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82. Big bear eats and takes

After tidying up like this, the dog will basically become familiar with the family.

Song Tan was also afraid that their anti-feeding training was so successful that she would not eat the food given by her family in the future. Now she asked everyone to take handfuls of dog food mixed with spiritual energy and feed them one by one under her eyes.

Several dogs felt her encouragement and temptation, and then they opened their mouths and started eating.

After all this fuss, it wasn't until dark at seven o'clock that everyone sat down at the table and started eating.

Several dogs arrived for the first time. Except for the king, who was lying there a little depressed and missing his original owner, the remaining four dogs began to roam freely in the yard.

Dabao Doberman sniffed the hundreds of fluffy little ducks in the corner with interest.

The four-horse dog grabbed the pillar of the utility shed and stared at the bumblebee box buzzing slightly above, full of curiosity.

The second child, Castro, was sitting next to Qiao Qiao. The two brothers looked at each other and wished they could sleep in the same bed at night.

Sanbao was gone, but Song Tan always felt that his father had a strange expression - okay! As he was eating, he put one hand behind his back.

Sanbao German Shepherd was sitting there, carefully and gently picking up the piece of bone with his teeth.

And Song Tan looked at the stupid cousin next door eating without raising his head, and knew that this was the time when Chang Gong was at his best!

She spotted everyone putting down their chopsticks and said, "Qiaoqiao, have you taken the bumble bees to eat nectar today?"

Qiao Qiao instantly became energetic.

He had been waiting for a day and had long wanted to report the results of his work to his sister. Now he said loudly:

"Bring it!"

At the same time, he flapped his arms and gestured: "The big bear was too fat and couldn't fly at all. I took him to the field, and he lay down on the flowers, and the flowers became crooked."

As a result, baby Qiao Qiao has been working extremely hard today, while other bees are buzzing around in the flower field, supporting themselves and generating income for the owner's family.

As for his big bear, he had to hold it on the flower pole to support its heavy weight.

"The big bear's wings are only a little bit buzzing, but it can't fly!"

He obviously felt that he had a heavy responsibility, and he looked proud when he said it at the moment: "But sister, I touched its butt, and it didn't sting me anymore!"

As he spoke, he touched his palm, obviously still remembering the swelling and pain from last time.

Song Tan coughed dryly and refused to admit that he touched it so much that the bumble bee got used to it.

"Is it full?"

"I'm full." Qiao Qiao gestured: "After eating for a whole day, I had two small baskets on my legs when I left..."

He didn't have much vocabulary, so he babbled for a long time. Then he got an inspiration from Ulan and commented on this behavior: "Eat and take it! It's round and round."

Song Tan couldn't help but laugh - even when eating, bumblebees would collect the uneaten pollen with their hind legs, form a pollen basket and take it away.

Otherwise, if it can eat itself, how can it feed its children?

"Well, very good. Qiao Qiao has done a very good job now. I will record your salary later and tell my sister when I need to spend money."

As soon as he said this, Qiao Qiao looked at Song Tan hesitantly, and then looked at Zhang Yanping, making the young man look confused.

Just listen to Qiaoqiao say: "Sister, please give me a dollar, I'm going to buy bubble gum for my brother."

The bubble gum, or chewing gum, that Qiao Qiao mentioned is still the kind Song Tan ate when she was a child.

It costs one yuan a plate or five pieces. In the past twenty years, the price has only increased by 50 cents. It can be called a conscientious enterprise.

As soon as he said this, the whole table fell into silence.

Then, with everyone suppressing their laughter, Song Tan turned over all the corners of the bag and finally found this difficult steel bungee.

Zhang Yanping became sad and angry: "Brother doesn't eat bubble gum!"

"Brother lied."

Qiao Qiao said seriously: "I didn't buy it for my brother yesterday. You were very slow at work in the morning."

Saying that, he ran out.

After a while, I heard him running back again:

"Sister, can I take the dog out?"

He still had his dog tags on him, and he couldn't wait to go out and show off.

Song Tan thought for a while: "Then wait a moment, I will take the king and go out for a walk with you."

The canteen has always been a gathering place for everyone to chat. It would be a good idea to take the king for a walk to let the villagers know that their home is not without any protection.

Qiaoqiao said "Oh", and then obediently went to the kennel to look for the king.

Song Tan also asked: "Dad, how are the bees collecting honey today?"

"Very good, very good!" Speaking of this, Song Sancheng's face was full of smiles: "Didn't I go to the mountain today to ventilate the black fungus? Mycelium has grown out of the white fungus!"

"When I came back and took a walk in the field, I saw the bees buzzing in the field. They were all coming one layer at a time! It looked quite scary from a distance."

When I got closer, I saw that all the little guys were busy collecting honey, and they didn't even bother to raise their hands.

They may be able to eat well this time.

Song Tan was also satisfied.

These little guys can make money, so they are heroes. In two days, the flower field will be almost there, and another field will have to be planted.

Don't worry about the bees. She thought of the golden cherry blossoms on the back of her car and said:

"Then... Dad, please find someone to go with my cousin tomorrow to kill Jin Yingzi."


Zhang Yanping almost jumped up: "Digging the mountain?!"

“Where is the digging?!”

Song Sancheng doesn’t think this is a job at all:

"Just dig a few ditches along both sides of the net and plant the seedlings? You don't need to find people to do this. Your cousin and I can do it in one day."

"No no no no no..."

Zhang Yanping waved his hands crazily: "Uncle, let's find someone! Look at me..."

He stretched out his white and tender palms: "I'm really not that kind of material."

However, Song Tanyou's aunt said before that she was in favor of Fang Baojian. Now she didn't take Chang Gong's protest seriously at all and only asked him:

"Piling piles for the fence or planting golden cherry blossoms, you choose one."

How to choose? How to choose?

Zhang Yanping wanted to cry but had no tears.

"By the way, Dad, I need to bring some bricks and cement here when I have time. We need to build a few more dog kennels."

Song Sancheng thought for a while: "There seems to be some old blue bricks and large tiles on the roof left in your master's backyard."

"But there's no need to hire anyone. I'll do it in the next two days when I have time."

Song Tan looked at the king's height and advised him: "It's better to hire someone to lay a shallow foundation and make it stronger."

After all, it is meant to be used for a long time.

"Otherwise, you see, my lord, if you do it alone, it's no different than building a house. The tea has already been sold for six taels, which is six thousand yuan, Dad, we have money."

Speaking of tea leaves, Song Sancheng didn't dare to go any further for a moment, and now he quickly agreed.

Ulan asked in confusion: "Then you sold the tea before you even picked it when you got it back?"

Is it really so expensive?


I know what you like to hear. It’s the fourth update. Let me take a break and then I’ll do another update to wrap things up.

It's really not my fault that the plot progresses slowly, hahaha. It's just that there are so many things to explain in one day (the farmer feels wronged). Think about the person who made elixirs in the pressure cooker, I was much faster, right?

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