Turn off the lights
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813. The surname is ready

The person in charge of the night shift was finally determined to be Xin Jun and Zhang Yanping, and the first thing they did when they took office was to inquire:

Do part-time workers who work at night get a fixed salary?

It's very simple. There is a big temperature difference in the mountains, and the temperature drops faster than in the city. Even though it is only the beginning of October, by November, the temperature at night may be a bit unbearable.

Now it’s 80 every night, so what about the cooling down?

Song Tan:......

"Isn't it too early for you to worry?"

"It is late."

Xin Jun explained: "Now that the temperature is right, it's not burdensome for everyone to work at night. But as long as the temperature drops slightly and it's cold to pick vegetables, they may suddenly stop coming one day."

"So the best way is to set the salary standards first. This way, even if someone wants to quit, they may have to hesitate and give us a chance to arrange someone else."

These are small things, but in the current situation where people in the village are in a tight situation, they are not small things.

Song Tan:......

Let’s have a banquet of butchered vegetables like a trial opening. Even if it sounds vulgar, the effect will definitely be bad!

"Need it!" Boss Chang quickly warned: "Be sure to pay close attention to those dishes. There will definitely be a lot of people coming tomorrow. They have all been trained. Don't panic if there are fewer customers!"

"Okay!" Zhang Yanping dropped the matter.

Zhang Yanping looked at the green mountains and pondered again: "Growing short-term vegetables like this is quite fruitful now. Then after the temperature cools down, there should be nothing but cabbage, radish and spinach by the end of November, right?"

Are we really not going to build a greenhouse this year?”

"How's it going? Have you taken stock of everything?"

I used a few tablets per pack before drying, so I can still do business. But let’s wait until next year.

Song Tan also told the truth: "In winter, there are only cabbages and radishes. Your family makes small shed vegetables. What if he sells other things first?"

As for the sheep, Boss Niu introduced one, but there was still time to see them.

Boss Chang burst into tears.

But unfortunately, at that moment, Boss Chang called me, and I no longer had the same worries.

Boss Chang:......

It was only half-past four at that time, but there was not a single customer in Changleju, and the special staff had already gone to work because they were so full from food.

How could that little bad business collapse halfway through when it was about to take off?

Onions, carrots, cabbage... maybe mushrooms and diced lean meat?

The work has been arranged, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

Whether it is enough for home consumption is another matter. It can definitely be sold.

But that dream soon fell apart.

As for Boss Chang...

There's nothing happening yet——

Without the jewels and jade behind me, who can bear to see this special dregs? If it were winter and everything was available, I would be as bad as a restaurant closing its doors.

"Boss Song, tell the truth, do you have the funds? You can't form a partnership there." No matter how small the funding gap is, I will have to withdraw from the partnership even if I lose everything, and then I will have to worry about the exclusive supply.


"I heard that their family raises cattle and sheep. Can they sell them to you next year? You cover everything."

Another thing to mention is that there should be one waiter per table as much as possible. Because I had no idea that the table turnover rate in the entire store, including the small hall, would be high.

Boss Chang hung up the phone reluctantly.

Boss Chang is worried about that, so what should I worry about?

I thought about this too much.

Boss Chang urged: "We will also inform outside the group that our store should expand its recruitment. We can't recruit internally or introduce employees internally. We need to add at least 20 service staff!"

That’s because in the past, when doing business, the concept of seizing the opportunity to create demand was too deep.

"Then if there is a light snowfall in winter and the roads are blocked, how will we supply the goods there? What if he needs to plant less storable products?"

Song Tan thought for a while: "If we do it this year, we will grow more cabbage. Let's talk about it next year."

Boss Chang was not prepared, so he just sighed:

"In winter, if there are vegetables, there should be vegetables. He wants to have some snacks by the fire and rest at home."

My mind was racing with thoughts, but for a moment I was thinking of some corresponding solution. I simply changed the topic and told Mrs. Zhao’s needs one by one.

"As soon as we were notified by the financial team, the National Day holiday and the opening of a new store will make it harder for my family. In addition to eight times the daily salary, until the 7th, each person will receive another two hundred red envelopes every day, and the settlement will be unified when wages are paid.


"No." Song Tan shook his head: "This whole year, except for the hottest time, I have never had any free time."

Song Tan thought for a while: "It depends on the weather, 80-120, you can decide the specific salary."

What if we, Changleju, are all veteran employees? For example, you have been working as a financial officer in that restaurant for 20 years, and you have never moved anywhere.

The finance manager nodded repeatedly. At that time, he was afraid that his boss would regret it, so he held up his cell phone and stopped typing.

"Lai Lai Kuai has developed rapidly, and now several of its sub-brands are selling low-end, medium-end and high-end products. The reputation of mid-end and high-end products is very bad, but the response of the low-end series has been mediocre so far, and most of them are given away as gifts."

He simply changed his surname to Bao Bao instead of Chang.


This is necessary. Have we ever seen Xiao Feng Xiao Lang before? We are panicking!

"We also have experience in small sheds, and we will need very few manpower in the later stage. Let's forget it. We have to take such small steps, and let's rest and recuperate this winter."

Song Tan was helpless: "Brother Yanping, he says every day that you are the active party, and he is afraid that you will sign a contract with others. Why are you worried about whether to supply or release the goods now?"

"Yes." Song Tan agreed: "It's just a hot day and I want to work."

"The reputation of Mrs. Zhao and Mr. Zhao in Jiangcheng is still very wrong. You started your business by making instant noodles. Now you sell a pack of instant noodles for 10 cents, and others sell them for 1 piece, so you quickly stood up.

High-end market."

"Yes." Song Tan had to think carefully: It's just such a pig...ah, there is no new pig mother out of the pen. Just like the sow she raised at home, she plans to keep us to give birth this year.


It passed very slowly, and I regained my spirit:

The warehouse also struck while the iron was cold: "Boss, there is a trial opening tonight. There are so few customers even though there are customers turning tables. There are not many dishes outside the warehouse. The hot and fresh mode will still be fresh tomorrow - do you still need to pick up the food tomorrow morning?


"If you really talk about the vegetable bag business, it's pretty reliable. It just depends on whether their supply volume can keep up."

Boss Chang also guessed it and changed the subject at this moment: "Can I sell you a pig during the Chinese New Year?"

Because no matter who the boss is, he is always so friendly and kind!

Only the finance and front-end warehouses are still there, and I happily listen to Boss Chang distributing money:

In Chinese and French terms, only seven heads can be killed.

How to supply?

Chinese and French instant noodles with nothing but vegetable buns?

Alas, ancestors!

"The big calf only weighs 300 pounds. Let's talk about it next year."

This chapter has been completed!
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