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85. Sneaky old men

In the dark night, the bright stars are twinkling. Although the roads leading from village to village are no longer smooth, for country people, walking on such a night road is not burdensome.

As the siblings led the king along, they felt extremely quiet, and there were actually insects starting to chirp in the grass.

Qiaoqiao blew out a big bubble with a "pop" sound, as big as a fist!

He turned his head in surprise, stared at Bubbles with his cross-eyed eyes, and called Song Tan to take a look. Even the king came over curiously, and then smelled it with his nose.


The bubble burst.

It stuck to his lips, cheeks and philtrum, causing him to rub it with his hands for a long time before spitting out the remaining gum in frustration.

Song Tan couldn't help but laugh!

"By the way, Qiaoqiao," she suddenly remembered:

"Aren't you going to buy bubble gum for Brother Yanping? Why did you dismantle it first?"

I just heard Qiao Qiao say confidently: "My brother is not serious about his work, so I can't give him a lot. If he pulls grass faster than me tomorrow, I can reward him with a piece."

Song Tan:......

Then this piece of bubble gum is too precious.

Zhang Yanping probably hasn't eaten such a piece of bubble gum in ten or twenty years.

I think he studied hard in a cold window, had thousands of troops, graduated in 211... and now he came to the mountains to be a farmer just for a piece of bubble gum.

His uncle Song Sancheng swung his hoe in front, and the hard muddy ground was like a shortbread, and the clattering sound formed a ditch.

Look at yourself again. Although you are also digging on the other side, you have just dug a one-meter trench, and your uncle pointed out that the trench is not deep enough... The people on the other side have already dug out ten meters!

He couldn't help it anymore and made a video call to his biological mother:

"Mom, look at me, look at the work your son is doing now, do you feel bad?"

However, her biological mother is indeed her biological mother. Wu Fang only heard a surprised "Oh!"——

"Son, asking you to go to the village really worked. Look, your skin has become fairer and the dark circles under your eyes have disappeared!"

How can this be?

Zhang Yanping didn't believe it alive or dead.

Although he did a lot of work during the day and had little entertainment at night, he did go to bed very early and ate delicious food...but this could not hide the fact that today was the morning of his third day in the countryside.

Zhang Yanping turned the camera around and looked at himself:

Oh, it’s all because my mobile phone is so good, now videos also have beautification effects.

He said speechlessly: "Mom, this is mobile beauty."

"What kind of beauty are you?" Wu Fang glanced at him: "When you used to be beautiful, the colors under your eyes were different, blue and black."

"It's strange that no one in the entire wholesale market is willing to introduce you to a partner. It's just a child like you. If you don't work, you have no future, and you're still useless!"

It can be said to be an all-round attack.

It seemed that someone was coming to wholesale fruit in front of her. She soon became impatient, so she said perfunctorily: "Son, do your best and ask your aunt to cook more delicious food for you. Look at what you have raised..."

"Beep——" the video hung up.

Zhang Yanping had no way to appeal. When he turned his head, he saw that his uncle had dug a large ditch again!

He had no choice but to accept his fate, pick up the hoe, and drive to the side.

Look at the pile of golden cherry trees piled next to the tree. The root system of this thing is very developed, with many long fibrous roots. Therefore, it is more convenient to dig trenches than to dig holes.

Zhang Yan said calmly: If he had known that he would have to plant these flower seedlings himself, he would have recommended his cousin to use the kind of net with iron barbs!

Look at the taciturn man next to him, holding only a big hammer and banging the thick branches as pillars, pounding them into the ground to support the fence...

He looked at the soft flesh on his arms and legs and thought: If I had known better, I might as well have been pulling grass!

It’s almost time for the milkvetch.

At this moment, several flower fields have buds about to bloom.

If you bloom a few flowers, it's okay to eat them with stir-fried vegetables. If too many bloom, the vegetables will become old and you won't be able to sell them anymore.

However, this time was within Song Tan's estimation, so she didn't panic too much. She just picked an extra fifty kilograms this morning.

When we arrived at the vegetable market, the aunties gathered around us.

I heard Qiao Qiao say seriously: "It will be gone soon. Everyone wants pickles to make pickles, so start preparing them now."


As the temperature gradually increased, everyone guessed that the milkvetch would be eaten soon. They were not sad when they heard this, but just asked: "What are you going to sell next?"

To be honest, I eat this as a vegetable at home every day. It’s not that I’m tired of it, but I always want to try something else.

Song Tan thought for a while: "The Chinese cabbage grows very fast. Let's sell the Chinese cabbage in another half month. In the remaining time, the milkvetch can be sold as long as it lasts."

When the group of milkvetch buyers left one after another, the vegetable vendor next door looked at the cucumbers, tomatoes and the like that were also being bought from his stall, and sighed:

"It's a good thing that you have only one variety, otherwise our entire vegetable market would be just a foil."

"How can you say that?"

Song Tan disagreed: "How many vegetables can I grow by myself? They can't buy them anymore, so why don't they have to buy yours?"

Hey! This girl.

The vegetable seller thought to himself that it would be better for you not to explain.

But around the corner, I saw several middle-aged men looking over here, pointing and poking their heads.

He couldn't help but become vigilant: "I know the old man in front of you. He bought your food. What do those people following you do?"

Song Tan glanced at it and didn't recognize it.

Now he looked at the empty basket: "Maybe he's here to buy groceries too."

"Oh," she said with half happiness and half distress: "I still have too little stock today."

The vegetable seller rolled his eyes and almost rolled his eyes to the sky: When you brought several baskets of grass over, you would think that every family has a ranch!

Just as he was talking, he saw several middle-aged men sneaking up to him.

"Is this the place?"

"That's her! She's got a lot of good stuff!"

"too expensive……"

"There's nothing you can do about it. Once you take a sip, you'll never forget it..."

Several people stood there, confused and painful, hesitating and hesitating, and for a long time they didn't make up their mind to ask——

The price is really one thousand yuan per tael, which is too high!

In the end, it was Lao Sun who took the lead:

"Girl, are you still selling it?"

Song Tan remembered that he bought tea yesterday - and sure enough, his tea was worth the high price!

Look, isn’t this a collective arrival?

She also smiled and said: "For sale."

However, before everyone could get excited, he added: "We won't sell them in bulk now, not just one or two."

Everyone was instantly trembling - a thousand yuan per tael and ten thousand yuan per catty don't sound the same thing!

This price scares their pensions.


Hey hey hey, here’s a preview: The person checking the water meter is on the way!



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