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Chapter 1425 Spider Effect

After an in-depth inspection, it seems that there are no hidden dangers in consciousness.

At the same time, Fu Qian, who was not too far away, also silently came to a conclusion.

That dream, which was not too beautiful, was naturally directed by him.

The protagonist in the dream is eager to find the bugs, which is also due to the rules he has set to cancel the dream.

Of course, classmate Pei Yanqing did not finish it.

In the end, the dream was shattered because the master manually lifted it.

The purpose of making this arrangement is also very clear.

After confirming that there were no physical abnormalities, Fu Qian wanted to rule out the possibility of purely mental effects.

Just like my own escape strategy this time.

Although the probability is not high, if Lord Alakir really follows his example and simply instills "knowledge", his concealment will undoubtedly be much stronger.

However, judging from the current situation, even under extreme emotions, Pei Yanqing's subconscious did not find any traces of strange consciousness.

It is basically certain that Sir Alakir is still not so confident that we must be my master in a threesome.

The risk for this character who is most susceptible to being tricked is officially lifted.

Of course her laziness was ruined.


Shaking his head and apologizing deeply, Fu Qian was about to cut off the contact, but found that the person involved had already arrived outside the dormitory, quietly closed the door, and made a phone call.

Feeling excited and want to talk to someone?

Considering the pressure I suffered before, this is only human nature.

In addition, even so, he did not drag the person who was catching up on sleep to get up and talk, which can be regarded as quite considerate of others.

I don’t have the habit of eavesdropping on phone calls before paying, not to mention that I have disturbed others’ sleep and cut off contact during compliments.

After basically confirming that the few acquaintances were not affected, Fu Qian finally got up and walked to the bedroom to tidy up a little.

After this period of cultivation, although the deficiencies still exist, the appearance of the body has been basically completed, and it is not too scary.

For example, the eyeball can move flexibly under traction, but it does not yet have visual function.

And almost the next moment after I had changed my clothes, the ringtone of my cell phone that had just been turned on in the living room suddenly rang.

Of course, it couldn't be that classmate Pei's phone call was to him, otherwise the delay would be too exaggerated.

Fu Qian walked up and took a look, and was surprised for a moment.

Not classmate Pei, but classmate Tan.

Given the meagerness of his address book, the number was easily recognized at a glance.

The question is, firstly, why is this person looking for me, and secondly, how does he figure it out so accurately?

How long have you just been back? Is your sense of smell too sensitive?

"You're really here!"

Thinking without delay, Fu Qian answered the phone, and Tan Ying's excited greeting came out almost instantly.

There is such a thing!

And not too unexpectedly, Tan Ying actually came here because of Pei Yanqing's experience. The latter should have gone to talk to her at that time.

As for why she found him again...

"I heard what Yan Qing said was a bit scary. Considering that you are an expert in this field, I suggested that she come to you for advice."

Not long after, Tan Ying, who was sitting opposite Fu Qian, said this.

After confirming on the phone that he was at home, the person did not explain more and drove the car directly downstairs.

"It sounds weird, but why have I become an expert in this field again?"

At this time, after listening to the suffering man on the side, Fu Qian nodded thoughtfully, indicating that he could fully understand the other person's mood, and raised his own doubts.

"Aren't you a professional security consultant?"

Pei Yanqing's cheeks were slightly red, and he seemed to think that the development of the matter was a bit strange. However, this question obviously did not trouble Tan Ying, so he asked directly with his eyes flashing.

"Although it seems to be just a dream, after listening to the description, I always feel that you should be able to provide some suggestions... at least why I have such a dream."

Then I seem to really know...

Faced with this well-founded statement, even if he is as powerful as the new evil god, he can't help but sigh at the mystery of cause and effect.

"But I still wonder why the first sentence you said on the phone was 'really here'. Who told you that I was back?"

He motioned Pei Yanqing to sit in front, looked up and down, and once again confirmed that there was nothing wrong with her, Fu Qian did not rush to interpret the dream on the spot, but thought of another thing.

"Because I was not sure of your whereabouts, I initially called Mr. Qin."

Tan Ying answered calmly.

"And he told you I was back?"

Before paying, I expressed my shock instead of decreasing.

It is really eye-opening to easily grasp the whereabouts of the prison-abandoned king, a method that even Master Qin, an ancient superior, could not match.

"Yeah, he said he believed in women's sixth sense."

Tan Ying also had a strange expression when she said this.

"The specific reason is that since we suddenly found him and asked about your whereabouts, it means you must be back."

...I have to say that Young Master Qin has been with me for many years, and he is still somewhat tainted with the spirit of Zen. He grasps the power of cause and effect really superbly——

"Are you really here? I just told you to trust a woman's intuition."

Before the payment was even made, a new call came in.

There was no need for him to say anything. Young Master Qin had already praised the power of cause and effect and said he would be there soon.

"I thought you guys were busy today."

After hanging up the phone, I was deeply surprised that the situation had developed to this extent.

However, as a principled evil god, he still has no intention of interfering with the free will of those who enjoy VIP treatment.

"I'm busy, but how can I miss the opportunity to see the skills of a professional security consultant?"

Tan Ying smiled slyly, and even actually held her heart with both hands, making a gesture of admiration.

"I understand, then let's wait until everyone gathers to see it together."

Seeing that Pei Yanqing's expression had also calmed down, Fu Qian, knowing that there was no worries behind him, directly signaled to calm down and got up to find something to entertain the guests.

"Ah, haven't you prepared anything?"

It was said that it would be right away, but Young Master Qin was obviously busy with everything, and by the time Shanshan arrived, it was almost noon.

The first thing I saw when I entered the door was to look at the three chatting people with shocked expressions.

"what to prepare?"

Before responding to this, he just asked with a smile.

"It's almost lunch time. Do you think you have a chance to send them away on an empty stomach?"

No need to greet him, Qin Mingze sat down with great familiarity and pointed at Tan and Pei.

"Why do you think I said I'd be here soon?"

"I only know that I didn't even see the horse, but in that case..."

Seeing that the two people pointed by Mr. Qin were just covering their mouths and laughing without any intention of denying it, Fu Qian finally sighed and stood up.

"Let's go, I'll treat you."

"Aren't you going to show off your skills? In front of two ladies?"

Mr. Qin's choice seemed to make him a little confused.

"Isn't there one more person left?"

He shook his head before paying.

"Xiaoyu? I'm afraid he really can't spare much time at noon."

Realizing who Fu Qian was referring to, Young Master Qin clicked his tongue and seemed unable to bear to describe the misery of student Wu's life.

"So we went near his property."

However, I had already thought about it before paying.

I originally wanted to review remotely, but due to the spider effect, I got directly to the third place, so I changed it to an offline group meeting.

This chapter has been completed!
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