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Chapter 1424: Insect Hunting

Even compared to Li Te, Young Master Qin and the others are as fragile as paper.

Therefore, after realizing that Alakir had dragged him into a divine dream, trying to find an opportunity to escape from the will fragments, these were the first people that Fu Qian thought of.

Although it is difficult to imagine that Alakir has the ability to break through two layers of barriers, Master Qin and the others did not even appear in the dream at that time.

But before paying, it’s best to confirm it just in case there are any hidden dangers.

After initial diagnosis through the air, the few people I have established contact with so far are all quite normal.

And this seems to prove once again the relationship between the Nightmare Corridor and the bookstore world to a certain extent.

The corridor is obviously as transcendent as the warehouse and can be connected to different planes. The internal elements are also extremely mixed.

When the Brain Lobbyist came here before, Fu Qian, who never liked to limit his imagination, couldn't help but be curious about the properties of Nightmare Corridor.

However, judging from the subsequent performance, the four consecutive dreams can be said to be 100% from the world of bookstores, and at this moment, Young Master Qin and the others were not affected.

From a probabilistic inference, the cloister should still be much closer to the bookstore world.

Therefore, the gods like Arakir are more likely to be like this...

The reason why we are so concerned about those beings who have been placed in permanent confinement and who seem to have no chance of causing trouble is actually simple -

They can't get out, but that doesn't mean they won't go in again.

It's impossible to get rid of an extremely hungry infection in the future.

At least judging from the current situation, every time he, a foreign knight, goes back to see the Pope, he has to walk through the cloister.

Of course, that's all for later.

What needs to be done now is to complete an in-depth inspection first and completely eliminate risks.

Before paying, he knocked on his forehead and once again focused on the voice in his head.

I can only say that it is worthy of being where I have been for twenty years.

Returning as second-level people this time, the clarity of Young Master Qin's and his group's voices is already more than one dimension higher than that of the Teeth Throat layman and his entourage.

It’s not even as simple as seeing a picture or transmitting a will.

Fu Qian is quite sure that he can use the goal of establishing a connection as an anchor to penetrate extraordinary power to affect the surroundings.

To a certain extent, this should be the effect the greedy people want.

Of course, this does not affect Fu Qian's continued VIP treatment of Mr. Qin and the others - that is, let it ring as it goes, without making any observations or establishing contact unless necessary.

Even now.

Before paying, he quickly selected a voice that was not that loud in comparison - a classmate Pei Yanqing who was a victim of an unreasonable disaster.

Although we have just conducted a preliminary review, if there is anyone in this group of people who is most likely to be affected, it is basically this person.

Because she was initially over-exposed to the remnants of the law, her acceptance rate of information about herself seems to be particularly sensitive.

In view of this, it can be used as the first random inspection target.

At the same time, the most appropriate thing is that this person is even enjoying sleep, even skipping the anesthesia process.

The next moment, the blue brilliance flashed on the hand before paying, and a clear dream began.

What an enviable young man.

Fu Qian, who quickly involved Pei Yanqing over there and transformed into the master of dreams again, never forgot to sigh about the wonderful life of a college student.

It stands to reason that this kind of inspection is definitely the most accurate offline operation.

But the reason why I didn’t make this choice was, of course, because I was in poor physical condition and could easily scare people, and the other reason was that I had just confirmed that today was Tuesday.

Compared with a jobless vagabond like myself, acquaintances are supposed to have their own affairs.

However, Fu Qian would not think that Pei Yanqing was not doing his job properly. Apart from her, the four-person dormitory was full of three people.

Combined with the current time point, no matter how you look at it, it is a gesture to catch up on sleep after the final exam.

Of course, in comparison, Student Pei is still more leisurely, almost ready to wake up at any time - for example now.


After waking up from his sleep and stretching comfortably, Pei Yanqing noticed that the surroundings were surprisingly quiet.

She rubbed her eyes in disbelief and looked around to confirm that there was really no one there. Her expression was dull for a moment, and her cognition seemed to be challenged.

"What's going on...where have everyone gone?"

While talking to herself, she subconsciously looked for her phone to check the time, and after confirming that it was not too late, the situation in front of her was obviously difficult to understand.

"Are there...bugs?"

However, after just a moment of hesitation, a certain explanation appeared in his will very naturally - people were scared away by the insects.

The smoothness of the doubts being solved lasted less than half a second. After realizing what he had realized, Pei Yanqing almost jumped out of bed.

Although she finally covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming, her scalp was numb, and she still got up with amazing agility.

And almost as soon as his feet touched the ground, his original intention of running out was miraculously stopped.

Biting her lip and looking around again, Pei Yanqing was suddenly filled with a sense of mission.

That means you must find the bug to avoid scaring other people.

By the way, what kind of insect is that? A spider.

As more information emerged in her mind, her eyes became firm and sharp, searching for any place where such a vicious thing might be hidden.

"I've obviously looked everywhere..."

After a while, Pei Yanqing returned to the original point in the silent space, his brows already furrowed.

I have searched all the places I can think of and can't find any trace at all.

But the thoughts in her heart told her very firmly that the spider must be inside, even...

Suddenly realizing something, she ran to a mirror and looked at her reflection in it.

After confirming that there was no such ferocious creature occupying him, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, his desire to find the target became stronger and stronger.

But where else…

The mind is running wildly driven by desire, and all kinds of unbelievable thoughts emerge in the heart.

At a certain moment, Pei Yanqing finally couldn't help but pull up her sleeves and eagerly searched for anything that looked like an incision on the delicate skin of her arms.

And what might be lurking inside...

However, after searching to no avail, she finally shook her head, held down the hand that was trying to look elsewhere, and suppressed this crazy idea——


Amidst the long inhalation, a figure suddenly sat up from the bed.

Feeling her violent heartbeat, Pei Yanqing looked around alertly.

The curtains were closed tightly, the light was dim, and the other three were sleeping soundly.

Did you have a dream?

Gradually she realized the nature of what she had just experienced, but a certain agitation in her mind that had not receded made her unable to help but reach out again and touch the skin on her arm.

This chapter has been completed!
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