dogs in the first half of the year, but now demand exceeds supply, and there are not even many puppies left.

If he is a black-hearted dog dealer, all the dogs will have to fight to survive!

This is all thanks to the treasures of the Song Tan family.

After the video was released and everyone knew it was his own dog, even though he repeatedly emphasized that he did not raise him in this state, it did not stop his business from booming.

Nowadays, there are really not many unsold adult dogs in the dog farm, and he still wants to keep some to continue breeding.

Song Tan was a little worried.

After all, she doesn't have time to teach a dog patiently.

If you raise a puppy from a young age, even if the puppy can understand the words, it will be difficult for the animal to restrain its natural naughtiness.

But when she looked at the link given by Sun Shouping again, she couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised.

Retired dog adoption? Is there such a good thing?!

Giving yourself a dog that has been well-educated by others for free... Oh my God! You definitely can’t miss this!

Song Tan quickly opened the link.

The first thing I saw was the [Retired Dog Adoption] jointly released by Ning Provincial Public Security and Fire Protection.

Let’s talk about it, there are quite a lot of requirements.

First of all, the adopter is required to be over 22 years old, have an independent residence and financial ability...then this requirement is very satisfying!

Song Tan not only has an independent residence, but also vast mountains and wilderness!

Secondly, those with experience in raising dogs will be given priority - she is not bragging, just take out a few treasures from home, no one can praise themselves for raising them well!

Third, voluntarily accept irregular return visits every year - oh, feel free to come and come boldly! It is best to wait for spring. There is no other reason. There are many good things in the spring and the hospitality will be more attentive.

Any return visit will do, as long as you don’t return the visit when the babies are eating. Otherwise, if you mix rice bran and wheat bran into the dog bowl, it does look a bit sinister...

In addition, large dogs cannot be adopted by individuals, which is no problem! Her family has a farm, and small dogs are really not suitable.

The last thing...one person can only adopt one?!

Song Tan...

She depressedly put down the hand she was preparing to fill in the form.

What can you do if you only adopt one? In her park pond on the mountain, there are five or six dog guards who are not too few, and one is not too many.

Take another look at the photos of retired dogs posted on this adoption announcement - there are wolf greens, horse dogs, springer spaniels, German shepherds...

Some retired due to injuries, and some retired due to illness. These need to be taken care of carefully.

Looking at it this way, it was really hard for Song Tan to reconcile.

Moreover, some of the dogs on the adoption statement are very healthy, but they are older, seven or eight years old. The lifespan of service dogs cannot be measured by that of pet dogs. Their work intensity is very high, so they are already mature at the age of seven.

Getting old.

Generally speaking, this seems to be the first time that they have opened retired dogs for public adoption in Ning Province. The breed information given is very complete, and the dogs have not completely lost their ability to behave... They are reluctant to part with this kind of dog, for fear of being mistreated by others.


Looking up and down, Song Tan felt that there was still some room for maneuver in this matter.

Just look at the terms and conditions that have been repeatedly emphasized in the adoption life to protect the rights and interests of adopted dogs, and you will know that they themselves are probably very worried about opening up adoptions.

And what Song Tan wanted to use was this uneasiness.

She dug out the documents she had just received and saw that the email address she signed up for was that of Ningcheng Firefighting, and the deadline was still a week away...

Song Tan made a prompt decision——

"Mom, I plan to take a few treasures to Ningcheng. It will take about two or three days. Your Majesty will also go. You should worry more at home."

"Why bring the dog there?" Ulan wondered.

"And there's nothing to sell now, so why are you going there? It's more than four hours' drive!"

Song Tan is laughing and joking

"I want to adopt some dogs, but the requirements there are stricter. Why don't I bring a few babies with me and show them my ability to raise dogs?"

Is that your ability to raise a dog?!

Wulan didn’t even want to say it. It was clearly the result of these treasures’ efforts to achieve such great results just by eating leftovers!


"What's the point of adopting? It's so troublesome and we have to ask people to take care of our dogs - now you have earned money, so don't be so nagging. Aren't these treasures that you originally bought for three thousand yuan very good?"

It is rare for Ulan to be so generous, which shows how lovable the babies in the family are——

"...You can go find some friends in Yanping and buy a few more. Don't go to all that trouble. It's really hard to run so far on such a hot day. We accept the price increase."

Song Tan...

How can I tell my mother that three thousand yuan can only buy one of several treasures?

She could only say solemnly

"Mom, I don't want to get a few good dogs for free. I just want to see other people's retired dogs for adoption. I think they have contributed to the country all their lives. Now that they are retired, we will do our best-"

"At least in our house, running around all over the mountains and plains is really not boring."


She looked her daughter up and down,

This chapter has been completed!
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